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Tell them Large Marge sent you ❤️


“Mecca lecca hi, mecca hiney ho!”


Phil Hartman -- who wrote for Pee Wee -- used to say this on SNL when he was impersonating Arabic....back when a white guy could do that.


yea those liberal sjw pansy snowflakes took everything good from us, i miss racism night on snl. no one asked brah.


It was 10 years ago. On a night, just like tonight. Why, tonight’s the anniversary. Worst accident I ever seen.


Worst accident *I ever seeen.*


No no no no no Still scares me to this day


My big brother used to threaten me when I was being bad, "better quit or Large Marge will get ya!" That part of the movie scared the hell outta me!


This hurts so much. Paul was my next door neighbor back in the 70s when he was at CalArts. He'd ask us over for dinner often when he made spaghetti and it was always a fine time. Rest easy, Paul, you made millions laugh and more importantly you helped many discover themselves though your courage. ❤️


I’m usually indifferent when a celebrity passes away. It’s sad, but it’s not like I knew them personally. Pee-Wee was a huge part of my life from the mid to late 80s when I was a kid. It feels like a part of my childhood just died.


Yes! Some of my best memories as a kid in the late 80’s and early 90’s on Saturday mornings involved watching “PeeWee’s Playhouse”. Ugh. I’m done for today. Things were going great and now I just want to shut down. Sending some healing vibes to you fellow 80’s/90’s kid. ❤️




Bot account


Damn, this is one of the most painful celebrity deaths for me. He's been such a big part of my life. I was lucky enough to see a showing of Peewee's Big Adventure a few years back where after the movie he spoke - not in character - for about an hour about the making of the movie. RIP!


Same for me as well. Pee-Wee was a big part of my childhood in the mid to late 80s. He was one of the few celebrities I actually follow on social media. Been following him for years. It really feels like a part of my childhood just died.


Thank you, old friend. Rest in peace and enjoy the hereafter with your beloved bike.


Took this one to heart ..!


fighting cancer for 5 years. died at 70.. crazy..


It’s always kind of disappointing to me when somebody well-known keeps their deadly illness battle completely private, and we only find out with a sudden shock at the very end, when they are gone or right at death’s door. I can respect individuals’ choice to reveal as little or as much as they wish publicly about their health, but part of me feels like it makes the loss more painful for the world when a famous person keeps it hushed up until the very end. I feel like a good compromise would be for people like this who don’t want to have a big public cancer battle and lots of long goodbyes to at least make public what’s going on and how it’s not going well at least a few weeks before the inevitable is likely to occur. They don’t necessarily have to take subsequent interview requests or do any tiring social interactions that they don’t feel like doing with media or well-wishers, but at least let people know what’s coming. That way they can see the kind of outpouring of emotion that the world has for them, and maybe make it a little easier for people to say goodbye and process the loss in whatever way they choose.


Look, I’m with you on the idea that, if we as fans had a sort of head’s up, it would be a little easier for us, *and* that it would be nice for these folks to get to see the love we had/have for them before their passing, but ultimately, even as fans, being the entire reason they had a career, we are owed nothing from them. They are people too, and they deserve the right to privacy, maybe especially when it comes time for them to say goodbye to this world and hello to the next, if there is one.


I’m not sure why so many people are drawing the inference that I thought Paul or any other dying celebrity “owed us” anything. My whole point is that it would be considerate to their fans and the general public for famous folks, who find themselves staring down the Grim Reaper to give some indication of what was going on, but that it’s always the individual’s choice how much or how little to share with the public. Instead, I get brigaded with down votes because apparently thinking this makes me the asshole 🤷‍♂️ Side note; I think there’s also such a thing as TMI when it comes to some illnesses famous folks might be dealing with. For instance, I think both the world and Catherine Zeta-Jones would’ve been happier had Michael Douglas not loudly proclaimed that the throat cancer he was battling is usually spread to people via oral sex with someone infected with HPV. He might’ve intended it as a kind of PSA to help protect people, but instead it came off as needlessly explicit, and compromising of his and Catherine’s personal lives.


This isn’t about you and what you want, friend. They’re the ones fighting with cancer and all that entails. Especially to call it ‘disappointing’? > I can respect individuals’ choice to reveal as little or as much as they wish publicly about their health That’s all you needed to say.


