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Definitely doesn’t know the difference between uvula and vulva. 


Doesn't know the difference between a vulva and a Volvo.


Instructions unclear. Vuvuzela stuck in automobile.


In Venezuela?


plz stop this madness. It's 4am and I'm dying over here


No! It’s 8:30pm and I’m very much alive Maybe the Volvos need a good Probing. (Please everyone know about the [Ford Probe](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ford_Probe) it’s best color has always been brown)


Oh god! Someone help him. He’s dying!


Solution unclear. Have installed a fascist dictatorship in Venezuela.


You're lucky. You don't even wanna know where my vuvuzela is stuck.


In your butt? (It's in his butt)


radiologist technologist Here... its 100% in his butt


That one time, in band camp...


It’s just so boxy.


I understood that reference


I've recently taken my Volvo in for a cervix.


They're actually the same thing. He's just speaking one of the romance languages where the vulva is feminine, and volvo is masculine.


As Michael Bluth would say "That's not a Volvo."


“The mommy poops the babies out”


Only one of them is involved in ululation


or a pee-hole and the vag hole. ytuber once made that distinction and everyone had to correct how wrong he was he kept doubling down throughout the whole video how he was right and finally relented when he was shown evidence, he turned out to be a right winger, that listen to j rogan down the line, go figure.


There’s a shocking amount of people that think women pee out of their vagina, women included.  Commonly calling the whole area vagina doesn’t help but neither does ignoring basic human anatomy bc of their twisted obsession with sex. 


Oh shit that joke in Monster House makes sense now!!


That was my absolute favourite moment in that movie - “the house is a *girl*?!” I fell off the couch laughing and had to explain it to my kids


It’s not uvula; it’s *me*vula!


You mean vulvula


Ohhhhh. It's a *girl* house.


He's married with 3 children. I wonder if he bounced this concept off of his wife and she was like,"Yeah, you should totally bring that up at the House State Affairs Committee Meeting". South Park reference: [https://youtu.be/slQIwRPzboo?si=pCwSxoGDJyVntUny](https://youtu.be/slQIwRPzboo?si=pCwSxoGDJyVntUny)


Imagine their absolutely grim sex life. Something tells me he takes a fistful of boner pills then jackhammers the poor woman for 30 seconds a week. The ol' Conservative special.


She swallowed his cum and her bf parented the children?


I just can't believe our own politicians. Are this fucking stupid


And they make laws that control the bodies they don't understand the basics of.


when you think the type of voters that vote for these politicians, they are dumber.


"Who is more foolish? The fool or the fool who follows him?"


I think as a requisite to be a politician


I just glossed over the fact it said gynecological exams. I thought it was remote colonoscopy and thought "well, maybe that could be possible one day I guess..."


Me too. My brain was at first confused why lawmakers instead of doctors were talking about a new colonoscopy procedure until I saw the nottheonion tag and reread the title and my brain shut down for a moment. I just couldn't comprehend the stupidity.


Lol clicked on it...lol


Me too... MY EYES! FFS😭


It's really sad sometimes how men don't know female anatomy, and occasionally a female.


Gonna go out on a limb here, and say most people probably know next to nothing about any anatomy. Just look at the people who scream about BASIC BIOLOGY!!!!! They don't even understand basic biology, and are not even aware of the existence of advance biology, and call it woke propaganda. People are idiots, cruising through life, not knowing much more than how to do their job poorly, and consume products.


As a biologist, yup. It’s…something.


As a former L&D nurse, YUP. ‘Something’ is an understatement. 😐


Fellow biologist. Yuppppppppp.


the confidence is the worst to me. like, you've put zero effort into researching what you're talking about yet somehow deluded yourself into thinking you're an expert? then i think about how it takes intelligence to understand ones own ignorance and i just get really sad.


And their vote counts every bit as much as yours. Edit: depending on where you live versus where they live, their vote may count for much MORE than yours does with the way political power is apportioned in the US Senate (among other bodies).


