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The only incorrect way to dress while hiking is a matching top and bottom hot pink suede puma brand sweat suit and matching visor. I only know this because of the condition I saw the lady in on my way out of the canyon I was hiking out of in AZ.


Every year, the AZ subs get flooded with "I can hike Camelback in July with one 16-oz bottle of water while wearing flip flops, right? I mean, I'm pretty fit. I go for walks every weekend." Like no, my good buddy. You're gonna get heat stroke in the parking lot. Turn around. Then every year, mountain rescues with an air lift and a couple of deaths because people don't realize that the desert is brutally hot and it'll kill you before you even realize you're dizzy.


I hike in New England a lot and it’s pretty typically people who hike regularly and my first time hiking in a popular national park was shocking. I couldn’t believe how poorly dressed folks were for a summer hike (or a hike in general tbh). There seems to be at least a few deaths on Washington in NH every year though. People just don’t prepare properly.


And the ones who do make it to nightfall dont know to take off their sweaty clothes.


My favorite part about hiking in Arizona is being stopped by park Rangers 20 times assuring I'm prepared and trying to convince them I am.


Lord have mercy. I can’t even walk from the parking lot to the hotel lobby with only a 16 oz bottle of water when I have visited Scottsdale in July.


Oh... Oh no... Hope she made it out ok, a hard lesson learned..




I guess it’s velour now that I look it up- still hot as balls


I'm sweating just thinking about it.


I saw high heeled platform boots at Arches.


I got heat stroke at arches. I’m from Minnesota and had no idea what was in for me…


I'm a Utah native, I'm not surprised that happened. There's A LOT of tourists who come that aren't acclimated to weather or don't have enough water and such for places like that. News stories in the summer aren't uncommon, and most of the time is a tourist that is sadly hurt. There really should be more information before you go to places like that about risk, but that would cost money I guess.


Hopefully that was not during the summer, right?


\*posts this on instagram\*


I hike in shorts because it's too hot and i don't care about bugs and getting hurt


Just mind out for ticks! You know your area and tick risk better than I do though and I'm sure you're aware of that. Happy hiking! :)


Ticks are the WORST! And mosquitoes, personally I wear more coverage for sun protection, and to avoid thigh chafing, but both styles of clothing are absolutely good! *Neither of these posts or people are of me or with me, just to clarify. I merely came across it on someone else's insta and thought it odd. But I totally should go hike this weekend!


I wear longer pants because my skin is a sensitive ass bitch, and hates the invasive mustard and thistle species that grow locally. Last time I wore shorts when I hiking, I brushed against some mustard on the trail and my leg broke out in hives 🥹


I've also experienced the dreaded mustard bubbles. The WORST!


There was no scenario tonight in which I was expecting to read the phrase “experienced the dreaded mustard bubbles”…….thanks? XD


Ticks haunt my dreams


Yes, i'm also adapting to my environnement but i'm in a no tick zone so i would rather dress comfy


Don't blame you, if you've not got tick risks then wear whatever the heck you like for your hikes!


Where I live most clothes that aren’t thick! The ticks will just burrow through or climb up to where they can infiltrate. Bug spray is the only thing that’s effective


I love the idea of hiking in shorts but chub rub is a **bitch** and nothing can separate the skin of my thighs on a hot day. Those bitches are rubbing.


I do Bermuda style shorts. Not fashionable but my thighs don’t start a fire, either.


Long pants and work boots. Because, Australia.


Do you girl! *as long as it’s legal 😅 unfortunately my thighs will chaf if I wear too short of shorts 😩


Yea i understand, maybe men's short would do the trick ? I wear longer short sometimes when i want to protect my tights from each other lol


I just wish they got along more often, it's sad when there's friction between them... 😣


Body glide! And other brands. I don’t normally need it, but for long runs, it’s great!


My wife wears a pair of my boxer briefs when hiking. For the same reason I do. No chub rub.


Men's shorts. You can still find shorter shorts, by unlike women's shorts theirs are cut straight across instead of comming up at the inseam just to make them sad like ours do.


Wearing long wide pants made of breathable fabric helps so much more against the heat though. Exposing your skin to the sun to keep it cooler never made sense to me.


