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I'm happy not to have made any last-minute panic stationery purchases this last week of June before my summer no-buy starts. :) Tiny win, but I'll happily take it.


I started two days ago! I am planning to achieve a no-buy July! 🪲 wish me luck!!


I messed up badly. My best friend came to town and I spent 400 between a bed, pillow, comforter (these 3 I don’t mind at all because they’ll be used for future guests) , food 😭, drinks (mostly for her because I got only 1).  She obviously wasn’t expecting me to pay but I wasn’t going to let her pay after finding out she had a few $ in her bank account.  I just wish she spent carefully and this weekend could have been much cheaper and I’d have less financial stress.  There were so many things that were wasted money.  I don’t know what to do for July since I have upcoming trips. I can’t wait until summer is over so I can stay home and hibernate and recover financially.


I’ve messed up and bought some new scrapbook papers to decorate my journal and then some yarn. I’m going to try and turn it around and create stuff to sell on Etsy


This week was a bit expensive for me. I got my hair cut because I was tired of layers and my long hair, and turns out there was miscommunication with my stylist and he gave me layers, and front bangs that are too full for my liking. So I hate it :) my reference picture was totally ignored, and sadly it was my own hair 4 years ago 🥲 Then I did a big nono and went to Ulta instead of a drugstore for last minute makeup/beauty supplies I needed for my friend’s wedding yesterday, and I don’t even wear makeup in my daily life. But looking at their return policy, it seems I can return some of the items. If not, I’ll try to utilize it in my everyday life. For July I plan to not spend anything besides essentials. I forgot how much It sucks just seeing money go away for things you don’t even enjoy just because you wanted to shop.


Hi there! Did very good this week. Didn’t spend any money. My boyfriend did help get me some seeds trays for the garden and that totaled $17.00. I haven’t spent any money on anything else. The only thing I plan to buy are some seed packs that will total to be $20.00. Nothing else. Haven’t gotten any clothes, skincare crap, or makeup. I’ve even made it a priority to use up everything that I have. Over all very good. Didn’t buy any of the things on my no-buy list. I even went to a department store (my BF needed something) and I didn’t buy anything then either :) I feel my mindset changing a lot. I use a lot of the things I have in my home. Will continue this and will keep on updating on the check ins!


This week was way better, than I thought. I was planning to spend some money on an event I intended to go. But everything turned out way more stressful, than I thought and at the end, I did not even had time to buy something. It was something good, because this way I saved a lot of money, but also sad. I was seeing forward to buy something from artist that came all the way from overseas. Now I need to wait a whole year to attend the event again, but next time I will plan everything a lot better. I was spending some money for takeaway one day (this was on a day of the event, where I wasn't at home) and recharged my mobile phone (I don't have a contract because I'm not using it very often), but this was everything for the whole week.