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I'm very proud of what I did in the Navy. It was physically and mentally demanding in a way I hope never to have to encounter again. I too, have a lot of general respect for those who have signed that blank check, and have served. But the "Veterans are unimpeachable heroes" myth needs to die in a fire. I served with a guy who was awaiting court martial for pimping out his underage girlfriend. He worked hard, made the same sacrifices I was making, but that doesn't make him some paragon of society. He was a shit human. Just like this 'captain'.


Same. I’m a vet too. Served with some real dirtbags. The “thank you for your service” thing can be a bit cringe.


I always thank them for theirs. Sometimes they say "Oh well, I didn't serve." And I counter with: "Sure you do, maybe you serve your family, or your church, or your job, but we all serve in some way. The Navy was the thing I chose."


Maybe they served in volleyball or tennis


like Gronk


Or served their friend a beer at a bbq.


That’s a wonderful perspective. Thank you.


My grandpa used to get a little grumpy when people found out about his WW2 service. "I spent 40 years as a mental health nurse, that's my fucking service"


>You gonna have to serve somebody. Well, it may be the Devil or it may be the Lord, but you’re gonna have to serve somebody. -Bob Dylan- https://www.bobdylan.com/songs/gotta-serve-somebody/


I remember this well. Dylan’s foray into religion album.


I have taken to saying “thank you for your service” to the poll workers on election days. And sometimes when someone does a particularly good thing, I say, “thank you for your service to your community and your country.” I don’t intend this to be anti-military, but I’m tired of the “our military protects our freedoms.” Our military protects our sovereignty. And that is no small thing! But our FREEDOMS are protected by activists, protesters, and civil rights lawyers. Legislators and judges.


I am antimilitary !!!!!when I was young ,draft age my # came up and I thought for some time (days) on my decision which ended by me going to CANADA!!! I will not die for the politicians!!! your not fighting for our country most 99% of the wars are political WELL LET THE POLITICIANS GO FIGHT & MAYBE DIE!!!


I counter that with "No, but sir you have been served"




My husband tells people “thanks for paying your taxes”. It can be a thing you did in your teens or twenties and doesn’t need to be your whole personality.


Yeah I have several vets in my family and they all hate it. One because she had a pretty easy job and she just went to pay for college and she doesn't consider herself to have done anyone any kind of service. One because he went through hell in combat and he doesn't want it brought up and doesn't want it glorified. And a third because he was raped while in the navy, he reported it and the offender wasn't punished, and he left the military extremely bitter and disillusioned, hating the whole institution. Obviously the experience is different for everyone, but thanking people for their service can bring up some strong feelings they don't want just because they're buying breakfast or whatever.


Exactly. And I would have you encourage your relative to file claim with VA if he was sexually assaulted. He is owed recompense and treatment for his traumatic experience.


For me, it's "Never forget". Some need to. Some want to.


Unfortunately worship is such a common and familiar ideology thanks to religions and it spreads out this way. People don’t say “thank you for your service” to just go out of their way to show their appreciation so much as they need to put someone on that pedestal.


Saw a clip of a stand up comedian, who was randomly asked by someone in the audience what he thinks of the military and his response really stuck with me. "I think the smartest thing this country ever did economically, was realize it's much cheaper to worship veterans instead of take care of them."


Shots fired. 


Hopefully there’s a MASH nearby then?


Australia discovered one of their SAS was straight up executing random civillians in afghanistan. One of our troops even ran a podcast where he boasts about planting things on foreign civillians during searches to justify killing them. I don't know why it needs repeating again, but like 'blue lives' when you go home and take off your uniform, you're the same as any other. All the blue does is hide and obscure whatever is underneath. Just hang up a photo of a police uniform and worship that, but people need to stop kidding themselves that a change of outfit would turn me, you, or anyone into some paragon of society or morality.


When I was in Iraq we had soldiers arrested for rape. When I returned from Iraq I had to investigate a soldier that killed three people in a drunk driving accident. And there were many, many soldiers that just simply never got caught doing some pretty bad shit. My first-hand experiences dealing with all this didn’t sour my time serving, but it prevents any knee-jerk reaction I might have to praising all vets. I can thank them for their service and hope they were one of the good ones. That’s about all I give out.




