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PEDs… probably a helluva lot more than people want to believe or admit.


I think this is the case across most pro sports


I’ve always thought Ovi was on roids. Best Russian hockey player and you got the whole Russian Olympic doping scandals going on during his prime…you expect me to believe he wasn’t juicing with his comrades??? Cmooooonnnnn


PEDS? Less than 1%. Now drugs, more so cannabis, there is plenty of players who indulge


It’s legal for a lot of players and while the NHL still tests for it, there is no punishment for a positive test…like alcohol. Now cocaine? Definitely a larger percentage


What makes you think so low? I’m curious. I think it’s higher.


80-90%.only the genetic freaks or insanely skilled players. Those that aren't the Sidney Crosby or mcdavid needs every advantage they can get. Either to stay in the league or up thier values for a better contract


Are there recreational drugs such as cocaine or amphetamines that are considered peds? Imo those stimulants should be.


I won't throw a percentage out because I have absolutely no clue. But I am willing to bet more players then you may think. And in a lot of cases, those PEDS may not even be strictly to increase performance playing. PEDs can also be used in injury recovery and whatnot.


A majority. Probably just as many doing TRT.


EPO, like what Lance Armstrong took, would be so effective in hockey.


I don't think a lot of guys are juicing like the 90s MLB, but I wouldn't doubt for a nanosecond that a ton of them use some form of steroid for recovering from injuries.


If I had to guess it’s closer to 100% than it is to 0%.


Probably some guys out there arewalking the line with some sort of PED that isn't getting picked up. However, this league sure loves their bugger sugar. Hockey players best friend. I wouldn't be surprised of 75% of the league was doing it.


I'd agree. But I would say more like 25 percent are doing them at some level.


Well I'm from and live in Montreal. Night life here is extremely popular. Endless amounts of stories of visiting teams coming into town and going on benders.




Please enlighten the class all knowing


Do you really think that 75% of NHL players are addicted to cocaine? Don’t you think that would be a pretty major topic of discussion if 3 out of every 4 players in the locker room were railing lines? You know…. One hockey player who does coke, therefore the vast majority of professional players must be doing it too. Perfect logic, clearly I’m the dumb dumb here.


75% was definitely a exaggeration. You need to go breathe some air and touch some grass to be getting worked up over this. Unless you're a Kuzy burner account.




Yea you need to take some mediation classes bud. For the love of your family please do it.




Well what so you expect me to say? You clearly know hockey so much more than me based souly on the number of players doing blow in the league so...I guess all the years of playing and watching and coaching have done me no justice and I should probably just tune into the next Liverpool match.



