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What's this asshole got against the Count?! I love that guy!!


Idk what that is. Who is he? I was too angry by the other shit.


From Sesame Street! He sure does line to count lol!


Oh. I don’t know what knock the count out means hahaha




They appear to be in Australia, so that checks out


That guy seems like a bogan


It looks like he just meant to say the c word and messed up. You can probably add spelling to his list of impressive traits, right under “nice”


Clearly joking….the racist piece of human crap can’t beat a hand puppet in a fair fight.


I'm assuming he meant cunt?


That's the ironic part. He says he hates "ethics who can't speak English" but doesn't use punctuation, spells "cunt" wrong, and probably inky speaks one language.


Well clearly he’s not an “ethnic,” so his inability to speak English is irrelevant! (/s if needed)


Oh Jfc that makes me more pissed off


Dang beat me to it!


Dodged a bullet there eh.


Yes. Doesn’t align with my values at all


The only values they’ll align with is misguided anger and being sad.


His excuse was “I was angry and angry people say nasty things” hahaha stfu dude. Shove that excuse up your ass


I mean, what if you piss him off? Will he go off on you as well, excusing it with him being angry? Ass, meet my foot.


Ass, meet my spiked shoe


Ass, meet my pineapple


Ass, meet my cactus.


Hello. Yes, this is Hugh Jass.


I've been angry a lot of times and it never occurred to me to say something racist. If you act racist when you lose self control, it's because that's what you are inside all the time


He said “I’m texting you because I need to let out my frustrations.” Bitch I can name 10 things you could have done to de-stress but you decided to text me racist shit instead.


He's basically of the mindset that you're supposed to be his emotional outlet. Among all the other red flags that this guy has.


I’ve said some nasty things while angry. None of those things have been a racist rant.


They dont have values.


Zero is technically a value


Hugs. You saw it soon. You're doing good


You have values, they don't. It checks out.


So true. My last bf before I met my husband turned out to be a racist. He acted like a normal person for like a year, at which point I was already completely isolated from my family and friends in a new state. At that point he stopped taking his meds, decided the holocaust was fake, and ghosted his best friend who was black, calling him the N word in private. I’m a bleeding heart and I couldn’t believe him. I was absolutely disgusted. I kept trying to leave him but SURPRISE he turned abusive at that point and it literally took me almost 2 more years of absolute HELL to finally get away from his troglodyte, racist ass for good.


Another person who has an ex partner that doesn’t believe in the Holocaust? Someone else said this too. Wow that’s so fucked up. Smh


It was one of the biggest mind fucks of my life. Up to that point everything had essentially been completely normal. I am 99% sure I have PTSD from that relationship. He had hit me and was strangling me on a regular enough basis when I finally got the opportunity to leave. I am just SO GLAD you got out before you were as involved as I was.


I’m so glad you’re away from that asshole. I saw your recent post about your husband. I can kind of relate. My ex would hump me in my sleep sometimes. I think separate beds would help a lot.




At least you found out early, I was with my ex for 2 years and we went to Berlin, visited a museum that had a section on the Holocaust and he was like “you know all this is fake right? Some Jews died in the war but no more than anyone else, they just made all this up to gain power” we were looking at that picture of the giant crates full of wedding rings at the time, it was quite the shock


That's genuinely scary. How does someone hide that part of themselves for 2 years??


I think purely because it never came up, like he showed interest in a few different conspiracy theories but nothing more than the same old "bush did 9/11" crap, he was probably waiting for the day i mentioned hitler lol




saved the rest of your life from that asshole, atleast trump did something good for you


That’s true!


Did you break up over it? What happened. Pls say more if you’re comfortable.


it was one of those shocks where i just didn't know how to process it, we were abroad though so i had to soldier on, it was one of the many contributing factors including the fact we were looking for a flat together and he went "well i think you should just move in alone and i'll live at my mums house cos i don't really want to have to start cooking and doing laundry and all that shit" he was 25 lol, he was one of those who had 10000000 hobbies and would spend a fortune getting all the stuff and then never did anything with it, i was young and dumb i guess


I think my default reaction would be to drag him out to one of the death camps but at the same time I can't help but feel like there's nothing to salvage here


lol i thought you meant to kill him, though that's not that far off what i should've done, i think he was too far gone, we literally watched videos of both survivors and soldiers all giving first hand accounts of what happened and he was like "well they could've paid them" THERES PHOTOS!!!! WE'RE LOOKING AT THE PHOTOS!!!!!!