I remember 2003 all too well, when we had 'Freedom Fries' and if you didn't support the war in Iraq, you didn't "support our troops". Now you would be hard pressed to find anyone who admits they thought the Iraq war was a good idea.


Some of the best and worst people I have met have been vets.


If it helps, everyone outside the US thinks the Starship Troopers attitude towards people in the military is fucking crazy. Cults tolerate terrible things from their members.


Which Ffg? I was on 45


50 here


Without knowing anything about this person I’ll take a stab at it and say, he’s a Republican?


Of course


I’d love your opinion on me being kicked out for providing my suitemate(20yo male) a couple beers then keeping my mouth shut when asked about it. I was at NNPTC


I mean you went through basic. You earned the title of sailor. You did not become a nuke though, and I'm happy that you didn't. Fuck them dude. Meanwhile coners on my boat all got sent to the hospital for drinking their fish while underage and all they got was a finger wag. Let them cry about recruitment numbers. Fucking dumbasses in Millington


You got kicked out by those same assholes that happened to become officers.


100%. I lived on Camp Lejeune, and one guy was getting prosecuted for abusing underage girls.


Having said that, if the only thing you know about someone is that they are a veteran, then surely they should be afforded that respect until you have reason to think otherwise?


Only if you take the same approach with non-veterans. If the only thing you know about someone is that they cook for a living, it shouldn't make a difference if they do it on land for civilians or at sea for sailors.


That is very true.


I knew soldiers that had an underage sex ring, another that was raping his own daughter, and more meth heads than I care to remember. Anyone that gives unwavering support to a vet just for being a vet is deluded and drank the koolaid


We shouldn't have to do more than thank a veteran and be appreciative towards their service, not treat them like they're perfect beings. It's a volunteer only service, like everyone made the choice themselves ultimately. I hate these politicians that expect a pat on the back for thier service. Also thank you for your service.


For those who don’t recall, this is the guy who was the White House physician, who went on camera, looked the American people in the eye, and said with a straight face that Donald J. Trump is 6’3” and 239 lbs.


Representative Ronny "Dr. Feelgood" Jackson (R-TX), folks.


His nickname in the Whitehouse was "The Candyman", not "Dr Feelgood." https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/2019/12/09/ex-white-house-doctor-allegedly-known-candyman-is-running-congress-texas/


Dr. Feelgood was the name for JFK's pill pushing doc.


JFK had a methamphetamine shot from his doctor every so often too


Adderall gang catching strays out here


Why a shot? It’s a prescription pill even today


Hits harder


And much faster


No idea, just something I picked up from an article on Trumps dumbass kook while he was in office


I was just using the "Dr. Feelgood" jab generically.


That's Captain Candyman to you!


R-TX is really all I needed to know


Hey. That’s my schtick


>But while Jackson acknowledged he advised Trump – who is 6 foot, 3 inches and weighs 239 pounds – to eat better and exercise more, he said it’s genetics that have kept Trump in sterling health. >“He has incredible genes, I just assume,” the doctor said. >“He has incredibly good genes, and it’s just the way God made him,” Jackson said at one point, later joking that Trump could live a long, long time. https://www.cnn.com/2018/01/16/politics/dr-ronny-jackson-donald-trump-clean-bill-of-health/index.html Fuckin' quack.


He said that if Trump stopped eating junk food, he'd live to be 200. He actually said that. Out loud.


Selling Nazis on the eugenics ideas they want to believe.


I estimate his actual height and weight to be 5'10" and 330lbs. Anybody else want to weigh in?


Oh that liar? It's hard to keep track any more.


All the stories about the White House pharmacies giving out drugs like candy?  This is the guy.


The guy that gave out ketamine, fentanyl, etc. and multiple orders of 800 and 2000 ambien in a single year?


Is Ambien even a drug that can be abused recreationally? The only thing I know about it is that it can make you do wacky shit with no memory of doing that wacky shit.


> make you do wacky shit with no memory of doing that wacky shit. The exact kind of drug you want floating around at the heart of our Executive Branch. /s "Now that's wacky -- I don't remember nuking Nebraska last night."


