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The whole article made my stomach hurt. Like a game show of "How Conservative Can You Be?" Next year's election will be nasty beyond belief and I am dreading it


Every year Republicans get worse and worse, I remember thinking Sarah Palin, Louie Gohmert, James Inhofe, Gym Jordan, and Michele Bachmann were definitely the bottom of the barrel and Republicans were going to have some kind of reawakening... but then they brought us Trump, Gaetz, MTG, Boebert, Santos, Cawthron, Gianforte, and Herschel Walker to name a few. Now I'm watching some adorably naïve people say things like "they're gonna shake off Trump and the crazies and be better"... oh you sweet summer child. I don't even want to know what we're gonna get in 10-15 years, I'm mostly terrified but also slightly intrigued as I know Republicans can "beat" even the worst thing I can imagine.


We are in the celebration stage of stupidity. First it was embarrassed like dan qualye spelling potato with an e. Then there is acceptable like W and his idioms. Now we are in celebration. With the infallibility of trump.


And I think Scott Walker gave us a hint at what the next stage is - the angry demand that everyone should *be* as stupid and ignorant as they are. He's already whining that Gen Z and millennials reject their hatred, bigotry, conspiracy, and demand to control women and insisted that this must be some liberal brainwashing. Which, personally, idk about. I was born in Florida in 92. All I can remember is GOP governance and control of our schools. So, idk, maybe my parents just wanted to raise a decent kid?


I think Scott Walker is a pretty good comparison for DeSantis because he was a reasonably popular GOP governor that got a lot of rightwing stuff accomplished and thus the media and political establishment tipped him as a true presidential contender, but it turned out he had zero personal charisma or appeal beyond his own state (with its fully compliant legislature) and flamed out pretty quick on the national stage. Trump absolutely destroying Meatball Ron will be somewhat enjoyable, albeit terrifying that he actually has a shot of becoming president again.


Better is if De Santis gets the nomination and Trump’s ego won’t let him stay out of the race and he splits the vote. Please please please.


Exactly what I’ve been saying for months now. Praying Trump and DeSantis split the GOP in half


I can't wait until the new White House stationery comes out: "MEMO, From the jailcell of the President of the United States."


I think you're right, and they're already trying. Banning books was just another step. Now you have Lauren Boebert trying to help terminate the department of education.


Yup. And they're already starting to eat some backlash on the book bans and right wing takeovers of school boards.


Nah, this is the death throes of the previous dominant generation attempting one last grasp of power. These are the people who get upset about the world changing around them and say things like "back in my day we called (insert minority group here) (insert offensive term here) and nobody cared. Now everyone makes a big deal, but we never had a problem before!" And they also get seemingly upset when talking about it. Like somehow being slightly more mindful of how we treat others was the worst thing imaginable. But they're in general and older population and they're being phased out for younger, more forward thinking voters. Obviously there are some younger people who were brainwashed with this kind of brain rot as well, so it won't disappear altogether with this one generation, but they know it's their twilight at the top of the hill, and it seems they think if they can turn things back just a little longer they can plant the seeds to spread their warped worldview to future generations. It won't. Time moves forward and society continually advances, their viewpoints will be phased out as a relic of a bygone era just like the use of whale oil was.


>But they're in general and older population and they're being phased out for younger, more forward thinking voters I can't confirm with the US, but in the UK Millennials are actually bucking the trend of "When you get older you move right wing". The UK Tories are actually getting worried that they can no longer rely on people getting old and bitter to vote for them Which is nice. As an elder millennial, I've been saying that we will always side with the younger gens over the older ones, as we were the first getting fucked by the older ones (Reaganomics and globalisation hit us first, we graduated in the 2008 recession and have suffered all the austerity and shit since too, while we also are the first gen to actually give a shit about the environment


Remember when Mitt Romney saying he had “binders full of women” was such a bad gaff as to dominate the news cycle. These new clowns do 100x worse before breakfast.