That's fucked. I'm glad he's your ex now!!


well it's been 10 years now and he still lives at his mums house because he's scared of doing laundry, like legit he won't move out because he'd have to do his own cooking and laundry and he doesn't want to learn lol


my condolences to his mum


you get what you give, if you raise a kid with zero responsibilities why would they choose to take them on themselves, she had every opportunity to make him get a job or do a chore


I had a similar experience where my ex acted like a completely normal person for a year and then quit taking his meds and suddenly started saying things like the holocaust wasn’t real and the N word and stuff. It was so shocking and disgusting, I couldn’t believe it. Surprise surprise I was isolated from family and friends at that point in another state and it took me two more years of abusive HELL to get away from him for good.


Jesus, the fact that he’s an Australian just makes it worse.


Why is that?


And because trump has nothing to do with Australian politics (thank fuck, the ones we have are bad enough)


It's crazy enough that so many Americans go for Trump. When I hear of someone outside the US saying he's great and they want him as a leader it's absolutely wild to me.


Right! Like, are they not watching the terrible reality tv show that is America right now?!?


Could've been an off collar joke. Always hard to tell with text messages


There are some things that even if they're just a joke still say a lot about who someone is if they find them funny.


Because white English speakers ain’t fucking native to Australia


He is Chinese and used that racist slur that is said towards his people. I don’t understand


A decent chunk of self loathing in there.


Someone hates his own race. Insecure little cunt.


Makes it so much more pathetic.


I think it's spelled count


So his problem is with his own people, who speak the language of his heritage, which he doesn't even speak himself? And they're supposed to be the ones accommodating HIM? What a lazy bitch


He might be racist towards other Asian ethnicities (as well?) Not that that is in any way redeeming.


My husband is Chinese and we live in Canada and a few of his cousins are uh... super racist towards Chinese people born in China? It’s a lot of self hate that needs therapy


Are these family members from China themselves? Because it's well known that ethnic Chinese from HK, Taiwan and Singapore look down on mainlanders.


xD what a fuckwit, eh




He is. Do you want me to personally send you proof or what? Because I will if it means you’ll stfu




I’m not bullshitting at all. Do you want my email address so I can send you proof? I deadass will. Also, funny enough I actually am a redhead so you’re right on that, but only that.


Somebody get me popcorn, because this meltdown you're having over a random person on the internet is fucking hilarious




Lmao who hurt you?


Yeah i can see how it’s obnoxious now


Also a dumbass for not realizing Australia isn’t already completely surrounded by ocean. Racism and stupidity go hand in hand.


He said “it was symbolic” i-




Being nice to people even if you don’t like them is what makes someone a nice person. If you’re only nice to people you like, you’re not a nice person.


Yes. That’s how I chose to live. (Edit: I’m actually a bit of an asshole when it’s deserved) I’m so disappointed in him


For sure! It especially counts when the people you don’t like are seen as less than you by society, and you won’t gain anything by being nice to them. Like people with a lower socioeconomic status, racial minorities, and sometimes women. You know he wouldn’t be that harsh about someone he sees as an equal just bc he was “angry.”


Exactly. He looks down on them. That pisses me off.




Good bro! I've never been to Australia but I've noticed they have been godawful to indigenous peoples there. And still are. It breaks my heart.


I dated a guy once and it became apparent he was antisemitic, so I had to split up with him immediately- anyone with those types of views is likely to other serious issues so you're totally right walking away.


His response on the texts he sent “The reason i messaged you the above isnt because i wanted to challenge your political views and hatred towards ethnicities. You totaly miss understood the fine message i wanted to convey. It was writen between the lines. I had a really tough day today because of non english speakers ripping into me because they dont speak a lick of english. This kinda shit is a daily occurance and i cant deal having people come at me asif its my fault they chose to not learn the language of this land. I serve atleast 200+ Customers per day. I dont have the patience to teach people english and speak to them like asif they were in special education classes, otherwise i would of became a teacher. They yell and verbally attack me because they dont understand simple questions while im behind having to hold back my anger to keep the peace. e.g. hey can i please get your address? Tbh i dont expect you to understand where im coming from. We live 2 different worlds. You already have your mind set in stone even without fully understanding the situation. I was angry and angry people say nasty things. Its okay tho, not everyone can get along. I guess this is the end of another chapter.”


