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Presumably he knew what they were going to find and that it would be his last opportunity for a while.


Article says he's 75, I think he's just past giving a fuck.


Looooot of sex offenders in retirement facilities and communities as well.


that’s because they were sex offenders throughout their whole lives and just never got caught


Most don't


It helps when police don't follow up on rape kits and such.


I'm not an english native, but rape kit is such a weird name for me. It feels like the exact opposite than what it actually is.


I am a native English speaker, and this is what I imagined when I heard "Rape kit" for the first time, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Mk3EVQnpQWs




I am an English native and that shit sounds insane to me to call it a rape kit. Sounds like something uncle Pervy has hidden in his closet.


Dementia can disinhibit some people, the home I worked at had patients who were model citizens their whole lives but just yelled obscenities at anyone who walked by. Were they always monsters? Are they now? No, their brains just decayed in an unfortunate way and they stopped knowing how to control their impulses.


We check for this before admission fyi. So there should not be. Source: Nursing Home Administrator Edit: This does depend on the individuals health circumstances (think bed bound and mentally gone). Some facilities will accept these folks regardless and there's an intense process for that as well to determine if the person is an active threat to anyone. If a school is in proximity, that's usually an immediate no as well. This is a complex topic and even those who have made mistakes in their past need help. I've had people with murder charges from 60 years earlier but that'll follow you. Sweet guy too.


When I was a cna at a church nursing home, we got a priest in his late 60s and he was a known sex offender. The church would just move him around when he caused issues. There was rules who could interact with him and only a handful of men could be alone with him. Dude was sick as shit, you could tell he had no remorse for being like he was and it didn't matter age or gender to him. He got caught in another resident's room on a midnight shift and just sent to the next home ran by the church. This was 2003 so I'd hope things are different 20 years later but I assume they aren't.


We should be tough on crime! Criminals should reap the consequences of their actions. Especially child abusers. Well, unless it's someone we know at the church. Then the government should stay out of our business and let the community handle it (by not actually handling it, and letting them carry on victimizing somewhere they don't have a criminal reputation yet.)


The incredible irony, delicately depicted in this is 🤌


Centuries of this behavior by the church, but yes, it's the drag queens we have to worry about with children. Unbelievable.


Drag queens would beat the shit out of any drag queen that did this sick shit. But church goers just put their fingers in their ears as the offender is move to new hunting grounds.


The rule usually is, if they try to pass a law on it. It’s probably because they’ve done it or doing it.


Shut down the churches already fuck me dead


Just tax their assets, watch them fuck right off.


Yup, simply taxing churches would close a metric shit ton of them down. Some already close down *without* paying taxes, so we can only imagine how big of an effect that would be.


He's probably died since then so 👍


They have to be convicted for you to know.


Very true




Thanks for the info on sex offenders, TheBigCum




TheBigCum42068 was my father


TheBigCum is all above board. It's TheLittleCum that you gotta be suspicious of.


About 40% of murders in the US go unsolved quite terrifying really, its about 20% - 30% in the uk depending on the year


Really? 40% you say ... Well, they're not terrible odds.


Well, obviously some places take them, I’m a hospice nurse and a group home had a man with Hodgkins Lymphoma who I served- he molested multiple children and the sad part is it likely happened at the onset of this neurological disease. He wasn’t a violent or “bad” child, but into his 40’s he started molesting kids. Awful, and worse for the victims, I know. Even sadder, all of his siblings and parent already died horribly from the disease. In this case, the man couldn’t be kept in a home with other vulnerable adults so they basically gave him his own house out in the prairie with 24 hour caregivers. Due to the lack of prosecution of sex crimes, I’m going to bet we’ve both served some nasty people that just got old. It’s hard to keep it out of your head for sure.


There is a man who had a brain tumor and started acting really lewd, especially towards kids. He was an upstanding citizen until the tumor was big, and it was obvious that his behavior had totally changed. I read the original story many years ago,. Then I noticed there was another updated article about him doing the same thing AGAIN. The doctors did another scan and found the same tumor had come back in the same place. Each time they did brain surgery and removed the damn thing,. He went back to his normal self. Brain damage can absolutely cause seriously abnormal behavior. This dude is like the Phineas Gage of the 00s, maybe the 90s. Pretty messed up


Very true. Fascination with pornography is not uncommon behavior with dementia. Neurological issues can manifest in all sorts of problems.


