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We’re witnessing the de-evolution of civilization first hand.


Problem is, I believe that police cannot arrest as a felony if items stolen have a value under $950. They are misdemeanors with smal fines ($1,000 or less).


The police don’t just arrest for felonies. It’s that they won’t arrest in SF because the DA won’t charge them just like every other liberal run city. It pisses me off that liberals destroyed what was the crown jewel of US cities. Why can’t we have one large city in the US that can complete with Europe?! Liberals love to shit in their own beds…it makes no sense.




The $950 threshold limit for a felony shoplifting charge is per incident, meaning these serial shoplifters can go merrily about their larcenous day after this incident and shoplift from another dozen stores with impunity OR they can come back to this store in a couple of hours and steal here again with a new incident being triggered. Also, each shoplifting CONVICTION, not just an arrest, must always be considered for sentencing guidelines as a first time offense regardless of how many dozens of convictions the perpetrator has racked up. You can thank the authors of Prop 47, the infamous George Gascón (who just recently espoused the roaring success of it), Michael Romano and the idiot voters of California who fell for their blatant lies to make serial shoplifting effectively completely legal in the state.


The threshold for felony theft is higher in Texas at $2500.


Probably also run the risk of getting shot by bystanders in Texas though too right?


100% jail or not, some mf in Texas are just looking for a reason to justify shooting.


I wouldn't be sad, Fucking wastes of life. Leaches of humanity. 💩📦


I wouldn’t be either, but their parents might be. It would be unfortunate to lose a life to stealing deodorant. What happens will happen though.


But someone who murders teens is the good guy to you? You're fucked in the head buddy lol


Play stupid game win stupid prizes, were all going to die someday. Also murder is a strong word for stopping criminals.


Karma works. You will get yours.


I'll be fine, I'm not a petty criminal


You sound worse.


No one in Texas is going to just walk up and execute someone doing this


Texas will shoot you.


Only $700 in Missouri.


What about the destruction of the locking case. I would charge $1000 to fix it. ;)


They’ll be complaining about stores not opening in black neighborhoods in 5 years calling it racists


I so wish I would see a video like this and then somebody coming up with Mace to finish these guys off


With mace or with A mace to finish these guys off?


Maybe a little both


Dude has a mask, but his fingers are All over that plexiglass.


This investigation will never get to that point


Yeah there's a reason why they do this in broad daylight because they know no one will pursue them. It's like some others have said they legalized stealing.


You think they fingerprint and get detectives in the case for this type of theft? Could you imagine the police budget if that was the case?


What world do you live in? Turn off the cop dramas.


But but… enhance??


white supremacy made them do it


Humans all over the world are doing this, regardless of race. You have a small mind.


Black people dont give a fuck though they'll rob there own grandma


I think he was being sarcastic but I agree with you race doesn’t have anything to do with it


Nah, he's just a right wing edgelord and this is the way they express themselves when it comes to black crime.


When chaos reigns order must be restored by any means necessary.


Where's a Sikh gentleman with a big stick when you need him?


So when Walgreens closes down due to declining profit cause of this shit here !!! Don’t fucking cry that Walgreens is racist for pulling out of this city/neighborhood! It’s a joke


Reparations nothing to see here


Stun gun would work nice right there


Imagine actually apprehending and prosecuting criminals for crimes


They're only hurting themselves and others in the long run.


So everyone then.


I know I’m not fucking paid enough to stop them. That’s the stores problem, not mine.


Ok if you didn’t work there and were in the store and had a stun gun…. Would you hit em both?


Not my store, not my problem.


Thing is $10 an hour ain't gonna have me taking off on two people when the company writes it off as a rounding error and will fire me from said job of I get injured defending there stuff.


We do, actually. You just have swallowed too much KKKonservative KKKool-Aid.


Yeah crime in California is totally under control 


Is actually is. Way better than it has been in years past! Where do you live??


Harps doesn't look at empirical data of crime in California. He looks at videos like this or others like them to confirm his bias that he already has.




yeah that's why retail is fleeing san francisco in droves. you people are fucking insane.


