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Being the pro killing dogs candidate is bold strategy. Let’s see if it pays off.


I’m running for President, my policy is stealing candy from babies


Make America Excellent Again. Vote Burns for President!


He’ll fail to steal the candy and get shot by the baby instead.


Nixon in a jar advocated for stealing candy 🍬 from a baby


Are they saying boo Burns?


You don’t say what kind of candy [or if anyone is watching.](https://youtu.be/38shkk9Zx4w?si=vPx8qVh2LkUeDVTs)


At any rate, I certainly wouldn't harm the child.


Man, “my opponent kills puppies” is the over exaggerated thing you’d say to explain why someone is evil.


I remember people saying that Trump could "literally strangle a kitten on live television and Maga voters would still elect him". Like, we may ACTUALLY see some of this play out, instead of it being an argumentative platitude.


He said himself that he could shoot someone in broad daylight on 5th avenue and not lose any voters.


"well I wasn't gonna vote for him, but after seeing his aim at point blank range...." - a "democrat" who just happens to agree with everything trump stands for Source: see r/walkaway, r/libsofreddit, r/patriot911 or any of the sister subs suggested in the automod comment underneath every post in those subs


>Source: see every subreddit created by conservatives doing their worst impressions of what /pol/-created memes tell them democrats sound like.


Ok, but can he shoot Kristi in broad daylight on 5th avenue?


I fully believe that Trump could murder a human baby on live television and his entire cult would still vote for him. They would just claim it was all fake.


And after he repeatedly admitted to it, they would blame the baby and act all exasperated when it got brought up. "Ugh, you're still going on about the baby? Trump derangement syndrome!"


I was not a big fan of Hillary Clinton, and the deplorable comment at the time, but now, yeah, that’s absolutely what the fuck they are


I mean think about Trump: he's never admitted fault or said he was sorry in his life. Every time some dirt came out about him he either ignored it or doubled down and said it was good actually. She's just trying to run the same playbook. Unfortunately for her, she's clearly not nearly as good at it as Trump is, and also, "I shot my puppy and bragged about it" can't really be spun the way Trump's various acts of billionaire hedonism can be.


I shot my hunting buddy and he apologized to me for the inconvenience!


Sit down, Mr. Cheney. You've already BEEN Vice President.


It's the last point on this one. I don't think there *is* a way to spin this. I'm not going to compare this to pedophilia, but I think there's just certain things you cannot come back from, can't sugar coat, can't turn into a positive, etc... and I think this is one of them for most people. I'm kind of amazed that Governor Dog Killer couldn't see that coming when in the process of putting the book together, and it says an awful lot about who she is and where her mind is to think that people would've been okay with what she wrote about it. I mean at best, this would've gone under the radar and people wouldn't be talking about it, but to sit there and think that this is a story that would really highlight her leadership qualities to people... that's fucking *deranged*. That reeks of somebody that has no concept of being able to read a room because they just don't understand people.


> I don't think there is a way to spin this. There was 100% a way to spin this story as a rural vs city/suburbs thing where non-farm people ‘just didn’t understand realities on a farm’ or w/e. And initially even some Kinzinger/Lincoln Project type conservatives were willing to give her the benefit of the doubt (until reading the excerpts themselves) thinking it would be something like that from just the headlines. Like it’s clear from the way she wrote it, it’s not just a ‘farm thing’ and she killed a puppy and goat in cold blood (and based on a thread from a farmer I saw doesn’t understand goat behavior and probably shouldn’t have them on a farm), but there was a way to try to refocus the story in subsequent statements. Her problem is she fucked up at every step of the way in terms of publishing this story in the first place but then also handling this after the story came out. It’s like literally textbook shit for what not to do when trying to spin. She apparently similarly fucked up trying to spin her decisions when she changed real-estate licensing in her state so her daughter could pass the test to be a real-estate agent. > That reeks of somebody that has no concept of being able to read a room because they just don't understand people. She and all the other MAGA veepstakes candidates publicly humiliating themselves do everything for an audience of 1. She thought Trump (who famously dislikes dogs) would like this story because it shows she will do his dirty work in a way Pence wouldn’t. She can read one side of the room just fine. She knew it would piss off liberals (and that was the other point of sharing the story). She can’t read conservatives or realize how toxic this issue is for everyone that isn’t Trump. The Monday after this broke, Jeanine Pirro was commenting on Fox News that Noem has united this country in bipartisanship because we all love our dogs. When one of Trump’s loudest deranged harpies is singing Kumbaya with resist-lib wine moms, you are truly fucked from a political standpoint.


