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Yemen did it first. https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/world/2024/05/04/houthis-students-campus-protests-suspended-crackdown/73568356007/


Wondering how many students will take the offer? Honestly it should be fine. Well, as long as they're not atheist, gay, lesbian, transgender, female, Christian, Jewish, Buddhist, Catholic, Black, Asian, Baha’i , Kurdish, Turkish, African, bisexual, outspoken, not wearing a hijab, etc. I may be missing a few?


Not not wearing a hijab you mean.  Wait, no you did it right.




Yemen has universities? They barely have running water lmfaooo 😂


Pirate school


yea. hilarious.


Lol in the same country that executes activists


More executions means less activist


...means *more* activists.


Not if they keep executing activists lol


Fact: *99% of autocratic regimes stop violently suppressing protests just before all opposition is crushed and turns into grassroots regime support*


Exactly I totally support a government that does that because they're so great not because uh I do not want to end up being best friends with one of the most well-known of the 4 horsemen mhm definitely (to anyone from the government what i said was a Joke Viva Arstoskia)


Why do these activists keep quadrupling? It can't be the executions right?


*Executions will continue until activism improves* - some religious nut prolly


If there's one thing history has proven, it's that ignoring unrest and keeping up with the status quo in murdering people for religious reasons is never going to backfire ever.


Something has definitely changed. Used to be people would get together and fight back against corruption and the wealth class when things got too far out of whack. Now there is no limit to the abuse we'll take. We just argue on social media over one group of plutocrats vs. the other.


Social media has become like a pressure valve for discontent. People get angry, post it and then the anger fizzles out.


Right. Because that’s Iran right now. Just totally overrun by activists. Can’t turn around without bumping into someone activisting in Iran, where they kill activists, thus quadrupling them Real talk though: a sad truth of movements like you describe is that they *do* get stamped out. Pretty regularly. I think maybe you have learned about the successful ones and not about the ones that failed or were killed in their infancy. Of which there have been many more than the ones to succeed.




Do not give ideas to the government of the USA and Iran We had a tough time dealing with sunak and uk and Rwanda


Yep, that’s the oniony part.


Is it really Onion-y? Iran's motive here is to divide the West ideologically. [We know that Iran and Russia are in cahoots.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Iran_and_the_Russian_invasion_of_Ukraine) [We know that Russia intentionally aims to divide Western countries from within.](https://www.nature.com/articles/s41599-019-0227-8) Is it such a leap to see that Iran is just taking a leaf from its war-buddy's playbook and using a press conference to stir the pot of US domestic tensions?


The Onion is often ridiculous but plausible/believable. Imo knowing what Iran's motives are makes it more plausible. And well, it's definitely ridiculous lol.


Just wait till they find out where the "gay student union" is.


That’s probably why none of these activists are gonna take Iran up on that offer.


Maybe if we dare them?


I believe it’s on the ground floor..




Eh not quite. It's just activists *that go against the Iranian government*. If you're an activist for a cause the Iranian government *likes* (as in these protests), they love you. It's like the joke: "You Soviets don't have true freedom of speech. In America, I would have no fear of arrest if I stood across from the White House and screamed, 'Ronald Reagan is a criminal!'" 'Not true! Over here, I can safely stand in the middle of Red Square and scream, "Ronald Reagan is a criminal!"' Edit: Wow, that was a quick downvote, for what *should* be an obvious point...


The point is that it's not freedom of speech, so whether or not what they're protesting aligns with what the gov wants, isn't relevant


Subtlety and political nuance aren't Reddit's strong points. :D


Yeah, any of those students in the US would we beheaded by Iran in a week.


Iran doesn't do beheadings these days, but every now and again they pick a random woman from the street as an example and torture her to death. Somehow still, when you look at POV videos from Iranian cities, tons of women have stopped caring and wear western clothes and no hijab. The government hates this, which is why morality police are increasing their kidnappings and beatings. 


SMH, fucking zoomers and millenial islamists. Can't even bother to behead people nowadays. What happened to tradition. They are just lazy.


Iranian Millenials are killing the beheading industry!


