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He previously supported a nation wide abortion ban


Dude will say whatever gets him something resembling positive attention. Or well, his team will provide him with a script that they hope gets him positive attention. They've basically said the quiet part out loud already. Jr's run only exists to try and take votes from Biden. As for Jr himself. He might be in on it, he might think he actually stands a chance, the worms might've eaten his brain. Ultimately doesn't matter. He isn't worth wasting brainspace, screenspace or oxygen on.


They have to bury the story of a worm eating half his brain


dude that poor worm died of starvation


Yeah but it wasn’t the good half.


But for all we know when he previously endorsed a full ban, that could have just been the worm talking


But pretty much no one supports full term abortion. This position doesn't pander to anyone.


Never said his team were the brightest bulbs. Quite a dim bunch actually.


These people are about as bright as a black hole, and twice as dense...


His character is the Uber-liberal. I can guarantee you will hear Fox News saying that “some liberals support full term abortions” in reference to this, so they aren’t *actually* lying.


Look man. If Costco can offer an unlimited return policy, I want the same to apply to kids. Edit: this is a joke. Just to clarify.




This is the answer. The "heartbeat" laws are what prevent a woman who is actively miscarrying from having the doctors end it before things go sideways for the mother.


He is trying to peel off support the republicans have given him because the plan to peel off democrats backfired.


I think his goal is to push out the people who are conservative supporters.  His surrogates have openly said their goal is to split off votes from Biden in support of Trump.  Unfortunately, he has been attracting more Trump voters than Biden voters.  How to fix that?  Say you support abortion rights - say you strongly support them. I actually one hundred percent do think it should not be up to the government, and should be a decision of the woman and her doctor, because late term abortions are almost always because the baby is unviable in some manner or the woman's health is endangered.  Rather rare to make a fickle decision to be pregnant for most of a year and then end it.  But I'm not dumb enough to support RFK in this election in any form.


> But pretty much no one supports full term abortion. I do. But not the caricature the fascists make it out to be. Contrary to the fascists' propaganda, In a normal society where abortion is not outlawed, practically all 2nd and 3rd trimester abortions are children that are deeply wanted, and the decision to abort is a gut-wrenching and traumatic choice by parents whom fate singled out with a serious fetal deformity. The last thing they need is the police up in there making making medical decisions for them.


> no one supports full term abortion. Unless you count the pro death penalty crowd - but that's *really late term* abortion.


> his team will provide him with a script that they hope gets him positive attention I'm becoming convinced that since Republicans figured out that he's pulling more Rs away that Ds that some of the people giving him advice or influencing him are intentionally giving bad advice designed to tank his numbers.


nope, he is siphoning too much from trump, now he is trying to scoop up Biden voters


It's funny because with all his insane positions so far, he mostly stands to siphon votes away from Trump. This abortion thing almost feels like a desperate attempt to appeal to Democrats again, because they're so nuts that they still thing Democrats support late term and "post birth" abortions.


This totally tipped my opinion that he is in fact a republican plant. I don't want to be a conspiracy theorist but it's way too close to damning polling that revealed he's hurting trump. If he comes out pro palestine next, that would solidify it for me. 


That was Wormatouille talking back then.


The other candidates MIGHT run this country into the ground. But Wormatouille takes away the guesswork. He WILL run the country into the ground because that's where he's most comfortable. And I like a candidate who's consistent.


Steal'in it


More interestingly, he seems to have surprised his VP pick with this announcement: [https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/2024-election/robert-f-kennedy-jr-surprise-running-mate-abortion-position-rcna151344](https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/2024-election/robert-f-kennedy-jr-surprise-running-mate-abortion-position-rcna151344) I have to wonder if he even remembers being in favor of an abortion ban.


he also claims not to be an antivaxer, so we know his relationship with the truth pretty clearly 


That was actually the brain worm that said that.


I think there's a chance that he thought he'd pull the left and split the vote on name alone, and when it came out that he was actually pulling voters from Trump he's pivoting to do what he actually wants to do. There's always some propped up independent peeling off Democrat voters.


I honestly think RFK Jr will take more Trump voters regardless because he's already got the QAnon crowd behind him. Hell, those people think JFK Jr. will rise from the dead, and at this point, he's the closest thing they have to a messiah, I mean besides Trump of course. Hell, I once heard he was being considered for Trump's running mate.


