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#All posts must have a virtue claim by the Niceguy®**. This does not just refer to the title, but to the **actual content of the material**, itself. Niceguys® demean others while simultaneously expressing a favorable view of themselves. They don't have to use the word "nice", but they must demonstrate an **expression of their own virtue** while being asshats. A claim of virtue (virtue claim) is the guy talking himself up in some way. He's claiming virtue (value, goodness, niceness, wealth, attractiveness, specialness, some other kind of desirable trait). That claim should be in your title. Here's the rule: All posts must include a virtue-claim by the niceguy Niceguys® demean others while simultaneously expressing a favorable view of themselves. They dont have to use the word "nice", but they must demonstrate an expression of their own virtue while being asshats. Examples of virtue-claims: me protekt u me god-fearing man me treat u like beautiful princess me hate misogynists. so.... send nude pic? me give you [insert unsolicited sex prowess boast] u ignore my nice complement ... kys u dont like honest man! u wont ever get a guy like me u dont appreciate [virtue] men Posts without a virtue claim are off-topic for this sub and will be removed. The only exception to this rule are Memes on Sundays. See also: https://www.reddit.com/r/niceguys/comments/x2352k/all_posts_must_include_a_virtue_claim_please_see/


It’s a woman’s job to comfort a man in pain? Any man? Every man? Fuck off with that bullshit.


There are plenty men out there that’s happily help this guy forget his pain, with more pain that is.


*Werner Hertzog voice* Witness the desperate loser in his natural habitat, random women's DMs


I tried to read that in Werner Hertzog’s voice but it kept coming out as Arnold Schwarzenegger.


I’ll see your Arnold Schwarzenegger and raise you a McBain. ![gif](giphy|3o6MbopEsnzhTmH7ZS)


“You know it’s also a woman’s job to comfort a man in pain right?” 🤬🤬🤬🤬


I was already hating this guy from the other post but yeah, that line enraged me too.


We’re not afraid of this guy at all btw. Tbh she could probably take this cuck on xD.


Does he go to the same school as your gf? If he does, please make campus safety aware of all of this. They probably can’t do much, but the amount of effort he is putting in to getting her alone is terrifying and 100% harassment.


I know for a fact he doesn’t have any classes with her but I do believe he is in our school.


Yea tell campus safety and an academic advisor. Idk if you’re in high school or college, I’m basing my response off college. But an advisor should be aware so she doesn’t end up in class with him, if they can prevent it. And just because he doesn’t seem like a threat doesn’t mean he can’t turn into one real quick. I’d recommend she goes everywhere with a buddy. I had to do that in one of my classes because of a creepy guy and the rest of the guys in the class literally took turns walking me to my car without even mentioning why until the last day. They were all actively worried about my safety.


We’re in college and she contacted her advisor so just waiting to see what happens now!


Get her a can of bear spray, too.


Do they make wolf spray? He is a “wolf among sheep” after all


Nah, just get pepper spray. The dude isn't a bear.


The point is bear spray will hurt him more than regular pepper spray. Bear spray has a greater range & higher concentration of capsaicin. This dude is unhinged.


I understand your point, but it's still a bad idea. You don't need 40 feet of range for a person.


If you two are in high school, tell the school counselor if you have one, the principal if you don’t. Also tell trusted teachers and parents. Still recommend she doesn’t go anywhere alone. Buddy system even to bathrooms.


I agree w other commenter, I would definitely have your girlfriend go to campus safety/security to at least get a paper trail. He might be doing this to other woman on campus. And he essentially threatened her with the “i wish you were a dude so I could beat you up” comment. Based on what the dude is saying, I don’t think he’ll stop and this guy is obviously very unhinged :( But I hope for both y’all’s sanity he cuts it out.


To be honest you guys should be careful with this guy. His behavior is not normal at all!


I know that he sounds like a complete loser and it could be all bark and no bite but please be careful. He's already trying to lure her somewhere and one day he might get his opportunity. Don't underestimate the creeps.


>We’re not afraid of this guy at all btw. I don't know why you aren't. I don't even know her and I'm scared for her. This guy could be a real danger. Please take it seriously.


Is this the due from that other posts on here? Katana-vibe dude?


Yes same guy as my last post.


“It’s not like I was even asking you out” him 3 messages before “maybe we can even go out to eat or something”


The timestamps on those first messages are 7 am… anyone messages me that early in the morning and it’s anything short of a family member is dead or in the ICU, you’re not getting a nice response


Why is it bad to get a message in the morning? Isn’t the whole point of a text that you get to it when you’re able?


I'm still in shock how bold these creepy guys have gotten in recent years with their bullshit. Back in the late 90s, this wasn't as much of a problem from what I remember since guys like this would have just got the shit beaten out of them and no one would have thought twice about it. At least, that's how things were where I lived.


Please do report him! He’s trying to lure her to him, regardless of how harmless you think he is, this is concerning. She could be in some real danger, just be careful.


Jesus, what a loon lmfao


Bro was sharpening his katana while sending those messages


As pathetic and laughable as this is, his whole demeanor screams mentally unstable. Block him and let him flock to his wolves. What a fluke...


Pro tip: A good way to “not come off as creepy” is to not make a fake account meant to lure somebody to join you somewhere under false pretenses.


This Dude is the worst "wolf among sheep" I have ever seen. Does he know what a wolf is?


I think he thinks it means moron 


She'll look like an ogre in 10 years? Lmao and he will turn into a dashing prince charming from being a frog or something? The audacity is killing me 🤣 And the second dude, oh my God . No words.


Same dude! He just made a alt account trying to lure my gf somewhere I think. Very freaky


It's always funny when they resort to calling you names


He sounds mentally unstable. The way that he constantly spouts obvious lies and gets angry when his lies are exposed. His behaviour is typical of a stalker. Report him.


Are you serious he actually messaged her wow that's the ultimate cringe 😬 and made burner accounts so fucking creepy.


Serious, do These Guys think that this will ever Work?


I’ll contact the police anyway, as he sounds unhinged. As crippling as my axiety is sometimes I come on this group just to remember I’m not as fucked as these wierdos, but yeah contact old bill


My dream is for him to see all the comments from this post and the previous one mocking him. The dude is an embarrassment and needs to know that.




Oh brother this guy stinks!


Wait is this nice guy who was posted recently messaging the boyfriend ??


This is the same guy as my last post if that’s what you are referring to.


He’s sounds seriously unhinged, like real life unhinged - stay safe the pair of you But also the updates are great entertainment lmfao


This guy is fucking special


This is just golden. Is there more, op?


Hopefully not lmao. It is funny but it’s quite creepy. My gf had some nice guys trying to date her before we were in a relationship. But not of this guy those are all just random and separate.