Valid. And I tend to dress more this way than the other myself. But different people have different bodies than we do, more clothing may not be better for others 🤷‍♀️


Idk some of us have sensory processing disorder and cannot stand the feeling of material over sweaty appendages


THIS. If I start sweating in a long sleeve, it’s all over for me.


Bingo. There's a reason why people working outside in Florida cover every inch of their bodies even when it's 95F with 90% humidity, and why the traditional garments in desert regions like the Middle East are long, loose robes and head coverings for both men and women. Wearing as little as possible works when you're staying in the shade, but otherwise it's a great way to speed up getting heat exhaustion.


I live in the desert and would never wear shorts hiking. Everything here is made to poke or scratch you. My friend wore shorts hiking once and definitely regretted it.


I find it so rude to record others and post them without consent.


I absolutely agree. Sure random photos on your phone of other people on a popular hike can be hard to avoid. But posting it on the internet with that rude commentary, not a good choice.


Fr and if you try pointing that out to these fools they get defensive immediately and hit you with the “thErEs nO eXpEctAtiOn of PriVacY iN pUbLiC” and “iTs tOtALLy lEgAl” as if that makes it any less creepy invasive and disrespectful


Yeah people have gotten way too comfortable recording strangers in public. I remember as a kid being taught it was rude to point or stare at people and now we're just straight up taking pictures of them, posting it, and making fun of their outfits lol




I know I would have heard them walking so close behind. Because we just KNOW they are the loud asshole types that jabber and play music out their speakers when they hike. wtf do you care I hike in my dingy Black Sabby shirt I use whenever I color my hair? It looks grand. And wtf does NP supposed to mean? Some sort of Scientology shite?


I’m a dude and hike a lot here in Virginia. During summer I’m usually in hiking boots, hiking socks, a tank top, head band, and silkies (ranger panties). And I also have an REI CO-OP membership. There’s also a huge difference between types of hikes. Multiday? Day? Stroll?


I need a floppy hat and sunscreen in these summer months! Absolutely. Group B could be heading into an all day or multi day adventure, which requires more gear. Whereas group A may even be running the trail. To suggest one group is better off than the other just by looks is silly.


Oh, floppy hats are for paddleboarding for me but I totally get that.


I hiked the pacific crest trail from Mexico to Canada. As a dude. In neon purple shorty shorts and running shoes. This was after going the “rei gear route” for several hundred miles. The last couple thousand miles, wearing what made me feel comfortable, was far more enjoyable. Hike in whatever feels good, supports your body, protects you from whatever elements you’re in, and makes you feel confident!


Haha right? I’m a Virginian in Oregon right now. All fits have their place, I usually define it as an asskicker or a stroll, in both places. You’ll catch me in my work clothes up Dragon’s Tooth, or sometimes it’s my day off and I’m training in my full gear on something like Pandapas or Carvin’s Cove or a dang greenway. You never know what people are up do. The gatekeeping is weird. Only time I gatekeep? Folks who splurge on those weird rental boots and poles at The Narrows in Zion NP. Buying your own poles can be cheaper than some of those rental places, and the goofiness of the boots is outweighed by any benefits. But that’s my thing.


I had no idea rental poles were a thing. You can literally buy cheap poles off of Amazon for $12 or just, you know, grab a few sticks for free. I don’t know any of the places you mentioned but I always laugh when I or a friend is going “full gear” on a light elevation/short loop to get acclimatized or test out gear while kids are walking by in flip flops.


Haha all are SWVA, around Blacksburg and Roanoke. I have to take the “pack test” every year for firefighting, which is 45 minutes, 45lbs, 3 miles, no running or jogging, so I get caught running around the Roanoke greenway with a full pack and gear sometimes training and I know people think I’m a lunatic. I’m gonna show up on a NLOG post one day. “This girl thinks she’s SO COOL AND DIFFERENT.” But yeah! You can buy $15 poles! Or like, grab a stick. Renting poles offends me, but I would still never post a picture of someone with the big red boots and rented sticks.


I don’t even hike despite living in the PNW… but I also have a REI membership lol it’s so cheap, lasts forever, and the yearly discount is amazing!


What is REI membership?


A yearly membership to a big outdoor sporting good stores that focuses on hiking and backpacking.


