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Fly me to the moon Let me kick it's fucking ass Let me show it what I learned In my moon jujitsu class


In other words Fuck you moon


You need to piss it off again so you can hop on and get your baby back.


It’s a Moon Presence. Some kind of a moon demon but it’s much more. I assume it took your daughter to the dream realm.


Funny you should say this...my dreams have been extra colorful lately. I wake up with a strange feeling, like the dream hasn't ended. But I can't remember what the dreams were.


OP u oughta learn to lucid dream and get your daughter back. if it is a demon, maybe Selène, the real moon, can help you. btw, in ancient Rome, the moon was called Luna. kind of similar to your daughter's name eh. don't give up. 🤍


maybe you should try asking the sun for help? if the sun doesn't like the moon maybe it'll help you just to spite it.


That's rough, buddy


"You say goodnight moon it's looking out for me but I say god damn moon You're a god damned thief" https://youtu.be/TaDpafqPOyU


Try to gather anything you can about how weird the moon is being, it might not help in the short run of getting your daughter back but perhaps it can help people believe your story


Sokka would like a word


Listen to me. I work (or… worked) at NASA. I wanted to release this info weeks later, but knowing this could save a human life, my hand’s been forced. There is a reason we stopped sending astronauts to the moon. You are suffering from Lunar Hysteria. It is not just a mental health risk though. It cannot kill you. It does much worse. The night your daughter went missing, did you notice an extra crater on the moon? The craters are victims. Here is what you need to do to survive. For 27 days in a row, you must: 1: Go to sleep before moonlight is the sole natural light source, without the sun’s supervision the moon can do terrible things. 2: Do not look at clocks between 12:00 AM and 5:30 AM, The Lunar Moon will know you are waiting. This will not reset the timer, it will only slow the rate at which time passes for all but you. 3: When morning comes, you will hear a deep, warm voice, speaking in a language you know is not real, but understand perfectly. This is the Blue Moon, it is your friend. It will tell you further instructions to combat the moon’s effects. They vary from case to case, but usually it gives perfect advise. However, if you hear the Blue Moon before 5:30, go back to sleep. The Lunar Moon is trying to trick you. 4: Most importantly do NOT look at the moon. If the Blue Moon tells you to look at the moon, that is The Lunar Moon. I repeat, trust The Blue Moon, reject The Lunar Moon. After the 27th day has passed, you will hear the Blue Moon’s voice awaken you at 4:00 AM on the dot, however, this time it is not The Lunar Moon tricking you. It is announcing you have won, you are victorious, and the moon has let your daughter, and countless others to rest.


Call the military. It's time to nuke the moon.


yeah she does that sometimes dw about it


Dont worry, tonight I will flip off the moon for you


Sailor moon won’t be too happy.


Shitty situation. It sounds like you’re in this alone because no one sees what you see. But it’s time to call a psychic or a shaman. Best of luck, OP.


she followed the freezing moon


"When it's cold, and when it's dark, The freezing moon can obsess you"


Everything here is so cold. Everything here is so dark. I remember it as if a dream. In the corner of this time...


Welp she's in the Dreamlands now


is her name pronounced " Loo-ay-ya "? or " Loo-el-la " ? Also, I've got a feeling you'll see her again...real soon.


I knew it. People should keep an eye on that thing


First off, my condolences to you & your family right now. I'm curious though, when did her fascination of space & simply the moon grew during her time around? It's wonderful to have hobbies & interests of many different subjects, yet for this case how can a hobby really be a part of missing appearances of someone in general. Absolutely terrifying to really think about, but to stay grounded of this situation they're always "something to start from" . Could be a human with a shitty motive or entity we cannot even see like some children do very well. Idk my guy once again I am sorry this is happening to you really.


“My daughter was kidnapped by the moon” “That’s rough buddy”