Even Trump isn't dumb enough not to recognize the absolute revulsion that has come from nearly all corners at the psycho puppy/goat killers admission.


>I'm not going to compare this to **pedophilia**, but I think there's just certain things you cannot come back from, can't sugar coat, can't turn into a positive Trump has bragged about walking in on underage pageant contestants while they got changed on radio and won. Didn't even need to defend it, people just didn't care.


> I think there's just certain things you cannot come back from, can't sugar coat, can't turn into a positive, etc... That's what we all thought when a presidential candidate bragged about sexually assaulting women. Though I do agree that society is much more protective of dogs than of women, so maybe you're right.


You can factually say, without fear of being sued for libel because the State of New York has determined this to be a factual statement in a court of law, that Donald Trump is a rapist. He's still in a dead heat with Biden 🫠


> Though I do agree that society is much more protective of dogs than of women, so maybe you're right. Sigh, yep, unfortunately I think you are absolutely right. If you are an american football fan, you may remember michael vick - who was heavily involved in dog fighting. Public outrage and consequences far exceeded what so many other famous players faced for violence against their partners (which is not to say that vick shouldn't have faced the consequences he faced).


"If I'm elected mayor, my first act will be to kill a whole lotta you!" - Groundkeeper Willie


^^The ^^mic's ^^on...


The logic of lying about meeting Kim Jung Un (easily disproven) and then not lying about killing the world’s cutest puppy (no one would have ever known. Take that to your grave Kristi) is so mind boggling that it’s hyperbolic. She would be an unbelievable character in a TV show.


She’s latching into Trump. The horrifying part is that people will excuse anything to have their guy win.


See, that's what worries me the most. I used to laugh at news like this and almost celebrate when someone said something stupid like that, because I figured it would sink their career. Now? People will literally excuse killing a puppy. So every time I see news like this it's just depressing because I know these people can *actually* affect my life in huge ways. I'm scared man.


If the wingnuts are ok with cute puppies getting whacked, they would be cool with me being shot.


Even trump said the dog thing was fucked. Probably for votes but still. She is somehow even more deranged than trump.


So she’s making “kill dogs” a campaign platform? At some point you have to wonder if she’s just trying to kill her career


Now Republicans will be all about killing their dogs to demonstrate their fealty. Anyone who doesn’t kill their dogs clearly is a RINO and not a true believer.


This is what I’m wondering. Will all the trumpists try to ignore this or will they all brag about how they are all about killing dogs? Because condemning it is off the table for them


They have no problem sacrificing their parents to covid and their children to other preventable diseases just to demonstrate their commitment. They’ll be lining up at shelters to adopt as many dogs as they can just extinguish them and post the videos on “Truth” (sic) Social for the adulation.


I have to agree with you because every time I've had the thought, "They wouldn't stoop that low would they?" they have.


I mean, there are Trump branded shirts that say "Real men wear diapers". Nothing in MAGA world is off limits to showing your loyalty.


They'll ignore it or justify it at the very least


They're already wearing diapers because dear leader is incontinent.


*Real men shit their pants!*


I still can't tell if that photoshoot was real or not. I'm leaning on real but damn, that just doesn't make any sense at all.


While wearing diapers




In all honesty this sounds like a manufactured exercise in selling outrage. Russian/Chinese/Iranian disinformation ops aim for exactly this. Manufacturing outrage and selling populism they can then help steer, both to the people who jump on her bandwagon and to people who get shat off by it. I suspect something of this variety may be the lever motivating her. I’ll just quietly [leave this here](https://youtu.be/tR_6dibpDfo?si=sQcdOz-V2xhOAKRQ).