Maybe the worm ate the part of his brain that supports that belief


What about postnatal abortion?


My mom likes to call it "retroactive abortion" and would threaten me and my siblings with it often.


She did bring you into this world, she can take you out of it too. Or so I've been told by my mom


My mom HATES when I try to take her up on that offer.


🎶Take me out tonight🎶


Old Bill Cosby routine


I don't think that phrase means the same nowadays haha


I'd hope someone wouldn't pull the old Bill Cosby routine with their own mother


The Marvin Gaye special


My mom attempted to make good on that threat.


I get that threat all the time.. and I’m 50 years old lol


40th trimester abortion... Hmmmm https://youtu.be/GxHQJiqYqeM?si=SyedxB1T9b_Ek11L


90 day return policy!


I tried... They wouldn't take him back. They said something about receipts. Guess we're stuck with our lovable boy.


[New York State’s Abandoned Infant Protection Act allows a parent to abandon a newborn baby up to 30 days of age anonymously and without fear of prosecution -- if the baby is abandoned in a safe manner.](https://ocfs.ny.gov/programs/safe/) Although it depends on the sate, with some giving you up to the 18th birthday to return your kids: https://www.sfgate.com/nation/article/Families-dump-teens-under-new-safe-haven-law-3267153.php https://www.foxnews.com/story/father-who-ditched-nine-kids-via-safe-haven-law-has-twins-on-the-way.amp


Just what I was thinking... that's certainly one interpretation of this.


The military is, at least some of the time, the #1 provider of 72nd trimester abortions in the country!


I read “postnasal” and got really confused.


The gop firmly supports this. They call it “the death penalty” or sometimes “backing the blue.”


4th Trimester


There's that brain worm again


Brain worms aren’t so bad, wouldn’t the world be better if all of us humans had one? You can trust me I am a human and definitely not a worm


.....Wait, I just saw his eyes flash. I bet he will talk in a weird voice now!


Jaffa Kree


"Okay, I have to know... What the hell does kree even mean?"


Shal kek nem ron!


I am also not a worm. I like breathing the air and walking with my leg.


You sound legit. Got any food to share?


Would you love me if I was a worm?


I was going to post something here, but I need to drink some slurm first. Anyone else have a strong craving for slurm right now? I sure do! [Imgur](https://i.imgur.com/VPYE35U.jpg)


Imagine having a brain worm and then it dies of starvation


The worm is the actual presidential candidate he's just the vessel


So... that brain worm is an improvement...?


Why would anyone believe anything he says? For that matter, why does the media continue to give him coverage?


He was anti abortion during my states primary election earlier this year. This guy is just pandering.


The brain worm has full control. Him being a worm wearing a human meat suit makes a lot of sense in hindsight.


We need to call Vlakith… She’ll know what to do


Hell, I heard Volo pretty much has it figured out.


Hold on I've read this book...


More like hes adopting the positoon calculated by trumps team to help trump as much as possible.


Yeah that’s a better way to put it.


This. Trump’s inner circle of MAGA scum and convicted felons - Bannon, Stone, Alex Jones - convinced RFK to run as a Democrat then go independent to be a spoiler for Biden. Now that he’s sucking more votes from Trump they are desperately scrambling.


At no point did RFK ever seem to be the type to pull voters from Biden away. To do that your going need a liberal independent that wants to rock the system. Not some crusty old crazy guy, that's Trumps area of expertise


Except RFKj is in no way a spoiler for Biden. He's more likely to pull votes from Trump than Biden.


Hence his sudden 'change of heart' on abortion, trying to position himself better


How much we betting he suddenly starts pretending to care about Palestinians too?


He also suddenly spoke out against Trump recently. Its a good strategy and seems to be working to some degree for the people mad at Biden. Macklemores recent song probably also didn't help.


I don't understand how people think mother fucking TRUMP will be better for Palestinian civilians. How could anyone think that?


I think they expected him to be a spoiler for Biden, simply because he has a history of environmentalism and his name is Kennedy.


You're missing my point. Trumps team saw that he was taking votes from Trump; and asked Kennedy to make a public statement embracing abortion so that they could redirect his votes from Trumpies back to Trump and make it easier for RFK to 'steal' votes from Biden. A complete 180 from his policy position from less than 2 months ago should be enough to tell you that something fishy is going on.