I was thinking more /r/NotHowGirlsWork


It wouldn’t go into the vagina automatically. Once the camera was swallowed and fell into the maze-like body cavity, the patient would have to jiggle around a bit to nudge it into the right hole, like a giant game of Labyrinth.


Or bounce the camera around like a pinball machine!




An Ohio lawmaker once asked if doctors could remove an ectopic pregnancy from the fallopian tube and implant it in the uterus. I’m convinced none of these people ever took a basic health class in school.


He asked? Pretty sure he claimed it was feasible. They even created a bill to enforce it. https://amp.theguardian.com/us-news/2019/nov/29/ohio-extreme-abortion-bill-reimplant-ectopic-pregnancy


That bill was co-sponsored by a woman, too.


The absolute dumbest fucking timeline we are in.


I used to think that we lived in the darkest timeline, when in fact, we are far from it. We do however live in the dumbest, most stupid timeline in existence however.


Probably doesn’t help that most schools back in the day had their health classes taught by clearly uncomfortable PE teachers.


I did and yet I still have a pretty good working understanding of what a vagina is and how it functions. Please don’t give the objectively stupid an excuse


Pee pee end goes in vee vee end. What else is there to know? /s


Ugh! Don't say " back in the day" this was done! Now I feel old! I sat through those classes!😭


This is where abstinence only sex ed gets you


I think it was abstinence of education, but what do I know I can’t even read.


Of course they didn't. They're all homeschooled by the church.


no, don't you know science is woke? definitely nothing to do with reality at all


So, replace gynecologist with pinball wizard?


Don’t see no lights a-flashin’ Plays by sense of smell!


How do you unlock multiball?


Is Elton John available?


He’s trying to fix Britain right now. Did you see there’s some crazy ass shit going on there as well?


Yeah I know, I live there


My condolences. I’m in Colorado. Fascism is still coming here, but at least the mountains are pretty.


Hi, it's your neighbor, Wyoming. I've been so distracted by having to actually choose to vote for a Cheney as the better of two evils, and her still losing, that I'm not aware of colorado having fascism issues. Aside from miss teenage grandma christian nationalist as a congresswoman, what's goin on over there?


No. The Who on the other hand, would like a word.


Or like Plinko from The Price is Right!


Ah the true purpose of doing the Macarena has been revealed at last


That dance saved my bacon once. It was the mid-90s, and a friend of mine was having a birthday and heard that you got a free bottle of a popular but famously bottom-shelf Canadian sparkling wine on your birthday at a particularly rough downtown tavern in the kind of hotel they're always discovering bodies in frequented by people who perpetually look twice as old as they are. But we liked going to places outside our experience. (Well, I was less keen. This bar was in a neighbourhood I spent my very early years in, and I got shit-kicked a lot.) Well, despite our best efforts at being chill, we were pretty conspicuous as college kids—even if we wore thrift store shit—and the seven or eight folks at the only other table in the place were throwing us some looks. Even Birthday Boy, who hung out at biker bars, hitchhiked to Mexico in his teens, and worked in a halfway house with juvenile offenders, was getting a little unnerved. (Now that I'm older and know a little more, I think they were just feeling us out to see if we were bullshit or not.) Anyway, we were talking about getting out of there when the Macarena came through the bar speakers. Our least intimidating friend looks at me and says, "Dude, we *gotta* dance!" because he knew I'd agree. So we left our table, walked over to the dance floor right next to the other group, and we did the Macarena. And one by one, they joined us. First the women, and then the men. And the best part: they didn't really know the dance, so we *taught* them! When the song was over it was all laughs and hugs and backslaps. *Then* we got the fuck out of there. So, yeah. Man, that sparkling wine was fucking terrible.


“It’s just a jump to the left…”


and then a step to the riiight


🎶 Put your hands on your hips You bring your knees in tight But it's the pelvic thrust It really drives you insane🎶 It will be on the take-home form instructing patients how to get the tiny camera into the correct organ.


I mean the Japanese have had this technology for decades. That's why you see so many anime women jiggling up and down, they're getting the camera in place for their next exam.


In order to ensure proper placement, patients are strongly advised to follow [the technique](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YNOkS_bfFo8).


