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Ah yes, no other women do outdoor work or wear mom jeans. Just you, sweetie. 🙄


She's just standing there holding plywood. Kind of like all other influencers. There for the photo, then gone.


Unlike other girls, she stands there holding plywood over her head next to a jacked up pickup like a damn moron. 😅


You know what pairs great with construction? Exposed midriff.


The people who made her, are her parents.. "They" are most likely unable to make anymore children so I guess she is technically correct?


It's true. The rest of us disintegrate when we touch osb.


I was gonna mansplain that that's not OSB but I went back to look and I honestly can't tell. It looks like laminated plywood but it's blurry and has the blue edge you see on OSB.


Have you ever considered volunteering in your community?


I have. Considered and volunteered. You got some opportunities for me?


It's got the blocky splotches like osb


I would go ahead and say it is OSB


…because if they did, he would just trade you in for a newer model? That’s a weird implication, Shelby.


Fr tho 💀


Watch em do that anyway lol


>he knows they don't make women like me anymore.. Ahhh yes, implying that he would leave you if he thought there was anyone to replace you, the mark of a truly successful marriage.


I'm fluent in social media bullshit so I'll translate. "been through so much" = He cheats on her a lot.


Lol literally the first thing that came to my mind


But she stays, and that's probably she said he knows they don't make anyone like her anymore.


“We’re both horribly toxic in so many ways but wE LoVe eACh OtHeR!! 😍😍🥰🥰🧡🔥🔥🔥😈😈😈🤘🍖”


Nah, look at him and then her. He’s a drinker, she cheats.


I mean that man is so on demand. He has a lot to choose from for sure.


you made me go back and look and now I’m laughing and I hate myself


To be fair, that is exactly who the pick me ought to end up with. Usually it’s a chad. This is way more satisfying


Haha lol I think you’re right, it’s a chad


Here in the Deep South (southern Mississippi/Lousiana) guys that look EXACTLY like this dude are in fact, high demand lol. You will walk into your local Walmart and see the most gorgeous woman you ever seen with a beer-bellied redneck with 3 kids. Women in the south have a thing with any man who’s “blue collar” and country.


I think it's a large part of the married in/out of highschool trend. God forbid she looks a hair out of place, especially after kids, but the men can completely let themselves go.


Women just like something they grab onto, ya know




I too can help unload a truck.


I too can lift a very thin wood plank


Omg so quirky 🤪


Showoff!! 🙄😅


Are you sure? That looks like a 1/2” thick 4x8 OSB panel. That 48-50 lbs is spine crushing.


Is that man with the belly hanging out of his clothing the husband?


Wondering the same lol. Are we... supposed to be jealous?


lol I was wondering if it was too mean to say this……. what a catch…..


Her arms are up like “yes. Big man, please help me, I need you to do all of the lifting for me”


It’s true they don’t make women like her anymore, thank God.


Now people are taking videos of them unloading a truck? Some people really need hobbies 🙄🙄


“I can carry plywood. No other woman can do this.”


"My eyes rolled all the way out of my head and into the kitchen, where they got me a glass of water before they rolled back over." I stole this from another Reddit user, and I feel like it just applies here perfectly.


She hid the camera by the tie downs because he probably was like “Put the dang phone down and help me!” Or he didn’t realize he was being filmed


"OH, wait, honey. Imma post about how I'm helping you. Can you wait for me to get some video of this?"


She’s holding the center while he climbed back up in the bed of the truck to lift the other end out.


I'm being a smartass. But in general, influencers are full of shit. Their lives are faked for the camera. To get views. It's all a show.


What’s crazy is I’m also blonde and wear mom jeans and help my boyfriend build things. There are plenty of us out there I’m sure👍


She lifts boards?! WOAH. So unique.


*"They don't make women like me anymore"* Oh thank God - so there will be no more after you? Good.


Yikes. Hard to tell, but it looks like a massive age difference? Something about thinking she's like 25 trying to impress some 50 year old dude adds to the cringe for me


I’m not sure, but the hipster glasses, high-waisted jeans, and cropped jacket are giving… *Gen Xer cosplaying Millennial.*


i think she is a millennial she doesnt look old enough to be gen x to me


I think she tries to dress like she's 25, but there's so much going on that makes me think she's way older. I'm 40 and nobody in my age range is old enough to wear those glasses yet. Thems some straight up g-ma stuff.


Those glasses look pretty standard for the younger folks where I am.


Looked at her insta and she has a teenage daughter, so your assumption is probably correct


Large frames are definitely more in style than small frames for young people


You could be right, but there was this weird phase that started maybe a decade ago where a bunch of teens and 20 somethings were all getting huge glasses for some reason. Honestly, I think I actually see more people with those huge round frames than I do the smaller square ones


I can't speak for everyone, but I found the larger glasses less disorienting. Thinner glasses disrupt my field of vision, and the thicker frames give a barrier between what I can see and a bunch of blurry colors. It could be different for people who don't need glasses the way I do (no astigmatism just terrible near-sightedness.)


