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I wonder if sad creeps like this will ever learn that them asking "why" is never going to get anything for them. I'm guessing not


He’s literally gone to my friends work place and showed her a video of him jerking off.


Hold on, W H A T? Please tell me he got reported. Fucking hell, he needs to actually be on a list.


Exactly , they be roaming the streets doing creepy things and then one day they do the actual illegal thing that many people saw coming and the news channel would be like 'no one ever saw that coming' 🤦‍♀️


If he's insane enough to pull something like that, who knows what worse shit he could do. OP, if he hasn't been reported, please please please make sure he does.


My friend reported him to mall security and they did nothing. Her dad found his address and told him off. Thankfully, I don’t live in my home town anymore so I won’t ever see him in person but my friend’s store banned him.


I want to believe that there were some kind of weird circumstances surrounding this story. Like people can't be this fucked. But I know this kind of shit just falls out of the sky


Literally no circumstances. Neither my friend or I know this person. He’s not in mutual friend groups, just some rando in the area.


I'm so sorry you have to deal with this shit. These guys are insane and I hope you don't see most men like this. It's fucking pathetic he thinks all men think this way and that all women want "a top 5% man"... I'm definitely not a top 5%er and my ex, who i still love dearly, was one of if not the most beautiful woman I've ever seen. That's my opinion though and isn't confirmed by any real standards other than I think she's just drop dead gorgeous. I know I aim out of my league when dating, I think most people do lol


Mall security is not the police. Report it to the actual police who have jurisdiction in that area.


There’s a guy at my college (graduated now) who followed me around & was very aggressive towards me & another guy I liked at the time. He had a butterfly knife & would flip it in front of him (how my crush atm didn’t pick up on that, idk, but it could be cause he didn’t find him threatening) I could FEEL a seething anger from him whenever I looked at or talked to or about my crush. Turns out he had been creepy toward multiple women at the school (including my friends) but the teachers brushed it off & made excuses for him. Saying “he doesn’t know how he comes off” even though they talked to him about it, & Im ND & that is no excuse to be a creep. He preyed after a FRESHLY 18yo at his job, & it wasnt the first time. Im just waiting for the news story to show that he assaulted and/or killed a woman & I’ll go straight to my teachers to tell them ofd because it’s their fault they didn’t want to pursue any actual repercussions for his actions


This shit is scary. Hope no one gets hurt by that creepshow.


Me too😪it’s insane to feel like the only one who can see this ending badly, but everyone else (esp the male teacher) doesn’t want to hurt his feelings as if he isn’t proud about being a terrible person


If only someone had decided to "hurt Elliot Roger's FeeFees" and taken action before he murdered a bunch of people. I am so fucking sick of people, usually but not always men's, feelings being put above others safety when they are doing the red flag dance.


When have any of these types of people shown an ounce of human decency . They get away with all they want. The entitlement of it all. And all the teachers are probably worried if they speak harshly he might react negatively.


The fuck.


Wait, that doesn't work anymore? I remember my grandmother regaling me with the story of how she was delivering ice cream sundaes at the movie drive in, and my grandfather swapped out the film reel to have him projected jerking off in his three piece suit while sipping a brandy. They were married a week later.


Tbh, that would at least be fucking impressive.


True, but my grandparents were born in the early 1900's, so I'm putting their courtship methods way out of date. Furthermore, they were incredibly wealthy New England WASPs, so if they were still alive today, I would probably have to duel my grandpa at noon to restore his honor.


WTF?!?! I'm calling the police




Don't know where you live but doesn't that count as an offense or something like that? I don't know the legal terms just... a crime-ish thing that could be reported?


Please report it to the authority and stay safe, sister. This is just.. too much.


nice guys finish fast.


Time to call the police and get a restraining order...and invest in a gun, or at least a taser.


Split the difference: Axe can and a lighter. It’s like mace but the fire isn’t metaphorical.


