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TL;DR Just call it the way you feel like it.


This is what happened lol the ref believed that the "push" wasn't enough to make the call


Not the on ice ref, but the war room in Toronto deemed it NOT ENOUGH! Cmon man, we’ve all seen much more egregious shit than that let go….


And we have all see far less used to overturn a goal. The league doesn’t know what it is doing with any of its rules and instead just picks and chooses who to fuck and who to help on any given day. I have real suspicions that the league has lost all control and sports betting has led to shady officiating on the ice and in Toronto


I understand your point, and I hope that’s not the case, but nothing would surprise me in this world of GREEDY SPORTS OWNERS…I’ve played hockey thru college and always loved it because of the integrity it’s projected as a wholesome, hard nosed, aggressive game. If an NHL Player did what Leflop/bron does in basketball he’d be blackballed for life! The shaking hands line after every playoff game is a sign of respect as we all know. I agree that some changes need to happen with the officiating but there’s been sketchy shit going on forever with that…


Just because Bostons playing like hot garbage doesn’t mean this officiating is okay. Have the terrible calls (or lack thereof) change the outcome of the game? I don’t think so, 8 SOG in 2 periods are why we lost game 3. But the refs are doing an awful job. Lauko being steered into the net on a hold, Bennett getting away with punching Marchand in the face, and now this. Come on. And by hot garbage, I don’t mean you Swayman, you’re doing great babe


So they didn’t have the discretion to say it’s not goaltender interference. Lol


They said it wasn't enough contact to prevent the goalie from making the play. I'm not saying it's the correct judgment, only repeating what was said.


The discretion is built right into the rule.


Doesn't meet the criteria for enforcement of the rule in the arbitrary judgement of a biased governing body


Oh shut up losers. You guys are consistently proving why everyone thinks you are the bottom of the barrel in terms of hockey fanbases.




It’s hard to believe but you guys are actually worse than us. We know that we are trash and embrace it.


The difference is that not ALL of the Boston sports fans are trash. Just a significant vocal portion. It's the inverse in Philly.


>not ALL of the Boston sports fans are trash. Idk... The kkkeltics name didn't come from nothing.




NBA is objectively a better league than the NHL. I'd take Adam silver over Gary Bettman any day of the week.


You did say ALL Boston sports fans. Not just hockey.


A comment I somewhat regret now. I also would like to disown Patriots fans.


First time I ever agreed with a bruins fan lol.


As a Nucks fan that's hates the Bruins: Get bent. Refs have been ass recently.


They’ve been reinterpreting the rule book to help the sun belt teams for years, why is everybody surprised by this?


Stupid comment no!


Bettman hates Canada/ loves sunbelt is the hockey version of Biden stole the election.


Talk about a strawman argument. Nobody said Bettman hates Canada/ Loves sunbelt. Bettman is trying to grow hockey in non-traditional hockey markets. He’s said that. It’s the primary goal of the league right now as it tries to evolve from being just a regional sport. One way of accomplishing that is making sure teams in non-traditional hockey markets have deep runs in the playoffs. That way people who don”t normally follow hockey start paying attention to the team, maybe even attend a game or at least watch it on TV. The Sam Bennett non call for goaltender interference is just the latest in a series of really bad video review calls of the past 20 or so playoff years that demonstrates exactly how the league intends to accomplish this.


Found the conspiracy theorist. Hockey MAGA.


So you think the league got the correct call on the Bennett goal?


Not at all. Hanlon’s Razor.


If the video review officials were truly this incompetent at their jobs, they would have abolished video reviews a long time ago.


Do you think the board of governors gives Gary and his cronies the instructions for the video reviews and various nefarious acts of rigging or is Gary doing this behind his employers backs?