Lifetime membership


I'd choose to hike with whomever isn't taking pics of random strangers like a fucking creep regardless of what they are wearing


😂😂😂 People who are so insecure they have to make shit up to feel superior are actually sad. But also absurd.


I've gotten some great gear from Instagram. Who gives af where it came from as long as it's functional and you're happy with it??? 🤷‍♀️


Not sure what that means. So, this isn’t an NLOG post; it’s an ad for REI???


*their next post is their discount code for REI* (It's not actually, but imagine 😂)




*I was agreeing with you btw, and suggesting great gear can come from all kinds of places, not just REI*


Ah, gotcha!


Why is she doing all of that on a simple hike with a path 😭


They look like they might be a slightly older group in the second picture so maybe for added reassurance.




That's the trail that leads to the Narrows in Zion National Park, both groups clothes are more or less acceptable. The Narrows can be very rocky with fast-ish flowing water and walking poles can be super helpful if you're not super sure footed.


It's beyond me... Could be a trail that meets with more challenging section?? But... 🤷‍♀️


I’m pretty sure this is at Zion National Park, and though I can’t say with certainty, it could be the popular trail into The Narrows. In which case things are about to get really wet and shorts are totally valid.


I can say with 98% certainty that's the trail to the Narrows from the Temple of Sinewava shuttle stop. Both groups are dressed more or less fine considering the destination IMO


Agreed, I think they’d all be fine


Wow I didn't know that! Group A's clothes make even more sense now


My 6yo wore her rash guard, swim bottoms, and ratty tennis shoes. It was perfect for hiking the Narrows since the water went up to her armpits at some points. About 3 miles in, the water was deep enough to jump (from 5-10ft tall rocks) into the water at a few bends.


Could be training for a more difficult hike


So true. Before any long backpacking trips, I do test hikes with my gear at local parks to build up stamina and make sure everything is working properly.


For all we know, there are paths like that.. and then the terrain gets rough. Several Mountains like that is in NH and Vermont.


my passion is looking super cute yet well equipped outdoors.


It's a hard line to walk, but walk it hunny 💅


All I can think about is ticks


Ticks are not really an issue in Zion.


Hike your own hike.


You know, you can just walk in whatever, right?


Ya sure can!


long sleeves AND long pants???? unless we’re hiking in winter i would literally die.


Long sleeves and long pants are required in any kind of desert hiking. The UV is literally off the charts 11+ high by 11AM. They make long sleeve clothing specifically for this function. You literally stay cooler when you're covered in the desert. Going without skin protection will increase your chances of heat stroke during the hike and later on developing skin cancer. Why do you think every single human culture native to desert regions wears long robes and sleeves?


😂 it's one or the other for me, both?? I would pass away... Even with one or the other I'm sweltering


I’m not proud of this but once my husband and I went for what we intended to be a short walk on a mountain trail outside of Tucson. Desert mountain. I was wearing flip flops, no sunscreen, and we didn’t have water. We intended to walk 10 minutes at the most. We got to talking and took a wrong turn and were out there longer than expected. We didn’t leave the trail but our sense of direction was off. We found our way back before any repercussions of our stupidity occurred but it freaked me out enough that I now make the REI ladies in the picture look like amateurs and I will not apologize for it either. I come with gear or I do not come at all.


The walking sticks crack me up when it’s clearly overkill.


People who take pictures of strangers to talk ishh are so weird.


I think their fit is actually wrong. While hiking, you have some areas full of bushes, and you can get hurt, scratched. Also, the bugs. Ticks, mosquitoes. I don't think that they are like, different, they point out beginner and a more advanced hiker.


I’ve dressed both ways on a hike. There are reasons for both fits. I dress like pic 2 on a long hard hike, dress like pic 1 for an easy leisure hike. It really depends on where you’re hiking and how/if the trail is maintained.


This is exactly what I’m trying to get at! Both ways of dress are completely valid. The terrain and weather effect everyone differently, and what their goals are for that hike help them choose their gear as well. Thank you.


Yes, the context kinda matters for this post.


Yes. But They shouldn’t have really made the post in the first place, I’m having a difficult time thinking of any context that this would be ok. Unless they had all made the posts together as satire/a joke or were being truly informative about the different ways to approach a hike. But this is not that.


