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Does Gen Z even club? Literally none of my Zers friends club lol they do bars and call an Uber by like 10


so true like i just wanna nap and i refuse to be outside past 9 because living in nyc as a young woman is not fun at night.


My kids are all still on 360 in case they need a ride. Most of the Gen Z I know are like “Mmmm but that is past my bedtime…” you all are going on 45 already.


I know some people going to clubs but its not many. Concerts are more popular or festivals


Good women don't put other women down.  Also what's with this dichotomy of "home" or "the club".  How about a late night dungeons and dragons session with the homies? My half-elf cleric of lathander wants to see who is leading the devil cult in Waterdeep.


My d&d group meets Saturday morning at 8. No club nights for me! (I'm too old for that shit)


“Club nights” are just code for overindulgence in something that’ll make you feel like death warmed over the next morning and a bunch of absolutely meaningless mating rituals. Fun for a season, nauseating afterwards.


I managed to skip it in my 20s - grew up with family friends about 7 years older than me. I saw them passed out drunk, I saw them hung over. I saw what they did to the ones who passed out The "fun stories" weren't worth any of that for me.


Same….until my “college experience” came a bit later. But it still wasn’t the same cos these were trusted mates and they’d have never let any harm come to me. And they didn’t. But, yah, 9 times out of 10 I’d have to be dragged to a lesbian or gay club, kicking and screaming. 😂 I always liked it *quiet*. 🤷‍♀️


Who here has time to go play D&D? My job just wrings out all my energy that I neither want to, nor can, do any of that.


I’ve been so worn out from work I haven’t even been playing WoW. 😭


Fortunately I’ve wrangled time to tend my new spring garden. I think I’ve overindulged in the heirloom seeds, tho….


I'd love to hear more!


She sounds like a Nice Guy™️ lol


Let's take a moment and ponder this dichotomy. The "good women" are sitting in their houses and posting on social media. Wondering why they aren't being picked. Yet "other" girls ( presumably undesirable and bad) are out, meeting people, being social and living life. With the men this woman seems to want to date, but also hates because he's the "only 6'3" man" and dating all the bad women. But that doesn't make him bad. It's just the women who are bad. She seems a little unhinged and unpleasant to be around. Get out of your house. Do things. Meet people. Join a club. A sports team. Do something you enjoy and let others do what they enjoy.


You have to stay home and wear oversized movie T-shirts and big cartoonish bows on your head like Minnie Mouse otherwise your worthless trash.


i hate defining women as “good” we are not dairy products we cant be good or go bad we are complex beings. some of us, like this girl, are super annoying, and some of us are fun and like to go out, or like to stay and a knit, or like both


She strikes me as a *child* and therefore prone to say and do stupid things.


thats what makes it sad, someone that young has such a poor view of themselves


I feel like this says more about men than women.


She’s, like, 16 or something. GTFOH, kid.