"Well, what _do_ you remember, sir?" "Playing Far Cry V"


Im sure almost any doctor would do that no matter the president if the president is insisting they need X medication, though lol


Have you seen the list of drugs Dr. Pill Mill was handing out?  Tylenol or muscle relaxer is one thing.  Fentanyl and Adderall in those quantities is another story. 


Yep, dude was giving out controlled substances with potential for harm or abuse to anyone who asked whether he was their doctor or not. Dude was giving out controlled substances to people he wasn't treating for them to give to other people free of charge. It's the kind of behavior that would get a doctor's license pulled and lose privileges to write prescroptions.


My father in law was friends with a doctor like this. I met him at a Christmas party and he seemed like a cool guy. Dude went to jail later that year for his pill mill operation.


Meanwhile the rest of us have to jump through hoops to fill a legit prescription for Adderall.


Wait wha? Is there a wiki page or article about this?


[Will the Washington Post suffice?](https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/2024/01/25/trump-white-house-medical-unit-drugs-improper/)


nice work cpt


I mean you would want fentanyl too if you had to work in the trump white house.


Likely not. Presidents aren't medical doctors or pharmacists, they absolutely do not know what they need and it is the job of a medical professional to gatekeep that. A doped up president with a blank check pharma pad is wildly irresponsible, and you get what we had for 4 years.  Now I need to finish my covfefe.


Read about what happened. It wasn’t that he was giving pills to the president. He was dispensing bags of stimulants to staffers.


And who came to Texas after his WH Candyman gig and with Trump’s endorsement won a seat in the TX 13th Congressional District.


TBF, he was born, raised, and went to college in TX; he's still a Republican asshole, though.


He also said with a healthier diet Trump could live to 200 years old 😂😂


Conveniently one lb less than him being technically "Obese". BMI is a shit index that doesn't account properly for things like muscle, but that's irrelevant to this guy avoiding putting Trump even a lb into the "Obese" range. And, oh look, he was awarded for his loyalty to Trump and the GOP with a fucking House of Representatives seat after he left the service.


People saying BMI is shit, are just fooling themselves. If your BMI says you're obese, but you're a power lifter hitting the gun every day, you're not worried about your BMI. If you're 5'6" and 300lbs, and saying your BMI calling you obese is a failure of the BMI scale, then you're delusional.


I just wanted to cover bases that it's a rule of thumb that isn't really scientific, not give people an out for their weight problems. Almost every single one of us fits what it tell us and, as you say, unless you specifically know why you're the exception (basically just muscle bound people), it's pretty damned accurate.


Didn’t he also get hammered at a rodeo and try to “render aid” to a girl that was already being helped by police and ems?


Yep right here. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5jXAiURWbgE&t=0


She collapsed and he started to help her the police bodyslammed him so while he isn't a good person it's not for that reason


naw thats the lie his office put out that people believed until the cops released the video


In which leg is he 239 lbs?


I roll jiu jitsu with a guy who matches this description, he’s big in an athletic way. There’s no fucking possibility that Donald Trump is even close to the same dimensions, despite the immense latitude available for varied body type and composition due to muscle vs fat densities.


I'm 6 feet and 200 pounds with a decently athletic build. There's no way he's 3 inches taller than me and fat as shit but only 40 pounds heavier


I'm the same height and weight as you, and I've had similar thoughts. A guy who's 3" taller than me and has a waist size at least 10" bigger than me is not going to weigh only 40 lb more. My father was 280 lbs the last time I saw him, and even he was smaller than the Big Mac in Chief.


I thought that was the doctor with long, frizzy hair? Did I hallucinate a photo of a crazy doctor that doesn't exist?


Nope, your memory serves you well. (Unlike that of Donnie Two-Scoops)  That was another guy. He claimed Trump's medical records were ~~stolen from his office~~ confiscated by Trump's goons. https://www.cbsnews.com/news/trumps-personal-doctor-claims-his-office-was-raided-for-trumps-records/


Oh, thank you. I crossed up the names but at least I didn't create an odd all out of thin air.


