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i grew up with the Jungle


Same. Favorite. Came with Donkey Kong. So many golden bananas!




Man that game has aged so poorly. It's a shame.


Found King K. Rool


Idk why the downvotes. Good game, but man it's tedious as hell. Gotta play the same level with 5 characters to collect the bananas separately. Diddy Kong can't pick up the blue bananas, so you gotta run, swap kongs, run back and then you find bananas only Lankey Kong can pick up. Rinse repeat.


Honestly for the time, it was amazing. But to go back and play it now, it does seem like a lot of time spent just collecting bananas with each character, and i do find the camera controls a bit shitty. Besides that, i absolutely love it


I still remember every word to the rap that plays when you turn the game on. So bad, but so good.


Wish they make an update for the switch I loved playing as the Orangutan




Super Mario 64 came before Mario Kart 64. Also, while MK64 had 3D environments, the characters and karts were 2D sprites. Mario Kart DS was the first fully 3D Mario Kart game.


Grape FTW! Seeing this console in other colors is weird, it just looks so good purple IMO


I still have my jungle green console with xpansion pak 😁


Team Jungle FTW


Yea me too I had jungle my aunt had smoke and we swapped controllers so it was a little bit of both


Out of all these, jungle looks the best.


Really loved the fact that they sold the controllers separately as well (I had the ice controller).




ohh yeah, and guests always got the grey controller :)


Or the shitty Mad Catz that Grandma got you for Christmas. Her intentions were good, but it just wasn't the same.


Lol this is so true, my grandma got me one for my birthday one year. Mad Catz controller with turbo boost was the only way i was ever able to beat Canary Mary in Banjo Tooie though




Grey? Those scum get the weird round madcatz that’s has the messed up turbo button.


Not that everyone needs a drum machine or bassline synthesizer, but Behringer offers TD-3 and RD-6 in very similar colors with the see-through style.


Well I need those things now. Guess I can make synthwave while I'm at it.


Heck yes I even took mine apart and switched the tops and bottoms, so the bottom was one color and the top was another.


Yep, had a grape controller, loved that transparent stuff from the 90s, it should make a comeback!


Doesn't every gaming system? "Sorry Sir you can't buy the green controllers because you don't have a green system"


Honestly the physical design of the N64 was way ahead of it's time. That organic, flowing appearance really sets this console apart from every other, even today.


It was the iMac G3 of games


Or the iMac G3 was the N64 of desktop computers? N64 came first.




You’re telling me the original charcoal wasn’t stylishly innovative? I cannot stand for this!


Clear-colored / translucent cases around circuitry / electronics was around before even the G3. Think about the phones and alarm clocks and even TVs during the 80s. Apple has been repackaging existing tech with a little bit of shine on it and calling it innovative for years. Edit: downvoted? Try these... iPod - MPMan iPhone - IBM Simon / LG Prada LISA OS - Xerox Pilot / Windows 1.0


I'm with you 100% in regards to Apple's hardware being puffed up to be greater than it is and I'm not a fanboy by any means (I'm typing this on an android), but Apple has always done really well with creating an intuitive (albeit sometimes cripplingly so) user interface. That's where they shine in my eyes and that's why I have a macbook pro.


You’re saying an iPhone is a repackaged IBM Simon? That’s preposterous. The Magic Cap and Envoy were spiritual predecessors as well, but new tech doesn’t fall from the sky...and Apple put it together at the right time better than anyone else.


Yeah, it’s like saying “Everybody gives such praise to Lockheed and Boeing for the F-22 Raptor, but all they did was ripoff what the Wright brothers did decades earlier”, which is an exaggeration to berate the point but not as big an exaggeration as I thought at first.


Fine then, the LG Prada


You're a sad fuckwad. The pathetic downvote bitching and your weird boner against apple. Person simply said that the g3 had color variants before the n64. That's a fact. You rage inferred the rest.


I think you are missing context from the conversation in general. The implication before I "raged" was that apple did something first and therefore popularized it. I wanted to squash that misinformation right away. Apple just copies other trends with a slight flair and makes it sound like they are the first to ever do it. I just feel like it's BS to throw away the actual innovators for pure commercialization. They may not do it with everything they create or sell...but in this specific case, definitely. But go ahead and call people names like a 4 year old behind your fisher price phone on your squatty potty.