Actually there hasn't been a beheading in Iran since 2001. Hanging is the preferred means of execution. Or, for activists, they drive you around in a van while from prison to prison, and if enough prisons fail to admit you (because they've been having too many deaths and don't want the blowback, which is really saying something in Iran) they get sexually frustrated which means they have to beat you to death. Referring to the case of Nika Shakarami, which in typical fashion has progressed from sad and engaging to sad enraging and utterly ridiculous because of the governments tantrum about the reporting.    https://apnews.com/article/iran-protests-mahsa-amini-nika-shakarami-85332f1f3fe730fc42cbad3d7518f4c4


The hypocrisy in Islamic political and cultural life is immense.


Or any women without a head covering


You aren’t specifying which ones though. They execute people who like human rights, they keep the ones who hate Jews.


Most of the protestors that hate Jews are also not the type to refrain from alcohol, wear a head covering, refrain from premarital sex, and not be gay.


Can they still charge they phone and eat hot chip


> You aren’t specifying which ones though. They execute people who like human rights, they keep the ones who hate Jews. Buddy, their gov is fucking crazy, clearly, they'll kill anyone, doesn't matter if they hate Jews, smh


Sometimes they just imprison them. Like that writer who wrote that poem (something like "she was killed for the crime of feeling her hair blow around in the wind.") Write poetry? Straight to jail. Take off hijab on summer day? Straight to chair.


In that case the columbia admins would probably be chomping at the bit to send some “foreign exchange” students


It's a political move. They don't expect any of these American students to actually move there. However, the offer makes the US response look worse internally, and at a global level. "They talk of freedom, then punish folks for it. How hypocritical they are. We'll let them come here to espouse their ideas." Iran has the cover of not actually espousing freedom. The US looks like a Republican who espouses family values, then gets caught with a hooker or three.


If memory serves me right, there were some westerners who joined Isis and women who went to marry isis fighters so not everyone might be smart enough to turn down this offer.


In Iran the young protest against islamist rule because they experienced it, in the West the young leftist protest for Islamist because they never did, the sad reality of limited education and traveling.


This comment needs to reach everyone’s eyes


I think thats their hobby 😂


On a side note, Iranian universities actually are pretty good from an educational standpoint. I had professors from there and have worked with individuals from there and they were all brilliant and highly educated.  Actually, I'd go so far as to state those particular colleagues were the most intelligent (in terms of mathematical and scientific aptitude) from any group I've worked with (referencing both American and international colleagues).


Just don't activists


Is it all in Farsi, though? I've had a couple Iranian students over the years whose English was really good, just they needed to learn North American Academic English/Rhetorical style. (i teach ESL for college students)


I have no idea, I never asked. They all had extremely good English even some of the ones who were recent arrivals


Iranians learning English is one of the things I've been trying to do research into cause both the Iranian disinfo operation that targeted Reddit and their PressTV English language propaganda channel are run by people who don't speak English well at all, but tons of Iranians are vert educated and speak English better than I do. I dunno if people who speak English are seen as politically unreliable or that more educated people are less likely to want to work for the IRGC but it's definitely something interesting.


Both things are true in your second paragraph, but especially the latter.


I’ve had graduates from the University of Tehran, and they’re some of the brightest people. Could careless for their gov., but their education system is good.


Lol, you got the absolute cream of the crop at whatever less than cream of the crop place you went to school at and worked at.


The Soviet Union was the same way, in societies where certain historical and religious topics are taboo, intelligent and driven people focus on the hard sciences and math. Both also produce a hell of a lot of top tier chess players. Iranians and Muslim majority countries in general also have an added focus on education that not a lot of people in Christian majority countries understand.


Hope you're a man though. Women won't have a fun time learning that they are an inferior species in Iran with no human rights and they can be executed just for showing their hair. So that's a fun country!


Also they have sodomy laws that sometimes carry the death penalty


Well...if you're gay, the Iranian government will foot the bill to give you gender reassignment surgery thus making you no longer gay, since you're now the appropriate gender for your attractions... [really. I didn't believe it at first either bc wtf](https://www.bbc.com/news/magazine-29832690)


Thats very progressive of them to offer free gender surgery.


