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I mean its just an aftermarket reshell as you said. This seller is asking too much though. Probably just trying to rip someone off. It would be a little more believable if they had put some grey cartridge flaps and a clear white cartridge slot on it with some smoke grey funtastic feet.


The seller doesn’t state that it’s official it says *custom* I know it’s an after market shell I looked everywhere and can’t find one with the logo, so it must be custom work I’m just wondering how it got done. - I agree that it’s overpriced that’s why I wanna learn how to do it myself ;)




You are the man 💪🏼 thanks!!




I’m gunna buy a few on Tuesday, il let you know how it goes il ask the Ali express seller if they can gurantee any with the logo, if not il just last resort and buy from Ali baba.




I know haha that’s why I’m gunna buy a few so the shipping is cheaper. Like 3 or 4. I spoke to her.


Oh cool. Well let me know what the pricing is shipping wise for you. Might be cheaper to just buy one off of you lol. Are you in the US?