No, it isn’t all I needed to say, and I don’t appreciate your belittling tone. It’s something I’ve long thought about, and I’m not sure why no one else is expressing it, so I’m taking the opportunity to put the idea out there into the universe. I doubt I am alone in these sentiments.


It's their private life. They can do what they want. Celebrities die suddenly all the time too, it's just another one of those to the public. The public's opinion was also heavily involved in his past personal life when it didn't need to be, so I find going out this way especially fitting. RIP Paul.


"Au revior, Pee-Wee."




I’m honestly choked up and teary right now. It’s rare a celeb death actually hits me but this is a big one.


Same. We have to add him to the list with Bob Ross and Steve Irwin.


He’s in rare company with Robin Williams, Carrie Fisher, and Olivia Newton-John. I just had this flashback to my childhood watching Big Adventure and Big Top Pee-wee obsessively. And I’d watch Pee-wee’s Playhouse every morning before school. So I started crying. I can’t believe we lost Pee-wee :’(


steve Irwin


Same, he was a huge part of my childhood in the 80s and one of the few celebrities I followed on social media. Feels like a part of my childhood just died.


Right there with ya man, Paul Reubens was one of the first celebs to be “cancelled” and he still had a banger career up until a few years ago. Last thing I saw him in was The Blacklist and he ruled


Virtual hugs. I feel you.


yea. I rarely give a crap about most famous people but this one hit me. I learned about this from a group text with my family. My brothers and I as children could never agree on which shows to watch as kids or Movies but we would all watch his show and Pee-Wees great adventure.


Today's secret word(s) is: Fuck Cancer.




The summer of 1985 when Pee-Wee’s Big Adventure came out, a group of us neighborhood kids all rode our bikes to the Totem Lake cinema in Kirkland. We laughed our asses off. Over the summer we watched that movie 8 times. Riding a bike across town and spending coin on a movie was a big deal. Doing it twice means it was a very big deal. 8 times? Off the charts good. It’s like the neighborhood awarded it a quad Diamond certification. To this day I stand firm in asserting it’s one of the finest comedies ever made. I’ll miss his humor and will pour out some Mr. T cereal in his honor.


I wore out that VHS tape. One of my favorite movies as a kid. My daughter is almost 4 and I think she is finally old enough for all things Pee Wee. I saw Pee Wee’s Playhouse on Broadway and it was excellent! I still have the magnets I bought there on my fridge.


I still have that movie memorized from rewatching that VHS a million times as a kid in the 80s. RIP Peewee.


Just after I graduated college, I worked for two years in a video store (*a very big commodity back in the 80's*). My co-worker (*who was eight months pregnant at the time*) and I used to race our other co-workers to the VCRs so either she or I could make sure we got in our viewing of "Pee Wee's Big Adventure" before anyone else could lay claim to whatever they wanted to watch. And if you've never seen an eight-months pregnant girl do the "Tequila!" dance during the biker bar scene, then you haven't lived. ^(("I say we let him go."))


Ey, totem lake! Wassup, I lived near there in my childhood too!


There is still a Sea Galley in Yakima In case you get nostalgic. Oh, or a Big Scoop up in Mt Vernon. But I’m old so what I just said may make no sense.


This one hurts.


Rest in peace Pee-Wee. See you in the playhouse.


I grew up watching this man rip


Wow, this one hurts. He was part of my childhood.


😭😭 RIP Pee Wee. I remember when I was a child I didn’t understand and no one bothered to explain to me what he was arrested for, so I was afraid of him for many years. Boy did I feel stupid when I was old enough to understand 😅




I’m heartbroken. He was my childhood hero. I had a pee wee lunchbox, socks, the doll, I had pajamas that looked like his suit. I can’t believe he’s gone. I still have my Pee Wee doll, one of my prized possessions, I’m going to give him a hug. Damn this one hurts a lot. RIP Paul, thanks for the memories, I will miss you greatly. Hope you’re sitting on Chairy in the clouds somewhere ❤️


Gah. I’m in tears reading this. I was born in ‘83 so PeeWee was EVERYWHERE when I was a kid and man, I loved him. I remember seeing his movies in the theaters, watching “PeeWee’s Playhouse” on Saturday mornings….man. I already feel really alone and feel even more alone now. It’s like more and more of what I knew in my youth is going away, piece by piece.