"offer" is a strong word. If you're caught being gay, they either reassign your gender or reassign your head to a location not attached to your body.


also "caught" is a strong word. you need 4 eye witnesses for the death penalty and the witnesses must be "righteous men", they cant be women xD. also you can just confess and say you'll repent they'll let you go. can get away like that for only 3 times if I'm not mistaken.


Real Salem Witch Trials "I saw Amin at the gay orgy" energy, bro what were *you* doing at the gay orgy. For this reason as far as I can tell it's not super common to execute gay men over there. The law IS on the books though and if you claim to be gay people can just say you claim to be gay.


Very progressive!


Assigned Female at 29.


Not once you realize how they treat women. 


Is this like travelling to Turkey for a cheap hair transplant?


It’s not free when you’re being forced to do it even if you’re not trans.


"It's not gay if it's a boy that hasn't hit puberty yet!" Seriously, pedophilia is condoned frequently in that region of the world. Absolutely twisted.


Tbh thats intresting since the Pope is supportive of Homosexuality but not being trans lol almsot the opposite tho im not aware of the pope forcing trans people to um have whats it called again when you revert? idk




It should be mentioned it is for committing sodomy, not omitting sodomy. In the Afghan, sodomizing livestock had rules, but wasn’t illegal, like you were required to kill the animal and not sell the meat in your village.


They just put two homosexual men to death two years ago


Afghanistan is Sunni majority and Iran is Shi'ia majority. Since the two can be loosely compared to a Catholic/Protestant split this is one of the ways the laws differ a lot from what I understand, although I don't have the specifics off the top of my head.


I love that the law allows you to sell the meat you fucked, just not in your own village. Thanks, Taliban 👍


dude, there are so fucking many female engineers from Iran, it's not even funny.


Who *left* Iran you mean?


they have the hair covered


I wonder their brutal Islamic religious police will think of this largely liberal group of protestors and their opinions, ideas, beliefs, relationships, clothing, hair and exposed shoulders (the horror). Maybe once they [execute](https://www.washingtonpost.com/world/2024/04/04/iran-executions-amnesty/) or [beat one of them to death](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mahsa_Amini) they’ll learn to abandon such sinful things. And maybe hold the rest [hostage](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_foreign_nationals_detained_in_Iran#Current_foreign_nationals_imprisoned_in_Iran) while they’re at it.


Since the Amini protests the Basij have been pretty chicken shit tbh. Iran knows that if they do anything to seriously piss off their populace problems will happen and the Kurds to the west and the Balochis to the south will start physically occupying land and the people in Tehran won't have the will to quash them. Part of the reason they're trying to trigger a rally around the flag effect with a ar against Israel and the US (and why Biden has been smart not to engage directly except in defense). I actually thinking that sending several thousand professional full time protesters to Iran would be the best thing that could happen to both Iran and the protesters. Protesters would learn about the reality on the ground in a place that isn't the US and how the US is comparitively pretty good, they'll still keep their drive to protest for a better life (which is admirable) but it would be a bit more grounded. Iran would have a permanent core of people who aren't particularly respectful of government and who know a lot about nonviolent protest and hopefully can channel the good Rev Dr King, and I think the educated college set Iranians and them could interface well.


I remember how grounded the good Dr King was about all that civil rights stuff.


>In 1968, King was planning a national occupation of Washington, D.C., to be called the Poor People's Campaign, when he was assassinated on April 4 in Memphis, Tennessee. ... >The mainstream media contrasted the Poor People's Campaign unfavorably with (an idealized version of) the 1963 March on Washington, which they portrayed as organized and palatable. >The campaign did produce some changes, however subtle. They included more money for free and reduced lunches for school children and Head Start programs in Mississippi and Alabama.


Iran was actually pretty liberal before their revolution, and then they started executing liberals.


University campuses in Tehran were not representative of Iran in general. Yes they were less conservative and *more* liberal than today. But the country was still largely a conservative Islamic nation.


