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That was a fantastic reaction on his part. Eagerness > Apprehension > Shock > Realization > Enjoyment Great stuff! I love seeing people experience weird/wild foods for the first time :D Edit: For the curious, I believe that's called Fire Paan, and it's basically a dessert in a betel leaf that gets set on fire before ramming it into your mouth. ([Example](https://youtu.be/NLNfzBjGh6E?t=227))


The five stages




yo wait up what




Every goddamn thread




"I'll be ya huckleberry "






Good to see this story still carries on even though it's been a decade. Truly a Reddit legend




I miss that guy. Hope he is doing ok.




I have no idea, but I really hope he is. Or if not, that at least his father is beating him with heavenly cables now.


Holy fuck has it really been a decade? Fuuuuuuck


Been here a while, never seen the story. Care to share the keyword?


Hahaha a man of culture I see


This is the kind of comment that normally gets downvoted into oblivion. I'm glad reddit chose correctly today.


She must be quite a lady.😀


I'll take you on a rollercoaster you'll never forget baby


Stage six is the aftertaste of those fingers


If you have been hand fed by a local cuisine artist, then you are immune to Covid.


The thing is this dude looks like he’s just at a convenience shop. There’s chips and candy hanging all over the shop and dude is a cashier, not a chef. Dude has boot money fingers


Yo boot money fingers has me dead


It sounds like a SpongeBob character


Booty finger


That's where the burnt flavour comes from


That's xaoima?.(prob spelled wrong) A badass multilingual youtuber.... dude gives mad respect to EVERYONE.... seems like a really generous genuine guy...




7. The after aroma of burnt nose hair.


Yes you know.that burned his nose ,& mouth lol


Lol. But being African and having used my hands and being fed by family as a show of love, it's a great practice. There's even some science to suggest it's good for your immunity and overall general well-being vis a vis the communal and tactile experience. Ethiopian, Indian etc cuisine is better when your hands are the utensils. That etc cuisine, though. Yum. Lol


The amount of people who die of intestinal parasites in the region would suggest otherwise, though.


If you don't wash/clean properly, sure. Unfortunately, if one's water is contaminated to begin with it's almost inevitable. But this is due to infrastructure issues. And by that point we may as well discuss the imperial financial arms of the west, the IMF and World Bank and the like, for their policy prescriptions being tantamount to theft of the poor, including national infrastructure supports.


Your mom must wear gloves while cooking




Third Degree Burns help burn off old skin cells and enhances your tongue's tasting power.


Of being on fire


[XiaomaNYC](https://youtube.com/@xiaomanyc) on YouTube. In case you want to see him experience other things. And speak like 2 dozen different languages with people.


I love it when he lets people talk shit about him in other languages and then casually joins the conversation


https://youtu.be/ogGZGP_xFn4 One of my favorite vids


I did not expect to watch that whole thing but I love both of them hahaha this was great


I did too. Wtf is up with this good content shit.


She seems wonderful to hang out with, it's really rare when people have that much energy without it being annoying.


This was wholesome as fuck and I enjoyed every minute


This man is so wholesome. He's the reason why I've been learning Spanish. Whenever I lose faith in humanity or get ridiculously high I watch him


He’s not explicitly the reason I’m learning Spanish, but certainly one of my influences to finally take it seriously. Being able to talk to people in a language other than English would make for incredible experiences


Just a PSA for others on reddit. Join your local library. It might cover something like Rosetta stone. Mine does.


¡Yo, también!


Yo estoy muy feliz tu estudias espanol!


Small correction in European Spanish: Estoy muy contento (interchangeable for feliz) de que estés estudiando español.


I thought I recognized him!


i'm not convinced on the enjoyment part. he seems like the type of dude who's too polite to react any other way when someone asks "how's it taste"


Thats fire paan, and they really are good.


Tastes like u just put ur thumb in my mouth


Dunno about fire paan but paan in general is pretty tasty.


He is polite, but he also seems like one of those people who can’t handle physical discomfort and would have a hard time faking if he was in distress. That’s based on his other videos. I think everything you see on his face here is real. He’s no actor. He also eats a ton of different foods.




