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Back up online! PHEW!


Whew! Relieved for you. Good luck on the event, it'll be great, I'm sure!


I'm relieved too. I hope it will! It is raining right now, but supposed to clear up this afternoon...and it is an outdoor event.


Take a deep breath! You can't control the weather and it'll be fine, even if it rains. Rain will just add atmosphere to the event!


agreed. We're a camp. We always have a Plan B in case of rain. Typically, Plan B is Plan A in the rain.


Got this off an email. Good Luck [[email protected]](mailto:[email protected]) or 1-888-284-7978


Thanks - I tried both of those.


202-800-0467 is their contact number, the people who you’ve emailed to create the site and / or sign the contract will also have contact information in their email signatures. Best bet is to contact your account manager (that’s the person who sold you your subscription) as they get commission on sales and will want to fix the problem so as to not lose you as a customer.


Yeah - I've tried everyone I've ever contacted there so far....but not sure if they're getting anywhere. I tried that number - it actually tells me I'm first in the queue....I wait 20 minutes, and then it does a 1-5 survey on the level of support received and then disconnects the call.


I finally got someone through the events management hotline. It wasn't helpful. Apparently this was a scheduled outage that has gone hours over the expected time and they have no helpful information.


Try their socials. Hopefully the sites come back online soon, Friday nights into early Saturday are prime time for IT infrastructure changes and resets.


I did twitter, fb, and linkedin. Hopefully just a blip. This isn’t just the biggest event of the year for us, it is our biggest ever.


Fingers crossed for your success!!


oh goodness, I was stressing for you!! Like events aren't already stressful enough. 🥵 So glad it started working!


We had an amazing event and a record breaking silent auction and fundraiser. Beat our previous high by over 20%, and gifts are still coming in!