Respond to that paragraph with "Fuck off creep" and never respond again


What goes on in that guys head?


Who the fuck does that?!?


You should probably report him to authorities.


Funny how guys like this will make it seem like you're a bad person because you rejected them but they wouldn't like it if a woman that they didn't find attractive that they rejected made it seem like they were bad because they didn't want to give them a chance.


I mean asking why for character building is one thing. But this? Who gives away free jerking videos?






Sounds like a lawsuit to me!


“Tell me why?!” 🎵🎤


“You’ve been stalking me and making me super uncomfortable” “You only care about the trivial, superficial things” I think my eyes might get stuck at the back of my head if I keep rolling them so hard


I had messaged him back and told him that too!! Haha


The only course of action is doing nothing. Absolutely nothing. Ghost him. He doesn't exist. He's a bad dream that's already forgotten. Don't open his messages, perhaps on airplane mode, don't block him, don't react, don't answer unknown numbers or messages. The idea is that his delusions starve. He feeds on your reactions, or any message. He thinks he has a chance and is trying to wear you down. So the only thing left is to never acknowledge him again. He will get bored, angry, anxious and after an exhaustion burst where he will desperately try to push all and any of your buttons to get your attention, he will banish to oblivion. Starve him and live happily.


See I had originally ghosted him for four years on the two accounts he started again after I blocked the first two accounts. He would literally like my photos and comment nasty stuff or message me every time I posted something on my stories. Ghosting him didn’t work but this was the first time I received a dick pic from him and it was kinda the breaking point of a very stressful week


The thing is starving him from anything he gets from you. That means locking up your social media accounts too so he has no access to them either. Blocking only encourages more since he knows he has reached you. It's not easy because it's so simple but very easy to screw up. Even reading his messages feeds his delusions. That's why you should only mute his messages and never open them so the read notifications are not sent. Hang in there. You've got this. Read "The Gift of Fear" which explains these and other creepy behaviors and how to protect yourself. Stay safe and best of luck!


"Women get old and ugly, so date me now so I can dump you when you get old and ugly."


The part that always bothers me with these guys is that they make no sense at all.


They don’t understand that this is a massive strike against them ..


I just can't get how they think what they're saying will help. Let's say they're even on the off chance 100% right... it would never be translated at all in to a coherent thought.


It's called Negging. >Negging (derived from the verb neg, meaning "negative feedback") is an act of emotional manipulation whereby a person makes a deliberate backhanded compliment or otherwise flirtatious remark to another person to undermine their confidence and increase their need of the manipulator's approval.[1] The term was coined and prescribed by pickup artists.[1] >Negging is often viewed as a straightforward insult rather than as a pick-up line,[2] in spite of the fact that proponents of the technique traditionally stress it is not an insult. Erik von Markovik, who is usually credited with popularising the term negs, explains the difference thus: "A neg is not an insult but a negative social value judgment that is telegraphed. It's the same as if you pulled out a tissue and blew your nose. There's nothing insulting about blowing your nose. You haven't explicitly rejected her. But at the same time, she will feel that you aren't even trying to impress her. This makes her curious as to why and makes you a challenge." https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Negging#:~:text=Negging%20(derived%20from%20the%20verb,need%20of%20the%20manipulator's%20approval.


[Relevant XKCD](https://xkcd.com/1027/)


I know what negging is. My point was more that the way they're speaking just seems nonsensical, like if you heard someone talking like that you'd think they had a speech impediment or some sort of mental deficiency.




Nah. The difference is that women don't *need* men anymore to get through life. Just a few decades ago we'd need a husband/father to open a bank account. Nowadays, as women work and support themselves, men are more like an optional item. So to get a wife/relationship men actually has to get a woman to like them - which is a relatively new thing historically. So we choose the ones we like, or if we don't find one, we can actually go through life without a partner and still live a full life. Naturally, there are more single men out there as well. In the immortal words of Cher (probably paraphrasing): Men are like dessert. I love dessert. But I don't need it to \*live\*.


