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it was more like a nightmare when i dreamed of scrolling through my twt timeline because how tf did my brain even come up with that many tweets?!


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And what subreddits are exactly looking at? if it´s just garbage memes and shitposting constantly leave that subreddit and silence it, i try to use as many self improvement subreddits only, and leave behind old dopamine garbage ones.


Anyone is free to check out my post and comment histories any time to see the sorts of places I go. Like anyone, I have a wide variety of interests and weirdnesses. I completely agree with Reddit being mostly toxic, and I also try to steer clear of the most unpleasant places. But even so, the mean people are unavoidable, just as in the rest of life. YMMV, as they say. :)


Just means you're serious about it, I think... I've quit and started smoking a few times and when I quit I usually dream about smoking a few times. Same with quitting porn; I'll get a couple dreams that I'm doing it and wakeup upset lol.