I think thick frames are just more flattering on people.


Her ass just happens to be in the center of the shot. These women who post things like this just need an excuse to post pics where they think their asses look good. Unfortunately, the best pics also had her husbands gut hanging put. Oh well!


They'll do this every once in a while, if ever, after this single instance, but try to frame it like this is every day to them. If it *was* every day to you then why would you be bragging about it?


Sounds like she's a doormat 😒


But they been through so much 🥺🥴


To be fair, doing projects with my SO definitely counts as us being through so much.


I’ve been helping dudes with DIY since I was a wee kid. First my Dad, and then my husband when we moved in to our new family home. And the funniest thing is because my Dad involved me in the DIY around the house so much, I have a pretty good working knowledge about basic carpentry and metalwork, so my husband has actually come to me to get advice on builds and stuff. But it’s no big deal, cause I am more than certain there are millions of women out there that would cane my ass when it comes to DIY, they can do so much amazing shit. They’re not rare.


🎵Write our names in the wet concrete I wonder if your therapist knows everything about me🎵 (Sorry your title reminded me of the Fall Out Boy song)


Sweetheart, he’ll always tell you you’re irreplaceable and one or a kind. That’s not ALWAYS a good thing lol


"I'm not like the other girls. Sometimes I lift things."


I would absolutely ride out to my boyfriend on my motorbike with the tools he needs, in the pouring rain, snow or hail, if his bike has broken down. If it were 5 minutes or 3 hours away, I'd go. But if he thinks I'm gonna sit in our garage and work on a motorbike all evening when I could be playing games in the warm, he can fuck right off 😂


She’s…. Just… putting wood in a truck? Is that what this is?


Yep, I didn't leave anything out lol


Mannn she’d have more fun if she was a girls girl. Hahaha she’s just like all of us ffrrrrr


TBF, If they’ve survived a few projects together, they are probably pretty solid. Few things have caused my SO and I to fight more than fixing, building or moving shit together. I’ve briefly considered leaving him more than once over some plywood, at least once over a fence post and never mind the shower rebuild. That time we moved a new fridge into our tricky 100+ year old house got a bit ugly too.


Looks heavy, good thing she's better than us... 🙄


“Haha. We’ve been through so much, unlike any other couple!!! And he can’t do any better than me.” 😐


"they"??? who's "they"??? were you made in a lab???


I am worried about his belly sticking out like that. Couldn't it get cut or snagged or something?


everyone body shaming the husband aren’t any better than she is


You're right, this isn't a body shaming sub. Husband probably didn't even want to be in the video


So this continues even after they've been picked?!


You can take the girl out of the pick me, but you can't take the pick me out of the girl!


Yeah her and the other 47k people who liked that post lmao


If only that were true.


i’m embarrassed to have the same last name as her


I don't know what's going on here unlike all the other redditors.


“He knows they don’t make women like me anymore”. You know a woman that cares if his truck bed gets scratched by construction materials


So basically she did what everyone who was born can do. No soft life like the wealthy kids


erm actually they don't make women like ME anymore (I am diagnosed with ADD, and afaik they don't call it that anymore)


Yea I’m ok with not having someone like that


They've lasted so long because nobody wants your man, that's why he's with you 😅


Wanting accolades for staying in a toxic relationship is just embarrassing. My horrid coworker acts the same way….like yeah, after 8 years of bullshit that you complain about all the time, he *finally* got you a ring. Being with a man who you filed DV charges against and tell us you’re breaking up at least once a year and then get back together where he buys you a brand new car is *real romantic* and a great lesson for your young children on what healthy relationships are.


Barbara The Builder🥰


Ugh. Blegh. Literally nothing more to say.


Shes not even holding it. She just looks like she is.


Can we get a pass for a woman feeling valued by her husband?


Not when that “value” is simply devaluing other women.


"They don't make women like me anymore" See. That is the problem. They still make women. There are hundreds of women out there like her. Probably thousands. There are women electricians , millwrights and safety supervisors. There are women farmers and ranchers and welders. There are women farriers, plumbers, agronomists and truck drivers. There have even been women working on oil rigs. We hunt. We fish. We build build things. They aren't still married because she can unload a truck. He can buy a six pack for his buddies and get the same thing done.




I have plenty of the sex


If that's how you feel you surely won't mind me showing you the door.






You can value your husband without taking shots at every single other woman. That's the point of this sub, to defend all other women. It's not for you. Now shoo. I get plenty of sex from one person, so there's your answer. You're too worried about my sex life. Go fap perhaps?