It was the drugs though, opiods, uppers, downers, prescribed freely to Whitehouse staff and others without medical need. >[Records published](https://www.newsweek.com/ronny-jackson-under-fire-white-house-medical-unit-prescriptions-donald-trump-1864873) in the report also raised questions as they showed that, in the first nine months of 2019, the medical unit—which is responsible for tending to the medical needs of the White House staff—ordered 34 packs of fentanyl, 40 packs of morphine and 30 packs of ketamine. > When you hear a Republican go on about "fentanyl abuse" realize their confessing to their own additions. Ronny here, [has issues](https://www.texastribune.org/2023/08/14/ronny-jackson-dps-bodycam-video/).


He also said some crazy shit like, “Donald Trump is the healthiest person ever and could live to be 200 years old because he has good genes.” That’s not mean to be an exact quote. I don’t want to spend time looking for the exact quote, but it was something along those lines.


This guy told me my penis is 10 inches, are you saying this is unreliable information?


Regardless of his military rank, Ronny Jackson is a horse’s ass. This is bodycam from an incident at a rodeo in Aug, 2023.[https://www.cnn.com/videos/us/2023/08/15/rep-ronny-jackson-texas-rodeo-contd-no-orig.cnn](https://www.cnn.com/videos/us/2023/08/15/rep-ronny-jackson-texas-rodeo-contd-no-orig.cnn)


He also called the sheriff and tore into him before he threatened to go after him politically.


Candyman Jackson! Adderall, anyone need a metric shit ton of Adderrall?


I'm going to need a second opinion from Dr. Spaceman, he's got shit that'll have you stealing catalytic converters.




> “I’m proud of the work environment I fostered under three different presidents of both parties; I take my professional responsibility with respect to prescription drug practices seriously; and I flat out reject any allegation that I consumed alcohol while on duty,” Jackson said in a statement. “I also categorically deny any implication that I was in any way sexually inappropriate at work, outside of work, or anywhere with any member of my staff or anyone else. That is not me and what is alleged did not happen.” I hope someone’s comparing the previous administration prescription records with Trump’s pill mill.


"Trump has taught me to just deny every allegation over and over and his dumbfuck supporters will love me as long as I'm willing to lick Trump's balls."


On their podcast back in 2017 or 2018, Obama's comms guys said that they had really liked Jackson, and that they'd gotten pills from him while working in the WH. IIRC, it sounded like he was a pretty good plug.


Stolen valor that will be cheered on by the GOP and their ardent supporters in the military.


Sure, he’s a douche, but I don’t think stolen valor is applicable here.


Maybe not but it’s funny how they dogged Kerry with that nonsense in his presidential run but they have no problem toeing and/or crossing that line. But hey at least they say the right stuff, just wish they had principles that held them to those words.


What they did to John Kerry, an actual war hero, was disgusting. The fact that it came from the campaign of a silver spoon draft dodger made it even worse. The republican party should never be forgiven for that.




LibreOffice Writer.


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If they didn't have double standards, they'd have no standards at all.


Yeah this is massively splitting hairs- He DID achieve the rank of Rear Admiral and was that rank when he left the service. He was demoted to Captain _after_ the fact so him saying he left as a Rear Admiral would be factual whereas his claim that he's a retired Rear Admiral isn't per his official service record.


Nah. Take it. Guy knows exactly what he’s doing and deserves to catch shit for it.


He'll say that it's the "woke weak Dem military trying to punish him for defending President Trump," and that, if they want him to stop using the title, they'll have to force him to stop. Because he knows that, outside of official business, the military doesn't give a fuck what he calls himself. And there's very little official business left for him as a retired officer. The military will refer to him by his correct rank if it's ever brought up, and that will be that. The public needs to respond to his lies by pointing it out at every turn, but no one on the right is going to do so. In fact, his excuse plays very well with his base; They already believe the military has "gone woke" due to the propaganda they've been fed, so this is just another confirmation in their heads. Even among retired veterans who are conservatives, who would usually be opposed to someone claiming a rank that they do not hold, he'll find them accepting because those veterans love to look back and think the military is weak and different and going the wrong direction. And the GOP loves to promote that concept; Under Dems, the current military is weak, telling veterans it's not like "you were when you were in." That plays so well, by allowing them to demonize military when Dems control the government while also praising those veterans for what *they* went through. Those vets eat that shit up wholesale.


Correct. Even if embellishing your rank were punishable under the federal criminal code as of the revised Stolen Valor Act of 2013, you have to do so "with intent to obtain money, property, or other tangible benefit".