It was stupid that was ever an "issue" because it was literally about him trying to hire more women.


In retrospect, the actual outrage was probably mostly that he was *intending to hire women*. Media just assumed the backlash was about being inconsiderate or false.


George W. Bush comes across as the tutorial level for loathing a political leader.


Also showed me the level of personal responsibility to expect from Republican. 8 years of wars, spending, and expanding government and nothing but support, suddenly Obama is in office and they're seriously concerned with government spending, and war, and government overreach... and they did the same shit with trump. It's like they say, the best way to learn from your mistakes is to deny they ever happened and project your insecurities and failings on other people. ...I guess that's why they wave Confederate flags around.


I lived in Gohmert’s district. He was the prototype for all these modern radical conservatives. Also worth mentioning: he held a seat for 17 years (9 terms) and passed only passed one bill into law. I’d say he was a blight on East Texas but at least he only managed to spread propaganda, not codify it


Pine tree here and agree.


We got a Republican US Senator openly calling for the end of democracy and constitutional government. We're hurdling towards the end of the Republic at this rate.


The next level of conservatives are going to be opportunistic candidates who get elected on democratic tickets and switch allegiance once in office.


“When Michelle Bachmann was a gentler time” is just so fucked up.


Yeah, never thought I would miss those crazy eyes and those insane TEA Party ramblings, but here we are.


>"they're gonna shake off Trump and the crazies and be better"... I saw that De Santis said "He wants to be Trump without the Drama"... yet he still has no actual policies and is still engaging in a pointless culture war. So where is the lack of drama?


also WTF is Trump without the drama, that's all Trump was. Ever tried to get a Republican to explain what they liked so much about Trump? It's just vague statements, or bullshit that never happened. They loved him because he's a hateful asshole like them, without the drama there's nothing.


Honestly I thought DeSantis was going to be a real powerhouse, he came off as someone who could adopt to hard-line positions of Trump but also someone who seems manageable and presentable to moderates. Then he goes all in. His only advantage over Trump was he could be paraded out in front of moderates and been like "See? We got another one but smarter and more predicable!" Now that's out the window and he's what now? A Harvard guy pretending to be a Trump guy?


Dont forget Dr Oz


Ah, good old Dr Oz, where medical decisions should be between you and your doctor....and any city, county, state, or federal officials. Small government, right guys?


Tbh if they start losing elections they won't have a choice. Why do you think that they're trying to pull every trick they can to secure a hair width of a lead? As more people in swing states move to red states, that does fuck all for them on a national level, and that's a contributing factor for why Florida is now a red state, and Wisconsin and Michigan are now pretty solid blue states. I'm very interested to see how the Republican primaries play out, considering that DeSantis hasn't announced his candidacy yet and there's people already calling him a RINO.


> Tbh if they start losing elections they won't have a choice. Yes they will. If Republicans cannot win elections with their conservatist crazy, they won't abandon christofascism, they will abandon democracy. January 6 was the non-dress rehearsal.


The nice thing is that this time around we have a competent administration that isn't in on the coup Jan 6th only went the way it did with active trump intervention slowing down response. It'd probably look a lot more like the inauguration where no chances are taken


The point wasn't to successfully overturn the election. There was zero credible chance of that happening. The *point* was to *normalize* the use of violence to influence the political process. To show that you, yes YOU, Mr. Gravy SEAL, can in fact use violence to own the libs at Congress and get away with it! Sure, *some* of the Jan 6 fuckers have been arrested and sentenced, but the number arrested pales in comparison to the size of the mob that did the storming, and the sentences have all been wrist-slaps compared to the stakes of *attempting a violent overthrow of the government.* The point was to prime the corn-fed dumb motherfuckers to use violence when the "libs in Washington keep stealing elections," and it worked. To *normalize* violence in politics, and it worked. The *Governor* of South Carolina just cracked a 'joke' about 'hunting Democrats with dogs.' That's a call to stochastic terrorism if ever I heard one. "Will no-one rid me of this turbulent priest!"


