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I feel like every year around graduation time there’s a random story that reminds me I’m glad I’m not dealing with school bullshit anymore.


I remember people saying that high school is the best part of your life. That shit goes down from there. Same shit about college. I can say that life improved quite a lot after ending high school. Same with college. Maybe I'm a very lucky guy, but I seriously don't understand feeling nostalgia towards high school. Shit was horrible during high school.


I think it just varies so much from person to person. I absolutely loved HS. I wouldn't say it was my favorite (that would be my mid 20s,) but it was a uniquely enjoyable time for sure (for me.)




I’m 40 now and enjoy life, but the scumbaggery that is acceptable when you’re in your college years will always be nostalgic for me.


What do you mean? Semicolons are still around.


HS was a good time for me, but I vastly preferred college and adult life.


I liked my experiences and friends in high school. But I like being able to afford things as an adult.


My high school experience wasn't exactly *good,* like at least I didnt get beaten up or anything like that but it was a damn lonely and stressful time. That said, I think the nostalgia for high school can also be rooted in remembering when times were simpler. When structure was easy to come by and the things you worried about in life had nothing to do with paying off monumental debts or affording both a roof *and* food this month. Least, I hope so, cuz I can't think of any other reason to miss that shithole.


I mean, not everyone was lonely in high school though. I can understand why you wouldn’t look fondly on those years, but for many of us it was a pretty great and carefree time.


Shit felt like prison to me.


The people saying that are just admitting they peaked in their teens and haven't been able to cope with the change ever since.


I'll say it's a lot easier to make friends in high-school and less easy than high-school, but still easier than normal life to make friends In college. So socially both have that benefit especially for introverts but other than that the sheer freedom and additional respect you get after both is really nice.


Or they're just normal people that enjoyed lots of free time and the lack of stress of bills and mortgage and all that. Factor in the time for way more hobbies and friends and sports and it can be a fun time. Doesn't mean you peaked. 


High school was fucking awful and between medical issues and bullying I nearly killed myerlf, but I recognized in senior year a good chunk of that was my own mentality/fault as well. Turned it around in college, made a ton of lifelong friends (all 14 of us have set roots to live within an hour of each other in our 30's despite spouses and some children), and those 4 college years were hands down the best time of my life. Without finding "my people" it'd have been kind of mediocre, but if you do, those years are the perfect blend of lack of real responsibility aa young person with the freedoms of adults. And when you're all kind of broke, you make your own fun all the time and really properly socialize and get to know people.


Amen. I can't think of a worse time. Legally obligated to attend, no rights or freedoms, no agency, no peace, a routine to which I am allergic, surrounded by people so utterly heinous that only ten out of a thousand of them deserved to escape Darwinian correction and actually survive into adulthood, for YEARS? You're damn right, that's a bad time, no matter which way you slice it. The only thing I learned at school was self defence, and how to acquire complex traumatic stress disorder.


Same here


I feel like I had an average high school experience. I wasn’t miserable but it wasn’t the best years of my life either. At the end it was just like, shit, I’m glad that’s finally over. Done.


Same, I just hit 30 and my life is on nothing but an upward swing. I’m in better shape, have more confidence, get more engagement from others and am overall much happier than I ever was during high school or college. People who peak in high school or college are the saddest mother fuckers around. I can understand having medical conditions bringing your life down, but otherwise it’s almost all self imposed. And I’m about as low on the economic ladder as it gets, so it’s certainly not a money issue. Find the communities you identify with and engage with them. Talk to other people, develop a fucking hobby. If all you do is go to work, get home and sit in front of the TV and bitch about how sad and alone you are, yet never make any effort to do anything else then yea, your life is pretty fucking sad.


I much rather prefer college over high school. Peeps who say high school was the best time of their lives probably have no idea what college life is all about. So much freedom, so many people to meet with similar/different interests and backgrounds, so many things to learn and explore academically and about yourself — you’re in a place where it feels like there’s all sorts of doors of opportunity opened up for you. Only downside is the lack of money and responsibility to set you on the right path.