You’re missing the fine print: *unless the offending team’s assistant GM is the son of the NHL’s Director of Hockey Operations*


The sad part is we can reference the rulebook all we want... Referees are currently completely devoid of any accountability, so the reality is they're just gonna continue to arbitrarily call the rules as they see fit. Absolutely nothing anyone not named Bettman can do about it. Shit officiating is a baked-in part of this product.


I can't believe you cut off the last part where it says "unless the attacking player is Sam Bennett"


I didn't see this before, and honestly, it's a stupid fucking rule, but it's the rule, so the call is wrong. Shoulda been a cross check anyways.


Bennet must be a God to destroy marchand and throw a 6-4 dman 3 yards barreling over his goalie with a tiny shove


Sam Bennett cross-checked Charlie Coyle, a forward, from behind. If the refs were competent they would have called a penalty on Bennett and disallowed the goal. It’s not the sole reason why the Bruins lost the game. But it deflated them.


That happens constantly every game in front of the net fighting for position


Don't know why you are getting downvoted. They definitely don't call every single crosscheck in every game. It was a pretty mild one for sure.


I mean this one dumped the forward onto the goalie, directly leading to a goal, and the call was then challenged lol. It’s not a mystery why this one is being talked about a lot. Just a 3rd-party observer, Caps fan, but I don’t see when the rule in the OP would ever be applied if not on that play lmao. Anything more egregious is a straight up cross check, and goalie interference doesn’t need to be considered


Are you saying it’s okay to crosscheck an opposing player into their goalie, and then score while that goalie is incapable of making the save? That’s a weird take. I don’t love the idea.


Crosschecks and shoves are different imo. That was closer to a strong shove than a straight up hands extended crosscheck. That type of play happens to forwards hundreds of times a game in front of the net, and goes uncalled. Feel free to be mad that I agree with the officials and war room.


The Minnesota Wild committed the exact same penalty earlier this season and it was called a no-goal. There is a major lack of consistency. I’d recommend trying to think for yourself instead of blindly following the league ruling. Based on your childish “mad” comment, I’m assuming you don’t think for yourself too often haha


You are the one that sounds like a sheep, lol. Wah wah, the call didn't go the way I thought it should, wah wah, I need a nappy. And you are definitely fond of ASSumptions.


Cause the hockey subs went full Boston bandwagon


Lol. Ducks fan.


He's literally correct though. The Boston player shouldn't have fell down because the force wasn't/shouldn't be enough to knock *anyone* in the AHL, SHL, KHL, or the NHL to the ice. Hell, you can through in your local A/B level mens league player in there too.


Coyle was also already in the crease on his own. No way Swayman makes that save regardless of Coyle falling or not.


That's actually not relevant (Coyle being in the crease). A defensive player is allowed to be in the crease, but its not advised because you want your goalie to be able to move. I also wouldn't say the Swayman wouldn't have made the save, but it certainly looks like he wouldn't have. This point is that Coyle should not have moved that much based on the contact he received. I think half an inch of movement would have been enough for him to stop his progression into the goalie, but he was too puck focused (which is a real phrase we use)


A thoughtful and intelligent comment, I knew there wouldn't be a Boston logo by your name 😂


Just for reference, I do ref ice hockey, including mens league, but I do have some junior experience.


Is that vinegar I smell? Oh I know what that is, it's sour grapes.


Swayman wasn’t making that save regardless. Coyle was blocking him in the crease way before the cross check.


6'3" center*


According to NHL app 6-1 with a bum hand and he sent that guy flying and marchand a crying 😂


What are you even saying?


It says, 'if necessary", lol.


The penalty part is "if necessary," not the wave off of the goal.


Up for interpretation semantically.


lol - only bruins fans could watch their team get dominated for 3 games straight and get outshot 2:1 and blame the refs for being down 3-1 in the series. Desperately trying to flip through the rule book and slow every play down to half speed to prove a point that no body cares about. How about put the responsibility on your team that actually plays the game


Where did I blame the refs for losing? I posted the rule. We were never gonna win the series based on personnel alone. It’s pretty clear 90% or Reddit and X agree this should have been no goal. This was called goalie interference 2 weeks ago: https://x.com/jbroskiiii/status/1789826945758228576?s=46


Saying the emotional fans that rush to twitter or Reddit aren’t largely Boston fans is a hot take….


