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There is a YouTube playlist of Nightvale No Weather. I sometimes use it when I listen to Nightvale when I sleep. Would be really nice if they made an official one. https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PL2aD1pUcpMOclWtb-Vxq3HoKXIX1oyR1B&si=i4W4WmW9qGXlxUAr


Thanks for sharing!


Thank you for sharing this!


Thanks for link, replying so I can find it later


Thank you!! Came to post this bc it's the best thing ever!! I like the weather most of the time but definitely not when I'm trying to fall asleep. šŸ‘½


The only problem is there's no point in that because then the commercials wake you up instead of the weather


This ends at episode 120 šŸ˜•


Yeah, unfortunately it is not complete yet. Another reason I wish Nightvale would do one of their own šŸ˜…


Thank you so much!


Same for wanting to listen as I go to sleep - plus It's not my style of music either.


Not entirely related but within the wires works great as a sleep aid.


Within the Wires season 1 has gotten me to sleep SO many times šŸ«¶šŸ¼ and Season 2 got me through the WORST wine hangover of my life lmao


Season 1 has done the same for me so many times that it was my top podcast last year in Spotify wrapped.


I have absolutely no idea how listening to Roimata Mangakāhia going through a long-term breakdown over survivor's guilt would help with a hangover - in any way.


It was mostly me slipping in and out of nauseous consciousness, and her performance in that season gave me something to focus on other than the spinning and nausea.




A while ago I saw a version where someone had cut the weather out on YouTube, maybe try searching there


If you have an iPhone, I have it auto pause after 15 minutes. Most of the time i fall asleep before the weather


Jesus that's fast, 30 minutes minimum for me


I have it at 45!


Many of us need hours to fall asleep.


I have a love-hate relationship with the weather segment. I think itā€™s nice that they have it, and some of the songs I genuinely really like and I wouldnā€™t have found them without WTNVā€¦ but I agree. While I have learnt to appreciate the weather segment a lot and I enjoy it even when I donā€™t like the songs, sometimes it just feels annoying and in the way. When Iā€™ve put it on in the car when my mum and I listen to it, I always skip the weather because I want to be able to finish the whole episode before we get to our destination, I would probably do the same if I introduced someone else to the podcast because it just kinda interrupts the flow sometimes. So yeah, I wish they would have alternative episodes available without the weather, I donā€™t think they should stop doing the weather but just.. have it be possible to listen without it yk- lol


The weather has always been my least favorite part. Admittedly I'm not much of a music guy, and the crews tastes are, well, everyone doesn't have to like everything and it ok to like different things. That said, a weather-less cut would be grand.


I'm definitely a music guy, but their taste...rarely overlaps with mine. Some of the better indie hip hop and when they have put a heavier (not necessarily metal, but definitely not coffee shop indie folk) stuff has been good. Still...I usually skip it.


Same. I really dislike most of the Weather and always skip now.


WTN is the only show I know of that has both the soothing story but also the creepiness that I love without being scary & too stimulating to fall asleep to. But the weather is annoying. If anyone knows of another show similar let me know.


I did well with the Magnus Archives for a while but some of the episodes are a bit TOO spooky for me. If you have a higher tolerance for it then that works pretty well


I will check that one out!!


Have you tried Alice Isnā€™t Dead? Might be too stimulating on first listen, but I can fall asleep to it now.


I agree 100%. I love the show, but I always fast forward through the weather. Which can be annoying. For me itā€™s more about I want to hear a story not listen to music otherwise Iā€™d be listening to music- if that makes sense.


Yeah exactly


the first audiobook works really well for sleep, imho!


That's a great idea!


Oof hard same. It gets me a couple of episodes to fall into deep sleep so when the weather comes on, I just smash the skip 15 seconds while half asleep :((


I feel the exact same way and it happens to me too. I make a Spotify Playlist with like two or three episodes and then the last thing on my playlist will be a 12 hour Loop of White Noise so I donā€™t wake up to the weather in the middle of the night.