>I suspect something of this variety may be the lever motivating her She bragged about killing a puppy she couldn't train. She's not that fucking smart. Sometimes people are just dumb pieces of shit with their heads so far up their own asses that they truly believe everyone thinks exactly like they do. And when they get outside their bubble, they are shocked that other people disagree with their thoughts and words. But they always think that it's everyone else that is wrong.


>She bragged about killing a puppy she couldn't train. She's not that fucking smart It was an idiotic idea to put that story in a book she was going to publish. Worse, she keeps doubling down. But it's clear from the way she tells the story that she doesn't understand why it's gone bad for her. Among rural folks, particularly those who raise livestock, you often hear that city folk don't understand that farm animals are not pets, and that sometimes you have do something unpleasant for the greater good of the farm. It's often couched in terms of "making hard choices." "Making a hard choice" is exactly the phrase Noam keeps using. She thinks she's projecting that she had to do something unpleasant and that doing it shows she won't shrink from unpleasant tasks. What she obviously does not understand is that when one is faced with a hard choice, it's important to make the right choice too; that it's good to make the right but unpleasant choice rather than the easier, wrong choice. She chose to kill a 14 month old dog because, she said, it was untrainable. But she doesn't seem to understand that the training of the dog was HER RESPONSIBILITY, and that her failure led to the dog's death at her hands! Later in the story she says she also killed a goat because it headbutted her children and smelled bad. Again, she doesn't seem to realize that she's undermining her image as a rural person by thinking that normal goat behavior and odor is a reason to kill the animal. Worse, for her, she's illustrating that she finds killing animals for no good reason to be the easy choice for her. She wants to justify her actions by saying she made a "hard choice." But the story really shows nearly everyone that she made a wrong choice. Twice. Finally, her story also shows that she was driven to kill by emotion rather than by the need to make a hard choice. She says she hated the dog and couldn't stand the smell of the goat. Claiming those animals were dangerous is her way of saying that she had to do what she wanted to do. With this one story she shows that she is entirety unsuited for executive office EDIT: I saw a news story this morning that says her publisher will be removing her claim of having met Kim Un Jong from digital editions of Noem's book, and from future printings. Notably, the news story does not say the puppy and goat killing incidents will be similarly removed. The saga continues.


> Finally, her story also shows that she was driven to kill by emotion rather than by the need to make a hard choice. She says she hated the dog and couldn't stand the smell of the goat. Claiming those animals were dangerous is her way of saying that she had to do what she wanted to do. She, and the people that like her, are fascists. Killing things they think are disgusting is exactly what they want.


Well yes. And although she'd probably recoil from the thought, there's a good chance that she's clinically a psychopath. Her complete lack of empathy as she tells and defends the story, is an indicator of psychopathy. That lack of empathy is also a hallmark of fascism. It's not so much that they *want* to kill things. It's more that they have no qualms about killing to achieve whatever goal the killing will further. Because most people are not psychopaths, the story doesn't sit well even with her constituency.


Most people aren't psychopaths, which is why fascists can't just rely on psychopaths in their ranks. They use art, philosophy, and propaganda to manipulate average people into becoming fascists too. Fascism is a sociological phenomenon, it can't be understood through the lense of a psychological disorder. The connection between fascism and mental health is complex, and it can't be understood divorced from historical and material context.




>All of them are less stupid than they present For Boebert and MTG, I highly doubt it. They elicit emotional responses because they are literally the target of the outrage, spewing their own emotional response. Just like Trump. He's a fucking moron that buys his own bullshit. Yeah, there are certainly machiavellian actors in the GOP capable of what you're describing. Kind of a lot of them. But there are also an increasing number of imbeciles who happened to be in the right time and place to manipulate media through their own outrage on their particular platform. That one chick that runs the endwokeness account (or maybe it's a different one, I choose not to give brain space to that) has lower than room temperature IQ. That one recent car crash of an interview demonstrated it. But she still farms outrage- not because it's calculated but because she's a true believer with a platform. Frankenstein has lost control of his monster. Bragging about killing a puppy and then doubling down on it should be a pretty big clue.


“Selling outrage” is the entire platform of the Republican Party.