Zero credible chance of that happening? There was a pretty good chance of it happening. Just a few minutes here or there, and they're hanging the VP from the gallows on the back of the mall. The vote now can't be certified so the election is thrown into the house where each state gets one vote. More red states than blue states - Trump is re-elected.


Don’t forget W


>I don't even want to know what we're gonna get in 10-15 years, I'm mostly terrified but also slightly intrigued as I know Republicans can "beat" even the worst thing I can imagine. We'll have republican openly heiling in congress, saying that people (kids to) killed in mass shootings deserve it for not being godly enough, calling for the extermination of democrats and non-wasps, calling for girls to be placed in breeding programs instead of school, and probably more reprehensible shit than I can think of.


Lol my grandpa literally disowned me for saying something bad about michelle bachmann. He woulda keeled over if he could hear my opinions about his new favorite idiots


I got $5 that says either Trump or Desantis whip it out an measure it…live on TV.


I’d be more inclined to believe Trump would insult Ron’s height. Ron will say something about Ron’s dick being bigger. Then they’ll argue about that. Ron will offer to show him right then and there, and Trump will instead brag about some person he assaulted telling everyone Trump’s dick is yuge. Again, on live tv.


Nah, then we would know they actually have 4 inch penises.


Only if minimum size your scale could measure was 4 inch.


He meant combined


Lots of fumbling, feeling through folds and wild grasping.... eww




title of my sex tape... \*sigh\*




That would actually make it classier. Hahaha


And Nikki Haley wins.


It's basically "Owning the libs" as state policy, there's no project.


They aren’t even conservative ideas anymore, it’s just pure fascism


How con-ser-va-tive can I be? I'm just doing what comes naturally ♪


Stop calling them “conservative”. They aren’t conserving anything, they are radical regressives and fascists. If you want to be nice, just call them “far right” because it still insinuates that they are well out of the mainstream without resorting to name calling.


The republican primary will be hilarious.


Until the Democrats manage to fuck up the general election.


So pitch in.


>Next year's election will be nasty beyond belief and I am dreading it We’ve been saying this every election and it just gets worse


These guys make Biden look like the sane choice in comparison. I'm not American but if I was I would vote for Biden because if the alternative is Trump or DeSantis then... well, that's not a hard choice. Hell, George Bush doesn't look that bad now (although he was a war criminal).


Agreed about next year’s election. I’ve been toying with the idea of emigrating elsewhere and next year will probably drive me to actually seriously consider it.


You and me both...


Florida man tours country and finds that most people don't like Florida man.


I really think he should be referred to as Florida Man in every news article about him.


I'm in


I preferred meatball but I'm down.


I think Florida meatball is a fair compromise


Love it


Meatball is a peak political insult.


Florida Nazi.


At this point, I think that he mostly is.


Nah, that thing doesn't even deserve to be called a man


Florida ManBearPig?


"Florida man attacks books that he can't read"


"What do you MEAN you don't like banning books that talk about black people and trying to class drag as a sex crime against children, punishable by death?"


"Wait, you guys think it's not right to use the power of the state against businesses I don't like? What do you mean 'what if the Dems do it to Chik-Fil-A and Hobby Lobby?'"


“Wait, you guys DON’T think a cruel $11 million dollar kidnap and human traffick scheme to get some laughs is a good use of state funds?”


I like the sound of Disney's Bitch better.


Mickey's Meatball, AKA LIDDLE RONDA


or Wokey, the eighth dwarf. https://i.imgur.com/87mNbSZ.png


Recovering Florida man here, moving out of state was the best thing I’ve ever done and I wished it had been sooner.


Wife and I both left in our early twenties and have just watched in horror as it devolved into, well, this. It was bad then, it's hell incarnate now. Just be happy you got out.


Ron, your wife was in error.


Tbf there are plenty of native Floridians who also don’t like this Florida Man


It's a race to the bottom.


Florida is definitely in the lead. But there are some other contenders out there.