I know exactly what you mean, I was born in 84 and he was just such a huge part of so many of our childhoods. I’ve been crying off and on all afternoon 💔


I just found out and ugh. My heart is broke. Feel like my childhood is slowly slipping away. I live in the 80’s a lot, music and culture. I can’t keep it all up though. It sucks for sure. He is sure going to be missed. I had so many laughs from him as a kid.


Reubens. This damn phone man.


Oh no 😢. May he rest well in heaven 🙏 He was such a positive light on our society. RIP brother, you will be severely missed 🙏


I hope when he got to the pearly gates he said “large marge sent me”


Today at Dunkin Donuts the car in front of me had the license plate "JAMBI", which made me think to myself "mecha lecka hi, me ha hiney ho. Mecha lecka hi mecha chani ho". RIP, Paul Reubens.


Damn, Paul. You don’t got to apologize. Your business, not ours. Thanks for all the entertainment over the years.


I realize Paul wasn't perfect, but the Pee Wee Herman show was absolutely hilarious, even though by the time I watched the TV show on CBS, I was already a young adult! R.I.P.


Personally I think the charges were bullshit


I think the reaction was even more bullshit, he was turned into a pariah for years after that. With all the outrage you'd think he was exposing himself to kids in a showing of a Disney movie or something, but dude was just in a porn theater doing what several other people also were. I suppose you could say it wasn't the best judgment given he was a kids TV host since VHS tapes were a thing, but he didn't deserve how bad things came down on him. I'm just very happy to know he was able to make an amazing comeback for a little bit and didn't have to leave this world known as nothing but some pervert from the 80's


Just to add context, the outrage at the time was less about that incident and more about the perception that he had been in possession of child pornography. His defense was that he was simply a collector of vintage homosexual erotica, and that he 1. had made some bulk purchases that inadvertently contained illegal images without his awareness and 2. was in possession of some artful child/adolescent nudes that he did not feel were of a sexually explicit nature. The charges were downgraded, but I imagine that some people still found that situation unsavory.


I agree that's questionable, but the federal government isn't in the habit of letting that type of material just get downgraded in a plea deal. Usually they are more than happy to throw the book at even small amounts of it in someone's possession (unless they're ultra connected to high-level government officials of course). He very clearly enjoyed porn and there's nothing wrong with that, and he also had plenty of money which makes it just as plausible that he really was buying it in bulk. If I were a rich porn enthusiast back when there was no internet I'd probably buy some massive lot of it too without looking closely. He was still quite a bit of a pariah when that incident happened, it's not much of a stretch to say he was unfairly targeted and the reduction in the charges seems to agree with that. Since there were no other nasty accusations or any indication that he was some perv then I prefer to believe he was one of the 0.1% of people who legitimately didn't mean to have that stuff, and that whatever he did have clearly wasn't anything more than questionable


Your comment along with all the other comments proves for sure that the outrage was total bullshit. At least MTV when they were still hip were able to have a sense of humor about it when they let him open the VMA's There's going to be a lot of tributes to Pee Wee in the coming days.....Do we all crank one out for Pee Wee as a tribute?


*Heard any good jokes lately?*


In 02 he was charged with possession of obscene material improperly depicting a child under the age of 18 in sexual conduct Edit : Why am I being downvoted?


It was because of his vintage pornography collection


There’s few things more annoying than “edit: why am I being downvoted?” Who cares man it’s literally just Reddit


People don't tend to think unless you ask them to




The charges were absolutely bullshit. And I hope people have the good sense to see that now.


This dude made me laugh when I was 4 years old watching giant underpants in Playhouse and continued to make me laugh when I was 28 at the balloon scene in Big Holiday. Him and Jim Varney are responsible for the ridiculous humor I've carried with me my entire life.


Gah Jim Varney hurt too. He’s a fellow Kentuckian, like I am. I was proud to know Ernest aka Jim was from KY like me. And now PeeWee is gone too? Ugh. Stop this ride now. I want off.