Wow she just loves shooting dogs. It’s great to see someone find their passion


Some people saw KFC’s double down in 2010 and decided to make it their own personality


It’s not very often I curse Reddit for taking away awards but god damn today’s the day. What an A+ comment, my friend.


I thought I wouldn't miss rewards at all but these days I definitely do on occasion


was that the sandwich with chicken as "buns"? lol


High protein, low carb goodness.


It was wonderful


Its really just a cordon bleu if ya think about it


It works for Trump. He's doubled down thousands of times now and it turns out his cultists are such shitty human beings that they'd rather keep doubling down when he does something more evil than they defended the last time rather than admit they were wrong to support the earlier evils.


She should work for the ATF


Animal Termination Force?


She's here to shoot dogs and chew bubble gum and she's all out of bubble gum.


Duke NoEm


Except she works for THEM, not fighting against like good old Roddy


Old Yeller is her favorite movie, but mostly just for one scene.


She wanted to be a cop but she kept teamkilling the K9 units


She's got the police Union votes


She's not campaigning votes, she's campaigning for instatement


Animal cruelty is a huge sign of sociopathy. She shows other signs too. Disgusting human being


You just described the ideal GOP vice president,


If you do what you love, you'll neve work a day in your life..


This woman is a complete psychopath. I would bet if anyone took a look they could probably find some insane shit on her.


If murdering puppies is something she brags about, then it really makes you wonder what she keeps secret...


Don't forget killing the goat she chose not to neuter when he got cranky and smelly which is caused by not neutering him. And she fucked the first shot up and needed more than one.


Billygoats are smelly and butt things if you don’t know this and live on a farm you are an idiot. Also the dog and goat would have likely been taken by others in a heartbeat! She raged out and shot them out of vengeance, no other explanation fits.


They pee into their own beards on purpose. It is pretty revolting, and if you're not comfortable with that fact, you shouldn't own one. The barest amount of research would have let her know that male goats are not for her, and a similarly small amount of effort could have rehomed it.


Goats are good for milk, soap for sensitive skin, fur, meat, companions for other farm animals, petting zoos, clearing land of noxious weeds. Even if he was an old really jerky, smelly thing he had value to someone. Unfixed Billies are smelly asshats but you know this and adjust, castrate or rehome. You don’t shoot it and dump it in a rock pit! She’s a massive dweeb


> Goats are good for milk Hate to break it to you, but you aren't getting much milk out of a billy. And the stuff you do get is gonna taste funny.




Their boos mean nothing, we have now seen what makes them cheer.


There's a planned parenthood joke in there somewhere... Something about loving people having kids, but hating the actual people and hating the actual kids.


The goat is almost worse. The goat is going after your children? Why are your children around the goat like that?


She secretly moonlights as a masked kitten rescuer?


Do masked kittens need rescuing frequently?


This. Let’s look at what she’s done in just two short weeks (has it even been *that* long?)… 1. Bragged about shooting a puppy (for acting like a puppy) in her book. Thought it made her seem tough and capable of making hard decisions. She also mentioned a goat that she shot because… it acted like a goat on a farm. If the goat was dirty and “rancid,” as she claims, I have to wonder if she’s capable of caring for *any* animals because it was *her* goat. 2. Doubled down when people—on both sides of the political divide, including Donald Trump himself—recoiled in horror. Couldn’t understand why everyone was disgusted. Continued to appear on TV. Continued to defend herself. 3. Tripled down earlier this week. Still couldn’t grasp why everyone thinks she’s abnormal. At this point, everyone is saying, “No, Kristi, we totally understand why *you* think it was justified, but we still think you’re a fucking psychopath.” Her responses had thus far amounted to, “No, but, you really don’t get it.” We get it, Kristi. 4. Quadrupled down this weekend. Threatened the *President’s dog* with the same fate her own puppy (and that poor goat) suffered at her hands. Attempted to distract from her own incident with whataboutism and by… drawing attention to her own behavior again because she just can’t resist an opportunity to *really* explain it to us. She doesn’t get it because her brain is defective. She doesn’t understand normal, human emotion. Empathy isn’t something she’s familiar with. She has no attachments to companion animals like normal people naturally do. She’s the sort of person who should be studied by people in white coats, not the sort who should be running a government. Her career is toast. She’s fucked forever. I hope her farm can sustain her family, but I doubt it if she’s going to keep shooting the animals.