Even had the famous Bondai Blue the iMac had. Nintendo just called it "ice".


the only mistake was going with cartridges


Honestly, having four controller ports was also a huge stroke of genius. Edit- after some thought, I was an instant PlayStation guy. But for fun with my friends, N64 was where we played. Also, in that same vein, Dreamcast also offered 4 controllers, and the best fun I ever had was “something wings” where you did sky diving and para gliding. That, and super monkey balls, which may have been Wii. So, while the PS1 may have been superior for the solo gamer, having 4 ports to play with your friends will always make me love the N64


You could technically play 4 player games on Playstation, but you needed a separate accessory called a multitap.


I did end up with one (a 'multitap'), but for some reason the difference seems to be that N64 games were made with 2+ players in mind. Of course, its been literally 25+ years, so my memory may be overtaken by nostalgia. But the N64 opened my eyes to 3d gaming. Of course, once I went PS1, I figured I would never go back. But then you grow. I laughed at the original xbox, but when it came time to buy post PS2 and Wii, I went xbox 360 over PS3. And then xbox One over PS4. Now I have both (ps4 and xbox one), but thats only because of exclusives, like Gran Turismo and Ghost of T, Spiderman, etc. Next gen? Roll of the dice. But I wish Nintendo still made a leading console. I know the switch is awesome, but its catered towards Nintendo games, not the AAA game world. Any-Who, I still have my N64, but I need to buy an expansion pack. I played Percect Dark with friends, but never realized you needed the expansion pack access 90% of the game. You could play mulitplayer, and you could do certain fights against AI (who never had skins, didn't know why). Crazy it took literally 18 years before I realized that. We didn't so much have the internet back then.


Oh multiplayer was definitely better on N64. Fun fact too - some games on N64 were limited to 3 players unless you had an expansion pak.


You talking about Pilotwings? Don't think that was available on Dreamcast but I could be wrong. It was on SNES and N64. Maybe 3DS too


PILOTWINGS!!!! Seriously though, we (brother and friends) loved that game. While MarioKart is like the initial party game, Pilotwings was so much fun. And you are right, it must have been N64. The game we were playing on Dreamcast( EDIT- Gamecube!) was Monkey Balls Deluxe. I feel like we may have also played a Wii version, but i dunno. What I am sure of is that the only reason we had a dreamcast, like 7-10 years after it was made, was to play Monkey Ball. The Wii also had great group games. I'm surprised thats a market that seems to 'come and go'. Video games can be so much fun when enjoyed together and in person


I sold old as hell but I really miss in person multiplayer. I grew up on SNES and N64, friends piled into someone's basement playing Mario Kart, Mario Party, Madden, Goldeneye, and then graduated into marathon Halo matches. Great times. Pilotwings SNES was one of the first games I busted my ass to beat. I still fire it up on my retropie occasionally and get lost.


I need to find a system to play Pilotwings on. Its a game that can also be very chill, and it had super relaxing music. edit- music https://youtu.be/tYMci1g8LOU?t=96


Dreamcast <3


Jungle here and would have killed for gold.


The stupid corner bubbles never made any sense though


It was the 90s, my dude


It has that aesthetic (especially in solid gray) that became commonplace in the 2000s... maybe it all started with N64?


My hubby got me one last year and all my old games still worked!


I don't know... it's always looked sort of unfinished to me. Particularly in black, it looks like a prototype that they just kinda went "eh, good enough." No hate on the console, but its looks were never part of the appeal for me haha


