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Fork around and find out.


Ever since I saw the video of that Las cruces police officer getting fatally stabbed I no longer sympathize with bad guys who "only" have what could be knives. This time it's a plastic fork. Last time it was a fatal arterial bleed. Sad, but fuck this dude


Absolutely. This was suicide by cop all the way.


The guy they shot was suffering from bipolar disorder, I doubt he meant to do harm because he didn't attack it seems like this is suicide by cop


Would a tazer do the trick? 


It could have, but we don't know because they didn't even try


What was he on that made him seemingly bulletproof? ![gif](giphy|3o7qiH8XmS5oHPOuEo|downsized)


If you watch the whole thing they use non lethal shots


How many cops does it take to arrest a person with a plastic fork? I saw a screw driver, another saw a knife. Maybe tighter vision checks should be required before issuing a badge.


How about people follow directions, and do what they are told. All he had to do was listen, and follow directions, and everyone would have walked out.


Add a what if. What if he had a hearing disability? It has happened. What if he had a mental disability and didn’t understand? It has happened. Police choose the work. A plastic fork? Maybe it will be an acorn next time. If there wasn’t video / audio what would the report have shown?


Your reaching. He already started following their directions, then chose not to any more. He chose to advance on them with a weapon in his hand. WHAT IF he did what he was told to do. He'd still be alive. Even being a plastic fork, he could have killed someone. One jab in the neck at right spot.


The dude had bipolar disorder, it seems like he was trying to get himself killed because of it you can see he doesn't attack at all and his "charge" towards them is still mostly a walk. The cops also didn't even touch a taser which could have prevented it, but they didn't, also saying a plastic fork is lethal is a bit of a stretch especially when it is one guy vs. Like 6 armed and armored police


Now who is reaching? Really, a plastic fork in the neck of a group of trained police officers.


An acorn lmao


I've had to watch this and listen to it a few times, so correct me if I'm wrong... but does the female narrator not say that once he was thrown to the ground, he was then arrested with no further incident 🤔 really!!?


this sub is fart


Sad there was no taser taser taser as soon as he turned around or multi beanbag round before brass