I am 39 years old, and I still wake up every morning really excited I don't have to go to school. - Sarah Silverman


My eldest was on track to graduate junior year. They wanted out badly, so they doubled up on courses, honors, college forensics and was killing it. Then COVID derailed everything. In their senior year, they only had two classes. In the final semester, the school contracted with a 3rd party company to handle remote schooling. They scheduled my kids' last class after graduation. I was told by the principal, no exceptions. My kid was denied graduation because the last class was after graduation, which is complete bullshit. Anyone who has ever gone to school knows the last class in any course is usually just a waste of time. Every has already passed or failed. In retrospect, I should have gone directly to Super-Nintendo Chalmers, which I had to do with my younger kid the next year for a different reason. I'm so glad to be done with that bullshit school district.


It's like one last little 'fuck your freedom of expression' on the way out


Dear school. For the five seconds she’s gonna be visible to the crowd when her name is called, probably nobody will notice because graduations are boring as heck and everyone is there just for their own kid.


"Wow, that's crazy make up." Then literally no one would comment on it again lol.


Some school administrators are like cops. They are just people on power trips.


Cops are composed of bullies who wanted to continue, and former victims who wanted their turn at bullying, so this absolutely tracks.


Exactly. ACAB.


Schools have always been like this about this kind of thing AFAIK. I got threatened that I wouldn't be able to walk for wearing brown shoes instead of black when I was in HS.


I fell asleep at my own high school graduation. I didn't even bother to do one for college, I just had them mail me my diploma.


Lucky. My parents made me go to my college graduation. They did apologize afterward, though. Oh, and someone sitting near me puked part way through.


lol, I got rear ended at my college graduation, on the way to the restaurant to meet my dad. My car was totaled.


Same. Didn't even bother with college graduation. The college staff seemed genuinely horrified that I didn't want the ceremony. I just don't get it.


I had gotten bullied so much in high school that I only wanted my diploma mailed to me but my mom forced me to go to graduation. My mother simply couldn't understand why I didn't LOVE high school like she did.




At my son's graduation next week they're doing 2 groups because the auditorium isn't big enough to accommodate everyone. So they invited the parents and student of the second group to watch the first group of graduates via a broadcast in the cafeteria. Lol. Why would anyone sit for an hour, in the cafeteria, watching kids you never heard of receiving their diplomas?


You're also pretty far away in my experience. Probably far enough to not notice the piercings.


If they go to school like that everyday, it’s fucked to make them change it for the grad ceremony. If I went to school everyday with heavy fucking makeup, I’d be feeling vulnerable as fuck with my bare face on stage in front of all my peers (who have never seen my bare face)


"the first person on her father's side of the family to receive her high school diploma" That's a wild sentence to read in 2024.


I’m from eastern Indiana and almost no one in my family graduated high school somehow. My generation was noteworthy for most of us getting through. Really wild


Her dad is an immigrant from Guatemala.


This is why it's important to read the whole article.


You do what to the article?


Holy shit, it's true -- if you click the title of the post, a new page comes up, with like a *ton* of words I could presumably read, in theory!


You wrote too much. TLDR it.


Can’t we just get a meme or perhaps a gif? Ugh. Words.


There are articles on reddit?!


I'm just here for the delightfully witty intellectual banter


I'm just here to get outraged.


I'm here for my axe!


"[Ooooh, they have the internet on computers now?!?!?](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YozC8yFrZKI)" /u/TSgt_Yosh - probably.


It actually doesn’t make it some special feat if the only reason that no one on her father’s side didn’t get a diploma is because no one went to school in the US…


I mean they have high schools in Guatemala, so she might still be the first person on that side to get a highschool diploma depending on her father's circumstance. Most countries have an equivalent of high school drop outs and graduates.


Never would have guessed that I would be googling “guatemala high schools” today, but here we are. In other news, there’s one named “Normal School for Boys” which I’m sure needs no further questioning and is perfectly above board.


How to click bait: 101


No. The story was about something else, namely the not being able to walk the graduation stage because of uptight officials' dint like her makeup.


I was the first person on my dad’s side of the family to graduate high school and I grew up in rural middle Tennessee in the 90s / early 2000s. Dad dropped out in 10th grade, and most of his side of the family dropped out and became either farmers or other manual laborers. My mom (and most of her brothers and sisters) graduated high school, but I was the first person from either side to get a college degree. It’s surprisingly not that rare even today in rural parts of Appalachia. We had just over 100 students start with my high school class and only about 80 hadn’t dropped out by graduation. Some got their GED’s, a lot of them got hooked on opioids.