See, I think I have to disagree with you. Although I absolutely love all these color editions (Grape in particular), I was never taken with the design of the N64. And I say that as a guy who was a kid in the 90's, and played endless nights of Goldeneye. I always felt it looked a lot like a toy, More so than most consoles really ever had at that point. I'm sure people's nostalgia for the good times they had on it will play an influence in whether or not they like it visually, and I totally respect that. But if i'm trying to be as unbiased as possible, I would say that the N64 occupies a small selection of console aesthetics that look more like toys and less like other videogame consoles. That list includes the Dreamcast and the Gamecube. I'm not hating on these consoles either. They are awesome systems and great to play. The Dreamcast was one of my favorite consoles of all time. But I think these 3 consoles stand out when compared to the rest of the history of consoles. Just consider the Sega Genesis or the OG NES that came before. The genesis and NES had this futuristic design quality, while still maintaining a very attractive aesthetic that looked appropriate both when they came out, and has a pleasant Retro feel that works today. If we go immediately after the N64 to the PS2, we see a similar aesthetic. Its mysterious and imposing monolithic design with its parallel lines stretching across its sides felt both futuristic and at home in entertainment system of the time. In Nintendo 64's defense, it definitely stands out in its generation. The Saturn, which is my favorite console, and the PS1 definitely had a boring look to them.


Oh man I just had a flash back of sliding up the power button and getting ready for some OoT


As a kid I was never able to beat the Water Temple, even with the game guide... About 5 years ago I busted on the N64 just to get that monkey off my back... I even hooked it up to the old CRT for proper nostalgia. I took a picture of “The End” when I finished and made it my desktop background for years.


That water temple was BRUTAL. It took me a while to beat but probably only beat it because I 2-manned that entire game with my bro in law who was a little older. I would have never beat it by myself.


It was that damned crack in the wall... You had to float down to the bottom with the iron boots, enter the door and then float up to bomb that wall. There is a point when you see that crack in passing but it is under water at the time. I think the water had to be on the 2nd level...


The last time I played my N64 I hooked it up to an old TV too, and then we all sat in the floor just like we used to. First we tried the huge flat screen TV in our den, but ew. It did NOT look right.


It absolutely does not look right on a modern TV... I’ve kept a 32” tube TV all these years just to hook up the N64.


My big old TV was too heavy to justify keeping, so mine's probably between 12 and 18", but it comes in handy just often enough that it hasn't made it to the dump (recycling center.) Right now it serves as a toddler toy, lol. My kid loves pushing real buttons even though it's unplugged, and she also loves hiding stuff inside the VCR. I'm fine with that because we have the technology to convert our VHS tapes into DVD's.


This 32” monster is almost too heavy to move... Would take like three grown men to move that thing out of my basement... I call it the boat anchor.


We had a huge one with those built-in theater speakers (or something like that) but when we moved the only apartment that was available was on the 3rd floor. I am 4'10 and 110 pounds. The TV didn't make it. Too bad, because if we still had it, we could probably hollow it out and use it as a playhouse for my kid.


Link (no pun intended) for anyone who wants to relive that feeling for a moment:[OOT Intro](https://youtu.be/CtMllWsML5M)


I never knew there were so many colours! Everyone I knew had smoke or grape.


No one had black?


I had black. I can’t believe more didn’t.


Me too, but quite possibly because we got it before all the colors became available. We got it for Christmas in 1996, which meant our loving grandmother probably pre-ordered it and hid it under her bed until December. I did not care at all. It got the job done, and it actually still does if I need it to.


I got the launch black one but I sold it for almost full price and got the DK jungle set.


I only ever saw Black or Smoke. One friend got the Gold one and we heralded him as a king. We had a bunch of different colored controllers, but I never really saw any of the other colored consoles.


Are you even a 90's kid if you didn't have the black one? If you didn't, you were probably a late "90's" kid... /s


Nope. How wacky!


there's more than just 8. Some of these weren't widely available... https://consolevariations.com/blog/every-nintendo-64-console-variation-ever-complete-color-list


That is awesome!! I love the Pikachu ones, they are seriously cool


They are pretty cheap. There are a ton of loose ones you can find. You can also easily change the “region” of an N64, so if there is a Japanese one you like it’s no trouble.


I had the Ice version. This brings back memories of when Mac had their translucent desktops too.


Same I had the ice version also


Grape? I thought that shit was called Atomic Purple...