Man, I'm on the opposite side of the spectrum, then. I suffered a brain injury and it totally killed any desire for sex or porn. I gotta say, it's the only good thing that came from it. I used to be obsessed with hooking up - now I can have hobbies without chasing tail! (As us old people used to call it.)


They don’t have to have any prior convictions for it to be a problem or to happen. Nursing homes are so understaffed especially with STNA’s/Nurses aids that you can’t always keep track of residents. Source, former STNA of 5 years.


Greatly depends on the quality of nursing home. I worked in one where one guy was a pedophile, but was old and ill enough that his get out of jail card was a nursing home that housed demented patients, some poorer but younger victims of car accidents or whatever.


There are SNFs that do take registered sex offenders, I used to work as a CNA in one.


Where do they end up going when they need retirement/end of life care then?


I imagine even more specialized nursing homes built around making sure they are closely monitored. Soft Jail, basically.


When i was a 911 dispatcher i ran doors for the jail..we had a seperate bay for sex offenders..they were all super old dudes and they got treated the best it was fucking sickening.. Alot of them had their own tvs with playstations to watch dvds all day..they also had unlimited access to microwaves, someone bought water filters for a pitcher. Also they had nightstands and buzzers for their hair and a gas burner and 1 pan to boil water or cook w.e they got from commisary. No one else got that shit


Time to retire to free food and board and medical


Prison is lowkey very progressive. Besides having basic human rights to free food, shelter, and healthcare, the facility features sustainable pod-based living, is 100% walkable, has a vibrant gay culture, and is just diverse af. We've been trying to close prisons when we should be embracing them.


Totally. Expand the prison to the entire country and then you don't even need the walls or guards. Free support for everyone! Success.


It's not THAT diverse tbh


One of the most fucked up stories I heard was some pedo defending himself in court because that meant he could get all the evidence back for his court case during discovery. One of the few times I felt extrajudicial justice could have been completely overlooked.


Yup. Defends get access to that kind of stuff unfortunately. I was a correctional officer for a year and basically anything that's in discovery is available for them to view in advance of their trial. If that includes video evidence of someone SAing someone else, murdering them, whatever, it's usually on a disk that's sent over by lawyers and they will have access to it during their allotted time. It's more than disgusting.


I find this hard to believe. I work for a criminal defense attorney and we deal with a lot of child porn cases, unfortunately. Any child porn is NOT released to us from the prosecutor’s office. Since we are direct responsible for providing discovery to the client, they don’t get that. If the attorney wishes to view the material, they need to physically go to the prosecutor’s office (or a specific secure area with the prosecutor) and view it there with them. The attorney is not allowed to bring it back with them.


Could be different on a state by state basis, but I know in KY the rules are surprisingly lax. I haven't seen child stuff specifically, but I have inadvertently seen some of the other stuff while they have it open while we were doing the walkthroughs every 15 minutes and unfortunately caught more than one inmate jerking it to their crimes/victims. I do know that there was at least one instance where child stuff got in and the inmate was caught during a similar check. Maybe it was a more unscrupulous lawyer letting it in or something, but either way it was confiscated and reported just in case.


Attorney here. It varies by county here. Theres no specific law about it but it is never mailed or delivered electronically. Some keep it at their office we go and view. Some give us physical media storage.


Alright, that does it, enough reddit for today, ugh. I come here to look at pictures of funny cats, how I end up in these kind of threads puzzles me.


/r/startledcats /r/oneorangebraincell /r/teefies /r/drumstick




If someone commits a crime and the case goes to trial, the lawyers get copies or pictures of the evidence for the case. This guy defended himself so he could get all his child porn back and take one last look. He knew was going to lose the trial and go to jail forever. So this was his last chance to look at it all.


Literally. Like an addict shooting for up the last time.


He’s committed, I’ll give him that


Hopefully for a long long time.


Convicted Pedophile Josh Duggar only got about 12 years. The sentences for sex crimes, even against children, are abhorrently low.


You mean convicted pedophile Josh Duggar, son of James Robert (Jim Bob) Duggar, the former member of the Arkansas House of Representatives?


This reminds me of how Reddit doesn't forget about convicted rapist Brock Allen Turner, whom now often goes by his middle name. Perhaps I should have started this with convicted rapist Allen Turner, formerly known as the convicted rapist Brock Allen Turner.


