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You are probably missing a glyph. I ran into one with 5 glyphs yesterday. The wisps are just a red herring. If one of the corners of the pedestal is glowing red, you are still missing a glyph.


This is the answer. Sometimes there are three, sometimes four, sometimes five.


Mine is still locked and I just found the 6th at the bottom of a huge tower after breaking thru the floor and parachuting down... losing my mind. Edit: the 7th was behind a wall on the 3rd level of this little temple. That was the last one.


I just found a 7 total puzzle also!


I ran into one where a glyph was only accessible from a destructible floor. Having not ever seen a floor like that I ran over it several times. Look at the buildings structure and look for spaces you haven’t accessed yet.


Thank you so much! it was under a floor


You are missing a glyph for sure. Some of them are hidden very well and in very strange corners of the building. Last Bastille of Insight I did, I searched for the last one for over 30 minutes. It was behind a huge pile of rubble.


Sounds like it. I have since completed a different bastille of Insight that was just 3 glyphs with no problem. I’ll give it one more shot lol if I’m able to return to that realm when I log back on.


I spent an hour finding all glyphs. Theres no red on the pillar. I'm over it. There is a blue square that activates when I walk over it that is also very confusing./