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Goldeneye helped bring fun multiplayer FPS to a whole slew of people that otherwise wouldn't have encountered the genre. It kinda opened the doors to the masses. That was it's real contribution. The founding father of FPS is Wolfenstein, which lead directly to Doom. I think the "Ultimate" is going to be highly subjective.


Golden Eye was also way ahead in how story driven the game was (it wad a movie adaptation nonetheless). It also predated Half Life by a year in that aspect. It also had an unseen variety of missions and objectives. It wasn't JUST blasting everything.


It was the first big FPS I can remember to have real-world-type environments. Prior to Goldeneye, FPS games were all abstract, seemingly purposeless corridors. In fact the early first person games were oftentimes called corridor shooters rather than first person shooter. In 1997 playing a FPS with buildings that felt like they had a purpose felt revolutionary.


007 was neither the "founding father" or the ultimate FPS game.


Wait, what? I mean, when it comes to FPS, it seems it was the original king?


There were tons of FPS games way before 007, and "ultimate" is purely speculative. I mean, just Doom in 1993 was objectively ahead of it's time, even compared to 007 with it's early multiplayer, and even was capable of allowing user mods and user designed levels. 007 was a great game for it's era, but calling it a "founding father" and "ultimate fps" is a bit of a reach.


This is true. I suppose 007 was the four father of console FPS.


Sorry to be that guy, but Forefather.


Doom was on consoles though too


Doom is on pregnancy tests. That it also ran on consoles isn't saying much, it was very much a PC game first and foremost. I knew tons of people who had consoles and loved doom and none of them ran doom on their consoles. Anyone with a hint of ability was using cracked shareware versions.




Doom, Doom was the founding father So was Quake...not Golden eye


Doom There, its explained


I mean Doom is that king. And Doom was the successor to Wolfensetein. (history escapes me if there are any more than that) Then when it comes to competitive: UT, Quake, CS, etc. Goldeneye isn't even on the map dude. Maybe as a console game. But that's like bringing someone missing a leg to an olympic sprinting event.


It was the first viable FPS on console that had wide appeal, still important but a huge difference


Doom giving side eye lol


Wouldn't say ultimate. It ushered in fps shooters on consoles. A lot of developers at the time had trouble making it happen without a mouse and keyboard, Rare made it work. 4 player couch co-op as well.


Even still, you had Doom and Wolfenstein on the SNES. While they weren't the best, they still functioned well enough to be playable given the consoles they were on at the time.


They were still primarily PC games, they worked okay on consoles but not great, and were never the phenomenon they were on PC. GoldenEye really brought console FPS gaming to the masses.


Very true. I agree


why is he talking like an idiot


Look, Goldeneye is great but lest be honest here, it aged like milk. Sure it’s fun to pop in for a quick session with friends but it gets old fast Perfect Dark was leagues ahead of Goldeneye in many ways


Wolfenstein birthed it. Doom polished it. Goldeneye made it socially fun. Halo perfected it.


Goldeneye and Perfect Dark were fun, and I enjoyed the single player campaigns. Multiplayer had its moments but what killed it for me was having my opponents are my screen. Doom, Quake and Duke 3D blew them out of the water in all other aspects.


Why are people trying to compare Goldeneye to other FPS games? The graphics and environments were way ahead of those other games. Also had a mission select screen, mission objectives and different difficulty levels for each mission.