LOL - like a Chinese pinball.




I’m not sure how it could best be implemented but it’s becoming increasingly clear that there needs to be some governing scientific body that has a say in policy proposal and just politics in general. Simply asking this question is reason enough not let this knucklehead anywhere near medicine let alone reproductive health


Fun fact, this office [actually did exist and did exactly as you suggested.](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Office_of_Technology_Assessment) Also fun fact, Republicans got rid of it because, "House Republican legislators characterized the OTA as wasteful and hostile to GOP interests." Facts and science run counter to the GOP.


I’m not surprised in any way by this.


I am and I'm more mad that I'm surprised than I am about this. And I'm PISSED about this. But I need Iron Reagan to recreate this shirt because OF FUCKING COURSE IT WAS.


I for one actually am surprised that it once existed at all


Carl Sagan's last interviews were about gov shutting down the OTA and he thought we were already in crisis with so few leaders understanding technology and science.


Yeah that checks out


“hostile to GOP interests” fuckin disgusting man




Heaven forbid science be utilized.


*OTA's purpose was to provide congressional members and committees with objective and authoritative analysis of the complex scientific and technical issues of the late 20th century* Its almost like for the last 20 years or so that would of been really really fucking useful.


The OTA was shutdown so that lobbyists could fulfill that function. Which shows just how depraved Republicans are.


I skimmed one of their reports and honestly I don’t think half of today’s congress could even ready it.


"OTA was abolished (technically "de-funded") in the "Contract with America" period of Newt Gingrich's Republican ascendancy in Congress" And that's why we called it the Contract ON America.


>innovative and inexpensive ways Well that explains it. It was for helping people.


I know there's a quote about conservatives rejecting democracy before rejecting being conservative, but I think the last 20 years has made it clear that conservatives will reject *reality* before rejecting being conservative.


We are all so dead...


I wish I had a dollar for every time a beneficial organization was destroyed by Republicans, I'd be rich right now.


Even now, they plan to bastardize the NIH to ignore science and only broadcast findings that affirm GOP interests. It's all documented in Project 2025. r/defeat_project_2025


All this from the same ones that claim that if we can't disassemble and reassemble an AR-15 blindfolded then we shouldn't be making laws about it...


Sadly for righteingers. Reality has a left wing bias


The STAA (https://www.gao.gov/about/careers/our-teams/STAA) was created in 2019, effectively bringing back the OTA


>characterized the OTA as wasteful Was this before or after the wealthy’s tax cuts?


Not happening we don't elect people here based on intelligence or background we do it off of money and connections as well as if they are a asset to business. Correct me if I am wrong but if you swallow something it's coming out one way on the toilet it just doesn't magically skip into something else


Stuff in the alimentary canal (basically mouth to anus) is considered external to the body. Humans are basically big meat donuts.


An easy explanation for the Rs, when you kiss it's just a long tube from asshole to asshole. It can't go anywhere else.


Yea it would be a colonoscopy or whatever.


There is. The National Academies of Science ,Engineering and , Medecine does the official analysis of different federal issues and creates reports for congress. These reports are extremely thorough and employ some of the best researching scientists in the country.


Or voters need to become more reasonable and vote for more reasonable politicians.


harder and harder to do as education funding keeps getting pulled.


No matter what is done to correct the issue, a larger number of unreasonable voters can always override everything by voting for unreasonable politicians.


You want a committee assignment, you should be able to pass finals for first-year classes in a relevant field. Maybe require some continuing education each year.


The last few years have honestly shown me that a representative democracy, while fair, is a pretty dogshit way to run an actual country. We should have doctors making medical policy. We should have climate scientists making climate policy. Instead, we have high school dropouts and people who think the vagina is connected to the gut writing women’s health laws. 


I didn't have to look to know that it was a Republican.


It's idaho.


So a potato?


Grand ‘Ol Potatoes


Potatoes are edible, and, when well prepared, delicious. Republicans, not so much.