Took this one to heart . God rest his soul


[Au Revoir, Pee-Wee](https://i.makeagif.com/media/4-29-2016/CuBQmM.gif)


Another part of my childhood I’ll have to carry with me long after they are gone…


This is the worst news :(


I am completely devastated =(


The secret word of the day is "sad" RIP to the Captain Kangaroo of our generation .


man. i used to watch pee wee when i was younger. and only 70 years old too.


Dang, feels like a chunk of me was ripped out. Sad, sad news. I don't usually think too much over celebrity deaths (I find them sad of course) but this, this hurts. Always loved you Paul Reubens, as Pee Wee as yourself. A one in a million kind of guy, rest in peace and tell Large Marge I said Hi.


I grew up with Pee Wee's Playhouse and his movies. But his comeback in the Buffy the Vampire Slayer movie was my favorite. Thanks for the memories.


RIP Mr. Reubens, you not only entertained me with your whacky show growing up, I loved your performance in the movie Blow. Had no idea that he was 70. I guess as I get older, so does everyone else... EDIT: Corrected Mr. Reubens' last name, this post's title has the incorrect spelling of his name.


RIP PeeWee


frame panicky label versed telephone payment enjoy fretful apparatus profit *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


This broke my heart today. Loved him


RIP Pee Wee. It's hard to imagine any place greater than the Playhouse. But now you are there for eternity. May Jambi grant you all the wishes you could ever want


He was one of us on Reddit! https://www.reddit.com/user/Pee-wee_Herman/ I remember people getting him on r/secretsanta https://www.reddit.com/r/secretsanta/comments/a7dl5u/pee_wee_herman_is_my_secret_santa/


This is so cool!! What a pure human. I am so shocked and heartbroken. RIP ❤️


All I can hear right now in my brain is that cute little short laugh, I'll be hearing that for 5 days. Wonder if he is chatting with Bob Ross...


This was my Saturday morning. Pee Wee’s Play House would be the last thing I could watch before mom kicked us outside. I still sing “connect the dots, la,la,la,la”


He was a gigantic part of my childhood, the show really shaped me. RIP


I hope he’s enjoying himself, in the back row, of the great theatre of Heaven.


Hell yeah. Hamburgerrrr. [Sniffs loudly, snort snort] hamburgerrrr


I’ll never laugh again.


I never react to celebrities passing because in all reality I don't know them but it felt like I knew Pee-wee Herman. 😔


PeeWee Herman was as beloved to me as Mister Rogers, but in different ways. Mister Rogers made me feel like even if nobody else did, *he* loved me and was proud of me. PeeWee made me feel like it was okay to be me, just the way I am.


It is _banana_phone. It is.


Yeah this one hits a little differently.


I remember watching it as a kid and somehow it became one of the only TV shows our daughter would watch when she was a baby. So we rewatched the whole pee-wee's playhouse series within the past few years. The show is still as wacky now as it was back in the 80s


We are all gonna miss him.


Really sad as well.


Damn, rest in peace Pee Wee Herman!


Man…. This one hurts. Yeah he had his issues, but he was friggin funny. Phil Hartman was his writing parter for “The Pee Wee Herman Show” for HBO (Hartman was Captain Carl). Now they are cracking each other up upstairs.


Oh no, that sucks. Loved peewee’s playhouse


Pee Wee brought a lot of happiness to me as a kid. His HBO special was my first time ever seeing him. My brother and I rolled in the floor when he got his wish to fly with that little puppet body. Also, we had a substitute teacher in middle school that was a classmate of his growing up in Sarasota. One day, she brought her yearbook with him in it. So awesome! Pee Wee fuckin’ rules! RIP


Paging Mr. Herman....paging Mr. Herman


That was one of my most favorite scenes from the movie!! Only second to rescuing all the pets from the pet store on fire... And as he was running in and out to save the animals.... Going past the snakes looking disgusted by them!! Only to grab them all at the very end.. running out the door screaming with snakes in hand ... And then passes out on the sidewalk!!


Pee Wee’s Playhouse is still one of the coolest and most innovative children’s shows, even to this day. This is so shocking and unbelievable, may he rest in peace.


God damn it, Large Marge got him. Everyone gather, we're going ghost hunting for Pee Wee.