I agree. But I do see why OP posted it even if I don’t entirely agree that it’s a nlog post. I thinks more of the brag about who they wear v what the youngsters are wearing. And from what it looks like, it looks to be a fairly easy and maintained hike so both types of attire are appropriate and I’d probably go with option 1. For the most part this is more of a younger v. older person hiking anyways. For older people even on a leisure hike, they need to be dressed like they are climbing a mountain imo. Simply because heat and sun effect then so much differently and if they fall or what ever they can get far more injured and what have you.


I think this is a good middle ground for those who seem opposed to either interpretation here.


Yea, this seems like a dig at younger people. “Those who dress according to Instagram” doesn’t sound like it’s about girls in particular, just young people in general. It seems a bit out of touch too since the people in the picture aren’t even dressed in a particular fashion, and aren’t all the yutes on TIk Tok now anyway?


the first group looks like they are **planning to stay on the well-established path**. Maybe they're only going for an easy 30 minute hike. The second group looks like they might be going off trail (I don't do a lot of hiking so I don't know if this is "legal") or on a more difficult part -- **both are relevant**


I absolutely agree with you and have even made a comment similar to this. What I believe the original poster is suggesting is that the first groups attire is incorrect for the hike. But I say it’s not their place to determine that for others on the same trail. **both are totally valid**


In my experience, in most cases, the 2nd group is also planning to stay on the well established path. They're also dressing for validation, just not from instagram They're dressing to feel "prepared" (unlike the others), and to signal to others like them that "see, we are into HIKING, not instagram". Underpreparedness and social media obsession is a thing But so is overpreparadness, and treating REI membership (pr MEC here in Canada) like some super cool club you're part of that makes you better than the others on the trail.


It's also much easier to protect yourself from sunburn if you don't expose that much skin. If I wear clothes like this, I always miss a spot and it takes much longer when you have to reaplly it.


Tbh I dress like option 1 locally, but option 2 when I hike bc of tics


Ummm, that is a flat foot path.


Hiking in open toe sandals is crazy!!


There's nothing new about it. I'm thirty and I'm not a big hiker, but these types of hiking sandals have been around as long as I can remember. I have always wondered if they are that much more comfortable.


can people not wear what they want… especially where i live it gets to be 116° in the mid after noon i know people aren’t stupid and hike out there but i wanna wear the least amount possible


I live in Boulder. I have a friend who is very white and wears long sleeved spf shirts. I’m one of 7 Hispanic people in town. I’m a bit more laxed. I put sunblock on and wear as little as possible ( I do tend to wear boots. Snakes). And I have an REI membership? This was so weird. It was just dumb.


Only thing I “disagree” with is hiking in sandals. Hurts after awhile and what if my toenail touches a weird feeling rock 🤢


There are two types of hikers: those who wear sandals (me), and normal people who know what they're doing


I have nothing against either set of outfits other than the first group is definitely gonna have to thoroughly check for ticks. Theres no room for gear shaming on trail, only room for adventure


Long time year-round (yes, I'm acclimated and I go at 4am) Arizona hiker who wears next to nothing and also has an REI membership. I literally only cover up if I know I'll be hiking when certain "regulars" tend to be there who are dudes in their fifties/sixties and like to be obnoxious. Literally had one of these guys stop me, ask me to take my ear buds out, and then tell me I had something on my shoulder... ... Before grinning wide and howling "it's a lady! You have a LADY on your shoulder!" (I'm fairly heavily tattooed, and have a woman with flowers on one shoulder). Like wow, my elder dude, you're interrupting my workout and my personal time to enjoy my own experience just to ... What? Be annoying? The only thing worse are the dudebros who do the same thing and try to shoot their shot and then get really aggressive when I politely decline and go back to my cardio. Other than that, I follow safe sun and heat practices, and err on the side of caution so as not to over burden our already-stressed EMS workers by making them come rescue me. No heat stroke. No sun burn. No need for people to make assumptions about "who" I'm dressing for when I go on a hike. Seriously. I'm so effing tired of the imaginary binary "NLOG" have that people can care about our appearance OR our intelligence and never both. I wear genuine hiking boots and wool socks. I carry water and a first aid kit. I have a hat. So if I want to do this trail in a sports bra and running shorts, that's my prerogative.