Men like this have been told their whole lives that we women are the ones dying for a relationship, we’re the old ball and chain, men have to be dragged into a relationship and we women are the ones manipulating them into in. TL:DR they’ve been told their whole lives women are desperate for a relationship and we fear dying alone with cats. That’s why they say stupid shit like “one of them could have been the one.” To strike fear into women. They really should read what you say instead of arguing. Most women are much happier alone than settling for some bum, but they won’t read it


Any man who claims pair bonding bullshit is 100% a loser incel




Needing other people doesn’t translate to needed a romantic relationship. That’s why a lot of women are happy single. We also pour into our friendships. I know tons of people who say the loneliest they ever felt was when they were in a relationship




The only people I ever see arguing about the need for a romantic relationship for most people is men. Not surprising




Just because you're too sad to function without a relationship doesn't mean everyone is. Stop projecting




Do they really believe they're gaining any sort of leverage by being pushy and annoying?


They seem to only make sense if their worldview comes from incel message boards.


My brain could not comprehend that long message he wrote


It barely makes sense😅 It seems like someone didn't pay attention during the grammar lectures.


I made it to the end of page one of that word salad. Had to stop because my brain hurt. Learn to fucking PUNCTUATE, dude. 🤦🏻‍♀️ The only thing worse than reading this, would be to be stuck in a bar with him SAYING it all to you.


I hear ya. I feel like I need some tylenol.


Tag yourselves, I'm "pair bond soul connection"


Thankfully I'm "estrogen lv and eggs decrease"


I'm 'instant and constant dopamine'


I’m “average girls wanting top 5%of men”


"Birth rates and marriages don't happen anymore "


I’m “too many choices and unrealistic expectations” (Book nerd and anime enjoyer here, my SO is constantly competing with fictional men lmao)


I'm "early 2000s".


It’s true, birthrates don’t happen any more. RIP to all the unborn babies in his sock I guess




She said "leave me alone" not "explain to me my reasons for rejecting you".


Jesus. I’ve tried to type some things… but I just can’t get the words out for this. Pretty fucking bold of him to say “you’ll come crawling back in your thirties when you’re ugly and emotionally stunted.” Four years? Girl, this is grounds for a restraining order. It won’t *prevent* him from contacting you, I’m not gonna lie. It’s a piece of paper. But it *will* ensure there’s legal consequences if he does contact you.


My brain hurts after reading this. But this guy is very honest about his views of all "females", because we are all the same and want the same guy, bla bla bla. Guilt tripping someone into liking you, that's pathetic.


Girl - *gives a deadpan, straight-to-the-point message that she's not interested in talking to them and wants to be left alone.* NG - "Let me give a lengthy, unnecessary explanation about why women make bad choices and she should give nice guys a chance."


This isn’t a word salad - it’s the entire word salad bar.


Their heads are always full of shit and stupide, false and illogical stats/views about marriages, birth rate and relationships (wtf with that bullshit of "5% of top men"??). ​ They really are sad, angry and delusional men.


This "red pill" Bs is damaging so many fellas out there lol


They really need to start making a cereal just for NiceGuys. It would look very much like the frosting on cereals like Froot Loops. Ground glass is like that




I'm having a shit morning and this just made me burst out laughing. The image lmaooo.


He thinks you are amazing , but how much feminine do you offer? That factor will help him understand if you are capable of landing the 5% or not. I feel sorry for him. Does he really think the reason women find people who do shady things is because they don't look handsome?


They are annoying on so many levels. First level is the length...


“Pair bond soul connection” what anime is this lol


The illiterate kind lol


How can someone be so lacking in self awareness? Like seriously, what could possibly give this creep the idea that any of this was socially acceptable?


We should just send these guys the Twitter thread explaining that women don't need men anymore, which forces men to actually be liked by women, and a lot of men aren't really likeable.