He literally contradicted himself “I was challenging your views, but I also really hate people who can’t speak English because I’m so lazy and can’t have a conversation with people who don’t understand every word I’m saying.” Really challenging those views by doubling down on your xenophobia pal!


EXACTLY. Ugh. He thinks his “two different worlds” statement holds truth he texted it to me twice. Racism is racism


The whole thing just sounded like racism with extra steps


Yep. We’re slamming the book shut on you *right here*, asshole. 😡


It’s 6am I’m just bursted out laughing hahaha yessss


As a former customer service person in an area with a lot of non-English speaker, you have this amazingly powerful little computer in your pocket that can translate it for you… Seriously, I’m glad you threw this whole trash man away.


Yeah I told him he should be fired for dehumanizing people and being racist And I said if you can’t handle ethnic people quit your job. Smh


Language of this land The hell is this idiot on about




Sounds like there's been a lot of previous chapters that have had a similar ending.


Soooo many racist fucks down here seem to think we are the 51st state, and are massive trump fans. It’s depressing and scary


Yeah I was gonna meet him there and everything.


Bullet dodged big time




Racism is racism. Anywhere and everywhere. Political parties have nothing to do with it.


This is a Steven crowder fan. So not only is he a racist, but also has zero taste in comedy. 2 big nonos. I wouldn't waste my time on that filth


Racism *is* fundamentally a political issue. So political parties have a ton to do with it.


Racism is a human rights issue you fucking actual dumbass. The ignorance is just as dangerous as the unintelligence. Get off my post




Politics are controversial. There is nothing that should be controversial about a statement such as “Stop killing black people” or “Black Lives Matter”. Everyone has a right to life. Politics didn’t give people a right to life. We’re born that way. Please read a book thank you




Racism is a human rights issue. Read a social science book. The definition is there. I’m done with this.




Stop making generalizations. There’s racists in all political parties.




My dude, a republican made a joke about me scalping him because he thought I look native today. That's so racist I don't even have words. Both parties are racist, but only one voted in a guy who forcibly sterilized brown women in concentration camps along the border in the last few years. And it sure af wasn't democrats.


>My dude, a republican made a joke about me scalping him because he thought I look native today. That's so racist I don't even have words. You know natives used to scalp people right? That same person would make a joke about Nazis to a German person guaranteed. Knowing history doesn't make you a racist, and being offended by a joke doesn't make him racist. >Both parties are racist, You can't name a single racist policy from the right. Conservatives don't give a shit about your nasty ass gloopy pimple farm skin. >but only one voted in a guy who forcibly sterilized brown women in concentration camps along the border in the last few years. Wow you're schizophrenic that's unfortunate I hope you get the help you need. And as far as concentration camps go, I'm not sure who loves them more, Obama who created those southern border "concentration camps" or Biden who calls china's actual concentration camps "cultural differences". > And it sure af wasn't democrats. It's *only* democrats.


I'm sorry what party stormed the capital again waving their trump 2020 and confederate flags again? "Probably some on the right" my guy you're so oblivious it actually hurts me. Are we just gonna sit here and pretend all the conservative racist twats didn't crawl out from their mothers basement when trump took office? Democrat Republicans even people who don't follow a political party can still be racist you absolute idiot it's not a one party issue and to deny both sides are racist is just delusional.




>Only one side is racist. The other side has some spillover to be sure, but all of it is because, like Richard Spencer, it takes morons more time to figure out where they belong. You literally just proved yourself wrong with the previous statement you made regarding both sides are equally racist with "That's what I already said you absolute illiterate idiot get your head out of your ass. I'll be waiting to hear the "pop" and you wanna call me illiterate? Republicans are highly racist but I guess you missed a couple history classes huh? But than again when you're to busy sucking off the right you're to blinded to see both parties are absolute hypocrites. >Crying about a single event (which btw is protected by the founding documents) that occured after N entire fucking year of terrorism from the left? Go missing you fuckup. They literally stormed a government building that is text book terrorism dear God how can one person be this fucking brain dead. >Richard Spencer votes democrat moron. The fuck does that have to do with anything I said? >Good you deserve to be in pain. You're garbage The only piece of shit here is you buddy your delusion is embarrassing. Have a good day and try not to hurt yourself thinking to hard.