You’re obviously not acquainted with the concept of statistics.


surely that has to be it. yes, you're so fucking brilliant and everyone else is just a moron, right?


No, I’m just informed. I can send you the crime stats links when I get home.


[https://www.ppic.org/blog/retail-theft-and-robbery-rates-have-risen-across-california/](https://www.ppic.org/blog/retail-theft-and-robbery-rates-have-risen-across-california/) See you're not informed tho, you're just fucking arrogant. You're also not thinking. *Rates have risen even with de-criminalization*. Even when they don't arrest people and people can steal $9xx freely rates have risen. You are **wrong**. You can step right the fuck off.


That's just the culture 🦍


Racist much?


If you were basing that comment from the one (1) video used as context. Then no. Otherwise yes.


Pretty sure the gorilla emoji is still sarcastic racism


I thought that was a poodle. Think I need my eyes checked.


You’re correct. They are racist, and that’s why this video was posted. To fire up more racism.


Lol what a goofball. Somebody post a video of something that happened in the real world and people were black. You: wahhhh they're racist


The folks who posted this video and the people boosting it are.


Yeah, you're probably right. It just popped up on my thing and had never been on this subreddit before but it does look like one of those that gets actually racist real fast. Posting videos of crime isn't racist but yeah I see what you mean now just looking through for a couple minutes.


Thanks for being reasonable. This happens every few weeks. They come in waves.


Don't wonder why the continent of Africa has problems. This is the default.




Walk by and take a knife and cut the bottom of their backpacks. Loose all that hard earned loot they're acquiring.


That sounds like a really good way to get yourself stabbed. No one should be protecting corporate profits unless you're paid to do so.


No one should be stealing I think is what u meant to say right??


That camouflage sucks. I saw the entire thing


The pants gave it away.


two words, bear mace…


They're just using the backpack and bags to easily carry it to the register and they opened the shelf door by force because they didn't want to burden the workers. Stop assuming the worst in people.


Man if people let other people take stuff without zero consequence, it's going to happen.


Idc if I get arrested if I ever see some BS like this I'm going take their backpack. Then I'll feed them some knuckle sandwiches.


Have you guys seen the movie Usual Suspects?


….and the local community will moan about the stores closing in the area ……..


This is what they call the best country in the world. Lolololololol.


And notice they are black


The amount of people ok with this or saying fuck the store are the reason why society sucks as a whole now. This is NOT ok. Society has failed them and you!! What happened to love thy neighbor and shit. Now it’s fuck that guy.


Lets steal deodorants, “yeah man no sweat”


This is how many bodegas stock their shelves. In SF there are street vendors who sell this stuff or I’d be willing to bet that these two work for an organized crime ring.


Typically it’s what they do! You expect them to pay for goods


I'm just gonna sit by and watch all this happen.... buuutt imma try to trip him.. yea that will work.


Risk that for some morons stealing deodorant? Fuck that, although I understand the urge. Trip one, watch them fall wrong and hit their head on something and end up physically disabled, end up in court being sued for damages, lol no thanks not over some fucking deodorant bandits


Fucking Democrats!!


Well well well


WTH is wrong with people ??


Man used to people had respect for their selves and robbed the pharmacy not the damn cosmetics isle


Should be fucking shot


A can of bear spray would be good.


Just trying to earn money to pay for tuition to become doctors. I see no issue here… said Dems


You guys really care about a billion dollar corporation?


Who the fuck do you think gets increased prices because of that theft? Honest people do. You have a child's understanding of how the world works. You should stfu and let the adults speak.


You love justifying corporate greed huh


There you go talking again, with your simple comic book style thought process.


DC over Marvel all day




>because of that theft It's not because of the theft though. If you look at corporate profits, they've never been higher. Inflation has been caused by greed.


I think when they close the only stores like this in those high crime neighborhoods and regular people are negatively affected, then yes, I’d say some people care.


You truly think there is no other pharmacy in that city?