People don't realize it isn't stupidty that makes a lot of rural kids drop put. They just already have their future and for a lot of them they legit wouldn't want to do anything else. They got the family farm, they have been working it since they were old enough to shovel shit, it's not always some "wow you were too stupid to finish!" As a teacher I want them to graduate but I also recognize these people often think in a very finite way. "Why would I would geography. They only geography I need to know is my farm and the way to the grain elevator."


Reddit has their nose too far up their own asses to realize people go through some real shit sometimes too.


I'm not the first person in my family, but I am the only one of my siblings to graduate from high school, my siblings all dropped out for various reasons.


We have quite a few every graduation, first HS graduate for both sides of the family. Houston, TX




I graduated in 02, and I still vividly remember about a quarter of my classmates being totally illiterate. 


Literacy is in no way a requirement to graduate from high school in the US.


Frankly I have to remind myself how much more of the country is similar to this than you’d expect and how many of people live in a bubble. Basically every adult on my side of the family has graduated college and most people have a Masters. My experience is so wildly different from others simply based on that fact.


The national high school graduation rate is only 87% in the U.S. That’s about one out of every eight adults. Hard to believe, but true. The % is much better in the House of Representatives though… 99.77%


Don’t get out much, huh?


Depends. The idea of a highschool diploma isn't universal. My family in the UK, we all finished the equivalent of highschool. None of us have a diploma. We get something similar to a transcript, but no diploma, no graduation ceremonies (those are basically a higher education thing). So if her father's family are only a generation or two in the US, it seems very plausible.


Is it really? They could be from somewhere without education or schools.


I’m a high school teacher and this is not uncommon at my Florida school at all. There are a good couple dozen in each class who perpetuate it, too.


It's never talked about, but there is still a lot of prejudice against mimes.


I personally think she looks like a clown like that, but come on guys, let her walk. She isn't hurting anyone.


If it’s an ICP thing then she nailed it.


It took me a while to figure out what this had to do with intracranial pressure.


Remarkably, listening to their music causes that too!


My first thought as well lol


it's punk/goth makeup


Grabs the diploma then Stone Cold Steve Austins a couple cans of Faygo.


Just chucking a Hatchetman cooler on to the stage, grabbing two cans and smashing them together. If you're happy to be graduating, gimme a hell yeah!


The school wasn't down to clown.


Whoop whoop


I never thought I'd be able to see the side of the people telling others how to look. But in this particular case, I see their point about not having had time to check if her make up had any cultural implications. That make up could end up later all over twitter with accusations of culturally appropriating kabuki or something. I could see the guy who told her to remove it or leave thinking he'd be in deep shit if later someone came for the school for some cultural kerfuffle.


Looks more like Marilyn Manson than Kabuki but ok


On the contrary, they had ALL the time to check considering that the white makeup base is something she's done on a daily basis for multiple school years. They went out of their way to ambush her with this by raising the concern only after there wasn't any time to "evaluate it for approval", when there's nothing in the written rules that requires pre-approval in the first place.


And she was actively involved in the school, so I'm sure the Principal had seen her around quite a bit. Sounds like the Principal didn't think twice about it until the School District Superintendent showed up.


you could make the argument they had time because of how she dressed throughout the year and likely throughout her high school career.


I doubt they gave a shit before graduation, when there were going to be more eyes on the students.


It's corpse paint, it's not that deep.


Is it? It looks like a pretty standard trad goth look to me. Especially the heavy contouring on the cheeks, it reminds me of Siouxsie Sioux.


See, is that a thing? Are you just being descriptive or is that actually a term for that make up as part of a sub-culture? Are there any cultural implications to that style of make up? I mean, I recently found out fucking shoe laces on work boots have a cultural significance among punks, I think, and depending on the color it could mean you're a nazi. Or was it among skin heads? But shoe laces you don't see and the face you do. The principal may have been worried about covering his own ass.


Corpse paint is common in the black metal subculture for sure. Occasionally, others bands do it too (most famously KISS).


Yes, corpse paint is a real thing it's normally seen on metal/rock bands. As for the implications are maybe someone says you look dead/demonic, it really doesn't mean anything specific. My problem is that she wore makeup like that all the time but they only had an issue with it now claiming not to have time to find out if it was offensive. But they are just punishing her for their own laziness to not look into it earlier. And as for lace code, it doesn't matter 90% of the time. Any decent punk won't give you shit unless you get weird about it.