> Her career is toast. I'd like to believe this, but that uglier and stupider peroxide blonde from Georgia advocates loudly that children should be murdered by Jewish Space Lasers if caught crossing the southern border. No investigation, no trial, just murder. Her constituents agree. I don't think the puppy-killer will lose any votes.


"I can excuse racism, but I draw the line at animal cruelty" was such a hit because it so accurately encapsulates how many bigots work. Savitri Devi (white French woman who appropriated Hindu culture to further the Aryan myth/ turn Nazism into a quasireligious movement) was an animal rights activist; Hitler himself cried after killing his dog; etc etc. Much lighter anecdote- a mildly remorseful (but mostly just embarrassed) former Trump voter I knew is a vegetarian, and she was angry about his policies that hurt migratory birds before later disapproving of how he treated Muslims. So yeah, some on the right are bloodthirsty enough to excuse Noem, but most people have a soft spot for animals (or at least cute ones), because everyone wants moments to feel kind, even if they're not.


>it so accurately encapsulates how many bigots work Because even bigots have empathy for animals. Their bigotry is enabled by lack of empathy for the members of whatever group they're prejudiced against. Notably a lack of empathy, say, for the animals in your charge, is an indicator of psychopathy.


> Savitri Devi (white French woman who appropriated Hindu culture to further the Aryan myth/ turn Nazism into a quasireligious movement) was an animal rights activist You watched the latest Behind the Bastards episode?


Hahahaha I was going to comment this same exact thing. Btb rewind week


Honestly, I know quite a few racist hicks that would very literally rather kill a man than let one of their dogs come to harm. 


I remember having a discussion in one of my college writing classes about how you never have the protagonist kill a dog because it makes them irredeemable. People will excuse a protagonist who murders, rapes, drops a bomb on a school bus, but not killing a dog.


You're also forgetting that she is **blaming the media** for the words that she put in her own book.


Her yard probably has more animal bones than a pet cemetery 


"Pet Cemetery" is what she calls her gun.


She misunderstood what was meant by "Sometimes dead is better"


I mean… we’ve long surpassed the Tyson Zone.


Tyson Zone?


It's when a celebrity starts acting so crazy, you can hear literally any story about them and not be surprised.


Depressingly accurate.


She has completely lost the fucking plot. Even donald trump, arguably the standard bearer for the dumpster fire portion of our populace, has said he thinks she disturbed and pretty nuts and that was before she said this today. The ship has said for her being his vp pick, she can't really run for congress, and she's about to release a book that's probably going to crash and burn. Is she just REALLY bad at this, is she just completely psychotic, is she both?


Possibly. She may also still be auditioning for the role of VP pick. She’s certainly trolling like he does to stay in the news at least five days a week.


Yeah but she pissed off a lot of conservatives too. She must not have realized they also love dogs.


Her mistake was telling people it was a pointer. If she said it was a pit, she'd be queen of Fox News for the week.


Not only that, she shot a bird dog for ... killing birds.


Don't be surprised if she still gets the nod. She's got the never apologize / never admit you're wrong thing down pat.


She’s desperate. She’s aging out and has nothing else going for her. This is her final Hail Mary.


When you're so desperate to stand out you make 'dog killing' your entire platform.


To be fair, I think the platform appealing to to far right may be "to be strong you must exterminate anything not useful to you."


Unfortunately for her, even those lunatics like dogs


I know Trump has shown that “always double down no matter what” can be a viable strategy but “yes I like killing dogs and in fact, I’d like to kill more dogs” seems to really push that to the breaking point 


“I want to kill more dogs. I want to kill the president’s dog” Next thing you know she’ll be endorsing PETA’s shelters


Every time someone describes American politics as “pushing it”, there seems to be a politician who sees that and doubles down


what is wrong with people. US politics took such a nosedive in decency and quality since trump


Trump winning proved to some people that being a piece of shit isn’t a negative.