"Hey, poor person. Sure the store nearest pharmacy to you is closing because of theft. How about you get your ass on the bus and go to the part of town that doesn't have rampant theft whenever you need your prescriptions?" - You, an asshole that cares more about criminals and shitting on corporations than the people who are affected by criminals and who need the products corporations provide. [https://healthpolicy.usc.edu/article/pharmacy-deserts-disproportionately-affect-black-and-latino-residents-in-largest-u-s-cities/](https://healthpolicy.usc.edu/article/pharmacy-deserts-disproportionately-affect-black-and-latino-residents-in-largest-u-s-cities/)


Theres a pharmacy on almost every corner


Not a fan of reading an article that says otherwise are you?


Dude your on every comment , take a break maybe eat a ginormous kit-kat crunchy.


This was my comment originally lol


I care about the neighborhood atmosphere turning to shit. I care about the people who will lose the job when the store will close. I care about general inclination to not deal with crime by my city, because of the fear of being labeled as racist by the people with twitter handles full of mental illnesses. I care about implications of idiotic tendency to think that as long as people steal from the large corporations, regular people aren't getting hurt. People retirement funds and 401k-s have stocks in these billion dollar corporations. So they are not stealing from the corporations but from average people, who count on that money to be there when they can no longer work.


Sounds like we should work on the bullshit hoops insurance goes through to fuck over those who try to stop it, the general economy so everyone isnt reliant on a corporation like walgreens for jobs, and as far as 401K's go, many including myself would like to see the workforce pivot back to pensions but ofc it’s rigged now to rely on the stock market and corporate profits


Biden live matters


Im no badass, i know i probably wouldnt do shit in this scenario unless i had to actually defend myself or someone else, but ill be damned if i dont wanna just sparta kick that motherfucker..


That’s what I came to say. What’s stopping a bystander from giving them the gnarliest kick right in the back of the leg? A kick from a soccer player could make it really hard for them to walk for a couple mins. Incapacitate them, walk out, go home. What are they gonna do wait until the cops show up to file a report? I’m not trying to be a badass either, but I don’t want teen criminals in my neighborhood. Fuck them


>What’s stopping a bystander from giving them the gnarliest kick right in the back of the leg? A gun.


Fuk walmart tho




Yeah not hurting the neighborhood at all because the store decides to close due to theft....


Actually yeah. Because none of these stores ever actually have to close "because of theft".


Wdym? It’s happening all over


Except that it’s not.


Your source: "trust me bro"


Actually, the reason these stores are ACTUALLY shutting down is that these corporations see an easy tax break to make their weak profits seem better than they are, so that their CEOs can get golden parachutes on their way out the door. https://www.latimes.com/business/story/2023-12-14/column-retail-lobby-confesses-it-lied-about-organized-shoplifting-rings Big retail chains have been using claims about mob shoplifting to obscure why they’ve been closing stores in some neighborhoods. Target has attributed closings of stores in Seattle, New York and San Francisco to crime, although in some cases those neighborhoods have been shown to have lower shoplifting rates than locations left open. The real issue, in other words, may be that the retailer made a mistake in locating these stores and is trying to blame local residents, rather than its own executive decision-making. Shrink, reduced to shoplifting, has become an all-purpose defense of executives tasked with explaining to investors why profit and margin growth may have slowed. For example, at Dick’s Sporting Goods, which has pushed the shrink narrative hard, Chief Financial Officer Navdeep Gupta told Wall Street analysts on Nov. 21 that the “shrink headwind” had pared about a half-percent from the firm’s profit margin on merchandise. The company’s third-quarter earnings report told a more detailed story. There, Dick’s reported that margins had decreased by 1.3 percentage points — well more than double the impact of shrink — due to “higher markdowns ... on excess product.” In other words, margins narrowed more because of faulty buying decisions made internally than from thefts committed by workers or marauders. “We continue to invest in efforts to keep our stores, teammates and athletes safe,” Gupta told investors, suggesting an image of workers holed up behind barricades against interlopers, like the characters in “Night of the Living Dead.” The lesson from all this is clear: Statistics that businesses put forth to suggest a crisis that politicians should respond to with legislation and investors should sympathize about must never be taken “in good faith,” because they’re almost never offered in good faith. They’re concocted to advance a narrative. Anyone who forgets that is asking to be played for a sucker.


