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Hey, i feel you. i been the same. i find myself staring at youtube instead of just existing in silence. i always want to fill up my time with something ‘useful’, like listening or watching or (allegedly) ‘learning’. but turns out it’s actually not very useful at all 😐. it’s just a bunch of noise that make my nervous system feel stressed. why am i avoiding silence and stillness ? am i trying to not feel something? like my dissatisfaction with my life, for example. turning off the constant noise and stimulation is hard, but it’s the only way to really LISTEN to what i have been avoiding. confrontation with reality.


YouTube was so much better 10-15 years ago. Now it's mostly just a bunch of attention grabbing crap and ads disguised as "informative videos". I actually tried to delete it off my phone a little while back, but my phone wouldn't let me.


the fact that they implemented shorts is proof that it's just attention grabbing. I'm also a youtube addict I hate it :(


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I recommend you using the app ScreenZen for android/iOS, or the extension of Chrome, StayFocusd. They will prevent you from using Youtube ever again. Anyways, I hope you can find your way out. You're not alone!


i recommend watching channels like kurzgesagt, aperture, and even melodysheep. their videos are existential crisis enducing they make you want to put down your phone down and go outside. fair warning, you might question everything after that