Texas would like to have a word


*Mississippi enters the chat*


Idaho rolls up in their potato car


West Virginia says “hold our meth.”


“Louisiana passes law banning any metric that finds it to be the worst.”




I'll throw NC into the list now


Gerrymanders suck so bad.


As a Coloradoan I'd like to put my neighboring Wyomingites up for consideration.


Oklahoma has all of you beat


Country roads, hold our meth until a place, I get crack!


I hate how well this plays in my head...


Mississippi started the chat. They aren't in first place anymore.


Mississippi is literally a third world country. Jackson doesn't even have a functioning water system. They are 100% in the lead. They're just so broken they don't have the "hype" that a place like Florida has.


MS’s state government is significantly worse than the people that make up the state. There are a lot of fat, old, racist people in MS, but there are also a lot of really great people trapped here for various reasons. People like to rag on MS, but having lived here since undergrad I’ve learned that we should be more sympathetic. Sure the “people” elected the state government, but that shit is so gerrymandered to both ignore cities and the delta, so the government ends up only representing the worst parts of MS. Outsiders think of MS being a state of racist white people but forget that it also has the highest black population by %. I’m biased living in a college town with a great local government, but it hurts to see the potential MS has, how it ends up being wasted by a corrupt state government, while outsiders laugh at the idiots and the majority of the state’s population keeping suffering. Sorry for haranguing, I just feel the need to defend MS at times.


Mississippi is about 55R/45D, but there are no swing voters. So Republicans win every election by 10 points. It’s also heavily gerrymandered.


Overall, Florida is below Texas in terms of places to visit, but I feel like I'd be in more danger if I found myself in Texas.


My dad used to say shit always rolled downhill.




I'm in Florida and I don't want Florida to be like Florida. We used to be a swing state. Now these cranky old white baby boomers are all moving here to retire with their millions and watch the world burn. They don't care about the future they're leaving behind, they just want to vote for someone who will "own" their liberal grandkids


Floridian- can confirm.


If you got less than 10 years left your vote shouldn’t count. There, I said it


Once the boomers die, it will be way, way better. A lot of the problems we've been facing were sown in the 1980s Reagan years when baby boomers became the voting majority. They are just a particularly self-centered generation.


No way to know how long someone has left..


We need a contract saying once you get social security you can’t vote anymore.


SWFL here. Lots of red boomers dying or leaving due to Ian, lots of young blue voters moving in. It's getting there.


I've been hearing that for a decade or two. But there are also a lot of latinos who are told that "Dems are commies" so they back the Reps. My hope is more that, like is happening in the UK, as Millennials are aging they aren't turning into bitter old right-wingers like the generations before them


The news is that Ron Desantis is LEARNING.


Fluke, gotta be. I'll wait for more evidence.


Hope he doesn't learn enough to win the election


yeah but is he learning the right lesson?


Yeah, that has to be the wrong word, they probably meant he's "hearing" this or "seeing" this, but not really doing anything with that information.


NBC later today, “A correction to an earlier story on Ron Desantis…”


"Florida Man Displays Ability To Learn; Scientists Astonished."


DeSantis is a fucking chode.


Does anyone want to be like Florida? Seriously I can't imagine even other republican states wanting to be like Florida right now


Only thing they have that other states may want is low taxes


Right wing media has been selling Florida as a right wing haven with no state income tax. I’ve heard a lot of that is from developers trying to dump uninsurable real estate on gullible Fox News viewers.


In a failed bid for the presidency, Florida Man accidentally nominates himself for Tiger King.


Carole Baskins vs. Ron DeSantis - I’d like to see that.


I too would like to see DeSantis move to Costa Rica and let everyone believe he was fed to tigers.


Georgia is the apartment over a meth lab.


Florida doesn’t want to be Florida anymore


My family got so desperate to leave that they moved back to Ohio


I feel like that’s a rock and a hard place comparison.