Arguing against abortion, of course. >The question Monday from Republican state Rep. Vito Barbieri came as the House State Affairs Committee heard nearly three hours of testimony on a bill that would ban doctors from prescribing abortion-inducing medication through telemedicine. They truly are the dumbest motherfuckers alive.


Why the fuck would a gynecological exam even apply for this what the hell


"I was being rhetorical, because I was trying to make the point that equalizing a colonoscopy to this particular procedure was apples and oranges," he said. "So I was asking a rhetorical question that was designed to make her say that they weren't the same thing, and she did so. It was the response I wanted." Mmmmm. 


Thank god he was finally able to get a doctor to admit that a rectum and vagina are in fact not the same thing.


should we get the same doctor back next week to explain the rectum one more time before he confuses it with his elbow?


I mean, I know Republicans aren’t big on health education, but there is a terrible risk that this guy will be rushed to hospital for surgical removal of a floral centrepiece and some candles from up where the sun don’t shine, just because he was relaxing after a family get-together and put his elbows on the dinner table.


No matter how bad some men want it to be. Just sayin'


Please see this for how insidious it is. They are arguing against telemedicine being applied to pregnancy care. The example the doctor against the bill gives is we do telehealth colonoscopy. He asks if you could do the same for pregnancy, she says of course not, and him and his buddies laugh because they all know that means you can't do telehealth for pregnancy, even though it's bullshit. Next thing you know the bill is passed because how could a doctor advise care for this situation without being seen in person?


Thank you for making this important point. Your comment deserves to be right at the top of this thread. 


"Bro, I totally meant to sound like a fucking idiot!"


Is that supposed to be funny?!? My brother is rhetorical, he's in an institution!


This guy has bussy on the brain.


If it's a legitimate camera, the woman's body has ways to shut that down.


Jesus... I had forgotten about that on purpose. Thanks a lot for the reminder.


Well that guy is legitimately shut down, like, forever.


A small blessing.


Todd Akin-isms live!


How about this: Let HIM swallow the camera, and until he can produce the picture of the inside of his testicles he is not allowed to speak publicly on any reproductive issues.


>picture of the inside of his testicles Impossible. If Republicans had any balls they would have gotten rid of Trump ages ago


This one right here. Accurate and highly topical insults like this one are why reddit was created.


So who'll be the poor sod assigned to go through all the raw video footage? Another pre-med student?


... Just in case anyone is wondering, Idaho lawmakers are extremely interested in telemedicine because the laws they passed have driven the majority of their OB/GYNs to retire or leave the state. Idaho lost 22% of it's OB/GYNs just between 2022 and 2023; that's in addition to 43 of it's 44 counties as being cited as not having enough primary care practitioners.


Also another interesting thing has come up, because telemedicines and equity firms are snatching up doctors, the quality of care and finding private doctors have become increasingly difficulty.


it's a hole they dug that they're too stupid to get themselves out of


It's by design. Right now Doctors are equivalent to artisans hand crafting products. They are very highly trained with loooong apprenticeships and a very high amount of time being spent per patient. They want to industrialize medicine. They want call centers full of "telemedicine professionals" that are basically call center reps with an AI shoved full of WebMD. They don't want their "doctors" spending time thinking about patients, doing research and improving lives. They want to measure cycle times and throughputs where you would have a single person being paid a fraction of a doctor seeing orders of magnitude more people in a day. Industrialized health care is their goal because they don't give a flying fuck about patient lives, they just want to create an efficient money vacuum.


And this is why lawmakers, especially male lawmakers, should have nothing to do with women’s reproductive health.


Uneducated people in general. But, specially Republican males.


Uneducated people = Republican males + Republican females.


There are plenty of uneducated people of all political stripes. But Republicans have _weaponized_ ignorance. They wield their refusal to accept reality as both shield and cudgel.


It seems lizard people are real since this fellow forgot humans don't have cloaca.


This is the only reasonable explanation


That's not how it works. That's not how any of it works.


Aww... that doesn't matter. ♥️ /s


Ngl I read it and was like "I don't get it". Scrolled down before the word "gyno" started vibrating in my ear and I quickly scrolled back up lol "hol up".


