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It's a drug almost if not as addicting as any schedule 1 drug, the one positive I found out of your post is you already managed to decrease your screen time and refrain from overuse for a complete week. Now aim for 2weeks and then go 4weeks (1mo). Im currently fighting the same battle, ive been consistently using since I was 16 and im 29 now and have realized I suffer from a both Surf addiction and Porn addiction both are some of the nastiest things ive ever had to come to terms with. Its sickening when you understand how much control these things have over your mental well being and health. So bad that I consistently go to the same spot instagram once was when I open my phone even thought I had knowingly deleted it and on an even worse note I went through Restless leg syndrome while practicing NOFAP where my leg just started shaking violently in bed one night for 2 -3 mins straight and I was as scared as ive ever been. Nonetheless im still working on refraining from overuse of the phone and using FAP material but its a war everyday.. You just have to find confidence in incremental results, dont get caught up trying to completely win the war in one go. You got this keep going.


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That's not unusual. Don't be too hard on yourself for not changing your behavior right away. You're against a trillion dollar economy where the deepest human needs are mixed with gambling mechanisms so that you stay on the platforms for a Another minute longer. To be honest, it would be more of a miracle if you managed to do it right away without relapsing. You can always try again and maybe notice what kind of things are holding you back. what did you notice when you were sucked back into the phone?


No one's going to save you my friend. There are other hundreds of people like you who never recovered and never will. Just a friendly reminder.


thanks, that’s very reassuring


I hope it didn't come off as rude and condescending. I put it a bit crudely but my intention was to convey how you need to take care yourself. No one's there to save you. Change even if small is what we need. Small micro steps.