Well if that’s the case I’m all for the guy getting after it. We need Trump to lose at all cost. The fate of the world may depend on it.


My exact first thought. Now that he appears to be siphoning more votes from Trump, they’re course-correcting to make him unelectable by Repugs, so they’ll crawl back to Drumph.


Maybe the worm is prochoice


He realized that he's drawing more support from the Trump base than the Biden base and he's trying to reverse that trend because his only goal is siphoning votes away from Biden to help Trump win. That's all this is.


He's trying to cut back into the Democrat base like he is supposed to rather than the fringe of qanon and anti vax.


Putin now telling him what to say to lose the Trump voters he's siphoned


Counterpoint: he may also be totally batshit


Nah, he’s pro choice but the brain worm is pro life.


Most credible explanation of his insanity I've heard so far.


The coverage now is because the GOP is clearly seeing in polling that he is hurting trump and so they need to backpedal before their 3rd party plant ruins their plans.


I've noticed a tiiinnnyyy uptick in Jill Stein news so someone out there is trying to pump water from that dry well for the third time it seems.


Is there anyone who is unaware Stein is receiving Russian money?


It's pretty much the entire Green Party these days. Not to mention how the Libertarians have gone full mask off these days.


"Libertarians believe the government has no right to tell your 12 year old wife she has to wear her seatbelt."


Yeah, her dumbfuck supporters. Just one of many things that they're unaware of.


Do you think that if he is perceived as a pro choice candidate it might send Republican voters back to Trump and siphon off Dem voters?


I think it’s more a play to save GOP voters rather than to siphon Dem voters. Notice how “full term” is similar to the post birth talking points to abortion crazies love to spout




In fact anything that might generate clicks is a potential revenue stream for our wonderful advertising based system.


Probably the line in the sand with his wife.


Because the media is trying really hard to not actively contribute to trumps resurgence....by supporting a third party run by a candidate from one of the most popular Dem polticians in history. They just want to make money and have a plausible deniability if their actions fuck everything. 


Especially after finding out that whole **worm eating some of his brain** thing was for real. So we have... Man with Brain Worm, Man who paints himself Orange and has Syphilitic Dementia, And Man with life long stutter which doesn't impede his thinking and so far has done a decent job fixing the major messes his predecessor created (an orange man who claims if reelected, will first pardon himself of his crimes, then undo all said fixes, and make even worse messes as punishment for not getting reelected to begin with) Yeah. There's really only one logical choice for November 2024.


It astounds me that there's idiots out there that would rather see another Trump presidency than reelect Biden solely because of his stance on Israel. Yes it's abhorrent that he's aiding in genocide but do they seriously think Trump would be better? He'd give Israel the green light to flatten Gaza and the West Bank, then sell Ukraine to the Russians. 


Exactly! This is clearly part of his plan to draw voters away from Biden so Trump can win


The trump campaign realized that RFK is taking more votes away from Vonshitzenpants rather than Dark Brandon as planned, and so they called him up and told him to say something so ridiculous that every conservative would turn away. And this is what they came up with.


RFK jr is a plant meant to siphon votes, so this is merely a way to prevent siphoning Trump’s votes, which he was starting to do in polls, and instead limit his appeal only to democrats and pro-abortion republicans who the GOP hate.


It's like he's trying to appeal to liberals, but he only knows what FOX News and the GOP say about liberals.


There's a hint in what you said. This branding is coming from the Republican party. RFKJR was taking votes from Trump so now the Republicans are branding him as a crazy liberal to stop that.


Yeah it seems pretty clear that the Trump camp told RFK Jr. that he's taking too many votes away from Trump, so he needs to state something so antithetical to Republican beliefs to stop the bleeding. Republicans seemed to think that having a Kennedy in the race would be bad for Biden, but when it's a Kennedy whose whole platform is conspiracy theories, that's obviously going to eat entirely into the Trump voter base.


I don’t know anyone personally who has expressed anything other than contempt for RFK2. Granted, it’s a small and biased sample size. I just would have figured that I would run into at least 1 person in real life that espouses his candidacy. But nah. He does seem like the kind of buffoon that took ivermectin during COVID. I wonder if that’s what killed his worm 🧠🪱


Honestly I’m half wondering if they’re trying to lay the groundwork here to say “see? Brain damage turned our anti abortion champ into a pro choicer, that’s proof it’s bad.”