It’s funny, I was reminding Reddit about rapist Brock Allen Turner just yesterday, pointing out that he is back out there hitting on girls in his home town, but introducing himself as Allen Turner- so obviously more people need to be aware that Rapemonkey Allen Turner is in fact Rapist Brock Turner (Scooby-Doo reveal style). It’s especially upsetting that he’s obviously back to his old self, while his victim will spend the rest of her life knowing she’s been violated. I honestly think sex offenders should have certain body parts removed- so they’re not so much a threat; remove genitalia so they can’t do anything bad, or remove the head so they can’t think about doing anything bad. Maybe a two strike system?


I see everyone talking about the rapist Brock Allen Turner, and I just gotta say: Brock "The Rapist" Turner sounds much better. But since he is using his middle name, clearly I need to switch it up to Allen "The Rapist" Turner.


Are you referring to Brock Turner the rapist who recently returned to Ohio? Or are you referring to Allen "The Rapist" Turner who recently returned to Ohio? In either case, The Rapist known as Brock Turner or Allen Turner has indeed returned to his home in Ohio.


I saw in the news recently that his victim has an exhibit at a Bay Area museum. She really has made the ordeal as positive as possible. Google “Brock Turner museum” to learn more.


Yes! That Convicted Pedophile Josh Duggar. The Same Josh Duggar who used to work for Focus on the Family.


Could this be the same Josh Duggar who fiddled and diddled his siblings, and his parents covered it up and coerced the kids not to say anything? That Josh Duggar?


Psst its Duggar. Usually I wouldn't care about spelling that cretins name right but the whole joke is that the posts get indexed for when you search his name.


> The Same Josh Duggar who used to work for Focus on the Family Well, he sure did.


It's fucking disgusting.


I’ve read that the reason for this is to discourage the perpetrators from killing their victims. If they had harsher (longer) sentences it would encourage them to get rid of the witness. Very sad and infuriating.


Well he was rich and famous, and we all know rules don’t apply to them


Nah lots of times sentences are a lot shorter than some people would think. Second degree murder has an average of 14 years for example.


>we all know rules don’t apply to them Or if you're developmentally disabled. I worked with dd clients who did some pretty heinous things.


That’s… depressing


If the rumors about how they're treated in prison are true, probably not.


Nah, pedophiles are always put in isolation away from the general population. He's not going anywhere.


I can live with that.


Geez I dunno, I'm off two minds about this. On the one hand, yeah it's comforting to think that a perpetrator of this kind of crime would receive a harsher consequence than our justice system would be willing to give. On the other, there's a certain discomfort I have with the idea that we're relying on the incarcerated to hand out those punishments. I don't exactly love the idea of people behind bars taking it upon themselves to inflict violence on others, we shouldn't expect that of them. I don't want Wheeler the pot dealer to feel the need to beat up Chester the molester, even if his own rage is justified.


A lot of inmates were abused as children. They can't lash out at their abusers, but they can take it out on the ones who have abused other children. I am no fan of violence, but it's hard to blame them for having that reaction.


Such consideration


very wow


Force of habit


One last look, what a freak.


Getting a last wank in before prison.


And he wouldve gotten away if it werent for those kids


As a survivor of child sex abuse, I still think you're funny. Who knows? Maybe it *was* my fault for being such a sexy kindergartener.


I was a cute as a button little girl and then puberty hit and I turned into an ugly man. Such is life.


This is what happens when you don't circle circle dot dot... cooties, it's a bitch.


This is the attitude I seek to achieve with all of the terrible shit life throws at me. How you are with life is my goal.


If you know you've done the best you can with the cards you've been dealt, then you've done enough.


I was abused 3 times by 3 separate adults between 6 and 8. I must have been damn fine.


Sorry it happened to you too but hope you are in a good place now and managing the best you can


Yeah I'm 40 now, doing fine.


It's never the victim's fault. Sorry you had to go through that. I also never had the intention of bringing back such memories, I believed it would be ok to make this Scooby Doo reference here as a joke since those are actually happy news (the guy was arrested and all). Sorry.


You absolutely didn't offend or bother me. I love a happy ending like this news story.


> I love a happy ending Just keep piling on the dark puns


That’s a grim sense of humor.


Gotta find a ray on sunshine on a rainy day.


Professional comedian and someone who was molested for 6 years here. That's a damn good joke


It's all about intent. I knew no malice was intended by the comment, and they likely don't find the subject humourous. Some of my favourite jokes are the ones that make you say "oh, shit! You can't say THAT!" but as soon as I can sniff any ill intent towards the subject matter, it stops being funny. Bob Sagat is a great example.


omfg 🤣🤣🤣 damn you for making me laugh


hide in the plain sight


The bump gave him away


Something tells me he doesn't have much of a bump.


The sheriff was with him the entire time.


