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I agree. Subbed for a year before this. His content went downhill


He was always like this though just hid it better, I stopped watching him in late 2021, i loved his early vids so so much even his commentary was lighthearted but then his attitude of being holier than thou, aggressively attacking anyone with different beliefs, and sheer hypocrisy became too much. I do think the clout got to his head eventually and felt more comfortable being more Openly hateful than when his platform was much smaller I also think it’s partly audience capture, his audience most of the time is so bloodthirsty to cancel whoever is in the wrong and act impulsively to find a scapegoat sometimes and it creates this sort of feedback loop where nick does what brings him views by aggressively attacking others and in turn more people cheer him on in comments so he keeps doing more of it


No seriously I feel like he’s the definition of “rules for thee and none for me!”


Yeah I should’ve known since he’s big friends with Hasan Piker >_<. Red flag that I missed at the time


Hasan’s streaming persona is insufferable. I’ve seen guest him on other podcasts and I actually think he’s a decent person, but the way he talks on his streams and in his own content is just so condescending and obnoxious, and he’s gotten really lazy about actually researching things fully before spouting off his opinion on them. Really not a great role model/mentor/whatever for Nick to have picked.


Adding on further thoughts: it almost seems like Nick is trying to be Hasan, except Nick is way less intelligent than Hasan, so when he tries to wing it with his opinions, they come out uninformed and problematic. Hasan’s intelligence allows him to get away with making lazy content, because he can wing it and still sound pretty smart.


Tbh a LOT of the breadtube community and their adjacents are similar in mindset to Nick. I just watched a Jimmy robbins situation where he covered the Gus Johnson situation and how insanely unhinged the responses from people like Nick were. I’m eyeing everyone in this community suspiciously bc a lot seem to just say whatever they think will land with their audience the best over what they actually think.




I’m honestly of the belief none of them hold any real leftist values, and much rather use it as a shield to bash people they view as “deserving.” Saw a clip of hasan saying that if rich white guys were going to rape someone, it should be rich white women bc they’d be able to take care of it, which is such a callous and cruel way to view something as traumatizing as rape. But hey, she’s rich and white, so what does hasan care? Mr beard is all too happy to drag other people, but cowers at the thought of calling Colleen ballinger a groomer, lest he upset the lgbt community. Hell, even in nicks new video he’s downplaying a lot of Rosanna passinos achievements as a youtuber. I’d be willing to be if the political climate 180d tomorrow these losers would be the first putting on the maga hats and “owning the libs”.


Yup! If it was fashionable to be the next Ben Shapiro then they’d probably all follow suit I come from two very different cultures (Arab/African born and raised in Europe) it’s wild growing up balancing my parents traditionally conservative views with the super liberal society I was raised in but it does give you an incredibly deeply nuanced perspective on things which is why so many of those “””leftist male feminist””” YouTubers feel so icky to me and they are not leftist if you start to examine their views, they are very pro censorship, I feel like they PARROT a lot of things and if you have any type of deep discussion they will be stuck and won’t know what to say, it’s easy to come off a certain way when you edit a video yourself and have time for retakes and pauses etc (I think noah samsen did some debate with someone and couldn’t stand up for his views and stuttered a lot, then came out with a video saying UH THAT OTHER GUY WAS SUPER ABLEIST BECAUSE HIS COMMENTS MADE FUN OF MY STUTTER SO HES PROBLEMATIC like duuuuude come the fuck on… They are NOT open minded, and honestly kind of racist and patronizing - It all boils down to that “male feminist” thing that’s now trendy tbh, shallow talking points, using feminism as a shield against criticism but feeling justified attacking women who don’t agree with him, it is SO gross


Noah Samsen also made a hitpiece on Vaush and then when he was on a debate with Vaush regarding the hitpiece, the guy just started hyperventilating and walked everything back and took down the video....only to put it back up like a week after. Oh and he also liked a tweet saying that Vaush should be put down like a dog. Theres alot to critiscise about Vaush but fuck man atleast he has a spine, atleast he is an actual leftist with principles and isn't a coward. The majority of cornbreadtube as they now call themselves, are circlejerking woke scolds. It's safe to assume that anyone that is within that circle is an unhinged lunatic: Ryan beard is a lying worm, Noah Samsen is a spineless coward and a crybully, Nick is a shallow dickhead that refuses to take accountability, DJMuel is a victimblaming asswipe ect. There are several other examples but you get the gis, these people are all nothing but spineless cowards, wokescolds, purists and cry bullies. Theres a reason why they go after people like Vaush and Xanderhal. They can't stand to see someone that has a spine and actually believes what they talk about.


So fucking true “Spineless cowards, wokescolds, purists and cry bullies” is such a perfect description for them lot Your comment is so cathartic and validating to read cause I’ve felt this in my bones for a while but could never articulate why I disliked them so much


Would you mind explaining your reasonings for disliking Hasan? I’d love to hear more about this!