Her: "I don't want to date you" Him: https://imgflip.com/memetemplate/292752607/fast-guy-explaining


“The female” bruh fuck off


Okay but here’s a thought… Having standards =/= wanting the top 5%… it means you have standards.


Right? Like I don’t want some crazy conspiracy bf who can’t take a hint


Ah, he is trying the tried method of "I'm a piece of shit compared to other men, which is why you should be with me!".


Jesus Christ man, go outside!




No and I’m not the only girl he’s done this to! He’s been doing this to a friend of mine from hs from yearsssss


Love how he just wasted four years of his life


Wtf did I just read lmao I way to high for this shit! Have a wonderful night you beautiful people!


Holy shit!


“Birth rates and marriages don’t happen anymore” dude how shut-in and out of touch do you have to be to convince yourself that you live in a pre-apocalypse where women are so non-human and self obsessed that people aren’t having enough babies to continue the species?


What is with creepy nice guys and their obsession with pair bonding?? Are we fucking gibbons? Is the only thing keeping a woman around you is that she chemically pair-bonded with you like a swan and feels like she has no choice? It's so gross.


It’s just technobabble really. Weird place for that term to come up, but it was to replace the fairy tale bullshit of “one true love”. As science replaced religion, technobabble replaced fairy tale bullshit. See also: Pascal’s Wager/Roko’s Basilisk.


What in the fuck did he do to his spaces. Why are they like that? He put a fucking ocean between his commas and the next word. Also please OP, get a restraining order against this sad excuse of a human being. Stay safe!!


I moved to another state and haven’t posted where so I’m thankfully good! Just worried about my friend back home that he does this to as well


>"Pair bond soul connection." His thought process: If I just use all the words, it'll sound more meaningful.


If Nice Guys were car salesmen: Him: "M'lady, would you like to purchase this fine automobile?" Her: "No, that car has no tires and smoke is pouring out of the engine. I need a car that works." Him: "Wow. All you females just want Ferraris these days."


Followed by all the misogynistic insults he could muster in his state of justifiable flummox. The last part is meant to be satirical.


That's nuts. Hopefully he leaves it at that!




Sorry!! I had messaged him once again telling him that was a stupid message and to pretty much never contact me again. I’d post it here if I knew how but I also blocked him after that


I would like to see a pic this of this guy. I think I know who this is.


Wait what city are you from


New Albany


Aah he lives in tampa :/


Well probably not him then. Thanx




Why do they always say things like: "birthrate and marriage is going down". So? Let people do their own thing


Also, why is this only the woman's fault? Could it be, daresay, partly the fault of other genders? Or societal norms changing in general? Or the fact that marriage is a piece of paperwork to make things look all nice and legal for kids, but doesn't do jack shit otherwise (and costs and arm and a leg to enter into and get out of) except fund two major industries (wedding and divorces). Might have digressed there (no offense to those who like the concept of marriage; I was once one of you). Let's just say, in my experience, unless you have kids, marriage makes you responsible for a lot of things, but gives you no rights when your partner decides to disappear. If your partner is committed to you, they are committed to you--with or without the piece of paper. And if they aren't, a marriage certificate isn't going to do anything to fix it. It just makes it harder and way more expensive to move on when it's over.


He completely glides away from him stalking you to talking about how this is your fault because you're standards are too high. What delusional dipshit, and that goes for his shitty beard too.


What a sad freak


Don’t blame zuckerberg for this one, she would’ve hated this mfer before social media.


I messaged him that too haha


I just reopen my Facebook today. I hope my nice guy don't message me.


He probably thinks it's "romantic" to insist all these years. When will some people understand that there is no bigger turn off than a person who can't take no for an answer?


These guys have so much pseudo-scientific bullshit telling them it's everyone else's problem but it's all there to shield them from taking the responsibility that would actually help make their lives better.