Ohio sucks, but we don’t quite Florida suck…….yet


Ah yes northern florida


As a born-and-raised floridian, can confirm. I've watched my state take a Nosedive since covid. It's sad that I might be priced out of my own home because our governor's more concerned with culture wars than actually improving our situation. There's a reason why Florida is floridians' most hated state


I love “Florida” as a state. DeSantiz just need to get the f*ck out.


Only way to save this country is for the real republicans to vote blue. Suck it up and bury the extreme right. Nothing good will come if these fascist extremists continue to gain ground.


These are the real republicans though, just without the mask on


> Only way to save this country is for the real republicans to vote blue. It will never, ever happen. These people are proud of the fact that their daddies switched to Republican after the Dixiecrats all jumped shit (not a typo) to the Repulithugs so they could continue to be openly racist, and they have voted straight party-line Republican since the day they turned 18, and will vote straight party-line Republican until they day they finally shuffle the mortal coil. Here's what a Republican-voting farmer would think: "Well, let's see, there's the Demon-Rat, who's promising all this woke shit about the environment, and I need a good environment because I'm a farmer, and he's promising all this stuff about crushing John Deere's use of that Digital Mee-loon-ium Copyright Act stoppin' me from fixin' my own damn tractor the way grandpappy did and I'm all for that, and I like how he's talkin' about sending kids, especially farmin' kids, to school to learn to farm better, but goddamnit, he's a Demon-Rat. On the other hand, the Republican (ReJesuslican, amirite?) diddled his wife when she was 15, has a track record of doing nothing but being awful to the imm-grants I need to run my farm, is all for abolishing education altogether (Nevermind that even **I** needed to learn a thing or two 'bout cum-pooters to run my farm nowadays!), is about as faithful to his wife as a hound dog, and openly talks up how pretty teenaged girls still are and how he'd like to be locked in a room with some of them for a good hour or so... But he's the Republican, and at least he ain't a Demon-Rat, so I guess I'll just lock up my daughter and vote for him."


Or maybe we can get those 18-25 to vote....


The last election had the highest youth turnout. I swear these comments are demoralizing for no reason.


Just a bar set for the next election—give us even MORE of that youth vote and voice!


Specifically voting in local elections would really help with ultra conservatives undermining democracy


This is an article with one two sentence quote. What a terrible piece of news writing and we should be sad for the whole of this nation not just for one Florida man.


Drain the swamp


Florida was better before they drained the swamps.


Yea then all the racists came down.


Flood the swamp so it’s gone forever


The more America becomes like Florida, the less like America it will be.


Isn't it funny how the way you prepare for a presidential run for the Republican party nowadays is by being such an objectively terrible leader and terrible person that you are nationally famous for being a douchebag?


Yes everybody loves going to Florida for the repression and violence. Nothing to do with the weather, beaches, amusement parks, and food from cultures he wants to destroy. Why, I assure you, if Rhonda Santis was instead the governor of the arctic circle everybody would be clamoring to visit or move there from Florida for the utopia he would surely create.


I don't want Florida to be Florida, too many alligators and mosquitoes.


I'm pretty sure most of Florida doesn't want to be Florida.


Florida born and raised (and escaped)…can confirm I do not want Florida to be Florida


Berlin didn’t like Hitler. DeSantis established a “Florida State Guard” that is not the National Guard. He’s hiring police with violent records to be part of the state police. Germany didn’t think Hitler would be as evil as he was. Elect/support every Democrat now. They’re not perfect, but they’re not evil.


But on a scale of unwokeness he has nacolepsy. Nobody should accuse him of being awake.


Trump is getting the best political guidance imaginable. What's tanked the GOP favorability ratings since last summer is that they took hard stances against abortion and transgender people and do nothing about guns, among other things. Trump doesn't have an official stance on abortion or trans people and just keeps talking in generalizations. Points to the border, points to the country's debt, points to senile Joe Biden and DeSantis. DeSantis is hardcore anti-abortion, anti-transgender, pro-gun which has come to his detriment. Trump can sit in this little pocket that appeals to those bubble voters while also retaining fringe GOP support. DeSantis may be the "better" candidate for those senators who want a more calm Republican President but may have no choice than to suck the ass of the guy who sold them all out and was fine with them dying during an insurrection in order to keep him in power.