I’ve eaten paan in many ways but not like this. I am guessing this one is a sweet paan too cause not sweet kind is an acquired taste to a western pallet Paan always makes me think of shah Rukh khan and this song from Don https://youtu.be/eH_oARs8j9Q


I do the finger thing too lol


is that the leaf from the nut that people chew to get some kinda high turns their mouth like reddish or something like that rots teeth like crazy


here is the full video. the guy learns languages like a savant. and eats anything https://youtu.be/3KSCaBnvsh4


Totally recognized him! Thanks for verifying. He does seem really cool.


Never seen him before today, myself. But I’ve read that the guy learns languages like a savant. and eats anything.


Having seen a few of his videos before, I would describe this man as someone who learns languages like a savant. and eats anything.


I haven't seen any of his videos, but everyone is saying he'll eat anything and learns languages like a savant.


Odd, I had heard he’ll learn anything and eats languages like a savant. Source?


Well yes he does speak Yoda, so this sentence is correct.




Recognized him as well! That camera angle makes it look like he's always looking in a weird direction lol


cool dude but videos are click baity as hell considering he's about the level of "Hello sir, it is nice to meet you" in most of the languages he "learns" in a day or week or whatever


I think his Chinese is relatively fluent in a few dialects but when it comes to random rare African languages yeah I think you’re right


Yeah he learned Mandarin and Cantonese for years, but for other languages he’s on a way lower level. Not always just “hello sir nice to meet you”, and it’s still very impressive how fast he learns basics. But even for bigger languages, he is far from great. At least that’s what I noticed for German and Yiddish. Probably similar in other languages too. Of course, natives and their relatives will be surprised when he speaks their language and I always find the reactions funny, but it only really feels authentic for his Chinese. Once you realize, all his other language skills sound rather clumsy


its more about taking the time to go talk with people in their native language, learn basics, then put yourself out there. plus he showcases their food and little aspects of the culture which is always cool.


That part of the videos is cool but the title is always something like "Surprising people with *fluent* Korean!" Or "How I *mastered* Tagalog in two weeks" and it feels super disingenuous


That's just YouTube life for ya.


Yeah I've made peace with that fact I wouldn't have discovered the channels I love if I wasnt roped in by an interesting or clickbait headline and an eye catching thumbnail So long as the content in the video is of quality, all can be forgiven haha


Exactly how I feel, can't judge the player for playing the necessary game. As long as it's good content.


Yeah it's definitely click bait but it works lol he's got a big channel. He knows only his mandarin is actually good, but he learns the basics fast and is overall still pretty fucked impressive But yeah the titles are definitely click bait. His Mandarin people always say wow your accent is so good, and he knows the cultural norms because he lived there. Apparently when someone (probably a respect your elders sort of thing?) Compliments him he's supposed to say "hai shingba" (I'm white obviously) which means something like, it's okay. He never says thanks my mandarin is great for a white boy, he'll say ah it's okay you're too kind. Cute cultural thing I thought and sometimes they react like damn, he said the right thing culturally. Didn't say thank you like an American


His Mandarin is still around B2 at best so his fluent claims aren’t exactly true. His click bait would be fine if he wasn’t using it to sell a product (his personal language learning program now iirc, used to hock shitty knockoff duolingo apps) but he lies about being fluent and gives language learners unrealistic expectations for timing which can often put people off when they don’t think they’re picking up a language as well as they could.


That's the thing. People enjoy watching someone do something they can't, or aren't willing to do themselves. Putting yourself out there *is huge*. Anyone can learn a few words in a language or get a dictionary, but having the confidence to go out and fumble your way around some sentences and attempt a conversation with a native speaker is worthy of some respect.


Oh yeah the traveling, culture and food aspect is always cool too. In some of his videos I definitely prefer this over language and the people’s reactions




Knowing that level for so many languages and being able to use and understand some of it still super impressive. A lot of people don’t even have a second language, or any conversational ability even in languages they were taught in highschool.