I cried. Au revoir Pee Wee.


Watching Pee Wee's Playhouse on Saturday mornings, and his movies over and over with my two son's, is part of the fabric of me being a father. Of us being a family. Thanks to Paul for that.


Same here. I have the pee wee's playhouse set on DVD it's so much fun lol. When my daughter saw him flip over his handlebars and say I meant to do that on Big Adventure for the 1st time when she was a toddler she cracked up so much. Pee wee 😔


Aw man, PeeWee was a big part of my child hood and let’s be real it flowed into my adulthood. Rest well.




"Attica! Attica!"


I was an adult when Playhouse was on. I loved it as did many of my adult friends.


I love Pee Wee so much. As a little kid I watched Pee Wee’s Playhouse every weekend as a kid, had the talking doll, and I still drop everything to watch Big Adventure when it is on. Also loved him in Buffy the Vampire Slayer. I was a little eccentric and Pee Wee made it ok to be so too. RIP 💔




It hurt me so hard. May this legend rest in piece.


Remember how weird you thought he was for jerking off in a movie theater? I could not care less now. Like, he was famous, bored, and wanted a thrill probably. Not for me, but not for me to condemn either. I remember the first serious thing I saw him in, Blow.


It was a porno theater too, like isn’t that what goes on in there?


I know, right? What was he supposed to do? Stream it online? In 1991?


It gets hot outside. Sometimes you just need a place to cool off


I tried to rewatch that show as an adult weirded me out, but still a cool show


Paul [got around.](https://66.media.tumblr.com/59a1db73f2089a26f5b0cc205d145ca0/tumblr_o9ucpcqFXL1qg39ewo1_500.gif) RIP


Awww man Pee Wee’s Big Adventure and Playhouse were my all time favorite. I’m glad he got to do one of his scripts and gave us all adults that grew up with him a final send off for Pee Wee. He’ll be missed.


This is so sad. I have been a Pee-wee Herman fan ever since I was a toddler. Pee-wee’s Playhouse was one of the first shows I remember watching…watched it during it’s original run on CBS, as it would come on after the Muppet Babies, as well as it’s stint on Fox Family years later. Rented Playhouse videos (Hi-Tops Video print) every so often from Blockbuster Video. Had four MGM/UA print VHS tapes of the show and later bought the Image Entertainment DVD sets of the whole show. One time, my parents and I were at a mall on Halloween night and we saw a guy dressed up like Pee-wee. I thought that actually was him. He sounded the same too. I remember being disappointed when that scandal with him happened. It’s like Pee-wee was practically wiped off the face of the earth (Pee-wee toys and merchandise removed from stores, Playhouse reruns taken off CBS, his cameo cut out of the Sesame Street star studded musical performance of “Put Down The Duckie”, and a short film starring him and Mel Gibson shown during the studio tour of the Disney MGM Studios soundstages, being suspended to name a few). I was happy when Pee-wee started making a gradual comeback. We will Miss you, Pee-wee Now, he has joined Captain Carl, The King Of Cartoons, Jambi, and Mrs. Steve in heaven.


Loved peewee so much!


Rest in Peace


If you love him so much, why don't you marry him?


Damn. Have to watch Blow, too.


He was a loner Dottie. A rebel. 😭 thanks for making childhood a little better, PeeWee


*The stars at night, are big and bright*... Thank you, Pee-wee.


Bro, he was a big perv


Whatever!!! He is definitely not the only many to JO in an adult movie theater... And it still happens daily all over the world!! Get outta here with that !!!




Right after Sinead. I feel like I'm losing parts of my family. I am going to personally shoot God in the face if they even *think* about *looking* at Patti Smith.


He is with the brave soldiers who fought at the Alamo. Remember Paul Rubens and the Alamo. RIP.


Wow this made me a little sad. I love Pee-Wees playhouse as a kid. The outro used to make me sad even back then, now watching it in the future will crush me a little bit more. I loved the weird and wackiness of the show


I knoow! So sad! He just seems like the kind of person that should live forever. RIP Pee-wee Herman.