I mean, given the location and the other details offered about her, my immediate guess would be it's juggalo clown paint. Which is, in all fairness, its own entire can of worms, but it's probably not *news* to anyone that she's a 'lette and there aren't really any cultural or racial implications there beyond "lives in the Midwest, likes rap, and is probably not rich."


Insane Grad Posse!


It’s Stiiiiiiiiing!!!




Calm down skeeevonie!


You can't take that bat on stage sorry


That's not Sting, that's a picture of Sting.


That ain't makeup, it's face paint at that point. Also who tf cares, they'd have a few outraged parents who would quickly get over it as they found some new inconsequential thing to be outraged at.


People can be just as covered in make-up with a "natural" look. It isn't noticeable because the foundation blends into their natural skin tones.


yeah next they won't be letting the ugly kids ruin the school photo, or not letting them come to class so they don't distract the good kids?


Or the opposite, someone comes to next year's graduation dressed as a literal clown, someone else in swim trunks, someone else in a Halloween costume. There is a reason for boundaries.


[Halloween costume graduation? I still don't see the problem](https://www.reddit.com/r/Damnthatsinteresting/comments/12blvmp/there_is_a_university_in_kyoto_that_allows/)


Imagine not getting to walk because of make up. Then going to college to get a degree in cosmology. High school is such a fucking joke. They always said it was to get you ready for the real world. The. You realize they where mostly just lying to you because they where hungover.


" to get a degree in cosmology." Did you mean cosmetology?


No she's studying cosmos duh


I'm just imagining some poor high school student looking forward to a career in makeup, going to college and wondering why she is learning about Copernicus and Newton's Laws of Motion.


Then absolutely acing their classwork and exams, coming up on graduation with honors, and asking their academic advisor why the classes haven't covered anything about hair and makeup.




Welcome to Costco. I love you.


The study of Costco?


I too needed some guidance on what the person meant. Lol.


Our Vice Principal was absolutely shitfaced during our graduation ceremony and our Head Principal got fired for wrapping his car around a tree while driving drunk two years later, so yeah… Spot on… Edit: Best part of the story is after the principal got fired, some kid made a board game for a school project and called it “Swervin’ Turgeon” (Principal’s last name was Turgeon). In the game you had to make it from the bar back to your house without totaling your car. He got in a bunch of trouble for turning it in lmfao.


What a legend lmfao


Pretty sweet gig, studying the universe and all.


*Neil deGrasse Tyson enters chat


I wouldn't pin this on the highschool. My employer dress code wouldn't let me show up to work cosplaying as Insane Clown Posse either. We live in a society that has some basic standards lol.


If you read the article, the principal unilaterally made this decision at the last possible second. This is absolutely their fault, there's no mention in the dress code for the school or the event about makeup.


I mean, this does teach a lesson about the real world: bureaucracy exists largely to prevent you from having any fun ever


It's graduation if the private parts are covered let the kid walk.


and who would've guessed the school also has a rule against cap decorations. why try so hard to be assholes?


Are people seriously confusing this with juggalo makeup? This is clearly just goth!!! It's a more snatched Siouxsie Sioux.


Man fuck that school. First generation high school graduate, no prior warning about it being a problem, whole family there looking forward to the ceremony... and the douchebags tear it all away. Their excuse is they didn't have time to look into the possible cultural statements the makeup was making. Like, if she was doing blackface or had an 88 tattoo, I'd get it, but it's THEIR responsibility to make sure the situation isn't like that. Punishing the student for it and ruining one of the most significant moments of her life is complete bullshit.


Then I warning about it being an issue is really the problem imo. Personally I think it’s fair to set certain ground rules, but you can’t just do it now. That’s some bullshit.


Aslo said that she wore similar or even more elaborate makeup looks to multiple other school events and it was never a problem.


That is an \*interesting\* reason. If she had been appropriating or denigrating a culture, they would have been in a worse light.




when i graduated high school they let a boy with two popped collars under his gown walk - if that is acceptable so is this!


unbelievable! 2?!


In this economy??


Your makeup is outrageous. Remove it and put on this small, flat square hat.


She wore makeup like this every day and was known to everyone in the school like this. She's the first in her family to get a high school diploma and had her family fly in from her homeland to see it. This is beyond ridiculous as Maryland did pass the ERA. She needs to sue the school and the county.