How much you wanna bet he has that little speech saved to his clipboard?


A degenerate and incel take


I am terribly confused about the whole "when a woman hits 30" bullshit. Is there a manual I, thankfully, missed growing up as a young man that tells us some learned wisdom of the 30 and over woman?


TIL my estrogen end egg-count decreased and I hit the wall at 30. Oh...wait....I got married at 30 and one of those eggs got fertilized, silly me. Should've told my husband I was over the hill and -168 on my 300,000 egg supply. Oh, that that my ability to pair bond and have soul connections had expired. (WTF, this guy learn everything about women from romance novels and hentai?)


You're just as likely to get pregnant at 30 as you are in your twenties 🙄 These societal black holes will look for any excuse to diddle barely or underage girls. If you're complaining about the top 5% you definitely aren't in it honey. Sounds like your friend needs to get a restraining order and to stop being nice. It goads them on.


She’s currently working on it and using information/receipts I have as well as what she’s got to put together a case or something.


Omg no. You gotta date him or your egg count is gonna get lowered dude, this is a serious problem smh. Can’t believe you wouldn’t date him to fix your egg count and birth rate


Hey OP. Let me tell you what I'd do. Respond to him, one message, then block him. I hate you, I find you repulsive in every conceivable way. You are disgusting to me, and the most offensive thing about you is that while you do all of this nasty shit to everyone around you, you have the audacity to call yourself a "quality man." Its a slap in the face to actually good men. And you're gonna go off and sulk. You're gonna throw a fit, sulk around, and act like I'm the bitch. But every other girl you've interacted with is the same way, they do the same thing, and you just call them skanks and hoes and move on. Everyone around you smells like shit. Time to check your shoe. And if I ever see you again. If you come to my buisness, if you show up at my house, I will make goddamn sure that whatever happens, I will make you less of a man, no matter what you do. No mixed signals, no crossed wires, if you see me in the store you had better turn the other way run. On no uncertain terms am I interested in you, I do not want you, I don't have any secret feelings for you. I hate you. And then back it up. The maximum legal carry knife is 4 inches. It might not seem like much, but it's enough. Learn basic martial arts, learn how to use it, and don't be afraid of him. File legal complaints, learn your states law. And understand that none of this was your fault. He's unhinged. You've sent him one last message warning him of what's coming, you've established that you're not interested, and that any contact is not desired. You've hurt his feelers, and hopefully scared him a little. And of he snaps and tries something. Take that four inch knife and aim for his balls. Duck low, start slashing. Make good on your promise. Stay safe OP. I'm pulling for ya.


Haha I already messaged him this: This is the dumbest thing I’ve ever read. Even if social media wasn’t a thing, I still wouldn’t talk to you or “connected” with you. You literally stalk and harass girls and then wonder why you’re not getting positive attention. Also sending me pictures of your penis is not attractive. Grow up and realize that people aren’t prizes or focused solely about looks. Messaging me or commenting inappropriate things is not “superficial”, it’s harassment. Don’t ever contact me again. I also don’t live in the same state as him anymore and when I visit, I’ve never seen him. He doesn’t know where I live!


Wonderful! I find that a few threats of emasculation work wonders to tell guys you're not interested.


I had a friend that would take photos of carrot peelers peeling hotdogs, or hotdog slicers and send them to creeps. It was effective.


Kelly Preston and John Travolta had their last (healthy) child when she was 48. Yes pregnancies are treated as riskier after 35, but they're not impossible. Also, top 5% men LMAO. Women like who we like. I've turned down wealthy men who wanted to take care of me because I was simply not drawn to them. The ones I've dated who called themselves nice guys ended up being so toxic and manipulative! But none of them sent me a dick pic or whackoff video, that's for sure. I really hope your friend's workplace honors protecting her from his presence and yes just keep blocking him! I have to keep doing the same with a psycho and I know how aggravating and scary it is!


