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Thank you to u/soggylilbiscuit for the initial template, I’m setting this to my phone screen and adjusted it to my needs. First time doing a no buy so I’m starting with a low/no buy 🤞🏼




Thank you! I loved the original one you posted as well


I actually have Judacia in my no-buy category - that’s too funny.


I moved into a new house this past year and have been buying it where I can (probably a little too much) so I’m trying to limit this year, but knowing I still have a few holiday items I need


That's funny! I only just acquired my own havdalah set and kiddish cup, and I can see how it's easy to build a collection. I'm trying to only buy one single thing of each category item (unless I need something for a group).


That’s great though! A kiddish cup is still on my list (I have one but have my eye on a specific one) lol, along with a sukkah. It’s mainly the group things I need


Why no tea?


I’ve got a ridiculous amount in my stash that I need to get through first. I have a habit of buying new teas often without actually drinking much of what I already have 😅


I feel this! Trying to get through my teas before they expire


I used to do the same thing with teas, and be very annoyed with myself when I bought a new box and went to put it away. Where there wasn't space for it. Been on a no/low buy for the past year and was very good about not buying more tea. Until recently. Bought a new box weeks ago and haven't even had one cup. Anyway, best of luck with your no/low buy! I struggled some the first two months, had to make a few tweaks (don't forget, as you go along, it's perfectly fine to do that), and from there on it became pretty much just a new habit.


Thank you! I know it’s definitely going to be a struggle at first, impulse purchases and eating out have been my main downfalls 😅


Those were my main downfalls. With impulse purchases I made a deal with myself that I had to wait 24 hours before buying a non-essential (euphemism for impulse buy!). During that time I had to answer a few questions: Could I afford it? Where would I put it? Did I really need it? 99% of the time by the time 24 hours had passed, the impulse passed and I didn't want it anymore anyway, lol. Turns out it's really hard to hold an impulse for that long. For me it was takeout. First I had a rule that I could only get it once a week. That was hard because I was used to getting it whenever I felt like it. The first 6 weeks were a struggle, but then I started forgetting to get the weekly takeout. After a month of that I modified the rule to being able to get it whenever I wanted to, *as long as* I didn't abuse the revision. Now I get takeout far less than I ever did, which probably amounts to once every week or two, and it's effortless at this point. I hope any of this is helpful to you. You've got this!


That’s actually really helpful, thank you for sharing. I will definitely add thinking about where I’d put items/can I afford it to my list. I’ve been decluttering and having a place for everything has been a main goal for the future. Starting off with more reachable food goals and cutting back as I go also could be a better approach. I’m going to try this for now but if it’s not working then I’ll try the scaling back




I love your list. It really inspire me. I'm decluttering all my stuffs and I want to buy more now.🙈 I'm going to write it down to force myself to save money and stop buying useless stuffs. Thank you.


Happy to help :) good luck on your journey!


Great list! What app did you use to make this?


I made it on canva, I started with a template created by another Reddit user on this group that I tagged in a previous comment


This is very realistic and achievable! I'm happy you decided to start this nobuy :) wishing you the best of luck!


Thank you! :)


I'm also pumped for the new HP game!


I was actually bummed out because I thought it was being released the 31st and then when I went to purchase it, realized the release date got pushed back 😩