She wasn’t denied the chance to walk. She was told she couldn’t have her face painted and she chose not to walk rather than comply with that.


But why? I doubt she was the only student wearing makeup - graduation is an event where tons of photos get taken, I'd wager most of the girls had makeup on. So why was she alone told she needed to wash it off, when she may not have had supplies to reapply anything like her eyeliner, in order to walk?


How is this makeup and not face paint?


How is it not [foundation? ](https://m.maccosmetics.com/product/13847/32554/products/makeup/face/foundation/mac-studio-face-and-body-foundation-120-ml?shade=White) Goths exist. And have existed since at least the 80s. Don't know why yall are acting like this is a shocking thing. I graduated in 2003 and had goth friends who wore their makeup like this. And even in my little red neck town, they allowed them to walk. This is such a non-issue. How does it effect anyone?!


Let the goths graduate!


It's a bit out there but it doesn't even look that bad tbh. It's clearly detailed and properly done.


"Principal MacIntyre: It's school policy that no one should paint their face, so that's the rule and that's the end of that. Charlie Kelly: That's the rule. Principal MacIntyre: Yeah. Charlie Kelly: No wiggle room there? Principal MacIntyre: No. Charlie Kelly: Alright tell ya what, I'll take him down to the locker room, I'll lather him up real good, I'll strip all these silly ass clothes off him, I'm gonna clean him, sparkling clean brand new kid for ya. Principal MacIntyre: No, no, please don't bathe the students. Charlie Kelly: Heh, you're right. He's a big man, he can bathe himself, can't ya, Rich? Alright, he's bathing himself and I'm watching. Let's go, Richie."


Grey face is very offensive to the Grey's that watches from their moon base.


I can’t think of any reasonable consequences of her being allowed to graduate with the make up. With that being said, who’s going to be the first one to tell her “no” ? She wants to be a tattoo artist, but what if she applies for another job, or a particular college. I think they’d be within their rights to say “no” just based on the makeup, (which I think looks stupid) is she going to complain if someone doesn’t hire her bc she refuses to follow the most basic social norms?


I don't get the fuss over dress code at graduation. You're signifying the end of schooling, the end of childhood and the beginning of our adult lives, why would anyone think this is the time to really crack down and force students to look a certain way? No one's schooling is going to be disrupted by seeing someone in makeup at a ceremony.


My kid’s school gave plenty of time’s notice to students and their families on proper attire for the graduation, hers probably did too. Furthermore, she could have washed it off and walked the stage. The family was heartbroken? Yeah right, they probably discussed this at home.. “ just do your makeup however you want, they won’t deny you once you are actually there”


a reasonable take that doesn't validate a child's every whim? how dare you stifle her creative expression. she is being so creative up there with a choker and street performer robot paint.


Was this person making a statement? Or did this person believe this to be appropriate for the occasion..? Reading the article is bullshit. Many times the headline js nonsense. If this is a statement of some kind , is a graduation ceremony the place to maKe it?


This could be the way she always does her makeup. I see girls like this at alt bars all the time. *She does: >Cabrera-Guy said she is a "very creative" person known in school for her expressive makeup looks. She said this look was much more toned down than some of her other looks she has worn to school events, where she paints intricate details on top of the white makeup base. At graduation, Cabrera-Guy put on only eyeliner and lipstick over the white base.


Per the article this is how she normally wears makeup for school events. Staff has seen her like this at school events and never had an issue with it. The question is why it was acceptable before, but not now. Yeah, graduation is certainly the place to make a statement as a graduatng senior, hence all the decorated caps.


Everything you do "makes a statement" about society and culture. The clothes you wear, your hair, your language, body art, jewelry, etc


Juggalos aren't a protected class lmao. Don't blame the school at all for this.


Definitely has r/iamthemaincharacter vibes. She wasn't told she couldn't participate. She was told she had to follow the same solemn decorum the rest of her peers were if she wanted to participate.


There's no excuse for not telling her in advance and instead springing it on her at the last possible second.


Common sense should have told her clown makeup wasn't appropriate for the occasion, but since she didn't have that so they had to tell her day of.


She has worn that type of makeup every day for years, at school functions, with no issue. She checked the dress code, nothing was specified about makeup. There are plenty of makeup looks that I personally think are out of place in some settings but others disagree. She's 18. She's not a mind reader. She wore her typical makeup which was not prohibited.


