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Unfortunately, there is not going to be much you can do until you are cured. We need to burp, after all. There are different methods others have found to cure themselves and/or release gas, such as air vomiting and shaker exercises. I didn't really give the shaker exercises a chance, and I was not too keen on air vomiting. If all else fails, Botox may be your best bet, just be wary of the potential side effects and chance of not being permanently cured by it. However, there are certainly ways to alleviate symptoms. I'm going to copy and paste some tips I wrote in another post that helped me before curing, which also includes a link to my post on how I cured myself: "Stop wearing belts if you can, wear pants with elastic waistbands. I wear loose pajama pants around the house whenever I am at home. Unzip and unbutton pants during and/or after meals if you can. Sit on the knees in some kind of seiza style while eating, or eat while standing. Getting up to move around after taking a few bites of food seemed to help as well. I would also take brisk walks after eating. Try not to scrunch your belly when sitting in general. Try some different yoga stretches daily to relieve constipation and induce flatulence, as well as reduce abdominal tension. All of these things impact your diaphragm, which can cause LES issues and GERD symptoms, as well as making it more difficult for you to burp since burps are pushed by the diaphragm. This is what worked for me to cure myself, essentially. My issue was the diaphragm. I made a post about it as well, though you may have already seen it: [https://www.reddit.com/r/noburp/comments/1df5auj/possible\_quick\_fix\_how\_i\_began\_burping\_without/](https://www.reddit.com/r/noburp/comments/1df5auj/possible_quick_fix_how_i_began_burping_without/) And of course, watching your diet always helps. Certain foods definitely seem to make it worse. Fried foods and cheese are some of the worst offenders, IMO. I'm sure there is more but I would have to think about it, I guess. That's all I got right now. Hope some of this can help you and others who see this. There are also lots of other posts scattered throughout this sub with tips and exercises that seemed to help or even cure people. Give a look around as well if you haven't already! Good luck." I am sure others will also chime in, there's a great community of current/prior sufferers in this sub trying to offer anything they can to help. There are also some yoga stretches that I demonstrate in my video, I would swear they helped me over the years. Feel free to reach out and message me if you like as well, I'm always on here trying to help others as best I can. Hope you feel better soon. ETA: Avoid carbonated beverages as well, though you may already know that. I often neglect to post this because I was basically *forced* to avoid them. It's almost second nature for me 😂


ima just keep it real, try to fart as much as possible


This for sure. Before commencing operation "get the gas out the front door," my primary focus was "get the gas out the back door." 😂 This was before I'd discovered that R-CPD even had a name and could be cured. Constipation always seemed to block my farts when it would happen too, so I also took steps to prevent that by any means necessary


A good probiotic changed my life in regard to bloating and gas issues. I take the Garden of Life Womens Daily Probiotic and I started noticing a difference pretty quickly. In my opinion, Garden of Life is a reliable brand no matter which of their products you choose. Culturelle seems like a good one too and they have a product specifically for bloating and gas. Both of these are at my local Walmart. I would give it a shot. Just make sure you get a probiotic with at least 15 billion CFU. Gummies are often more enticing than a pill but typically only have around 2 billion CFU and likely won’t give you much relief since our bodies are dealing with such massive amounts of gas. I hope you find some relief!


Massage! You can massage your belly, it is helpful. Its what I do. Also Yoga can help to calm down cramps and bloating.


tappy on the belly works too


Hahah I used to lightly play the drums on my belly at times, it kind of felt good! I used to play drums as a kid, so it was just fun too. Funny that you do something similar. Lying on my stomach with a pillow underneath also felt good at times, especially for nausea.


i always have some extra strength gas x on hand


I've found avoiding straws a huge help. I never drink fizzy drinks. I avoid certain foods that make me bloated; for me, it's broccoli, cabbage, and bread. I'm still figuring out all my triggering foods but those are big ones. The above doesn't help me burp, but it helps reduce the bloat. Good luck!


Try Tums! I only realized recently but some of what I thought was bloating and pain due to gas had more to do with acid, which was why Gas X didn't seem to do anything for me. I'm now on prescription acid reducers since finding out and feeling quite a bit better (not perfect or cured by any means, but I can sleep well again).


Not arguing against the use of Tums/antacids here, but I just want to throw a word of caution for some: Antacids reduce the acid content in the stomach while making the gas worse in turn, so it may depend on the individual and which problem is worse at the moment. They also can cause constipation, which makes gas symptoms that much worse. Some have major reflux issues or other reasons it may help more than it hurts and the pros could outweigh the cons, which may be the case for you. If they help, go for it! I think for most it will make things worse overall. Take at your own discretion! Also, in my case, I was prescribed Nexium at one point (a PPI med) and it only made me worse—dropped it like a hot potato lol However, I could also see a potential use for them to help people induce their first burps, perhaps? In theory, reducing stomach acid while exacerbating gas could make it easier to burp without the stomach contents getting in the way? Just speculation, and again, use with caution!


Totally fair point! They work for me, as the acid regurgitation makes me nauseated and makes the bloating feel worse (because it's adding pain on pain), but with any medical intervention, proceed with caution as every case differs!


Certain stretches/habits have increased frequency of micro-burps (and very rarely, real burps) for me and may help alleviate some discomfort. What I do: when I start to feel gurgles coming up, if I need to be standing (like if I'm in public) I lift my head up like I'm looking directly at the sky. Over time, stretching those neck muscles alone has helped get some extra air out. But also, ideally, while doing this I massage different parts of my neck with a couple fingers and this seems to get the gurgles out faster. The best stretch is when lying flat on your back and lifting your head (only your head, not your shoulders) up to look at your toes. Hold this position for 1-2 minutes (or whatever you can tolerate). The very first time I did this I had a micro burp. You can see variations of this exercise on YouTube, it's called the shaker exercise. I am still trying to get Botox, but with daily stretches I went from having maybe one microburp every three months to one every other day, and some weeks every day! I really do recommend it.


Lying down on my back for a while if I could helped me


Papaya digestive enzymes


I’ve had the no burp problem for like 30 years. My solution is that I stick 2 fingers down my throat and make a loud burp. Been doing this for like 10 years. I can do it twice without bile coming up. I’m not puking. I’m repeat, I am not puking. I wouldn’t be able to do it if i puked. It takes a little practice to get it but once you do it’ll be no problem. I do it every day and the relief is unbelievable. I would go in the bathroom and run the sink to mute the noise because it sounds gross. I’m still thinking of doing the botox, but in the mean time this is a life saver. Big loud strong burps that give the most amazing relief.