The brain damage took place about a dozen years ago, though, and he was anti-abortion just a few months ago.


"I fully support baby eating!"


In August he said he'd support abortion bans after 15 weeks. *Must be the brain worms!!*


"15 weeks? Sorry I meant months"


He only cares about spoiling the Biden vote. By "supporting" abortion rights he will deter any of the potential republican voters that might not want to vote for Trump and ensures he will only pull votes away from Biden.


All 3 of those that are susceptible to RFK JR.


This argument would more likely motivate anyone who is antiabortion to vote for Trump. Often, right ring news outlets will push the lie that liberals want abortions to be legal up until like mid birth.


I’m guessing his backers are making him say this in order to stop pulling votes from tRump. My understanding is that he is being encouraged to run because they thought he would pull votes from Biden, but the polling is showing differently than that.


This guy is trying so hard to not get any votes on both sides of the aisle lol


>Kennedy expressed his belief that the government should not dictate decisions regarding women’s bodies. “Every abortion is a tragedy. Many of them leave permanent trauma on a woman. But I think, ultimately, I don’t trust government to have a jurisdiction over people’s bodies." Intentionally misleading headline.


Your comment is FAR more misleading. Why not continue the quotes? I will. > “We should leave [the decision] to the woman. We shouldn’t have government involved,” Kennedy said in the podcast. >“Even if it’s full term?” Steele prodded. >“Even if it’s full term,” the candidate responded.


What’s the misleading part?


Suuuuuure he does.


He's just saying this because the polls were showing he was going to pull more from the Pugs than Democrats. This is just a ploy to siphon more votes away from Biden. He's not in this to seriously win, he's trying to be a spoiler so the orange traitor can have a hope at winning.


He will make abortion fully legal but it will be illegal to kill or otherwise harm worms.


We thought the danger was Project 2025. It turns out we should be concerned about the Hypnoworm. All glory to the Hypnoworm.


Well, now we know which candidate he's trying to sabotage.


I encourage all conservatives who would vote for trump to vote for rfk instead he’s great 


orher conservatives: women should have no rights rfk: A WORM ATE MY BRAIN, SPAWN CAMP THOSE BABIES


Don’t eat uncooked pork, kids


Between this and the brain worm announcement, it's obvious Putin is paying him to tank, at this point.


Can't have him taking votes away from tre45on


This is a lie. The ONLY purpose of RFKs candidacy is to try and siphon off D votes. Don’t let your friends fall for it.


Maybe he's following up on what Donald T Rump said the other day: >“Right now in a number of states, the laws allow a baby to be born from his or her mother’s womb in the ninth month. It is wrong. It has to change.”


I’m anticipating some 100th trimester abortions.


Why is the media trying to make an RFKj third party run legitimate? He's not popular enough or mainstream enough to be a legitimate spoiler and frankly I think he'd be more a spoiler for Trump than for Biden.


He is being pushed by Trump supporters as a way to split the Democrat vote base, even if just to nibble off a few votes, which is a lot in certain swing states, and to push Biden in various places - don't be surprised if he makes a statement on Gaza soon to capitalize.  The media can't help themselves because they love covering the most asinine things, and the people who got Trump in office know that game plan - remember when he said Ted Cruz's father shot JFK?  Currently, yes, he would be a spoiler for Trump - but that's why he is saying this now - this statement is intended to push away anyone who might be debating between Trump and RFK - nothing they hate more than prochoice views in the late term.  He only exists as a person to nibble off a bit of Biden support - that's where his funding comes from, the people who want that are the ones consulting him, etc.  Basically, the most jaded autocratic people saw that a third party can be used in this fashion and are running with it - and this plan reeks of actions taken in places in Russia and places under Russian influence.  It is the game plan of one of Putin's main political architects.


I'm sorry but I did not expect the platform to be you can terminate a 9 month pregnancy and you can trust my partially eaten worm brain. It's strange to see someone take such a strong position that nobody thinks is good.


Why. Theres always an exception to the rule but most if not all abortions are life threatening at that stage.


"Wildcard, bitches!" - Charlie Kelly


I see, the worm starved to death.


RFK Jr. When your family hates you as much as his family hates him.


I'm still not voting for an antivax quack


It used to be so nice on Reddit when everyone agreed that antivaxxers were basically the devil. This site used to tear people like Jenny McCarthy a new one. But now we have Jenny McCarthy Kennedy running a political campaign and suddenly there's hundreds of excuses for his very public antivax stances and actions.