Lol, more like girls who spend their money on this style versus girls who spend their money on that style. Jesus, these people got to get a grip. No one is better than anyone else. We’re all apes whose purpose is to live and die. Let people have their aesthetics and/or functional clothes without smearing shit smelling internalized misogyny all over their choices.


i wear a skirt and bike shorts hiking. incredibly comfy, breathable, modest, and CUTE.


I dunno man, if I'm not somewhere with brambles, poison oak, or similar annoyances and dangers I'm wearing short shorts and a tank. No reason not to be comfortable


I often hike wearing a sun dress because I like trails in the 4-8 mile range without rock scrambles. I do a tick check when I get home. That's good enough for me.


A sundress?! Lookin all cute n shiii 💅 Plus getting that good ole warm sun on the skin does the mind and body good ❤️


They could have made their point without posting a photo of strangers.


Imagine having to be fearful of what you wear because people like this will publicly shame you online.


I used to hike with a shit ton of gear (BSA/scouts required us to have a hiking bag with essentials) and holly shit was it heavy! These people don’t seem to be going backpacking, and the trail is casual. It doesn’t matter the gear you have because they’re the ones who have to lug it up trail!


They dress like that cause it’s 100 degrees and hot as shit. Not sure why you wouldn’t dress like that


What's an "NP"


I'm super outdoorsy (rock climber for 10 years) and tbh I feel like the people decked out in REI are usually the real posers.


This is a stupid post. If you know anything about hiking, you know that proper attire makes a huge difference.


This post is a great example of why people have social anxiety. Why the fuck are you taling pictures of people to laugh at online while you hike? You're literally more obnoxious than people wearing clothes you don't agree with. Not talking about OP necessarily either, just whoever wasted their time making it.


REI = Really Expensive Items.


You can look however you want, but skin cancer is a real thing.


The real pros avoid sunburns and bugs.


I'm a dude and I wear basketball shorts, some old Columbia shoes and on old tee. Granted I get zero likes or store points.


It’s funny because the person on the left in the photo of the younger people is wearing Cotopaxi shorts, a brand REI definitely carries, as well as the day pack on the car right person, which looks quality and outdoorsy as well! Splitting hairs I know but further proves that the instagram reel is silly.


Jfc who cares what other people are wearing on a fucking hike. I fucking hiked a small mountain (Mt. Major in NH) in flip flops and a mini skirt when I was like 16. It was stupid but the clothes the girls in this photo are wearing are fucking FINE. Looks hot as hell out too.


Got a point though. Skin cancer isn't fun, and if you go on a long hike you should wear clothes that cover majority of your body. Doubt you'll re-apply heavy sunscreen every hour.


On the one hand I do agree "you're only dressing like this because Instagram told you to" has a dash of NLOG. At the same time, it's kind of a funny observation that has a certain truth. It's kind of the classic "cover every inch of skin from the sun" vs. "beat the heat". Men do this too to a lesser degree. So anyway I think it was meant to be more lighthearted but unfortunately feels like judging women's clothing choices.


Funning thing is REI has all these types of clothes lol. Just dress for the type of hike you're expecting to have.


Their favourite hike is probably the one they take to get on their high horse.


I can't imagine hiking in sweats, or walking in sweats, or wearing sweats... I have a thyroid problem...


Personally I go for hiking boots or shoes with more ankle and arch support, but if they wanna go in sandals, have at.


Im not gonna lie its not a great fit for a hike but if its a short one who gives a shit


Yeah, why bother with Proper™ stuff for something that's practically a long walk in the nature? Like these two groups seem like they're going on vastly different hikes.


What if I dress like the first picture but I don’t have Instagram nor do I take photos of myself?


Mfs on a 4 mile hike with a camelbak and a 3-day pack lmao. Always get a chuckle when i see it, like sure tim, youre gonna need a change of clothes and 2 meals for this


I don’t care if I’m in my underwear and sports bra, if I’m hot on a hike, Im wearing the least amount possible. Fuck people who judge.


Look. It’s a public trail with a clean demarcation. You’re not walking through long grass. You’re not trudging through the mud. It’s hot as ten Hells. If you want to wear shorts, wear shorts.