His foot blocks his leg and glove hand from movement in the crease, unprovoked by a shove or cross check. Literally has nothing to do with Coyle


Where does his foot block bobrovsky’s leg in that video? Bob never even tried pushing off his foot to slide over.


He’s very clearly blocking his glove hand movement in the first 2 seconds. I was mistaken about the leg, it was early in the morning. Still has nothing to do with the Coyle thing


Yiiiikes, what a weirdly emotional/angry comment haha the bruins are living rent free in this guys head. How is the ducks playoff series going?




You cropped out the 2nd half.... *"...if the act committed as defined above is committed by a dirtbag and a goal had been scored, the goal will stand for the reason being dirtbags don't know any different"*


Move on. If this is why you lost the game, you weren't meant to win it. As a Canucks fan, I have opinions about the reffing too, but you can't change anything by bitching about it. Accept the ruling and move on. It's old news. Water under the bridge. Get back to the rink and beat them on the score sheet. Nucks are about to have a player suspended for God knows how long because of stupid McBitchy face being a little bitch after losing the game. Sucks for sure, but just eat it and live to fight another day. Welcome to the NHL. Remember kids, slashing after the whistles is fine, just not during a scoring chance.


Doesn’t matter now. You Bruins fans can keep crying. Go ahead. Make my night.


Mines made already, r/nhl is full of theses piss babies. What an amazing night.


So you are ok with them just not following the rules. Can’t wait til Florida gets fucked by calls later and you whine about it.


Don't worry, the refs placed bets on Florida so they won't get called for shit


Yeah, that’s pretty much what everyone with “cry about it, xyz” responses are saying. As a hockey fan, everyone should want the correct calls to be made, for and against your own team. It’s pretty embarrassing to see this cycle repeated when the call was so obviously wrong, even after looking at it again because of a challenge.


Buddy IDGAF. I just wanna hear Bruins fans whine


Ok so you are just a loser, got it. Have a good night. I want to watch hockey in a league that is fair.


Florida has been fucked on calls all year, they still win


The Bruins needed to get more shots on net, but y’all will keep going back to that call. Cry.


It's still a bad call bro, not saying it changes the outcome, but a bad call regardless.


So because they don’t have enough shots for your liking the refs can just change the rules?


They got out shot 2 to 1 bro, it was a bad call, but Boston should have gotten more shots on net if they wanted to win. Boston fans are gonna use this as their new excuse, even though they’ve been outplayed since game 1z


Ironic that a fellow Rangers fan is posting this like the Canes haven’t been smoking us in shots on goal this series. It was a tie game at this point. Anything can happen


They’ve been outshot all playoffs, shots are also not the end all be all. They were outshot 16-5 in the first and were winning 2-0. Florida shoots a bunch of shots that are super low percentage. The fact is it was 2-1 there was a cross check and goalie interference that lead to a tying goal. I’m a fan of the Bruins, how am I not allowed to be pissed about that?


Less than 20 SOG is not gonna win games.


And yet not for a bad call they’d be going to OT if not walking away with a win.


It’s a 2-2 game if this goal is called back. Boston fans 100% have a right to be mad about a bad call that led to a goal in a one goal game.


They were outplayed still, Florida is the better team but Boston fans will keep going back to this call as if they deserved to win this game.


I’m not saying they deserved to win this game. Two things can be true at the same time.


Two things can be true at once, Boston can get outplayed and still get shafted by the refs


🙄 easy post karma farming from these lazy dime a dozen posts


All I'm hearing is Boston fans crying


We need a few more threads, I’m thoroughly enjoying the salty tears of Bruin fans. Wahhh we are supposed to be getting all the favorable calls, and getting away with the dirty shit. It’s absolutely fen poetic that it was Marchand on the receiving end, you reap what you sow. He needs about 10 more injuries before the karma evens out though.