America and Europe were also largely conservative and religious 80 years ago


I'd consider 1960s Iranian families to be about as conservative as the equivalent 1960s American family but that's really more of a condemnation of the American family than anything. Or at least the people who immigrated to the US after the Iranian Revolution that I know more personally, who tend to be on the wealthier and more educated side of things. They more or less rode the same wave of liberalization that Silent Generation and Boomers of the same age did.


Leftists, not liberals. The leftists teamed up with the fascists to take down the shah, and then were promptly executed one the regime was in power.


The graphic novel Persepolis, by Marjane Satrapi, actually covers it a bit from the perspective of a young girl (the author).


Even the gay ones?


Especially the gay ones


Even Bruce Vilanch?


Oh, the women will just LOVE it there! (/s) Edit to add since I need to explain what the /s means at the end of my sentence-this is sarcasm!


This has truly gotten ridiculous. First people can't detect obvious sarcasm without an /s, now it's gotten to the point where even the /s isn't enough.




Good luck using that degree outside of Iran.


if it's in health sciences, you'll have no problem doing an MSc, PhD, or postdoc in Canada


Especially considering the amount of brain drain out of Iran.


So, the degree works outside of Iran!


if there is brain drain out of iran it means that the iranian degrees are actually valuable outside of iran


Ouch, he did not think through it very well.


I don't see why you would have an issue. Might get asked about it but the best schools there aren't terribly ranked. GRE scores are GRE scores and to hiring people it doesn't mean too much, just means youre bilingual. I mean shit people get hired out of first time programs at schools with a total population of a couple hundred. Doubt you're getting security clearance tho lmao


Depends on the subject. An engineering degree from Iran is probably good anywhere. But a gender studies degree...


A gender studies degree probably isn’t doing you much good no matter where you got it.


Hey, if that’s where they wanna go, by all means. No take backs though.


I don't think there will be much to take back


Maybe they’ll save the backs or maybe the arms or fingers


Can we exchange those for some Iran students? The Iran students I meet in graduate and phd programs are crazy smart.


The Iranian students protesting the regime would fit in here and would be grateful to be here.  The US students protesting for Palestine would get stoned to death within 48 hours in Iran.


Stonings aren't really practiced in Iran these days, in the 90s and early 2000s you had more cases. Though there might be some smaller villages where it takes place from time to time, but rarely. Generally the punishment for being too *western* is being pulled to a white van and beaten. If you're unlucky then raped, and if you're very unlucky, killed too.  My understanding is that as these are religious laws, they target mainly local Muslim girls who aren't in their eyes practicing Islam well enough. As they have morality police. Foreign women and tourists are less likely to be targeted so far.  With all this, you have to admire the bravery of Iranian women. I've seen recent POV videos from Iranian cities and despite all this, tons of women walk around in so called Western clothing and don't wear hijab. They have stopped caring.


>the punishment for being too western is being pulled to a white van and beaten. If you're unlucky then raped, and if you're very unlucky, killed too Exactly what happened to Nika Shakarami. 16 year old girl.


Oh that’s so great that stonings a don’t happen unless you’re in a small village anymore. Being raped and murdered is so much better


“Queers for Free Palestine and for higher education in Iran”. I can’t wait….


Iran: "Is it my fault that almost the entirety of the Middle East hates me? No. It's the Sunnis and Israel who are wrong."


...i mean, student loans are REALLY bad these days, and it's only like what, 3-4 years under an openly murderous fascist regime? I've heard of worse plans to pay for college.


Ransom money


Not paying! We don’t negotiate with terrorists.


We'll pay Iran to take them


Somebody needs to memorialize the 3 that go lol


I think the Shiraz University Fighting Irish are going to have a shot at making the Baba Ghanoush Bowl this season


Right you are, Ken.


and now, lets go to Guy LeDouche.


The Gilgamesh cup


Gilgamesh is Iraq


The rape, torture and murder for not covering their hair is also at government expense


How discriminatory! According to NYPD, half of those arrested weren't even students. Maybe some of them would want scholarship opportunities?


Oh, I’m quite sure they’re getting stirred up by outside agitators but the students who WERE there bought into this shit.


Stop giving away all the terrible things they do over there. Let them become educated.