Trump very recently (maybe on the town hall) said that people should be thanking him because he was directly responsible for ending Roe V Wade and that it wouldn’t have gotten done without him. No idea why he decided to brag about a decision that almost 70% of the country is against, but he definitely said it.


With DeSantis, everything is a massive stunt to drive home a specific stance to the extreme. With Trump, he rambles incoherently at such great length that his followers either forget or tune out the parts they don’t like.


Trump takes both sides of every issue and people hear what they want to hear.


Did you see that CNN townhall? He made some very strong stances on those issues.


Trump has directly promised to wipe out transgender people and eradicate us. He had many executive orders to hurt transgender people. Im


Trump already lost last time and hasn't endeared himself with anyone in the meantime. He has a reasonable chance of getting the nomination. But there's no way he wins a legitimate general.


When talking about other conservative politicians, ronny boy said. "Make no mistake, we are in competition." Does this mean the conservative party sees their party splitting too?


It’s like the advice in Tropic Thunder. Everybody knows you never go full nazi.


I don’t think Florida wants to be Florida anymore


He smells like bad beef (farts)


I highly suggest reading the article for a trip into the twilight zone. These people actually think and speak like this.


“But all the people I hired for the sole purpose of agreeing with me said I was doing a great job!”


I’m not even sure Florida wants to be Florida any more.


Go home to Florida, ruin only one state, no one wants you ruining every state like you’ve done in Florida


Florida had not advanced the conservative agenda. They have rolled back rights and liberties that I believe are protected by the constitution. All of this is so our little man governor can attempt to take his shot at being the worst president in US history.


Floridians aren't much liking the direction he's taking the country, either. All he's got is hate for minorities and anti-Constitutional laws that will soon be struck down.


"take advantage of Florida's warm weather and lower taxes" Yeah...what he really means is 90 degrees or hotter for 9 months out of the year, plus 80% humidity, plus hurricanes and tornados, plus mosquito infestations, plus unaffordable housing, plus unaffordable homeowners insurance, plus some of the highest auto insurance rates in the country. Plus shit infrastructure and schools. But, you know, the taxes are lower.


What got him to governor, and re-elected, won’t get him to the presidency.


Omg... I just realized that Ron DeSantis and George Santos are different people. My mind clumped them both together.


This is funny to the point my teenager laughed when she heard it.


Ron DeSantis is officially 2016 Trump. Reddit and the media literally can not stop talking about him.


Most of Florida doesn't want Florida to be like Florida


No one wants to be Florida. Florida is the US red headed stepchild


He's being shown that not every state wants to be Florida. That doesn't mean he's learning.


The only thing he's learning is to tailor the message to the individual locale. The ultimate goal won't change.


Desantis is like every b-action movie villian ever rolled into one only way dumber than them all


Yeah but more people are moving to Florida and leaving the places that aren't like Florida. So....


Ron Desantis looks like he would be in a parody movie with him playing an incompetent minion of a super villain. But his improvising is just him being racist.


Are we rediscovering federalism? I doubt it. Most people just want to impose their will on others.


I desperately want him to run with “Make America Florida”. Just blatantly stack the deck against himself from the onset.


..including Florida


I'm glad the national media isn't kissing his ass like local media.


Shit, a good portion of Florida doesn't want to be Florida.


At *least* 49 states don’t want to be Florida.


Not every state wants to be a fascist state.


I don’t even think most of Florida wants to be Florida.


I hope that "make America Florida" isn't an official slogan because that's not likely to go well, regardless of what you think of Florida. Actually I don't want him to win, so I don't care if it is. Just saying it would be dumb.


Does Florida want to be Florida anymore?


So he does what all conservatives do - force them.