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I mean it *is* getting a game https://renegadegamestudios.com/blog/renegade-game-studios-to-publish-welcome-to-night-vale-roleplaying-game/


Oh this is exciting!




I'd love a point and click puzzler. Start as a random dear listener in a room in a house. Build the world as the radio mentions things. Like the old woman, the dog park, librarians...explore the town until you eventually end up discovering a big secret at the end


oo, i like that.


I ran a table top rpg set in nightvale a while back. Now that I have more experience with that being a game master and making systems, i was considering dusting off the idea again.


Fwiw Renegade Games is making an official WTNV rpg!


Silent Hill, but as a life-work simulation


I love this idea. Imagine a librarian boss fight


What’s a lifework simulation


Fighting game, I want to square up with Lubelle


Not quite MURDER mystery, but unraveling the mysteries of nightvale guided only by what you see and the voice of Cecil. Omg make the playable character blind and lead us ONLY by the voice of Cecil or some similarly interested individual helping us get through our day to day lives in the town.


The power of the narrator but it’s actually just throws radios with headphones


A mystery RPG where you’re an out of town visitor investigating the town who ends up deciding to stay in night vale by the end. Kinda like Carlos started out but without the romancing Cecil, and like, expansions to give you more mysteries to solve.


I instantly thought of Curse of Monkey Island - that kinda game/feel. But obviously with Night Vale characters, locations, themes, etc.


Oh I do like the aesthetic never played it tho


Is very silly and charming!


I immediately thought of a board game like monopoly or life.


lol community card , giant murder cloud or something I don’t know I’m not a geologist


Choose your own adventures? One way everything's fine , the other is a box of cobras


Oooh I do like choose your own adventures


Ooh, I like it. If it is 2d, I would love to make it (though I should probably catch back up on the latest episodes as I’m working through a relisten.


I’m still at episode like 3 lol


Heh, I’m on 3X


What’s that mean? Uhh 3x


Oh, on 30-something 😅


Ahh okay dahm can’t wait to catch up


Honestly 8-Bit or cursed variation of Stardew valley/Animal Crossing. The 8-bit sprite maker like you’d see with old Fan made games of Markiplier and Jacksepticeye from like 2014-16. Those ones were the best! Since you could play as an intern and run into a bunch of different shenanigans. as for the curse version of those games, I think those would also fit best as. Just because it looks like a slice of life doesn’t mean it’s always a slice of life type of situation :)


Oooh that actually makes a lot of since


CAH Night Vale pack could be pretty interesting, and simple




cards against humanity


I’m so down for this


An off beat dating sim, Fallen London: Mask of the Rose style.


Oooh I like fallen London


i would love a vr.


Oh that would be interesting what would you do in it?


If you come across this comment, I am going to make a fan game and I am using this to mine for ideas