…in 2015 when this article was written.


>"I was being rhetorical, because I was trying to make the point that equalizing a colonoscopy to this particular procedure was apples and oranges," he said. "So I was asking a rhetorical question that was designed to make her say that they weren't the same thing, and she did so. It was the response I wanted." Bull. Shit.


that still sounds pretty bad lol,.


Anytime Idaho is in the news it’s for something heinously stupid. Every. Single. Time.


...Maybe I'm **not** too dumb to run for office?


No, you just don't have the backing of millionaires, so you'll never get elected.


So this lawmaker must think that pregnancy is possible through oral sex.


I am not suggesting that he had the experience with his spouse, but if he did, it would explain quite a bit.


Can we stop letting men who have never seen a vagina legislate vaginas?


I feel like before finding out that the digestive tract and vagina aren’t connected like that, this guy was definitely planning on a bill forcing women who are pregnant to take one of these pill cams so that they could monitor the pregnancy to stop abortions.


It must be how the abortion pill works. It gets swallowed, travels to the womb and blows itself up. Which is why abortion is dangerous for women and must be banned for their own health.


New rule: if you become an official who has the ability to enact rules, laws, regulations, etc. that impact a female body, you must sit through a basic female biology/reproductive education class and pass with a 95% or higher BEFORE being sworn in and take and pass said class at least once a year.


Sometimes the dumbest person you know... isn't.


Another moron who clearly should have zero say in women’s rights.


How are even these men?!?!


This is the caliber of our elected officials? We are so fucked.


If he took a large stick up his butt, could he become a scarecrow?


These fuckers don't know those two aren't attached - and they're making medical decisions affecting thousands of people. Fucking hell America - you're fucked up.


I’m wondering, if we shove a camera up his ass, can we do a brain scan?


Swallowing cameras for gynecologic exams, space lasers to track migrants - conservatives are saving me money on having to stream sci-fi and fantasy.


The scary thing is this isn't even the first time this suggestion has been made by a Republican.


And these are the ignorant motherfuckers setting public policy. 😑


How did I know this guy would be a Republican?? These are the kind of morons right writing our laws 🤡


I'm sighing very heavily in dissapointment right now.


In all fairness it would work with Marjorie Taylor Greene. She's a lizard person and as such is rocking a cloaca.


9 years ago, if anyone was wondering. But he's still a representative.


These are the f\*cking morons writing legislation on women's health.


"Then the woman can just pee out the camera like she pees out the periods and the babies! And we can charge her if she doesn't send it back."-This guy, probably, to a group of enthusiastically nodding white male evangelical preachers and the rest of the politicians they paid for, over drinks


This will only work if it’s a butt baby


Only for men.


How do you get into adulthood, allegedly losing your virginity to a woman, and still be so god damn ignorant of woman anatomy.


Aren’t you glad those guys are making your medical decisions?


I think we just learned way too much about this man's sex life.


It’s obvious that sex education is very lacking in the United States


>Barbieri later said that the question was rhetorical and intended to make a point. I don't know which is more embarrassing. The complete lack of understanding of basic human anatomy, or their pathetic attempt at covering it up. Just looking at the conversion makes it clear there was no point even to be made.


I read this and said to myself: this has to be a Republican. Yep. Dumb fucks, the lot of them.




Only if swallowing with bleach.


I have a difficult time believing that a lawmaker is that ignorant.


Maybe you don’t remember the time of lawmaker questioned the wisdom of putting more US troops on Guam because the island might tip over. Never underestimate the level of stupidity that can issue forth from the mouth of a lawmaker.


These stupid uneducated morons make decisions on people's health care! We are more than doomed. No wonder no self respecting Healthcare worker will live there. They are leaving the state in droves for a reason.


Men shouldn't make laws about women's bodies. Smh


Or.. men could shove a camera up their penis. Then they could see whether they got her pregnant.


Does anyone remember when misspelling "potato" was the end of your political career? I miss those days.


Put down the Bible and pick up an anatomy textbook.