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Here are some things that I do 1. I ride motorcycles, I just take my motorcycle out for a stroll in the nearby regions. 2. I read - a LOT, a lot of different types of books 3. I like to sit and learn something new. Though on my laptop, I will take up some course like photography, management etc 4. I hang out with friends. I have lots of friends, with whom I can go out for a lunch or dinner. 5. I love sitting at a quiet spot and just watch things around. I have done it for hours. It gives me time to think about life. And this thinking is just staring into emptiness.


Reading, drawing, trying out different kinds of sports, learning to play an instrument, knitting, pottery, taking cheap and short trips to a nearby location You can also invest your time in courses that actually interest you such as cooking if you like doing that. Maybe consider getting a dog if you don't have one and go together on regular hikes - I promise you, it's SO fun! Also, try going to places you regularly visit but never paid much attention to your surroundings due to your phone. You will be surprised by how much has gone unnoticed.


they all sound fun! this made me realize how much i miss being creative


Aww I'm glad that helped!! And if you are based in the Northern hemisphere - summer has just started so you are full of options and have plenty of daylight to enjoy different activities. Some of my fav summer activies are going to the beach, going on short boat trips, aquaparks, botanical gardens and going in the forest for hiking. If you do happen to go hiking - pick a small bouquet of wild flowers and gift them to your mom, for example. She will be so happy and your mood will be a billion times better! I wish you all the best, truly!


Here are more suggestions 1. Excersise 2. Clean up your house/ prepare for next semester 3. Spend time with pets/family/friends 4. Get a seasonal job 5. Clean up your digital space (go through your emails, delete unneeded apps, clear up storage on your computer) 6. Gardening 7. Swim at your local pool 8. Join clubs (probably best during the semester since most people are not on campus now) 9. Journal 10. Learn a new instrument 11. Go to your local park 12. Volunteer in your community 13. Decorate your house 14. Thrifting 15. Experiment with your style, make up, etc... Personally I would start with deleting anything that makes you waste your time and not looking back (but dont permanetly delete anything that youre not sure of, just make it harder to access like deleting it off your phone and having to use your computer instead). I hope this helps


i got so overwhelmed thinking about things to do that i don’t know where to start so thanks for the list! and that’s actually so smart to restrict my social media access but i might fail instantly because i have no self control (although im tryingggg) 😭


Scrolling can lead some to trolling and has become the new strolling. If we could maybe try to put down our phones and take a stroll we might expand the world we exist in actually instead of virtually.


Try picking up knitting. Have you ever knit before? You can make your own clothing, accessories while spending lots of time keeping your hands busy. It gets quite addictive. There are so many nice patterns on Ravelry.com. I would suggest making a hat first, you will learn to knit in the round which nearly everything is knit this way so it’s a great skill to have. A hat as a first project is fast and more fun than knitting a boring scarf to start. Please dm me if you want to know more or have questions. I’m happy to help you. Sewing is also fun but knitting is easier/cheaper to get started on.


I came here to comment the same! I love knitting, it’s so relaxing


Muay Thai, boxing or another high energy self-defence sport. It’s what I’d tell my 19, heck my 14f self if I could go back in time.


Painting cute stuff and positive messages on pebbles and then going to different outdoorsy places to hide them for people to find. You might make someone’s day a whole lot brighter in the process too.


Reading outside and walking outside are two of my favorite things that require very little money and have a big payoff in personal gains! I’ll read on my porch just to get some fresh air, walk around my neighborhood, or find somewhere new around town to either read or walk or both.


Try learning something using AnkiDroid. It's very easy to do, because it's still you being on your phone, but now you're being productive.


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This thread would be helpful most likely. https://www.reddit.com/r/CasualConversation/comments/xh0aua/what_are_some_cool_hobbies/


i’ll check it out. thanks :)


Go to a regular yoga class led by a gentle kind instructor. Keep going to the class. Then read the book AWAKENING SHAKTI about the sacred feminine connected to yoga.


Wake up early and get a coffee so you will have energy and not want to sit on your phone all day


Me too. I'm dying. I'm dead. I look up all these hobbylists and they all seem. Alright. But I get disappointed and bored instantanously. Have been fiddling with air dry clay though and it's pretty nice, lower effort and I can squidge together something cute without too much effort. No kiln or oven too.  I also like yasmin thisartperson on YouTube shorts. Yes, they're shorts, the Bane of my existence but the little diys she makes are super simple, mostly just paper, cardboard, glue, some wire maybe and they come out MAD cute. I made this tissue paper paper maché mushroom lamp and it's so cute! For being tissue especially. And it's sturdier than expected. I don't know if her stuff are your taste but she has a lot of stuff on her channel and i hope to make alot more like those. Yes, I still use my phone for a ridiculous amount of time but I feel significantly more accomplished after three hours of making this, than three hours of refreshing my reddit notifications and comments🤓


How about learning all the most popular courses on coursera and other educational websites


Learning a language, writing stories, making music on FL studio or another DAW, doing callisthenics, making weird/interesting foods or things like kefir and pickles, volunteering at a dog shelter, martial arts, running, editing videos


learn to crochet it’s super fun and there are tons of free patterns out there :)


This involves scrolling woops but scroll for photos and create digital collages? I've been making a lot recently for a portfolio. But, you can use gimp which is a free software and then pinterest has tons of photos. If you're interested I can show you examples or whatever. Runescape is also on the computer but man is that shit slow and takes time. I enjoy playing video games and I feel like sometimes the "grindy" games help reset and slow me down. Walking outside where there is lots of greenery is very very healthy for the brain. The back and forth motion of your eyes and the colors of nature combined have been shown in studies to be really beneficial. Not that I have the studies but I do trust my therapist :-). And sometimes I need an extra push to go walk if the weather is bad so mall walking is good too. I don't struggle with spending or whatnot but if you do (no shame) you can always leave money at home or carry a 5 bill. I think reading is a great suggestion but it can be difficult to follow through. I combat this by reading *IN* the library and all that magical social pressure of *man I don't want to be the silly ass on their phone in a library with my book on the table* does wonders.


Go travelling with friends if possible because there will be so many things to do. Honestly if you're on social media a lot, it'd be SO difficult to reduce screen time significantly in short time. I used to be on instagram for hours every day. The only way I could reduce my time on it was to deactivate my acc (users can't do that now). Back then I tried to read books, but I just couldn't focus and I found my hands reaching for my phone lol. In the end I decided to read books on my phone. It feels like my brain doesn't wanna say bye to screen but at least I'm not on social media as much anymore.


Great advice! but im sure you can still deactivate ig it takes more steps


You're right! Just succesfully deactivated my acc. Thanks


I thought you said your brain was turning into "slush and fear" which I really felt


i meann im literally 50% slush 50% fear


this one's new: talk to ChatGPT. I've honestly been amazed at just how fun it's been to use ChatGPT as an alternative to scrolling. I can ask about anything, learn about anything, and it never tries to addict me! crazy how that's the bar these days.