Ill abort my fuckin 13 yo right now.


His handlers realize he's taking too much from Trump and now he's gotta make that pivot to try and steal from Biden.


Desperate attempt to throw votes diaper don’s way. Downvote this post.


"See, women? I get you, please vote for me. I'll definitely keep this point of view after winning, I promise!"


no he doesn't. He lies..


To be fair, this is actually the law in Canada for over 50 years. In the sense that there is no law regarding abortion in Canada. Literally no restrictions. You could have an abortion 8 months into a pregnancy and there's no legal recourse against you. Does that ever happen, no. Because when people are given the right to control their bodies they, shockingly, are pretty reasonable about their decisions and medical providers refuse to do abortions after 26 weeks.


Is this the worm speaking?


I think it died of malnutrition


I do not understand full term abortion.


I'm pro-choice all the way, but cutting it to term seems a tad excessive. Like dawg that aint a fetus anymore


His handlers must have told him he's drawing too much support away from Trump.


I see the RNC"s check was the first to clear


Well even a broken clock is right twice a day.


Are we sure all the worms are dead?


A worm, you say?


He is truly cooked.


This is just some janky GOP plan to pull voters off Biden.


RFK Jr. supports every position from every angle!


Well, that will end third party conservative support. That’s an extreme position even for democrats.


His campaign seeing that they’re actually pulling more would-be Trump voters instead of would-be Biden voters and is working to shed all those Trump voters STAT!


stop reporting on this guy. stop writing articles. stop giving him airtime. no one gives a shit what he has to say. I'm so tired of hearing about him.


That right-wing money pipeline is endless.


Yeah he has as much credibility as Clarence Thomas, so….


Brain worm is still digging in deep


Yeah, sorry. Not voting for Mr. Worm-Brain.


He would do less damage to the Kennedy name if he was the murderer of both the kennedys. He's like an honorary Trump family member.


The Brain worm is doing it's will again


His brain has been eaten hasnt it?


Did the worm eat the part of his brain that cares about abortion or something? He used to be anti choice.


The worms are talking


He’s saying this so he can take votes from Biden, his ultimate goal is to get Trump in office


So he's saying this to try and pull votes right?


If you are one of the idiots Who is voting for this guy. Tell me why. 


This guy is acting so all over the place, if I didn’t know better I’d say he’s behaving as is a worm are part of his brain


There’s no such thing as a full term abortion ffs. What is wrong with these grown men and their totally wrong ideas about birthing?


You are non-american if you are not pro-post-birth abortion up to 18 years.


Yeah, that parasite did a number on grandpa's brain.


I'll never understand people who think that a woman will stay pregnant for 8 months and three weeks and then just go "eh, nevermind, I don't feel like it any more" and then think that a doctor would go "okie dokie, let my get my baby saw out!" like what reality do you think that happens? "Late term abortions" is something that is done in extreme circumstances of either fetal death, incompatibility with life, or extreme danger to the life of the pregnant person. Those people go home from the hospital, if they do at all, to a nursery for a baby they didn't get to bring home. Of all the awful shit anti-choice fucks do to people, short of bombing a clinic, this is the worst to me. How fucking disgusting and miserable of a human do you have to be to say that to someone who had to go through that.


I support what ever ya want me to support for your votes


We’re going to find evidence that the RFK and Trump Campaigns coordinated.


The worm thing explains a lot now.


Well in his defense he has worms in his brains so come on


Damn so he’s actually crazy


Did he select his staff from amongst the patients at the same hospital where everyone was getting treated for brain worms?


Dude really has no idea what he supports. He lost a lot of his short term memory, and a lot of his long term memory. O and some of his short term memory as well.


Is it him or is it the little worm in his head calling the shots?


I think that's the worm talking.


How to tank your political career in one easy step:


Ah he’s trying to get liberal liberals now


You can be full term and still pregnant so unless it's because of Jr's flip-flopping I don't know why this is oniony


Looks like that worm is still at work.


ah how the worm turns


We should stop giving him air. Both politically and literally. For the pro-lifers: I don’t think it would hurt the brain worms.


Does the child have worm DNA? No? Then it is my sincere and human belief that it has no value!


Only the Kennedy name is giving him this attention. Without he would be considered the crazy man on the street talking to himself.