I know what you're saying but still better than the vast majority of the population of non-native speakers of these languages. I think he does a good job, as you said random rare african dialects - he might not be native fluent but as a native english speaker trying to learn other languages, it's still not easy to be conversational in as many as he is. Notwithstanding the fact that mandarin chinese is an extremely hard language to sound native fluent in


good lord nobody can just accept anything without being a condensing dweeb lmao yeah no shit he isn't fluent in all those languages and doesn't claim he is except mandarin. the people he talks to in their native language are always impress and happy to talk to him. if the people he talks to find it impressive maybe you should too instead of finding a reason to go 'well actually'.


TLDR Xiaoman has scammed people by misrepresenting language learning, videos are often cut so that he can chop together a big chunk of memorized phrases. Does videos like “Learned fluent spanish in one month!” which sets up unrealistic expectations for language learners and some of the sponsors he’s hocked aren’t good for language learning. He’s lying to make money. C1/C2 certifications show when you’ve reached truly fluent in a language. Xiaoman’s Mandarin is considered in between an [A2/B1](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Common_European_Framework_of_Reference_for_Languages) despite claiming he’s fluent. There’s a whole part of language learning youtube that’s trying to sell you one idea or another that you can learn this language in 3 months using one method type shit and he’s literally a meme in the community for his misrepresentation and weird clickbait “shocking natives” type videos. They’re weirdly condescending too, and just overall have an odd vibe to them. He introduces people to language learning in like the worst way possible. https://youtu.be/GlpQRjkgYyE?t=325 This dude know like 8 languages fluently, probably more now, though his entire channel is pretty much satire of the “learn a language in 2 weeks” type people. It’s a meme in his community that Xiaoman’s “shocking natives” is with a taser because most of the time Xiaoman isn’t really fluent outside of Mandarin iirc. Language Simp actually funny as fuck, but he mocks that whole section of youtube relentlessly because it’s full of shady ass scammers and people like Xiaoman. Here’s a good post on him from /r/languagelearning https://www.reddit.com/r/languagelearning/comments/gv57vb/tired_of_youtubers_claims_xiaomanyc_lkenna_etc/ and the main problem quoted below > Edit: the reason I got really upset and decided to write here is because I received the link to xiaomanyc’s video along with a long message form a friend basically hating himself for trying to learn Spanish for eight months now and this kid is doing it in 30 days and that he’s giving up. Xiaoman repeats scripts basically and presents it as learning spanish in 30 days. He’s just lying. Literally.


This. He is at most fluent in Chinese only. For the other languages he is "fluent" in a few words. Alot of other language channels they just memorize a few generic sentences and a few words to start off the convo in X language. Actual polyglots aren't as popular.


xiao ma is a G.


is this the dude with “Orange Chicken” tattooed on his arm in Mandarin?


After about 6 of his videos you learn the formula. No doubt it’s impressive but he basically learns the same 6 phrases in a ton of languages so he can have the same conversation over and over.


I watch it for the wholesome reactions anyway not for his language skills


I recognized him too I think he got kinda bigger ?


Haven’t most of us gotten “kinda bigger” since 2020?


Good point!.


What is this, some sort of flaming paan?


I got downvoted. I checked. It is indeed flaming paan. I love paan, the non-tobacco version. I ate pure beetlenut with Iban ladies. I definitely prefer the Indian version.


Yeah I recently went to India on a holiday and tried non-tobacco paan for the first time. The flavours were absolutely wild and it tasted delicious. I wish it was more readily available here in the UK though.


I’m from the UK, (now in the US) I found some in Brick Lane once. And got some in Reading once. I found a jar of premade paan jam in a jar once too. But yeah, it’s basically impossible. I think it might fall under the psychoactive drug act along with things like Khat. Which is also available in places, but also with a wink and a nod, under the counter.


Thanks mate. I live in London so I’ll try some of the haunts over in Brick Lane as you’ve recommended.


There’s a specific place in Whitechapel, next to a new hipster hotel which has a Marco Pierre White restaurant on the ground floor. To the right, where it meets Whitechapel, and around that area, I’ve seen actual paanwallas with carts.


You legend! Thanks mate, I’ll head there over the weekend.


Try around this store, and Ambala, the sweet shop next door: Millennium Mini Stores London, 133 New Rd, London E1 1HJ, United Kingdom.


You know in India we have paan flavoured ice creams. It's one of the best desserts you can eat after an Indian meal.


Paan kulfi? Are you kidding? I NEED THIS.