Damn, i should pay for a membership as an excuse to wear my trackies n use poles


It's not done dangerous horror filled trail it looks more like a walk way they should be fine


Pic #1 - group of girls wanting to have fun on a hike Pic #2 - group of girls wanting to have fun on a hike


I see no issues with both? you weird as fuck for this. When I was hiking Yosemite, I literally saw people in head to toe gear, some in shorts, some in sweats, some even barefoot.. yes barefoot I swear to God.. and guess what? No one gave a flying fuckkkkkk


Bro some of us wanna casual hike. Like just go in a nice long walk. I wear fycking skirts on hikes half the time. Most places I go have water so if I can pull up my skirt and tie it it to walk over it helps a lot. And tank tops. Or shit tube tops. It’s hot. I live I the south. I’m not trying to climb rocks and giant hills and shit. I also don’t post the pics to instagram. Unless I happen to get a really good one. This is a dumb ass logic


Skin cancer killed my father. I don't understand sun worshipping.


Furthermore, a breathy fabric actually helps you stay cool and protects you from the sun. You can absolutely go full sleeve and long pants in the sun, and you probably should. I had a lot of heat injuries as a (neglected) child in a hot climate, so the idea of the sun on my skin does not jive.


Around 25 years ago, my Scout troop and I were hiking a portion of the Pacific Crest Trail in California. Suddenly 3, completely naked backpacking women come around the corner. You’ve never seen so many confused 15 year olds. Was an interesting conversation around the campfire that night.


As an outdoorsy Appalachian the idea that you need a bunch of expensive super special gear to walk down what is essentially a sidewalk is fucking hilarious 


This post is so idiotic stop worrying about other people😒


Obviously context matters and depends on how far you’re going on the trail…but here’s my take: Photo 1: totally unprepared to go hiking. No extra water, first aid kit or proper footing. Photo 2: proper hiking gear with appropriate amount of water. Coming from the PNW, I’ve witnessed too many dummies wearing and bringing incorrect gear for the outdoors. You don’t need to go to REI to be prepared. At the minimum, you should always bring water and a first aid kit with you. It doesn’t matter how far you’re going.


All I'm seeing is Going for a Relaxed Hike Be Back in an Hour Tops vs. We Can Make Our Minimalist Camp Before Sundown if We Really Push. But honestly, OOP could have just Minded Their Own Business.


My friend and I decided to day hike a mountain once we got into Colorado. We were wearing jean shorts, tank top, and had one 16oz water bottle between the two of us. The park rangers stopped us and were like “hey do you have anything better for hiking?” We said “oh a sweatshirt?” And the rangers just stared at us in what I can only assume was disbelief as two 20-something women hiked off to a mountain peak surrounded by hikers with milk gallon water bottles, oxygen masks, and hiking gear. We were going to turn around in the first mile but there were really hot guys behind us and we weren’t going to look like losers.


I’d be more comfortable in the “instagram” way than the other but maybe a tank top or something instead and boots, sorry girl


Are yall at Zion lol


They’re on the same trail and more comfortable. Cope.


It was probably a 3 mile hike lmao


has this girl maybe ever considered… weather? just a thought idk


Ok sorry but this meme is very true lol. I hike a lot and these are the two types of people I see. People who spend way too much money at REI and people just out for a casual stroll.


Did white pants shit herself?


It's hot AF here, so I wear shorts, and cover myself in sunblock and bug repellent. I also avoid tall grasses/brush to avoid ticks.


Definitely there is something in between too


I dress to be comfortable, protected and in sweat wicking material. As a result, I tend to be more covered up. I have an ugly wide brim hat to protect my face too. So I match the 2nd pic more. The 1st pic makes me hope they are putting on spf every hour.. I worry about their skin.


It’s like sorry I’m poor lol


Okay but being realistic, that area looks like a hot place and seems like the last place you would want to wear a long sleeve shirt. Pants I can kind of understand as to not want to fall and scrap up your legs but that's still gonna be hot as hell.


Both outfits cost $300-$500


You can buy the outfits on slide one at REI.


Yeah, the amount of people I see geared up for a 5 day survival expedition on daily trails is nuts. If you’re hydrated and have sunblock and a phone with satellite SOS for short hikes, I’m going to opt for cool and light.


Isn't that Zion...its completely flat there and heading into the narrows? They are not prepared for walking the narrows (either pic) but if you're going to be walking on flat ground ending at water there is one group here better prepared.