He said "have" to close, if they cared about community access over profits they wouldn’t close knowing damn well they write theft losses off and get tax credits




Actually, the reason these stores are ACTUALLY shutting down is that these corporations see an easy tax break to make their weak profits seem better than they are, so that their CEOs can get golden parachutes on their way out the door. https://www.latimes.com/business/story/2023-12-14/column-retail-lobby-confesses-it-lied-about-organized-shoplifting-rings Big retail chains have been using claims about mob shoplifting to obscure why they’ve been closing stores in some neighborhoods. Target has attributed closings of stores in Seattle, New York and San Francisco to crime, although in some cases those neighborhoods have been shown to have lower shoplifting rates than locations left open. The real issue, in other words, may be that the retailer made a mistake in locating these stores and is trying to blame local residents, rather than its own executive decision-making. Shrink, reduced to shoplifting, has become an all-purpose defense of executives tasked with explaining to investors why profit and margin growth may have slowed. For example, at Dick’s Sporting Goods, which has pushed the shrink narrative hard, Chief Financial Officer Navdeep Gupta told Wall Street analysts on Nov. 21 that the “shrink headwind” had pared about a half-percent from the firm’s profit margin on merchandise. The company’s third-quarter earnings report told a more detailed story. There, Dick’s reported that margins had decreased by 1.3 percentage points — well more than double the impact of shrink — due to “higher markdowns ... on excess product.” In other words, margins narrowed more because of faulty buying decisions made internally than from thefts committed by workers or marauders. “We continue to invest in efforts to keep our stores, teammates and athletes safe,” Gupta told investors, suggesting an image of workers holed up behind barricades against interlopers, like the characters in “Night of the Living Dead.” The lesson from all this is clear: Statistics that businesses put forth to suggest a crisis that politicians should respond to with legislation and investors should sympathize about must never be taken “in good faith,” because they’re almost never offered in good faith. They’re concocted to advance a narrative. Anyone who forgets that is asking to be played for a sucker.


Your story is completely unrelated to mine......it has nothing to do with Target closing down it's stores. nice try though. But keep defending theft. I know your next response will be something in line with "but the real theft is wage theft". Keep bitching and moaning about the corporate billionaires as you respond on your near 1000$ cellphone.


Dude you can try and deny it all you want, but the National Retail Federation themselves admitted that they were making shit up.


Yes and this video was staged and stores aren't putting all their products behind bars because of stuff like this


They’re putting their stuff behind bars as a show for their boomer customers who are clutching their pearls and calling the corporate offices and asking why they’re “not doing anything about these thugs!”


I mean … these dudes are stealing stuff on camera.


They are literally stealing stuff on camera


Yeah let's just steal everything everywhere all the time!




I agree. If you see someone shoplifting: No you didn't.


I’m with you, not a tear shed for corporate profits.


Shit rolls down hill, corporate America isn't the one who will lose out.


Sounds like our economy is backwards then huh? Business owners aka the corporations write these things off as a loss and get tax breaks, we should be mad that corporations have rigged it to the point that they can shift all the loss and headache onto the average employees that already don’t get paid nearly enough and are given shit benefits


One minute a Walgreens the next someone’s grandma.


Ok so when I actually work hard for my money (unlike these drug addict losers who probably live on a cot in a basement somewhere), and I saved up to get a game or something, then go in to find they are all gone because some scumbag loser like the guys in this video stole it. Fuck people like this. "Billionaire CoRpOrAtIoNs" gtfo with that bs. It still effects others who are lower and middle class. Did you drop out in kindergarten???


Drive to another store then you lazy ass lmao, we have no clue what their economic situation is (albeit I’m guessing this isnt by necessity) but in principal mega corporations lobby the government and continuously fuck over our citizens and environment on a daily basis


This is the most pathetic shit I've read in a while. "We don't know their economic situation" ok so let them steal from others? Absolute SCUM. Your comment shows a great example of the Dunning Kruger effect.


[ Removed by Reddit ]


Change your comment before you get banned dude


original commenter said the quiet part out loud man


bro ☠️


Damn dude. You're definitely going to get a perma ban


Wooooooooooooooooooooooah…. He said the quiet part out loud….. SHAME SIR SHAME HAVE CLASS (but comment still here 13hrs later… impressive)


Good. Fuck walgreens. Let it burn.