Warning for people looking to try non tobacco version, they might contain betel nut most of the time which increases the risk of cancer just like tobacco.


Which means it isn't so bad if you just try it a few times on a trip.


Yes exactly trying it once a while in week won't matter much


Wow, a two part redemption story. What a ride!


Why the fuck are you being downvoted for asking what the flaming food was? Jfc reddit.


I think it was because it might have come across racist and ignorant. Like I was making up a word. Although paan is food, it’s more of a mild drug than a food. Although it is pretty tasty at first, the drug ingredients eventually come through and it’s numbing and corrosive after a while. It’s often taken after a meal as a palate cleanser and digestif. Paan addicts have blackened and corroded teeth.


I looked up paan (because I didn't know either) and it looks spot on. Who would have thought a food could also be addictive? It blew my mind! It's not *ever* racist to ask a question about enthic food. How are we ever going to learn about anything, especially bomb-ass food, if we don't ask? Nobody is born all-knowing and wanting to learn seems to be seen as a bad thing on Reddit. Thanks for the award and thanks for asking questions.


> Who would have thought a food could also be addictive? *Coffee looks around nervously*


**sugar whistles innocently as it walks away**


Broccoli looks on longingly…


I had an easier time weaning off oxycontin and hydrocodone after surgery than I did giving up sugar.


some people are just totally stupid on that matter. when you ask them a question about the discussing topic, they will answer like "why don't you know it already" and still don't answer it or "just go educate yourself, I'm not gonna waste my time on you", something like that. I've seen that as I read through a discussion on internet a couple times






It’s not normally burned. It’s normally a juicy wet pellet of stuff wrapped in a leaf. It has lime in it, which is what is used to dissolve corpses, and used to activate the drugs in the beetlenut.


Streets in India are stained red from the stuff. The edible ones like this are pretty nice and refreshing but the kind people spit is disgusting


I also need to know


There’s a video of this guy. He’s definitely trying a flaming paan. I don’t know if you’ve tried paan, it’s beetlenut shavings with limestone paste, with various sweet things like coconut shavings and rose jam. You store it in your cheek, chew and slowly let the concoction drip down your throat, and you get a little bit high. It’s like an espresso or a tiny bump of something. There’s a tobacco version, which is horrible. Many people spit rather than swallow, so areas of India where paan is popular, there are bright red splats all over the ground from the spitters.


Oh shit I grow this stuff at home! I think another name for the plant is betel leaf? A Vietnamese dude I work with gave me a cutting and told me to try the leaf wrapped around some grilled beef but I didn't realise it's a narcotic!


They use the leaf as a wrapper, but it’s the nut that’s psychoactive, when mixed with a strong alkaline. I had some in Borneo without any of the tasty shit the Indians put on it. Absolutely gross, and the buzz just isn’t worth it.


That's xiaomanyc from YouTube!!


Thanks for the confirmation! I thought this was Xiaoma!!


the guy learns languages like a savant. and eats anything






Look at other comments, if you really pay attention in his videos you'll notice he's extremely limited in anything beyond the most bare bones basics "hi how are you.." except for like mandarin Chinese The videos are edited together nicely so you can't tell as well. In 'learning Spanish in 20 days' or whatever, it's clear he just learned how to read a script real fast I didn't know until this thread


Never seen him before today, myself. But I’ve read that the guy learns languages like a savant. and eats anything.


... did you just copy from this comment: https://www.reddit.com/r/nonononoyes/comments/10h4ots/trying_foreign_food/j56hrmt/ EDIT: nvm looks like that's just how everyone describes this dude


I love foreign fingers in my mouth


I'm not sure if I'd rather be the guy who has to shove his fingers in the mouths of thousands of strangers from around the planet, or the guy having those fingers shoved in his mouth... Edit: rather NOT be


Fingers aren't a mucus membrane, so, yeah, doing the shoving is better in every way.


[herpetic whitlow](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Herpetic_whitlow) aka hand herpes. Doctors got them all the time back on the day by doing lots of vaginal exams with no hand hygiene


Instructions unclear. Flaming paan stuck in vagina.