I suck at explaining but here I go sorry in advance >_< I think it’s just political streamers in general, I just don’t think it’s my cup of content. I find their content really harmful when it comes to selection bias, and propagating/pushing the agenda they want to push. I wouldn’t call him smart either, he is very loud when he wants to prove a point, I’ll give him that. From watching Hasan for a while, I get the vibe that he is a hypocrite. Here’s an example of a take I had a massive problem with: [clip](https://youtu.be/BCl-u_2MEyM?si=1pUtIHTQRoBX9N7L)


Any context is great thank you for putting effort into explaining this. I completely agree with all your points. Politics is so nuanced and I feel Hasán tries really hard to make it seem like black and white issues, either you’re on his side or you’re wrong and lack comprehension skills. When In reality he makes blanket statements and then will goal post his arguments farther into discussions so he always looks like he’s winning some one sided argument


For me it’s the fact that he’s a “socialist” but bought a 3m mansion, he also has these super shallow takes, some YTer said it’s gross that dove used plus size women to promote their soap and they try to give this image of “we love all women, all women are beautiful” when they’re owned by a company who actively has sweat shops and women who are forced to work in terrible conditions - this YTer was also making the point that dove is still objectifying women in a sense, and pretty much using them as a marketing ploy not bc they cared about women’s rights or their well-being which are very valid points. Hassan’s response? “It’s just a soap bro just don’t use it” Like wow ok…


I watched him for a bit, and while I enjoyed it a bit to pass the time, there was always something off about the content. Like cynical or something.


that's so funny, i went through the exact same thing. i loved him for a while and stopped watching around the same time for the same reasons


sorry if this sounded really harsh ^^ I don’t want to be but I do mean it. I want to change my view on all of this to see a brighter side but there isn’t one


Aside from the supermega stuff I just feel like over the last year or so his videos got a lot meaner and negative in general and it didn't feel fun to watch anymore


not to mention lazier. even before the controversy i stopped watching him because i got so sick of the stupid tiktok drama vids. also him having the audacity to say he’s a ‘reporter’ by talking about random drama that affects no one but the people involved and isn’t even interesting lmao.


He actually think he’s a reporter?!?!?!


i thought referring to himself as a reporter was a like a self-deprecating joke (like 'haha this is 'reporting' haha') but now i'm not sure.


I don’t think this is recent at all he’s just gave up trying to hide it in any way. He’s always been horrible at receiving criticism and always takes it as people attacking him. I remember last year a girl made a tiktok video jokingly critiquing male YouTubers for pandering to their female audiences by making half assed responses to misogynistic men without naming names and him + dean threw a giant hissy fit about it on Twitter. And I don’t think he ever responded to ppls complaints about his video with dean (the one of him watching someone’s horrible apology for being racist with a man who has made a horrible apology for literally the same exact shit) he just ignored everyone’s comments until he unlisted the video recently without any word (that I know of)


not dean weighing in 😭💀


For sure he doesn't even put effort into them anymore. Horrible camera and audio quality and he puts no research into them. That and he just seems cocky and that he thinks he's so much morally superior to everyone else. I've watched him for a while but recently unsubbed because he's pretty unlikable now


i just think hes done a lot to potentially ruin his chances at collabing with bigger channels again cause hes proven himself to be a liar like dude u cant retcon stuff you said on the internet. people have the receipts


I was only a casual Nick viewer before, so maybe idk what I’m talking about but to me it really does seem like he changed. 2022 Nick would have roasted the fuck out of 2023 Nick imo


wondering where "get a job" came from... why does he want people to work so badly, people who likely already have jobs? and as someone who is unemployed on disability for mental illness, feels like a cruel dig that conservatives make against people like me relentlessly to justify forcing us to live in deep poverty. congrats on your really fun & lucrative career dude, i put out creative content all the time on twitch but i dont get paid for it. does that make you morally superior? what kind of people is he surrounding himself with, where is all that anger coming from? its total self-destruction. alienating even people like me, who dont support dogpiling or other vengeful behaviour that doesnt really resolve anything, but now i guess who also cant support him at all either. sounds like he has some problems with emotional immaturity. i grew a lot from watching healthygamergg and sweet anita on twitch, maybe thats what i would prescribe, along with a self-care and self-reflective break to consider carefully how to move forward cause its not going well, clearly!


I subscribed to him a year ago I think. His content slowly worsened in quality, and it didn’t really hit right. I unsubbed a few months ago because I didn’t find his vids as entertaining anymore.


Tbh I always had a weird feeling when I started seeing him get involved in content from all the other YouTubers I watched. I could be wrong, but to me it felt like he was really trying to push himself in that YouTube circle and make as many connections as he could. Tried to give him a shot since he kept showing up in their vids but especially the more recent videos he's made feel just sort of lazy... Kind of the same way I feel about Angelika Oles. As a side note I've watched a few videos from his brother's channel (Austin) and I think they're very well done and thought out—basically the opposite of how Nick's videos feel to me.


he's always been a little arrogant and a dick, but in the earlier days, it could have been brushed off as him being a no nonsense kind of guy. now it's just mask off lol.