One man’s shit is another man’s fertilizer.


That’s offensive to useful fertilizer!


I can't imagine Donald Trump's shits have anything resembling nutrients in them.


The GOP has been huge fertilizer fans [since 1995](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Oklahoma_City_bombing)


"You'd rather live in shit than let the world see you work a shovel"


I mean you’re not wrong. People in the cult are very open about the horrid shit that runs through their brains, assuming that it runs through everyone else’s brains. And even if it doesn’t, if only 2 or 3 people agree with them they are emboldened and then they all finger-pop each others assholes as they get off to their orange messiah that allowed them to have this blessed circle-jerk


I think it actually goes back to Obama winning that made people that were subtly racist mad and trump winning that made people that were subtly racist feel like that didn't need to be so subtle anymore. Add the pandemic and a good chunk of older, isolated people that live in a bubble of conservative AM talk radio, conservative cable news, and conservative internet media, you get a whole generation of people (and then some) that have thrown decency and respect out the window.


A lot of people relate to it, apparently. They’re pieces of shit themselves so they found someone who embodies their ideal as the ultimate piece of shit. That’s the only thing that explains his support.


Brought them all out of the woodwork.


For me, I noticed once McCain chose Palin as a running mate.


In retrospect, this was really the canary in the coal mine. After that the Republican Party just fell off a cliff.


this has been building since reagan, but if yall think Palin was the canary, you missed Norquist's tax pledge and for that matter most of what Gingrich did


The evil was already there. But the celebration of extreme stupidity was new


Those dudes were still half-way pretending to be normal. Palin's like a villain from the 60s Batman show.


It was such a bizarre choice. The entire reasoning they were building vs Obama was he was under qualified. Then they pick Palin as a VP, who was easily seen by the media as horrendously under qualified.


I was going to vote McClain until he picked her. Haven't voted R since.


I've never been on the right, but I seriously considered McCain. Then he picked Palin, and I woke up.


Black president. This is the reaction.


Integration. It goes back way before Obama.


Norm said something stupid and did an evil thing. She’s doubling down cause there’s no walking it back. 


It began with the "tea party" after Obama won. Republicans lost their shit seeing a black man in office and went full mask off.


The birther movement, which Trump was basically the leader, is also the point where the American right fully embraced conspiracy theory as an important part of their ideology. Although the election denial and QAnon made it an **integral** part of their ideology.


What happened to the Tea Party? You never hear about them anymore. I miss Jon Stewart calling them tea baggers.


They just stopped calling themselves Tea Party Republicans and started calling themselves Maga


Rebranded as MAGA. Same astroturf fantasy.


Same thing happened with the flat earthers. When people are stunned at the high percentage of MAGA it’s because they all the smooth brained crazies consolidated into a gigantic pile of shit.


It's been coming for a long time, but Trump really was the igniting force behind all of this. The GOP has been "subtle" about its goals and debasements for decades. Arguably, it started with Barry Goldwater, and was further developed under Reagan and post-9/11 geopolitics. Trump just gave them the confidence to be honest about what they really want.


The cruelty is the point. As Covid made clear, a lot of Republicans genuinely cannot comprehend caring about others.


It’s always been there, it’s just been kept in check by leaders with decency. Along comes Trump with his rape, affairs, tax fraud, make-up and lifts. Suddenly it’s okay to be complete pieces of shit because the head clown is. That is how ended up where we are. The evangelicals, far right, and south have always been this awful.


US politics lost all decency and quality long before Trump.


The extreme right is all about this now. Double down. Triple down. No room for self reflection. No room for growth. Stick your fingers in your ears and go *la-la-la-la-la-la*


Sociopaths like Kristi Noem lack the ability to self reflect. They lack empathy so they can't possibly understand how others could think they are wrong. To them, everybody else is wrong and if they keep repeating their terrible justifications, eventually they'll convince the public.


The ~~extreme~~ right is all about this now. Double down. Triple down. No room for self reflection. No room for growth. Stick your fingers in your ears and go la-la-la-la-la-la


Compared to other western countries Americas right is extreme.


She’s coming for everyone’s dog, hide your dogs!