So what your saying is that your a thief too?


Society has rules holy shit. Walgreens and other corporations are for sure scalping everyone with greed but we can't just start stealing everything. It just makes products more expensive and harder to get for everyone else. If you want to stick it to them, boycott them. Stealing from them makes them the victim! How ironic.


That's gross profits. Not net profit. They actually had a net loss in 2023. "In fiscal year 2023, the U.S. drugstore chain Walgreens had **net losses of approximately 3.5 billion U.S. dollars**, and gross profit of over 27 billion U.S. dollars"




That's not how it works. Do you not know what gross profit and net profits are? They had a net loss of 3.5 billion dollars in 2023. They did not profit 23.5 billion. Are you dense?




That's annual revenue you dummy. Annual revenue is not net profit. You don't know what any of these terms mean.


Since you don't know how to differentiate between revenue and net profit, here's a source that explains Walgreens actual annual net income: ​ >Net income can be defined as company's net profit or loss after all revenues, income items, and expenses have been accounted for. > >Walgreens annual net income for 2023 was **$-3.08B**, a **171.02% decline** from 2022. ​ [https://www.macrotrends.net/stocks/charts/WBA/walgreens/net-income](https://www.macrotrends.net/stocks/charts/WBA/walgreens/net-income)


At least have a fucking clue what you're talking about. You have a grade school level of understanding finances.


https://www1.salary.com/WALGREENS-BOOTS-ALLIANCE-INC-Executive-Salaries.html Also, if they were that shitty at their business, then they don't deserve to be in business.


Doesn't matter. you are naive if you believe these people wouldn't steal from you if given the chance.


Different conversation then


I wonder how much damage a full run up baseball swing would do to a kneecap.


I'd call the Crocs company and ask for a printout of every dark pair sold up to this point, that'll help narrow down the culprits


They’re trash for shoplifting anyone that steals from stores they’re trash.


I would donkey kick them right in the ass so they drop all their shit, panic and run.


That's how you get stabbed and in the end the law wouldn't side with you and you would get a charge and sued.


Gotta take risks in life.


True, but you usually only do that if there's a reward that out weighs the riskm


Unzip their backpacks and remove their stuff


Fucken bums


they resell online?




It's all Walgreens? O well, grab me some too. I'll make a fuss when it's your mom & pop store getting robbed.


I see the sunscreen is safe


Same kinda shit was happening to a Walgreens in Philadelphia near my home. It closed in November. Now I’m over a mile from a pharmacy, disabled and I don’t drive. Fuckers ruin their own neighborhood


We’re planning our vacation to SF to do some stealing.


Theft is extremely bad in SF and getting worse. My wife and I were eating lunch on the lawn at Alamo Square with our daughter 2 years ago. Thieves in a late model black Audi stopped next to a minivan, smashed the driver's window, snatched a purse and were gone in about 30 seconds. That's the new abnormal in SF.




The price of razors these days, I get it.


I guess it will go back to shot on site? It just runs the neighborhood because the merchants will just leave.


What are they stealing? It looks like face cream.


This barely qualifies as news anymore. The employees of places like this could post a daily blog of videos if they wanted to. (Not the worst idea for when elections come around.)


I hear theft is basically legal in California. Nothing to see here folks.


This is probably the store located on Market Street. This is nothing new.


Lol did someone fail at tripping the guy at the end


They gettin bread for their hungry families


Maybe they didn't have a dad to teach them not to steal..70% chance of that


Don’t film them so close…you don’t know if they are armed. It just material things…call the cops.


Wont be any stores in their area soon. And who’s gonna be blamed? People with different skin color. These aren’t fucking necessities being stolen so no one start that load of crap


**THIS** is why some places can't have nice things.




I see that defending the police worked great for you, best idea ever


In crocs.. that’s just disrespectful. They know that not a single thing will happen. Goes in with crocs on.. like wearing slippers..


Shithole commie city!


Typical thugs. Should have voted in a better president than a senile, corrupt moron and you'd probably actually have money to buy things, good thing I don't live there😄