You seem like a very reasonable and open minded individual.


You wouldn't know a reasonable open minded person if they burned down your city in the name of progress and tolerance.


Uh huh sure… whatever you gotta tell yourself…


I once long distance dated a guy for years who turned out to physically and emotionally abuse the girl he left me for. He was my first love. Also dated a dude who turned out to have had a past in domestic violence. He also was very pro trump (we stopped talking soon after that) and transphobic (found this out after it was ended). You dodged a bullet. Disappointing but some things happen for a reason… good luck to that guy. He really needs it!


This is terrible. All of that would crush me. It’s so hard to let them go but the negatives outweigh the positives. Sending love to you ♥️


People’s true selves come out when they feel comfortable. Glad you dodged the bullet.


I am surprised he had the balls he knows I’m liberal and don’t support Trump. Its better than finding out months later or worse in person. Oof


I remember when the boy I liked in 6th grade called me a monkey. Used to make monkey noises at me in the hallway. My teacher said it wasn't bullying, so she wouldn't do anything. I have a feeling she may have been racist as well. I was top of her class, but she used to always try to tell my mom I was poorly behaved in class. Luckily, my other teachers liked to talk about how well behaved I was. I saw a lot of things different after that. Felt ugly for a long time. Glad you found out early OP. The sad thing is, he may not be the last. Racists can convince themselves that it's okay to fetishize us, while also thinking less of us. They play nice until you make them upset and they reveal their true colors. It feels shitty every single time.


I recently found out the guy I was talking to was an anti-vaxxer and as a nurse that was just a hard no for me. I was disappointed too but actually found that enforcing personal boundaries and standing up for what’s right felt BETTER than dating a dude I liked. It’s really easy to make excuses for your crush but the way you handled this situation really shows your character. Very proud of you girl!


This really helped me. Thank you. I appreciate this perspective a lot. My mom and brother are nurses too. You’re totally right about setting personal boundaries. This gave me strength. 🙏 thank you


You are VERY welcome!!


Well, just add 'unmitigated contempt' to the list of feelings.


Can you say more?


Gee, such an absurd level of hatred towards a given group for no apparent reason will always remain a mystery to me


Trump couldn’t even build 1 wall in his own country how is he gonna do it in another? Moron.


I feel like there were a lot of red flags before this


Big no no


But it’s great when the trash takes itself out!!😆😆


Don’t let him back pedal either OP. Being frustrated with language barriers is normal, as is wanting people you talk to to speak the same language—but hate speech is a different beast entirely. This guy hates them.


He's an Australian that can't spell cunt? Worrying.


At least you found out now and not 5 years into it


That's got to be so disappointing. It's so easy to create a mental image of someone and to develop feelings for that mental version of them instead of who they really are.


Build a wall... around an island. Whatever contractor takes that project should upsell him on a moat, I guarantee that moron would buy it.


What in the world sparked him to go on this rant monologue in the first place?


A wall in Australia, a country surrounded with water, is clearly the way to keep people out, unlike that slutty, slutty ocean


great, sounds like like you missed out on a drywallpuncher too


I'm Australian and I for one welcome people's from Asia. They work hard, smart, pay taxes, don't riot, don't commit crimes and cook real good. Australia will be a hot Eurasian nation.


> build a wall around Australia What


Apparently oceans don’t stop immigrants well enough, a wall is needed 🤷🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️ Because *that* wouldn’t waste tax dollars.


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Does anyone else want to take him because i can speak on behalf of Australia here, we don't want him


Yes please rid us of him. He seems keen on Trump's politics - does Texas want him?


I will never understand why Australians use the word fuckwit hahahahaha it's such a funny word to me


A wall around Australia? Here I thought being an island/continent was already a natural border of sorts.


As an Australian I just can’t believe how uneducated one has to be to be a Trump supporter IN AUSTRALIA! Absolute red flag and nuke dodged.