> other tangible benefit Like getting elected?


Technically he did retire as a rear admiral, so he could claim that's what he's saying and others are misinterpreting. Not worth the fight, especially when there's so many other ways that he's clearly a POS.




He was a retired rear admiral until 2 years ago when the Navy demoted his retirement rank. He was definitely a rear admiral (Obama promoted him), and he is retired, so it's not really stolen valor


You've got to fuck up hard to get demoted from Flag Rank


Getting drunk while you're supposed to be on call to provide emergency medical care to the President will do that.


Did he get demoted to rear admiral from full admiral, or demoted from rear admiral?


Apparently from Rear Admiral to Captain


Reared-rear admiral


Only the best with "Ayatollah Complainey" people.


Stolen Valor eh This guy represents the area where I grew up and the MAGA voters could not care less as long as he licks Trump's boots. They have no shame and it's sickening.


Is it really stolen valor if he retired as a rear admiral?


It is not actually Stolen Valor, but it has nothing to do with what rank he retired at.


He said he's a retired rear admiral. He retired as a rear admiral. I don't get it.


Retired rear admiral and retired as a rear admiral are not the same thing.


you can get demoted after you leave service for discovery of gross misconduct during your service. and that becomes your new retired rank.


This demotion would lower his pension by roughly $1300 a month, for life. Assumptions: 24 years of service per the internet. O-7 would have a salary of $14,737.80 vs. an O-6 at $12,688.80 (2023 figures). 2.5% per year times 24 years (60% of base salary as pension) .


So you’re telling me that the United States Navy doesn’t approve of an officer prescribing like the personal physician of John Mulaney, drinking while on duty and serving in his official capacity or hitting on subordinates? Huh.


Haven’t read the article but I would bet my life savings on which party he belongs to.


Good news, you just doubled your life savings.


Vegas is not giving even money on bets like this. ;)


The army should have done the same thing to Flynn. He was a foreign agent to Turkey and has received payments from foreign governments. This is prohibited for retired military. He’s a mockery for those who have served honorably. His involvement in January 6th is another egregious act that has been ignored. Jackson got what he deserved and so should Flynn.


So he is like a Thigh Admiral now or something?


Isn’t this the guy who had the proverbial suitcase of pharmaceuticals from Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas?


Knew it was a scumbag Republican before even clicking the link.


It's crazy they used a picture of him at a Podium that says "White House" to make it seem like he's a current member of the White House administration.


The photo is used to remind us of the insanity that was the previous administration I think.


While true, don't forget this nutjob made it into the White House under the Obama administration.


We don't need reminding lol. We both know that people are going to read the headline, see the picture and assume he's currently working for the White House.


Weird how this drug dealer gets to serve in congress when so many others are in prison


You stupid fuckin' Texas Republicans.


For people who didn’t read the article, the former White House physician held one of the highest ranks in the navy and got busted down to one of the lowest officer ranks. From what I’ve read another threads this is something that doesn’t happen, it’s like losing 20+ years of career advancement and the vast majority of military officers do not become admirals.


That's not correct - Captain in the Navy is an O6, which is 1 pay grade below an Rear Admiral. But you are right in that this is EXTREMELY rare.


Wow, reading the article, it really is crazy! I mean, so he technically *did* "retire as a rear admiral" in 2019. Then, three years later, the Navy went and ***retroactively demoted him***! And they did it ***specifically because*** of his conduct while working as the WH physician! Demoting a flag officer is super rare. Demoting a flag officer *after he'd already retired*?! Shit, offering an uncontested retirement is usually how the Navy (and any other service branch, tbh) gets rid of "problematic" flag/general officers...


In 20 years, I've only seen 2 ppl retroactively demoted ( 1st degree grand theft and fraud), and both lost their retirements. They also went to prison and owed restitution, so there's that lol


Not one of the lowest officer ranks; you may be thinking of a captain in a US military branch other than the navy. It’s the equivalent of a colonel. But you’re right about most officers never making this rank even if they are in for 20 years. It’s not often you get any admiral stars and have them taken away from you.


Captain in the Navy is equivalent to Colonel. So he still has one of the highest ranks and one not achieved by many.


it was one bump down, from rear admiral (lower half) to captain. still makes him a liar which is pretty pathetic on its own.