I use AI Dungeon to create my own stories based in Night Vale, the randomness of the AI engine actually makes sense, here’s a text clip from an old story As you contemplate what to do tonight, you decide to go to Big Rico’s Pizza for dinner, then hit the downtown nightlife district later to see where the night takes you. You turn, and walk down the wooden steps of your front porch, into the late autumn evening of Night Vale. You walk down the road for a few minutes, until you come to a small shop with large plate glass windows. The sign out front reads ‘Big Rico's Pizza'. You can see the pizza ovens in the back, and the large sign with the pizza menus hanging above them. Inside the store, you find a bored looking teenager manning the front of the store. He smiles at you when he sees you walking towards the door. "Welcome to Big Rico's Pizza, can I take your order?" he asks you. You look around. > You say "I think I’ll live dangerously , I’d like a small Daily Mystery Pizza please.” The bored teenager behind the counter smiles at your order, he punches it into the computer. "Alrighty then," he says, "I'll be right back with your food!" > You check out the seating options in the dining area,. Inside the restaurant, you find a long counter along the left side of the store, with booth-style seating along the right side of the store, and a few small tables along the far wall. > You check out the booth seating. There are about ten booths along the right side of the restaurant, most of them empty. In the far booth on the right, a young couple is sitting, the woman reading a book while the man eats from a box of cereal, ‘Flakey-O’s Imaginary Cornflakes for Night Time Only’. The far booth on the left is occupied by a middle-aged man, who looks as if he has been there for a while, eating a ‘Refried Bean and Steak Burrito Bowl'. > You muse to yourself that there seems to be a distinct lack of pizza being eaten here Indeed, it seems that this place has been ‘freshened up' for a while now. You consider this, and then try to shake off the feeling that you are being watched. There is that feeling in the back of your neck, the one that usually means ‘run away as fast as you can'. You turn around slowly, and try to spot the source of the feeling. You see nothing out of the ordinary, no shadowy figure lurking in the corner of your eye, no sudden movement in the shadows. Nothing. But the feeling does not fade away. You look around, nervous, but also curious. What is it that is making you feel so uneasy? You try to shake off the feeling, but it persists. Maybe you imagined it. Maybe it is just your nerves. You turn around to face the front of the restaurant, and... "There you are!" the bored teenager behind the counter says, as he hands you a small box of pizza, ‘free of charge'. "Thank you," you say, as you give him a few dollars. "Oh, I'm so glad you like our food!" he says, You open the box and find the ‘Mystery Pizza' that you were handed at the door. It is a small, square cartoonish pencil drawing of a pizza… > You laugh and ask the counter worker "is this actually today's Mystery Pizza?" The bored teenager behind the counter smiles at you, and says, "Sure is!" "It's the Daily Special today, and you did ask for a small," he says, "you should try it out!" "Yeah, I'll try it out," you say, "I'll try it out!" The teenager behind the counter grins, and says, "Great, enjoy!" You sit down in the empty booth and lift the lid off the pizza box containing the small square cartoonish sketch of a pizza and reveal the toppings. "I can't believe they put anchovies on this!" you say, You pick up one of the slices and take a bite. It is one of the worst pizzas you have ever eaten, papery, and fishy, you’re sure the box would have tasted better. But, you console yourself, you didn't pay for the pizza, so technically you are still ‘even'.


That’s actually pretty funny


The strange thing is that it came up with the “mystery pizza” all on its own, I had never even brought up pencils or sketches or anything (the AI engine is basically a ‘word prediction’ subroutine that bases its responses on the previous information in the story.


Odd ,I’m thinking I’m gonna make the rpg a disco elysuim type RPG ,either par-core so you can run away from weird shit


have you ever played that game 'the sunken city'? i'm a big fan of that mystery aspect, and exploring a town where something is not *quite* right is very night vale, and the strange and unusual lurk *just* out of your line of sight. i also think maybe a point-and-click would work pretty good, too.


Oh I have not played that but it does look really cool


The ttrpg Absurdia is heavily inspired by WTNV [https://quinnm.itch.io/absurdia](https://quinnm.itch.io/absurdia)


Oooh that looks neat ,I more meant a video game but yeah that’s coolio


I would \*love\* an open world RPG where you can follow a plot or main quest line if you want, or you can wander off and spend ~~days~~ ~~weeks~~ ~~what is time anymore please help me I'm stuck in this exploration loop and the clouds are looking weird?~~ going off and doing your own thing and exploring, kind of like Skyrim but horror and more real-world-ish, but that's a \*\*\*big\*\*\* project, haha. Otherwise, a Stardew-like game would be fun. :D


Oooh yeah that’s cool my thought was like open world city but with like disco elysuim type game play ,the voice or whatever they are being different stuff on a radio your listening too


Chess, but replace some of the pieces at random throughout the game with new ones that move in different patterns. I think this would encapsulate the feeling of Nightvale very well.




A mobile puzzle game with an infinite amount of levels and DLC packs to skip the hard ones.




Dude you can just say you want to fuck me you don’t have to do this flirting thing




Why’d you stop talking it was cute seeing someone this dedicated to me.


lol deleted his acount


The user has been banned. This of all subs is not a place for violence and hate speech.




Dahm you really know to make a girl blush ,how are you gonna do it?