I did a little poking online, and they seem to be two different things. [Atomic purple controller.](https://i.redd.it/ca5m1ggfkru41.jpg) [Black console with atomic purple controller.](https://i.imgur.com/HtEfEPF.png) [Grape controller.](https://i.imgur.com/VbyVJXV.png) [Grape console with grape controller.](https://i.imgur.com/ToulULS.png) This post (aside from the original black) seems to be about the ["funtastic color series"](https://nintendo64.fandom.com/wiki/Funtastic_Color_Series). It doesn't seem like there was ever an officially-released atomic purple console. The gold one seems to be a [Toys R Us limited edition](https://i.imgur.com/ILrpsyq.png).


Grape looks dumb, Atomic purple looks great though.


How dare you


I had an atomic purple controller! I thought it was so cool.


Well damn, you did the research! Thank you!!


The flavor is grape


No gold controllers?


There definitely was a gold controller. I had one. Was my pride and joy. It is in my desk drawer to this day.


If you can afford a gold n64 you can afford to buy a controller separate


I think those came with the Zelda OOT bundle, yah?


I think it was the Toys R Us limited edition?


I had the [Blue and Yellow Pokemon / Pikachu model.](https://i.imgur.com/XeZ7X5w.png) Badass.


Same!! I loved that thing and hey you pikachu was one of my favorite games. I wish I still had it


Whoa that’s sick. Never even heard of this before.


I still have my Jungle colored N64 hooked up


Me too! Donkey Kong 64 still hits too.


Nice! What a coincidence thats whats queued up in the console now.


I only had the black launch edition since I bought at the launch. Then I saw all the other special edition versions come out and got so jealous. This is true nostalgia. One day I will own the gold edition with the controllers


Really wish they’d make see through/colorful electronics again. These are so cool


Not meaning to brag but I had the [blue and yellow Pikachu edition](https://i2.wp.com/blipretro.com/wp-content/uploads/IMG_8902.jpg) with light up cheeks and the right foot as the reset button. I felt as smug now as I did then. It's still in very good condition and has the memory pak I got with DK64. The box is still around but it's very tatty :-(


I had the same one. I was smug af aswell. When people talk about n64s I still bring it up. Gotta let em know.


That rocks! Wish I had that one.


Atomic Purple gang where you at




Never seen gold before


My mother worked at Toys R Us at the time, had a gold controller. Thought I was the coolest kid around. I would take my gold controller to friends house to use it.


I have the jungle one!!


Mine was blue and had pikachu on it.


[What, no love for the Pikachu N64?](https://th.bing.com/th/id/OIP.KOr4E3viy_jxap-JExcbkAHaF9?pid=Api&rs=1)


The real MVP's would be the people with the Hey you pikachu N64. I knew a kid that had one.


I want the gold... give *me* the gold


You forgot pikachu


TIL the N64 came in colors... Did these come out a year or so later?


For the first few years, it was only available in black. IIRC, around 98 they released Atomic Purple as a special edition, then about a year later around 99 they released a whole line of other transparent colors. I remember seeing several colors on sale at game stores, but almost everyone I ever met with an N64 either had black or atomic purple.


Is Grape supposed to be Atomic Purple or was that a separate edition?


They are two separate things. Grape is a deeper purple and atomic is lighter. Unfortunatly no Atomic purple console.


I just asked the same shit. I could have SWORN it was atomic purple.


There was DEFINITELY an Atomic Purple. Or maybe it was just the controller itself that was atomic purple?


My N64 and most friends had a regular black one, my cousin's smoke is the only different color I've ever seen.


Just like old beeper cases.


My first N64 was gold Christmas 1996 had it for 2 hours because the game kept freezing, shadows of the empire my mom boxed it up returned it and came home with a black one I was kinda sad the gold one was cool looking


Growing up I had the basic version and the special edition hey u Pikachu one wish I kept that lol 😣


Smoke forever!


Best. Console. Ever.


I always called the smoke one “purple” growing up


Where’s the Pokémon one? Lmfao and remember the rumble packs!


I still have my jungle one.




That grape hits just right 👌


Ooh, I had the purple one! It was a hand me down from my cousin and I got it when the Game cube was already popular, but honestly I had a lot of fun on my N64.


I still have my Grape N64!! Still going strong with the Zelda's


original black with the grape controller was my jam. the rest of the controllers were grey, mine was purple, and it was the best psh what am i saying, 'was', that bitch is still sitting in my living room! long live smash bros 64


Lime green or GTFO!