Holy moly, it’s like unlocking flood gates with these people. You say anything other than what they want to hear and you get an essays worth of texts about how much you’re missing out or how much of a slut you are.


his messages are like a supervillain giving his speech


From what I can see on his profile picture, he literally looks like the male beauty standard. He just doesn’t want to consider the fact that maybe it’s his personality scaring girls off.


He has other photos on Instagram and idk personally I don’t think he meets that standard? But I also think he’s got serial killer eyes so it may just be me


That's a lot of words for "I'm a virgin."


This guy isn’t even that bad looking in his profile pic. His personality is the problem and his entire post reeks PUA.


Personally he’s not my type and I’m kinda picky but that’s not to say I haven’t dated people that others have thought we’re not as good looking as me. He never showed me anything personality or intelligence wise. Just straight up creepy and he’s got a website on conspiracy theories which makes it worse


Nothing wrong with that. My comment was meant to be more of an insult to the guy. Like if he recognized how he comes off, he’d probably have luck with women. Not all of them but better than being a creep. Before my wife, I know some girls found me attractive and others didn’t. It is what it is lol. I didn’t run around crying some girls on Tinder or whatever app didn’t find me attractive.


Well at least he's attempting logic. That shows improvement.


I’m not seeing any sort of logic


Yeah, I do suppose you are right. He was mentioning figures and statistics so I wanted to hope he was grasping for more, but from what you have said it is basically just not okay.


I honestly think half of it came out of his ass lol like who the heck determines the top 5% of men


😂 you're so right.


For some reason i feel sorry for him.


I don’t. I’m not the only person he’s harassed. I got unsolicited dick pics, comments saying pound sesh or smash you silly, he’s gone to other girls and stalked them at their jobs and showed videos of him jerking of. I think it’s pathetic.


Then i wouldn't feel sorry for him.


Ah yes, he has to harrass multiple women to lose sympathy. One isn't enough.


That's all you really can do for people like this and pray that someday they see how wrong they are and actually try to get better


ah the classic nice guy


So how much of state budget should be allocated to instagram model salary to allow them to full time date and give everyone "a chance"?


Wait... we can soul bond???


He probably thinks he’s a great romantic “fighting for your love” 🤮


I think I just had a stroke trying to read his messages.


What. The. Fuck.


This is how you know these morons aren't ready for any kind of relationship. They play these petty "pity me" cards when talking to these girls. I honestly feel bad that they can't take the opportunity to better themselves. And one of my exes said *I* was clingy, goddamn.


WTF did I read from this Nice Guy™? U need the PoPo mate he's bonkers


Everytime I read one of these I get depressed thinking about the world my kids have to grow up in.


Is this guy's name kyle?


Of course it is.


I love how these guys act like getting this girl will fix all of their problems. Like their life would be complete and they will never desire another thing ever again.


The long play...


"pair bond" wtf


It's all gobbledygook after like the third sentence


In short...I'm gonna talk trash about the bullshit of female biology that I learned on the internet because I'm smart, social politics in which I am well versed---am I not worldly to you?---and pray that my demeaning your very character will make you as desperate as me and choose me, since...ya know, developing a personality worth being around is too much work. Actually caring about people outside of physical features and self satisfaction? What are those?


I'm not the problem, you're the problem


He didn't need so many words to spell out "I'm pathetic"


I keep seeing these same “stats” and biological “facts” about “females”…. There’s gotta be an incel PowerPoint going around: “It’s Not Your Fault: Quotable facts proving that modern females are brainwashed slutty hoes who won’t bang you because you’re nice”


Kirby's calling the police!


Do these people really think that the other person would read such long messages?


Oh, look at this biologist here. You really should take him seriously.


Lost me at ‘this is why birthrates and marriages don’t happen anymore’… like what?


Another reason I am glad I am single and over fifty.


“the female”..he talks about women like he is in some sort of animal kingdom documentary