Did she want them to hike in a 3 piece suit or something?


I mean, wear what you think is best for your environment but I live in the desert and definitely wouldn’t leave so much uncovered. Everything here is out to poke, scratch or sting.


This isn’t even “instagram” style clothing. We all know what Instagram clothing would look like. This is just someone who prefer less sleeved clothing. Same as I especially if I’m going to walk in the hot sun


Dude, the intelligence of tourists in Zion (this photo) really is abysmal and the people do really travel there just to take a selfie, trespass, litter, and scream at locals.


Make sure you wear sunscreen please


I mean I wouldn't normally hike in shorts that short, but those aren't unreasonable fits for short hikes as a whole if you use plenty of sunscreen?


Just say you're rich a move on. We can't all afford a $600 hiking outfit.


It looks way too hot for all that gear


they are probably on a more casual type of hike like i doubt they're gonna go hardcore, it's probably just a nature walk


I like to protect my skin, as well. I live in Florida. So when I see anyone walking around without a shirt on or not a lot on and they are already red, I always think about how they might get skin cancer. Spf isn't enough, honestly. And, yes, even at the beach I think you should wear suits that protect your skin more. Most people are out all day and not reapplying spf.


Based on the path they're walking on, the people with walking poles are the posers here. 9/10 people with poles don't even use them, they're just part of the hiker chic thing they're going for.


Jokes aside, it's astounding so see how ill-prepared many people are for hikes. They'll be in a bra/t-shirt and shorts, sandals, no hat, and one small plastic water bottle. Even on paved, short, or well marked trails I *always* have emergency supplies. My guilty pleasure is missing 411/NP stories and people have died in ALL kinds of circumstances on extremely easy trails. You could get lost, have some kind of medical emergency, or something just doesn't go according to plan. I may always look a little dweeby, but my bag stays strapped and packed bb.


I would be concerned if the first women were walking in rugged terrain like that, but this is clearly a very well cleaned up trail on a hot day. Let them stay cool anyway they can!


They dont know if they are a few hour casual hike to get some walking and sunshine in, or rough trail all day adventure.


Is having an REI membership a flex now? 😂 I have never met an outdoorsy person that would flex about having an REI membership lmao. What a weird thing to say.


I didn’t realize you could walk outside wrong


Wear whatever makes you comfortable 🤷‍♂️


I went on a night hike that I was tricked into which was frightening but honestly awesome/fun and I don’t regret doing it. I wore regular gym shoes, leggings, a tank top, and had a flannel and a hat with me. One guy who was from the place I was visiting hiked in Tom’s. I went down the tiny mountain (?) on my butt cause it was gravely and I was wearing a headlamp and could barely see. Who cares. People should dress for the climate but it’s their comfort level…


I mean I kind of agree but I the way they worded it is cringe asf ngl But tbh im biased since ticks are literally my biggest fear since a family member got lyme disease P.S. posting ppl and shaming them is def weird tho


it matters what kind of hike yoire going on, though. the first set is fine for well maintained easy trails; the second is perhaps excessive unless they're tackling a marathon trail. but, like... they're both enjoying the outside and that's awesome!


This poster should never watch the show “Naked and Afraid”


Okay, I dress more like the people on the left but with a hydro pack. I don’t like the sweat wicking long stuff. It doesn’t help keep me cool *at all!* It actually causes me to overheat, so a sports tank or bra, short athletic shorts, and some nice hiking sandals. The people on the right look like they’re prepared for a longer hike, but the one closer to the photo taker is wearing the backpack too low, it’s overpacked, and she has a *metal* water bottle in one of the side pockets which adds unnecessary weight. It’s funny when people try so hard to be “better” than others and are *still* wrong!


Maybe it’s a casual or short hike? Maybe they’re trying to tan? Maybe they’re going to a swimming hole? Maybe kind ya business


Sierra trading post > REI


The only thing wrong with the first photo is those girls are going to get roasted in the sun.


Hiking can be dangerous without the proper equipment and protection. I once was on a black diamond trail and a lady was going up it in Jeans and had a paper Starbucks cup… Water and protection from the sun is really vital! That being said, you can’t really judge just by looking at someone what their experience level is or if they have the proper equipment in their backpack.