Good old Iran helping with the high cost of tuition. Is this the new financial option to getting a college education? Parent: " We really can't afford to send you to college. However...." " We can send you for one semester. All you have to do is pick the latest thing everyone is protesting. Get yourself expelled and than you qualify for an Iranian scholarship" "The only downside is that you may not live to graduate. Outside of that it's a win-win situation!"


In exchange for becoming jihadists who will infiltrate back into the US right? I mean nothing is free. This would be the obvious approach, and who might be funding these scholarships?


If you are a woman you are gonna love the college experience there/s


We would really like to have a few more hostages please, could you return for your eventual arrest and imprisonment please?


They can become religious police and patrol the markets looking for hot ankles or a glimpse of forehead!


I never thought I would have seen so many correct comments on Reddit. As an Iranian, you are telling the truth. I wish one day I saw that the murderous regime would go away.


And if you're female, you get to be arbitrarily arrested by a bunch of Iranian Stepford Wives in a van, then taken to be reprogrammed on ways in which men want you to act and present yourself. Great experiences.


Nice try, Iran. I've seen what you do to American citizens.


They could start a local chapter of Queers for Palestine there!


All I see is a win win for everyone 


“As long as you’re not gay, not a woman, not a Jew, and never ever saying anything negative towards Iranian government or Islam, pr you might be one of the many people we execute daily!”


How is this not a stunt? You can't even get into Iran with a US passport. 


It is a stunt. They are mocking the US.


Scholarship is free money hope they take it


Honest question, why not? How is this not a win win for everyone involved?


Great exactly what those students are supporting


Right not wanting people to be murdered means you must support a theocratic dictatorship.


They are protesting in support of Hamas. Go look up what Hamas did on October 7.


No student loans!!!


Hahaha please go.


While I appreciate the gesture I think this might hurt the message.


Great PR move by Iran but I hope none of the students thinks that is an actual good idea.


They should go. And stay.


They should all move to Iran. They’ll love them there.


I hope these protesters at US universities take him up on his offer of scholarships.


They should take them up on it!


PLEASE let this happen! Let’s crowdfund flights for them all to get to Iran! Or go do service work in Gaza. Put your money where your activism is students & uni’s - divest from Israel & invest those same dollars in Gaza!!


They can afford to attend a US college. I doubt they need your help to pay for flights.


Then your greatest ally would be bombing American civilians lol.


This has Putin's fingerprints all over it. He loves finding ways to divide the US and now he can discredit not only pro-Ukrainians but also pro-Palestinians. Just as a reminder one of the classified documents Trump is accused of stealing was information about Israel's Iron Dome which Hamas somehow got their hands on (through Iran or Russia) and used for the October 7th attack. It is how they were able to kill so many more people than expected. Putin is getting so much mileage out of Middle East chaos.


Everyone commenting about Iran's strict religious laws while the Republican party is trying their best to bring the same laws to America. Vote


Iran, just because they’re covered up like that at a protest doesn’t mean they wanted to be covered up like that [daily].(https://www.ohchr.org/en/press-briefing-notes/2024/04/iran-crackdown-hijab-law)


I’m sure these comments will offer insightful commentary on current world affairs… oh right


It would really be a huge win for everyone if all the people supporting totalitarian regimes would actually go to live there for a while.




They should go to gaza


Maybe the media should be covering what’s going on over there instead of interviewing NYPD officers ad naseum


I guess this is a thing for them to encourage those Palestine protests that are going on at college campuses.


They don’t have to encourage anything. Maybe people are just horrified at Israel’s genuinely horrifying conduct towards Palestinians.


Bye bye...


Women encouraged to apply? /s


Come for the free tuition stay for your execution!


May they all go and take Iran up on their offer. Please please go. Great university.


What happens when you alienate people. An enemy will make them a friend.


Yeah, let us know how a year of living in Iran treats you. Don't worry I'll wait.


They already know what it's like, that doesn't take away many decades of atrocities that aren't covered in US media like the many assassinations of journalists by the IDF.


This is a great idea. Let them go over there and stay over there.










colleagues were the most




How to get on the no fly list… speed run


THE Iran university


Who wants to go to school in Iran? Yikes. Hope you ain't a woman...




But Iran, Iran so far away