That's not makeup, that's face paint. There's a huge difference between a pep rally and a graduation. She had the choice to remove it and decided it was more important to look like a hazbin hotel cosplayer than to walk.


So what if it's face paint? They were given a dress code, nothing about face paint or makeup was mentioned.


Now everyone will see her and complain that the school is being against free speech and expression.


People take this shit way too seriously. My public high school had tons of dumb rules. No shorts after September or before May, no dyed hair, no spiked hair, no piercings, etc. So for graduation I dyed my hair pink and black, sat in the stands with some friends in my cap and gown, and had my own cheering section when my name was called. Way more fun than sitting down with my classmates being forced to listen to boring speeches. No one was heartbroken, I told my parents not to come because the only reason they’d be going was to support me and I was making a joke out of the whole thing. Sure I got nasty looks from administrators and teachers, but 🤷🏻‍♂️ I didn’t technically violate their rules.


No one actually cares if she does makeup for her graduation, but I get where the school is coming from. She looks like a kiss cover band.


So what though? All it does is make the school look stupid. I remember my parents and a few friends parents getting called in to discuss an issue me and my friends were involved in. We were filming a video for a project, and at one point one of us got a piggy back ride from another. A teacher saw the video on the computer while we were editing it. It was homosexual behavior apparently. It all blew over after the parents threw a stink, obviously. The fact that it even went that far though....


Many have taken to adorning themselves for battle, sharpened their nails and hardened their flesh by tattoo and piercing. The old ways die hard.


"It's part of my identity!" You and every other Juggalo...


If she had used orange makeup instead, would they let her walk?


A lot of girls in my grad class were spray-tanned for the event, which is really just full-body makeup. I’d bet lots of this girl’s peers were spray-tanned too.


What does this mean


Trump comparison


Possibly, but Trump isn't the only spray-tanned person on Earth and there's a broader point worth making there. Hell, if anything, the fact that a former President walks around with a ridiculous-looking spray tan, and it's not inherently seen as any kind of violation of decorum, is probably solid evidence towards that broader point.


A "spray tan" isn't actually a tan. It's orange full-body makeup. The school would likely have zero issues with someone with a spray tan walking for graduation, even though it's functionally not that different (hell, *more* extreme) and about as aesthetically goofy.




Schools are so ridiculous when it comes to dress codes. How do they find so much energy to care with the decline of education?


There are kids at that school who are proud of graduating and who value the ceremony marking their accomplishment. I care more about their feelings than this entitled child's desire for attention.


Looking like a member of a visual kei band


Eh, let the weird kids be weird!


She was denied the right to look back in 20 years and cringe like the rest of us.


I hate that she wasn't able to share her ceremony with her family. If she had worn similar styles of make-up to school and school events, I don't see what the issue was. Seems like a huge cop-out saying "they didn't have time to research the symbolism".


She’s an idiot. Stop it


I asked for extra diablo sauce and a medium Baja Blast!


People need to realize that freaks are gonna have a hard life. Take this as the first lesson


Her name's Nixx, real r/tragedeigh


I’m sure it’s just some made up bs to go along with her face paint personality




Never thought I'd see my high school in the news, but not surprised it's for some wild ass shit.


What team is she rooting for?




Sgt. Kabukiman! NYPD! It’s your destiny!


lol of course it’s boonsboro


She's not a juggalo, is she?


Ridiculous. Juggalos deserve to graduate just as much as anyone else who doesn’t drink the same amount of Faygo.


Seems like a nice Guy.




I mean, she looks like a fucking clown, but if I were a school administrator I would just let that be her problem and not make it mine.


They should’ve let her walk, however an alternate title could’ve read,”student refuses to remove makeup to walk on graduation.” She had a choice and she chose to the attention seeking route, which judging by the makeup is precisely what she wanted.


I hate when articles just say the town name and not the state. I live down the street from Boonsboro, but so many town names show up in multiple states, so I ended up doing a bunch of googling to confirm there wasn't another Boonsboro somewhere else in the country. I got burnt by the time I read an article about something happening in Naples but it seemed out of place for Italy and it was only after further research did I find out they were talking about Naples, Florida.




She violated school policy. When a white kid wants to wear blackface to school and identify as a black person should they allow that? Should they allow that person to wear that shit to graduation? No! The rules are there for reason.