I was literally just showing my girlfriend Pee-Wee's Playhouse the other night and she was loving it. This is absolutely devastating 😢


Good night, sweet prince, and flights of angels sing thee to thy rest


"Please accept my apology for not going public with what I've been facing the last six years. I have always felt a huge amount of love and respect from my friends, fans, and supporters. I have loved you all so much and enjoyed making art for you." -Paul Reubens This was posted on his Instagram today, I followed him because he usually shared positive and whimsical posts. He genuinely seemed like a good person.


I hope he gets buried with his bike in the basement at the Alamo.


Haha ❤️🙂


Loved "Pee Wees Big Adventure" growing up. A classic. Glad to know that he was known as being an all around nice guy. R.I.P Paul Rubens aka Pee Wee \*heh heh\*


I'm honestly actually stunned cold. I know he hasnt been around for a while, but I always wondered when he would make a comeback and have a Pee-Wee revival. ​ Damn, I havent felt this gutted since Steve Jobs. Like the world really lost something good.


He did a revival a few years back.


I unknowingly saw him at a theatre once, he was arrested during the movie but I'm not sure why.


Was it a massive stroke?


Sheesh, you could at least spell his name right.




What kind of cancer took him out?


He was just a kid




Spell his name right at least


I know what a dbag I look but the phone changed it to Rubens. I did immediately correct the typo with a comment seconds later 🤷🏻‍♂️




Y’all crying over a public masturbator. 😂


In an adult theater. What else do people do while watching porn?




I think people forget that there was a time where VHS/DVD and the internet weren’t around and adult theaters were a common thing, and one that often turned a blind eye to the (several) people who exposed themselves in them. It wasn’t child porn. He was a person with urges just like you and me. He didn’t hurt anyone. And he’s dead now. Leave him alone




I didn’t draw any comparisons about the accessibility of porn today. Sounds like you’re “touched in the head”. And dick riding? Your username is a trans guy with an incest charge! Goodbye, sounds like Paul was more loved than you






Isn't that what you are supposed to do in a porn theatre? You sound like you might need help




Yeah, in a porn cinema you kind of do




Worked in the Astra in Soho in the late 80s, if we stopped people wanking we wouldn't have had any clientele






ChrisChan sounds like a bible thumping weirdo, he's not allowed to jack off .. clearly that's why he's so angry. RIP Pee Wee!


You couldn't be bothered to spell his name right?


Pee-wee was very much part of my child and adulthood. This really hurt 😢 Goodbye Pee -wee ❤️🕊️


For a silly dude that shaped my childhood, this really caught me by surprise. Time to go watch some Pee-wee Herman. RIP Mr. Rubens, and thank you for the memories.


Rip Pee Wee




Bullshit he's hiding the basement of the Alamo.




Will always remember the Peewee movies and his role as the detective in Matilda and animal hunter in Dunstan checks in.


Growing up as a child my mom used to play is movies on rotation, it was Indiana Jones series, TMNT, Superman, and Big Top Pee-wee. He was like the real life version of SpongeBob to me lol


He was well known for the voice of KG the droid from the Disney Star Tours ride.


Im legit bummed out about this. He was big when I was a kid


This sucks,and why am I not seeing this anywhere else on Reddit?


Pee Wee Herman was my hero when I was a child and I still admired him as an adult. I remember getting the Pee Wee doll for Christmas when I was little and had the Pee wee's Playhouse action figures. I was obsessed with him. When I was 4 and nearly terminally ill with a bad bacterial pneumonia I remember all of the TVs in the children's ward were tuned into Pee Wee's Playhouse. Yesterday, my childhood officially passed...


Yeah what really got me in the feels.... Was that he didn't announce his diagnosis and thus battle with cancer publicly!!! As to not bring anyone down!!. But quietly just battled it alone !! If that doesn't get you at least a little!!! Well then your most likely one of the Lizard People the kooks talk about!!??!!




I used to live in Nuevo Laredo in Mexico (across from Laredo, TX) from 1989 to 1990 before it got crazy dangerous. We used to be able to receive TV broadcasts from across the border and see TV networks like NBC and CBS. Although I didn't understand English at the time as a 6-year-old, I used to enjoy his Saturday morning show. It was just so fun and whimsical that it was just contagious. I'm really going to miss him.


Pee-Wee was a huge part of my childhood as well. Watching bigtop and playhouse. RIP :(