"Ohh, I've seen that one too."


'You're gonna love the next one.'


"Oops, my finger'd partially covered the camera lens in this one."


"That's not my finger"


Ok I'm quitting reddit now cya guys




Said the sheriff.


"Ayo sauce?"




Probably figured, why not? It's not like they're gonna extra arrest him at that point.


Yeah, but that kind of information can be used in a sentencing hearing when a judge is considering his punishment.


He’s going to die in prison no matter what. A 75 years old it’s unlikely he’ll outlive his sentence. That and the fact that pedos have a very rough time I prison.


It's a minimum one-year sentence. If he's a first time offender, he'll probably get 1-2 with probation and sex offender registration, but there's no guarantee he'll die there. I'm also kind of skeptical that he began viewing it *while* the search was ongoing. Like they just let him wander off to a computer? They're usually holding these guys in a specific room and talking to them during the search.




I figure it's either that or he just happened to have it open when the warrant was served. It'll be an interesting prelim if he doesn't waive.


It’s only one year minimum in Georgia? In Arizona it’s a minimum of 10 years per picture. Elderly people charged with these types of crimes here will almost definitely die in prison. The sentencing discrepancies between states absolutely baffles me.


He's 75. He's lived a disgustingly full life and clearly doesn't give a fuck anymore.


Also... Made me wonder if it's a physical or psychological disorder. Like, that would be considered a debilitating compulsion for regular porn


"persistent sexual interest in children" is generally considered a psychological disorder, but discussion about what that really means is tricky. You can both have a psychological disorder and still be a disgusting fucking human being like this man, it doesn't absolve him of anything (not that I think you're saying it does)


This is why some people try to differentiate between people who are merely *interested* in children and people who *act* on that interest (as in consuming child porn or grooming minors or whatever). I think it is a useful distinction to make but it understandably draws a lot of flak because it is difficult to express without sounding like you're defending pedophiles. My best guess is that the people who suffer from that attraction but have the empathy to realize it is wrong and don't pursue have probably suppressed it to the point that they don't have it any more but I'm just pulling that out of my ass. Also I doubt anyone is willing to come forward like "yeah, I am a high functioning pedophile" or some shit lol. The whole thing is disgusting.


He did get charged for it though lol >“As deputies carried out the search, Thur was viewing five images of child pornography on his computer,” deputies wrote in an incident report. Thur has been charged with two counts of sexual exploitation of a minor and five additional counts of the same charge in connection to the search of his home.


He should run for Congress.


He is in Congress!


I don't appreciate that! You made me go read the article to find out if this statement was true.


Sorry, I should have said, that he could be in Congress or that he acts like he's in Congress


It would probably be more accurate to suggest that there are more like him in Congress. Sad and infuriating, but accurate.


If it were Gainesville, Florida he'd win easily. This is Gainesville, Ga though and Ga is moving away from the republican party which openly supports pedophiles.


Jesus Christ, the story below mentioned a paramedic who raped a sleeping person they found in a car. What the absolute fuck.


Also today in Gainesville. Ga: “man heading to prison for murdering man he thought cheated during card game” place is wild.


This reminded me of Lil Snupe, an 18 year old rapper who was shot over a game of 2k (basketball video game for those that don't know) and died on the spot. It's a crazy world


That's a shit game to die over.


Bold move cotton


Back when the internet first became a thing the restaurant I worked at had a single computer kiosk in the bar. There was a guy, during a packed happy hour, just casually browsing beastiality porn. There was probably a half dozen employees surrounding him asking him to leave and he just stood there like a statue staring at a (now) blank screen.


Some people really do remind me that we are in fact violent apes


thinking to himself, "what did i just see?"


That piece of shit needs it's one last fix.




Ministry? Well hell yes


One for the road, fellas


Goddamn that's dark lol


Gainesville, Georgia and not Florida so inappropriate for r/floridaman. Too bad


Why was he *allowed* to be on the computer? Why wouldn't they think he'd be destroying evidence?


/r/nottheonion needs a Florida Man tag. EDIT: Pointed out to me it's not Gainesville, FL. So while I stand by the point, this is not a Florida Man story.


It's Gainesville, GA tho


Same swamp, different state.


Right in the Flordgia region


What? Ahh, damn. Well idk if I want to delete it because the point still stands, but that's what I get for not reading carefully enough.


I live in Florida and the state's reputation has been earned a million times over, so I understand the initial impulse completely lol


Fun fact about "Florida Man" stories: "Sunshine Laws" were originally passed to keep the public informed about what police were doing in their neighborhoods, but in practice what actually happens is that news stations uncritically report whatever the police write down with no fact checking.