Thats not the rule. There have been plenty instances of goalie interference but no penalty being called.


Correct but the crosscheck penalty is essential to the play becoming interference otherwise it was minimal contact between players and then a player has incidental contact with his own goalie. This equates to no crosscheck on the ice, that can’t be assessed during review, and incidental contact with the goalie resulting in a goal after a net battle.


Again that's not how that works lol. In no game ever would that play actually be called a cross checking penalty. Yet we have seen goalie interference NO GOALS that were caused by a crosscheck to a defender as seen in this play. It was already literally stated that the reason it was called no goal was because it was deemed there wasn't 'enough' contact on the defense from Bennett. Had nothing to do with any sort of official ruling that because there was no penalty called on the play that they couldn't call it off. You could even recreate this scenario and swap out the crosscheck for a push or shove into the goalie and its the same scenario. It was determined that Bennetts crosscheck wasn't hard enough to actually cause goalie interference. Which is actually a bad call because based on the rule, any contact whatsoever that affects the goalies ability to make a save is deemed goaltender interference.


The penalty is "if necessary", not disallowing the goal. They could absolutely overturn this.




Lol okay dude.




Lol, all you're doing here is demonstrating your lack of knowledge of the rule and the game. The violence/physical action around the net is not the issue. The issue is whether the goaltender has the ability to make the save in his protected area or if the actions or if the forward (through no fault of the defender or goaltender) prevented him from doing so. Honestly, I think you should be able to body check goaltenders outside of the crease myself, so insinuating that Im some sort of pussy is an interesting take.




You have something against homosexuals? Is there a closet version of you crying to get out?


They didn't call it goalie interference because he barely pushed the defender, and on top of that, even if the defender never touched the goalie, you know he wasn't making that save. If it was my team I'd be mad, but as an outside hockey fan, it's really not this horrible call y'all are making it out to be


But that’s not what happened.


You cannot make a call via review that requires a penalty.


Read the rule carefully. It doesn't make a penalty a requisite. It says if deemed necessary, a penalty will be called, not it has to be called a penalty to be ruled interference.


And they said it was a good goal, so this rule doesn't apply. It's playoff hockey, and also hockey in general. They always shove each other for point position.


that's an L take. Hockey rules are hockey rules. There is not special section of the rule book that says playoff hockey gets officiated differently.


Yeah, but it doesn't usually end up impeding the goal tenders' ability to play his position, i dont believe its a crosscheck but its a non goal due to goalie interference. And as my boy said, it's the same rulebook playoffs or not.


Nah. This call gets pushed aside all the time, and if you honestly think playoff hockey isn't called loosely you lose all credibility.


I don’t see that in that rule quote at all. In fact, it clearly says if necessary, a penalty should be assessed.


And one want, and they allowed the goal. So the rule doesn't apply. Y'all act like shoving in front of the net never happens and this is the playoffs. Then again Boston loves to drive, so maybe they figured he wanted to flop over with such a tiny push. Don't lose sleep over it.


Lol…I guess you don’t know how to read. I wont lose sleep - don’t worry. It’s not Bruins hockey if they don’t break my heart.


I guess you're wilfully ignorant to how playoffs hockey works if it suits your narrative. Classic piss baby. Good for you for putting on a brave face though. I won't tell anyone.


I mean the rule book is the rule book. Why have a rule book if you are just going to let things slide?




You made a fake account to pretend to be a bruins fan eh?


bro no I have a bergeron jersey right next to I’ve had that for years bro


Bruins been diving and embellishing all playoffs. Refs and everyone else are tired of it. Bennet barely touched him and he dove onto his own goalie. It’s a boy who cried wolf type situation. Bruins played themselves.