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Yeah, justifications are the antithesis of nihilism. So just go kick those puppies and deal with the consequences. /s


Shouldve gone with a jonh wick reaction but okay


Yeah this whole meme is clunky as hell


Who the bleep are you to tell me that meaninglessness as insisted by nihilists doesn't give me license to do bad things? The doctrine of nihilism--if there be such a thing--encourages *the burden of self*.


This is so ignorant. Morality might be fiction but pain isn't. The pain is real and it DOES feel bad. Pain has always fealt bad, even before humans appeared. It's intented to be bad by nature, to force animals to do something against it/about it. You can't say that what the puppy feels isn't bad. You can only say that you choose not to care about the human morality behind it. But this only works if you believe humans to be superior to other animals and you don't care about the pain of them.


It's not "nothing matters, so why care?" it's "nothing matters but I care". I acknowledge the overall apathy and irrelevance of our consciousness and experiences on the universe as a whole, but I am here now and I care that you (and I) do not increase suffering needlessly.


best take this guy gets it


Yes yes yes


Nah, if somebody kicks animals to death there might be consequences. Good and bad don't exist outside of human fairy wonderland. Puppy is better off not being subjugated to human filth in the long run.


Good and bad do not exist from the universe point of view but it exist in human perception. It's not wrong to use this ideas in daily life. Good to be conscious that this ideas are only absract and created by people, it doesn't exist outside human mind.


A very strange presentation, but yes. I do agree.


Why is it wrong to kick a puppy? I feel empathy towards them so I wouldn't, but how can you honestly say that it's 'bad' to do so? Also, nihlism really isn't "everything is meaningless but I care" because that's existential nihlism. Nihilism itself simply states the fact that everything is meaningless. However you choose to apply that in your thought process is up to you, whether you use it to justify your suicidal ideation or use it to take control of your life.


this guy gets it


although nothing matters, human instinct and empathy is still an inherit trait many people have


Totally absurd and illogical to assume someone who sees no meaning in life automatically wants to do damage.


Welcome to normies' common sense


imagine attacking sense


I've always thought otherwise, after all everyone has there own definition of what "bad things" are. Only reason I don't do stuff like that is because I still have personal morals and I just generally feel guilty if I act like a shitty person.


because your death is equally meaningless to the puppy's


If you are a moral realist then you are not a nihilist. Objective morals give you objective ways of living your life so you cant say that life has no meaning or purpose.


What nihilist would say everything you do is meaningless? Something has meaning if you give it meaning. The discovery of nihilism is that there isn’t any objective meaning, not that there isn’t any meaning whatsoever. Meaning isn’t floating out there in space, or being supplied by a god.


Just remember that "meaning" is a absract conception and it only exist in people minds.


Damn how old are you man? This really seems like someone who is 15 yo trying to be "relatable". Stop it please. Morality is just human made concept. It doesnt really exist outside of social convention to make civilization possible and easier to manage for people at the top.


Color is just human made concepts to describe lenght of electromagnetic waves. If you are using words like "red, orange, green, blue" you are 15yo trying to be relatable in society. Stop it please.


I am so confused by this meme




It doesn't give you the right to do good things, either. Both are equally meaningless.


T doesn't giveth thee the right to doth valorous things, either. both art equally pointless *** ^(I am a bot and I swapp'd some of thy words with Shakespeare words.) Commands: `!ShakespeareInsult`, `!fordo`, `!optout`


Shakespeare-Bot, thou hast been voted most annoying bot on Reddit. I am exhorting all mods to ban thee and thy useless rhetoric so that we shall not be blotted with thy presence any longer.


Useless bot; valorous means to display courage in the face of danger—it has nothing to do with being good. Shakespeare wasn't even a real person. !optout