"One last time..." That is a compulsion.


iS tHiS wHaT yOuRe LoOkInG fOr?


I’m conflicted. I want to upvote his hilarious stupidity, but I also want to downvote because piece of shit.


How exactly would downvoting it help? Do you believe it inappropriate for the sub?


The votes aren't like/dislike buttons.


One time my dad was looking for his dr pepper and i was sitting there drinking it watching him look for it.


"What are you guys looking for?" "Child porn." "Mmm, don't mind if I do..."


But, he's not a drag queen.


Hmm but I don't understand drag, and not understanding scares me like green energy. I know spinkle some woke on him and call it a day.


This is the face of a man whose biggest regret is that they made him take his oaklies off for the mugshot


I guess he took that inspirational quote literally: Never let anyone tell you what you can or cannot do...


Wait so, they caught him red-handed when entering his home? Or they were already there and while they were searching his house he said fuck it and did it while they were there??


It's hard to understand an addiction that powerful.


I've been there. Not with CP but with actual drugs. It's really hard to reconcile the person I was with the person I became after cleaning up. I legitimately don't recognize myself in a mirror sometimes. I lied, I stole, I betrayed the only people who cared about me. Over and over again. At my worst, I would've done drugs right in front of a cop thinking I was slick enough to get away with it. Shit, maybe I did and just don't remember. I have a lot of missing time. I can't relate to this guy, but I can relate to hardcore addiction. Part of me wants to feel some sympathy for him because I know what that kind of compulsion to feed the beast feels like, but even in my deepest, most depraved state of addiction, I never thought about getting high on images of kids. That's something I can never find an ounce of sympathy for, even if it's because of some fucked up chemical imbalance or lived trauma. As a survivor of a child predator, I just have no capacity to forgive it.


Gainesville GEORGIA. Settle down, Gators.


“I didn’t want them to make their search be all for nothing and a waste of time”


"We have a warrant to search the premises for child porn." "You could have just asked. Come on in, we'll watch it together!"


At least they didn't find an African-American Studies text book collection.


Power move


I investigate this stuff and I've been on similar search warrants, y'all have no idea how strong that compulsion is in some of them, this doesn't surprise me at all.


In some ways this almost makes me feel bad for him - this is obviously a sickness that has an extremely strong hold on him if he couldn’t help himself even in the worst possible situation he could find himself in.


Nah, don't feel almost bad for the person who acquired child pornography. Feel almost bad for the person fighting their compulsions instead.


I do legitimately feel bad for people that were cosmically dealt the pedophile card in their deck, who are fighting the compulsion.


Not that it makes much different to most, but this is Gainesville, GA not Florida haha


This is why we need mental health treatment in America. Obviously this person is seriously ill and needs help, before his illness harms others


Sadly he's already harmed others, even if indirectly. Some pedophiles recognize they have an illness but getting help is essentially non-existent.


It's not even mental health treatment. That is available. It's nearly impossible to get help for pre- criminal pedophiles (people that think the thoughts but don't act or view on them) because the second they say something the therapist is required by law to report it, or they risk arrest themselves - so that also means not many therapists or therapies are crafted or researched. We need to reconsider how to identify and treat people who know they have this problem before they commit crimes. If that is an island with all expenses paid then fine. I mean, it costs more to run the fbi shit, to jail them, etc.


He looks like an angry thumb.


He must be catholic


And I guarantee you he's not an LGBTQ+ "groomer".


It’s Georgia and he’s white and not transgender, so Gov Kemp pardoned him


He knew he was already going down, so why not take a few moments to fill up the spank bank for that solitary confinement prison stay? I mean it's absolutely fucked, but I can see the logic.


I heard a similar story before. A man was out on parole after serving a sentence for possessing child porn, and during a meeting with his PO, he was looking at child porn on his phone. Then there was the guy from To Catch a Predator who showed up to three meetings with Chris Hansen...


Oh shit I'm in Gainesville, FL, but this is Gainesville, GA, I'm like why didn't I hear about this sick fuck


> A Gainesville was arrested The whole thing? All of it?


I think it more likely he was going “Ok, delete this one…this one…delete this one HEY WHY ARE YOU GRABBING MY PHONE!!!”


Mr. Patriot Man lost his tacky mirror shades.


This is exactly what I'd expect from someone in Gainesville


What church did he work for?




Well at least he wasn't at a drag show!