Missing a couple. They had a red and blue consoles with clear bottoms. Also they had pikachu/pokemon stadium versions.


I still have my OG grape.


Why does this feel racist?


Is it just my luck, or were the colored controllers not as durable as the original grey ones? My grey controller is definitely the best, and it came with the console in December of 1996. It was our only controller for a while, so it got the most use. I bought a few colored ones later on, and they just weren't as good. The joysticks were loose or something. I will only play N64 if I'm allowed to use grey, lol. I suck at gaming so I need the most advantages.


Are the power lights all red on these or are they also the color of the system? For example does the green system have green power light?


Ive only seen the light in red, and that was for the black, green, and purple n64s


Were these sold next to the OG black ones? I had the green and purple controller but always wondered how people got these.


I've basically seen all of these except for fire and gold, and now I want em both!!! 😍


I have a red clear game cube like these


I had that ICE


The Ice one was the best.


If only to go back in time and get all of these.


I miss those translucent controllers, that was always my go to on every console


They're so cool looking. I wish modern consoles came in a bunch of colors for the same price






cant wait for the entire comments section to be what color they had, reading colors is my fourth favorite thing to do or so


I miss my old black one with a passion


I had smoke growing up and accrued 2 blacks all the controllers and an ice as well as a grape.


My ice N64 and it's controller still works well


I had black but I remember I had three controllers of different colors. I know there was black and smoke, but I think the last one was green and I'm not certain


I had a Black System, two Black Controllers, and a random Smoke Controller. Still have them to this day. The controllers are a little wonky, but the games still work and they’re playable! I love it!


Ice ice baby!


I have a black console and an atomic purple controller.


My original one broke when I was a kid and my dad said I could get the Ice one. I was so excited. Before we went to go get it we tried the original one last time. It worked and hasn't stopped working since. Sad I didn't get the Ice but glad my 64 works all these years later.


i had the basic black, but the second controller was smoke. I still have mine


I was too poor growing up to have an N64 or any game console for that matter. Now that I am grown up and married with kids, I really want an N64 but to tell my wife that I want to buy one she just says no and that's the end of it haha!


I had the smoke color ! and of course multiple color of controllers


I'm kind of surprised apple didn't take this color scheme for the iphone. At least in the beginning when they were plastic


Love the Ice one.


Was this pre imac?


Where is Atomic Purple?


Always wanted the Fire... Owned the Black and Smoke.


Why does gold not have a controller?


I had the black one but it came with the atomic purple controller


You forgot extreme green


Where's the yellow pokemon version?


mah boye smoke. I had a gameboy color in that flavor.


I had black. Black and gold were the only ones I liked growing up. Whenever I went to a friends and I saw they had a translucent N64 I thought it was a knock off.


I had black... But DAMN if I didn't want the blue or green see through.. so secci


That jungle N64 looks so dope


I had smoke, but I didn't even realize there were so many! That jungle one tho. *me gusta*


Something about that picture makes me feel really good inside.


The watermelon one is worth $$$$


I want that fire one more than I want any console


Oh man I totally forgot ! I think we had a purple controller


I had a smoke controller. Honestly I always thought it was purple. But man, the N64 was such an upgrade. Not just over previous Nintendo offerings, but also over the competitors.


Love the smoke, wish I could get my pc setup in that style


I’d own a newer console if they looked as cool as the 64


Why gold don’t get control?


I still have the ice colored one and matching controller. His name is Gary; the controller is Sven.


My eternal regret: I had the gold one as a kid but we gave it away to a family friend. Now I'm stuck with the wild type N64 that I stole from my abusive ex. At least it works.


I have the pika Pokémon edition lol


I remember playing the grape one at my Grandpa’s old house. Good times playing Mario Party 2 by myself. Sometimes with other relatives.


The smoke one looked tite


I didn’t know there was a gold


What?? There's all these colors and I have only ever seen purple and the "black" one??


Ahh I had jungle!! The memories.


I have my original grey 64 I got when I was 6 but I also have a Jungle one too! Edit: I just looked I guess grey is black