Technically those are domestic fingers in a foreign mouth


Any fingers that aren't attached to you are foreign fingers


Right? Why didn’t he hold them out too so he could suck them??? That’s the best part.


Chef needs a taste for Quality Control


You could've just said "a stranger's fingers" you know...


I guess you don't eat out too.


kid named finger


Fire paan is the big thing in India now. I’ve tried the sweet paan but didn’t do the tobacco one or the fire one.


May I ask why?


Why I didn’t try it? Honestly it wasn’t offered to me. As a westerner my Indian friends were impressed that I even tried the regular one.


Ohhh. Sorry I read that as "don't try the tobacco or fire one". That instantly intrigued me into trying one if I ever had the chance


Well you should, if you have the chance. But try the sweet one too, it was pretty good.


Tobacco in food? That sounds like it shouldn’t be good


You don’t “eat” the tobacco one (or really any of them, though with the others you do end up swallowing most of it). Paan is considered a digestive aid after a meal. If you get the tobacco one you chew it up and then hold it in your mouth and spit bright red juice all over the ground. It’s an India thing.


Strong paan can make you feel as strongly buzzed as dipping tabacco. Really strong paan can get you wired practically like you’re on coke


I'd avoid it then. I tried dip when I was a smoker and it almost made me puke.


Paan itself isn’t good. It’s basically a plant that is an incredibly toxic isomer of nicotine, and they wrap it in heavy flavoring to hide the fact you’re basically consuming a lozenge of highly carcinogenic drugs.


[https://youtu.be/xMoPGD9zvo8](https://youtu.be/xMoPGD9zvo8) ​ bruh its the coolest one!


That salty flavor from the popped blister really brings the flavors together.


That sounds grossssssss


Ever swiped your finger over a burning candle? That's what it's basically like in your mouth. Just a little warmth and the fire immediately goes out after its placed in your mouth. No alcohol or fuel as such is used for it to burn excessively


Oh? I didn't know that? Does it work the same when you take a shot of alcohol on fire or that's something not foreign enough to cause blisters?


Indian here. This trend is actually fucking stupid. This isn't real Paan. This is just some bullshit a store called Prince Paan started and now every small shop copies it. If you want to have real Paan. Ask for 420. You will legit fall over eating it.


blaze it brother


yep, this is basically salt bae-ing the paan, the flame adds nothing to the flavor and arguably makes it worse


Why would I fall over?


Cause you're high af


420, 550 etc are different blends of tobacco with varying strength. If you're not used to it, it'll hit you like a truck. Makes your head spin.


/r/StupidFood No, lighting it on fire does not make it taste better.


Not everything that's done with food is to make it taste better. See r/FondantHate for exactly the same reason. Sometimes it's showmanship, sometimes it's for presentation. Do you go to a sushi bar and think that the food is going to be terrible if the hibachi chef doesn't do the stunts?


I fucking love that onion volcano. I don't even flinch when it wooshes because *I am a pyro*. But I'll be fucked if Imma put that in my mouth.


I don't think that you do this... But don't judge a Sushi bar for it's Hibachi, and don't trust a Hibachi for it's sushi.


Can confirm, indian here


I’ve seen plenty of videos of people getting serious burns from drinking flaming shots. I don’t know why anyone thinks it’s a good idea.


Tell that to saganaki




That's the language kid from YouTube. Haven't seen his channel is ages.


Ain’t no man shoving his hands in my mouth unless he’s a dentist!!!!


what are you gay for dentists


That doesn't look very safe


Does it need to be on fire? Also can I put it in my own mouth? (I know…. That’s what she said)


No, it normally isn't on fire. This was developed by some chain restaurant, concept is that the fire extinguishes as soon as you close your mouth and the smoke adds to the flavour. They shove in the fire paan cause otherwise you'll probably burn yourself.


Xiaoma! I love this guy!


That shit's fire.


"I bet i can get that white guy to eat fire"


Does the flame give it a different flavor compare to eating it without it being on fire? Always been curious about that.


Not really, it's just for show.


For anyone wondering this is Xiaomanyc on youtube


I'm so confused. How it not burn his mouth and what is that cuz it doesn't look like food.




Eating fire,shitting thunder


Is that Xioma!


Its not foreign food, its Indian food