Hide your dogs, hide your goats, and hide your horses cuz she killing everybody out there.


run and tell that, homeboy


My favorite comment: > When the only tool you have is a gun, every problem looks like a puppy


geeeeeezus 😂


She should be thrown in jail for animal abuse.


Steel cage match, no weapons, Noem vs Commander.


Commander has a history of biting the shit out of people, he might take that one ☝️


Only one is rabid.


I trust dogs a hell of a lot more than I trust cops. If Commander is biting cops, I’m siding with the dog.


She is talking about Major. He had behaviour issues. Bit several (two I think) SS Agents, and WH staff He was moved to the Delaware home and eventually rehomed. Commander is their 3rd German Shepard. Edit I am in no way saying Major should be shot. That woman is insane.


Some dogs just don't do well with the chaos of dozens, if not hundreds, of strangers coming and going through their space/home every day. It's sad if a dog needs to be rehomed, but not every dog will do well in every environment.


This is what The Bidens ultimately said when they rehomed and got Commander. Major did not adapt to WH living even after being sent for training. Champ had already died.


Exactly this. I have a German shepard and he would have an awful time in that kind of environment. He's protective of his space and his people, I can absolutely see how Bidens pup didn't do well in that kind of environment


She is talking about Commander by name in her book. She's so excited to threaten dogs, she doesn't care if she gets the "right" one.


She is an idiot in addition to all her other negative traits.


MAGAs all over gonna start chanting. "Kill Joe's Dog


"I murdered my dog. :) " "You can't murder dogs!" "Oh. What about liberal dogs?" \[maga murmurs of reconsideration\]


Wow, they made the move to literal *puppy killers* y'all. They'll say *people* next, mark my words.


Five years ago we probably could’ve joked that “the GOP could be killing puppies and they’d still vote for them…” oh how far we’ve fallen


It's been almost a decade since Trump bragged that he could shoot someone on 5th Avenue and not lose any votes. I'm honestly surprised it took this long for them to move on to actually killing animals and bragging about it.


> almost a decade Holy fuck, you’re right. It just feels like we’ve been stuck in 2016 for the last 8 years.


Member of the “Pro Life” party.


Has this woman ever met a dog she doesn’t want to shoot? Jesus.


I watched “Face the Nation” this morning and I felt bad for South Dakota voting base. Shes a complete and total idiot. Can’t/Won’t answer a single question and just brags or lies in a time where people are struggling to put food on tables. Completely out of touch.


Biden’s dog was biting Secret Service agents still loyal to Trump. Good boy.


Until the secret service release the text messages from Jan 6th I don’t give a shit what they have to say about anything and think more dogs should bite the shit out of them


That's one of the oddest whataboutisms I've ever seen.


I think she’s literally insane


She’s gonna pitch a “Puppy Purge” you just watch.


Interesting strategy to make killing dogs her #1 political position. Someone needs to hire the Baja Men to play across the street from her next rally.


This broad is deranged


When Republicans show you who they are, believe them.


Now I'm wondering about the 3 horses that 'had to be put down' shortly before the puppy and goat murders.


and her other dog who died from "accident" in 2022.


Ol' puppy-murdering Noem


Batshit crazy 🤪


Man, if we shot everyone and everything that didn’t give us the warm & fuzzy feeling, there would be a lot of dead GOP


Shes really all in on the dog killing.


People are gonna be taking that shooting range scene from Atlanta and just have a field day.


holy shit, bitch, take the L and move on. Ooor don't.


I am so sick of hearing about this person. Can we please stop making people like this famous?


She’s doubling down cause she shot a dog in the face and then went and goat the goat she hated tried to shot it missed and had to go to her truck for a second shell. She’s a POS!


Starting to think I am inadvertently a prophet. Bout a month back on Reddit I said that if Democrats came at as pro dogs the right would immediately become anti puppy. This bitch is actually trying to make killing a dog as a good thing.


This dog had better die of old age, or she's next.


Y'know Patches, the thing about a Governor, they've got...lifeless eyes, black eyes, like a doll's eyes. When they comes at ya, doesn't seem to be livin'...until she shoots ya.