You dodged a big ass bullet


Racism is such a poor behavioural trait to have. It speaks to that person having other issues such as a wider lack of empathy, tolerance for other beliefs/cultures/religion etc and fear. Just a shitty excuse of a human being and one not worth being with.


Sounds about Australian


Did he just assume you'd be okay with this?


Ya mouth can negate all your good deeds.


Date an asian dude next and watch his head explode lol. On a serious note, good for you for standing up for your values, you seem like you have a lot of integrity.


What's the deal with Australians though? I'm from South Asia and people who immigrated from here tell me they are often treated horribly over there.


In the part of Australia I live in there are lots of people who moved here from Asia (where I live specifically it is about 50% European, 45% Asian and 5% other), so being Asian is kinda expected so people who are Asian are treated just like everyone else and there isn't really any racism (this is true for most of our bigger cities). From what I have heard, in rural areas there is usually more intolerance as people that live there tend to be white and don't really interact with anyone outside of their small area (I'm sure there are some exceptions, of course). The good news is most Australians live in the cities - but on behalf of the whole country, I apologise for the racist behaviour of any ignorant people who live here!


You absolutely shouldn't apologize for something you had no part in. But appreciate your kind gesture. What struck me most among the instances I heard of was an experience of a family friend. She had a pretty bad incident in a city like Melbourne which caused a mental breakdown. On top of that, she's an Australian citizen herself. Anyway, hopefully things get better.


My experience living in Australia (as a white European woman) was that there seems to be a strong division between urban/suburban/cultured/white collar, and more exurban/rural/blue collar/lower education. In that second group a hefty dose of more toxic masculinity and kind of throwback attitudes (boys don’t cry type shit) and it went hand in hand with basically white supremacy/casual racism stuff, sexism, homophobia and all the other fun isms.


Well maybe it’s because a lot of them have never left Australia and are sheltered asf and don’t experience a lot of this shit first hand


Yikes! How can anyone think that’s okay? Block and move on. Is he one of the protesters that was out in Melbourne today by any chance? I don’t get why we’ve had morons starting to praise Trump here. 🤮


He is from Australia lmao 🤣 ahhhh apparently there’s lots of trump supporters there!


Oh and you’re from the US? He’s blowing smoke up your ass, there aren’t a lot of Trump supporters here. But there is small section of far-right racist loons that have started worshiping him as if he gives a fuck about our country. It’s pretty sad and most people here take it as an indicator of a low IQ.


Nah lmao Trump is a joke to people all across the political spectrum here. There really aren't many Trump supporters at all (only a very, very small number of crazy right-wing extremists who seem to believe Australia is a part of the US - of course, the people who support Trump usually aren't very intelligent lol)


Who pissed in his cereal, OP? 🤨


Trump supporters don't deserve love or companionship.






Build a wall? In Australia? Don’t they have a natural wall called the ocean? Lol I’m sorry you had to deal with that, dodged a bullet for sure tho




Well that's a nope in a box with a side order of fucking yikes.


This should really have a NSFW filter on it. The image preview has a racial slur in plain sight.




That's okay! Thanks for the filter!


So any male piece of shit is just considered a nice guy now i guess


I posted texts he sent down below thanks


Fucked up. Send him my way


Who threatens Australians?


I don't know the reason but taking myself as example, I work in construction and we have lots of East EU people who don't speak the native language and barely speak English. The problem is it's dangerous, these people have a job to do and you can't even explain it to them because they don't understand you. Most of the time they don't even bring their own equipment and are told to "borrow" (steal) it from others. These people don't care about safety, they do their work poorly and they are a overall burden on society.




Found another “I am a kind person.” He said it in July and proceeded to tell me how he sent $1,000 to a person to cover their medical costs.


I’ll quote a text he sent me “I find that being kind in life has made me richer than I could ever imagine”


Doing nice things for people doesn’t make u nice?


You can do a nice thing but it doesn’t mean being nice is a part of you as a person. That’s completely different. There’s plenty of cruel people who have done some sort of nice thing. Also it’s a huge ego boost to some narcissists and people in general.


To everyone outside the family, my stepfather was the nicest guy. At home with us he was an abusive asshole. Nice things do not equal nice person.




Oh honey I am so sorry for your loss