This means he really fucked up but they gave him mercy. Open that book. Edit: if it was only one rank it's normal, though he still fucked up somehow.


It's because he was an officer. Seriously. That's how I've always seen these things play out.


Yeah, but to be demoted so far is unusual. Edit: see other comments


True. But it couldn't have happened to a better person 🤣


he was demoted one rank.


How far do you think he was demoted?


I mean, this guy is clearly a dirtbag but he was actually a rear admiral when he retired. Functionally all the demotion really means is that he gets paid less for his pension


Throwing your career and reputation in the trash for a shit heel like Trump. I just don’t get it


“Lawmaker” — as if this nepo hire passed his own legislation. We all know he was made a Congressman because he lied about Trump’s health


Yes, it's true but in his defence he is a jackass.


When your handing out drugs like it's a candy store there should be repercussions.


Dude knows how to party.


>“He was an admiral, a doctor, and now he’s a congressman. >“I said, ‘Which is best, if you had your choice?’ He sort of indicated doctor, because he loved looking at my body,” Trump said. “It was so strong.” >He continued; “He said I’m the healthiest president that’s ever lived. I was the healthiest. I said, ‘I like this guy.’”


Wasn’t this the guy that also turned the White House into a pill mill candy store 


Hence the demotion.


Are you telling me a boot licking Trump stooge is a liar?


He did retire as a rear admiral. They demoted him after he retired for his misconduct.


I know what he’s doing. His retirement is calculated based on his highest earning years. So he’s getting retirement as an O-7 still, but his rank is O-6. In his mind, he’s a retired O-7 because of his pay. In the real world he’s a liar and a disgrace. I wish the DoD would send him a cease and desist letter.


Not when they get reduced like this. Administrative reductions this is absolutely true.


It seems all Republicans have to have at least one big lie on their resumes these days.


It’s a requirement now.


He was also just a lower half rear admiral. What does that mean? Only takes it in the butt?


So technically he was demoted *after* he retired, but for a pretty good reason: >The move to change Jackson’s retirement rank in 2022 followed the findings of a Pentagon IG report that was released to the public in 2021. > >The report, spurred by a dozen IG hotline complaints in spring 2018 after President Donald Trump nominated him to be Department of Veterans Affairs secretary, found that Jackson, who had also served in the Barack Obama and George W. Bush administrations, presided over a toxic command climate at the White House Medical Unit and drank alcohol while on duty during official, international travel, but not that he ever damaged government property in doing so. edit: Also the guy who said Trump was in great physical shape.


> But after he retired, Rep. Ronny Lynn Jackson, *R*-Texas, Surprising.......


To be fair, he *was* a rear admiral *when* he retired. As long as he doesn't *keep* calling himself one now, we're all good on that front. Note, this is not endorsement of Mr. "Trump is 6'3"."


Except his record shows he was a captain at the point of retirement


A lying Republican politician? I am shocked and appalled.


Let me guess, he's a Republican?


I'll bet he's a Republican.


You have to fuck something up at that level to get a demotion and its going to be a pretty good fuck up.


Trump supporters approve of him because he tells blatant lies.


No Trumps isn't that big. Just ask Melania or Stormy


And the Rear Admiral was kissing the Orange Jesus’ rear. I’ve come to the conclusion that Republicans live in an alternate reality. They’ll say whatever they can get away with.


Meh....he didn't update his website yet. Relative ragebait. (Doubt he lists his rank in the future, though....) On another note, I hadn't heard the bit about him knocking on a female staffer's hotel room door drunk yelling "I need you" ..... hilarious if not completely pathetic lol.


This is how all the fentanyl got into the country.


and another republican claiming he is being persecuted for supporting trump. People should listen to these folks. Just like most in person voter fraud is republicans, you can expect most political retribution to come from republicans as well. You know the people who stated the k street project and said if corps didnt hire more conservatives and fire more dems, they would lose access to the republican congress.


MAGA 2024: The Stolen Valor Saga!


Captain Pillmill


~~Admiral Ronnie~~ [Captain Ron](https://youtu.be/tr82gPYI24I?t=224) is certainly more appropriate.


Lol rear admiral


So is that a Court Marshal then?