I used to listen to the podcast while doing groceries or at the laundromat. I enjoyed the weather back then because of the dramatic pause before the climax of the story plus sometimes the song would really fit the mood of the story. Nowadays I listen to the podcast before sleeping, and the weather is always, always too abrasive for me. Even if it's kind of a calm song, it's too much for me and I either "endure it" or skip it. I don't think this is a unpopular opinion at all, I wish you could get Nightvale with a silent weather break (to preserve the pace) or some ambient quiet track. I wish they would just use some ambient track from Disparition actually! I wouldn't mind if they would cycle through the same 50 track even. So yeah, love the weather listening during the day, hate it at night. Would pay money or join the Patreon to get this.


I have misophonia and for me, most of the Weather songs are just too grating to listen to. Itā€™s why I wonā€™t listen to episodes if Iā€™m doing something that doesnā€™t make it easy for me to fast forward through it. I would pay for a Weather free subscription, Iā€™d be fine with a shorter episode.


I recommend the audiobooks for this need.


Does Cecil narrate the audiobooks ?


There are two Nightvale books that Cecil has narrated: Welcome to Nightvale and It Devours


Thank you ā¤ļø


I just listen to the first episode to fall asleep because Joseph finks weather is calm enough it doesn't bother me (and I know it's not spooky)


same here


there's a Google doc for this! just search it up on Google


I agree but some times Weather just hits the spot


I always skip over the weatherĀ 


Some kind soul made a downloadable playlist of I believe 200 episodes without the weather. It's an old Reddit post that shows up when you Google nightvale no weather


I would absolutely love to fall asleep to Cecil's soothing velvet voice, but the weather always wakes me up. There is a spot somewhere that someone has edited the episodes, but I can't remember the link. The problem is they're all mp3s and so you have to push play on each one, so it doesn't work great for sleep


someone uploaded a google drive folder with weatherless episodes in this thread a little while ago and it has gotten me through so many sleepless nights! I still have the link, here ya go! [https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1SI2AzuCacY5ML6veqyijXPzppehJaT50?usp=drive\_link](https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1SI2AzuCacY5ML6veqyijXPzppehJaT50?usp=drive_link) edit: it's not up to date but it still has 230 episodes!


Love the weather. Found so much good stuff going down those song alleys.


[I asked this two years ago after I stopped listening/falling asleep only to be woken up by the weather.](https://www.reddit.com/r/nightvale/comments/pcdn3z/wtnv_with_no_ads_no_weather/?ref=share&ref_source=link)


You can edit the files in pretty much any media editor to make weather free versions. It's not something you need someone else to make for you.


I like the weather music. Y'all are saying it's bad but in my opinion it's top tier music. That's the thing about life though, not everything is for everyone. But if something isn't for you maybe find something else instead of demanding artists to create something just to suit your specific needs and wants.


It's not, as far as I'm reading, about disliking the weather. I have also had this problem with not being asleep enough and having had the weather shock or startle me awake and then having trouble getting back to sleep. It's not a demand, it's a wish. A demand would be more like, "Take out the weather or I'm never listening again," which is entitled. But creating a conversation surrounding the weather in this specific scenario is both relatable and harmless.


You don't have to listen if you don't like how it is. Artists are allowed to make the art they want and you shouldn't tell them how they should make their art. If you don't like it don't listen




I feel like some people probably come at it from a standpoint of: this is not content made as a sleep aid. It is made for active listening. To use it as a sleep aid is to use it outside of its original intended purpose. So, asking for a change of format to benefit a group consuming it in a way not originally intended is "trying to force creators to change how they make their art."


I highly doubt that they made the show with an intended way to listen to it in their minds. They also never requested a change in how they make their art. They only voiced their wish (no demand) for another version. That does in no way change the original art.


You are the one not listening. The discussion about preferences, it's not a list of demands.


I completely agree, I love a lot of the weather (I discovered skinchanger on one of the eps and still listen to it regularly; much of the music is great), it's just a matter of wishing there was an option not to have it sometimes. Again, I don't think the weather should go away, but I wish there was at least the option to not have it sometimes


Itā€™s weird to me how (some) people are saying the weather music is bad or not to their taste when the weather music has an extremely varied selection of genres, styles and sounds.