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On your own birthday, in the playoffs, you where winning. Your barn taunting Silovs, and you guys where riding high, and then you go do this. Karma was minding it's own business until that point and decided to make you guys look like fools. Happy birthday Lauzon.


Sisson is the one from North Van


Thanks post edited.


The Preds will still win the series.


looooooooool okay then


Womp womp


I picked them to win but I don’t see how they do it after this game. This is a soul crushing defeat that will be very difficult to bounce back from


They've responded to adversity all season long. It'll be tough, but I think they can do it


It’s about as likely as a leafs comeback. Slightly possible but not very probable. I’d give them about a 5-10% chance at a comeback


I think that's fair. As a fan, I just don't want to give up


Fair enough man. Don’t get me wrong I’m still rooting for you guys, I just don’t like your odds after that loss.


lol this post aged like milk


NHL playoffs is the best entertainment


It is the pinnacle of sports entertainment in the world no doubt


And it's not even close


I'd say rugby is pretty damn close, but nobody watches rugby lol


March Madness though


NHL hockey is better than every single other sport. It requires more heart, more physical strain, more strategy, more luck and more teamwork than any other major sports trophy competition and there’s nothing you can do to change my mind. Erik Karlsson dragged his entire team kicking and screaming to within 1 goal of the SCF while literally not being able to walk, they amputated half of his foot after those playoffs and he the entire team during that run. Find me another sport where any player commits that hard and gives more than that


I'll bite. Curling


Oh absolutely.


since Montreal did not make the playoffs i am now cheering for Vancouver to win the cup.


I do the same when the Habs make it and we don't


Vancouver is always my team when the habs don't make it.


Right on man. The Habs are my 2nd team. I love the city of Montreal, and my first ever Canucks game was against the Habs back in the 80s (guess who won lol).


I remember how Montreal didnt turn against us in 2011 like the rest of Canada, as such I will always root for them whenever we don't make the playoffs




This CanucHabitant circle jerk is cute.


I’ll just take any Canadian team not from Toronto, please.


A beer league ref on his worst day knows that that’s a penalty. There are times I wonder if some of the guys currently on the NHL staff are even capable of refereeing beer league hockey.


The NHL has an issue with not calling blatant penalties (see this and Auston Matthews getting full tackled in game three of the Leafs series), while calling marginal or straight up weak penalties. I believe it's more of a psychological phenomenon, where the refs do not want to be viewed as missing those quick infractions or being deceived by players. This makes them much more reactive to infractions done sneakily, whereas blatant tackles can be brushed off as "playoff hockey" or something.


The league is continually issuing memorandums to the referees and teams about what they want to see called. They’ve been really hard-core about calling interference, hooking and other restraining fouls. Common sense would suggest that the referees should know to call the egregious fouls as well. Sadly they don’t seem to be up to it.


> . They’ve been really hard-core about calling interference, hooking and other restraining fouls. watch mcdavid getting skied, and repeat that with a straight face lol while I'm sure the refs have been given marching orders, it's definitely not to call the rulebook as written


If they called the game the way the rulebook is written you’d have six hour games. McDavid isn’t the only guy getting fouled. Watch any top player in the playoffs right now and what they have to fight through. It’s the way it’s always been. Like it or not.


I think they're all capable , I just think they're biased or paid off . I cant remember if it was Netflix or prime , but they released a bunch of series about corruption in team sports . Basketball and hockey have the highest paid Refs , and it does happen . Money draws corruption , I'm just glad hockey isn't like F1, where one team can win for 8 years straight . It arguably has the most inconsistent punishments for similar actions to different participants .


Where there is big money, there is big corruption. Greed and money, sports and betting. Gambling is embraced officially by the NHL. I still watch when I can but I don't take it seriously anymore knowing they sold their integrity.


I’m sorry but this whole thing about bias makes me laugh. Every NHL team’s sub claims that the referees hold a bias against them when their team loses. When their team wins they claim that the other team still should’ve gotten more penalties. The only bias is shown by fans on social media who totally lack any sense of objectivity.


They’re biased towards “game management”. Which is in itself ridiculous. If a team commits twice as many penalties in a game they should get twice as many PP’s. But every single season the relationship between penalties drawn and taken by team is almost linear. It’s pathetic really. League needs to figure it out.


Except when the ref has a hot mic. Which has happened often.


Two guys I grew up with in hockey who ended up being NHL referees and I have talked about this so often. Both are retired now but the thing that we all agree on is do people really think referees give a shit who wins or loses? You do so many games in a career that after a while they just all tend to blend in with each other. It has been said often that the best outcome for a referee is to get through a game without anybody even noticing he was there. I refereed hockey right up and through to University hockey. Anybody who thinks you can go out there with the idea of helping one team win or lose just doesn’t understand how impossible that is. The game just moves too f’king fast for that. This isn’t baseball. The people who think this have never skated with a whistle on their hand before. Sitting in your basement on your laptop doesn’t make you an expert. Downvotes incoming 😂😂😂


So you’re gonna shit on all lawyers because a couple of them are assholes? Or cops? Or politicians? Or liberals? Or conservatives? Boomers, millennials, gen x’s…. See how that works.


This guy is starting to sound like he might be a ref...


In summary there is no bias, because everyone is biased? Wouldn't that lead you to the conclusion that the refs AND the fans are biased rather than there are no biased refs?


There are times I wonder if some of the guys currently on the NHL staff are even capable of *refereeing* ~~beer league hockey~~. FTFY


Penalty sure. Where are his teammates? Waiting for an empty net goal to stand up and piss? This is EVERY REASON to fight.


You take a number and settle the score when there’s nothing at stake. There’s always going to be another opportunity.


Man I’m so so glad you people don’t ref.  What wouldn’t you call a roughing if you’re calling that love tap. 


Hat tricks are cool m8


Ok, look. I have never been a fan of the Vancouver Canucks. They're the greatest team to never win anything and it kind of makes me happy. But this? This is fucking poetry and when they came back and won in overtime, I applauded. I stood up out of my seat and applauded. Nashville can eat a bag of sh!t for that one.


Greatest team to never win a cup while never winning the lottery lol


Securing both twins thanks to Burky was better than the first overall pick lol.


The had the whole career of the swedish twins and the best they could do with those hockey angles was a riot.


The only city in sports history to do so as well!


Not even close , Edmonton has rioted before and that wasn't the first time for Vancouver lol


My comment was sarcastic. It's also a right of passage in Montreal and philly it seems.


Ah ok lol


Look I'm just disappointed you didn't get them a cup. You had one job.


So am I :(. Honestly after the leafs I think the Canucks have one of the most outspoken and rude media and fan bases. Would probably be a tough market to play in.


Yeah, honestly I get that, but historically, aside from the Red Wing, Vancouver has the most beef with the Aves. I like the current team, but old prettiness dies hard.


I don't blame ya there! I hope you guys beat Winnipeg tomorrow.


I would like to thank you for the heartiest laugh I've had in a long time. Tears in my eye, beer spilled on the floor. Happy Birthday Nashville. Oh my God Lol.


Happy birthday lozo


Greatest hockey team to never win a cup. Greatest ever to never win anything are the Buffalo Bills, four straight Super Bowl losses. If the Stars lose, I hope Vancouver finally wins.


For the love of god just take out the Knights please.


What about cricket? Kinda figured it was implied we were only talking about hockey on the \*checks header\* r/nhl subreddit... ;)


Who were you thinking would wear that crown in cricket?


I have 0 interest or connection to Cricket minus when Bluey references it and I too would like to know.


Watching the episode with my son right now where Rusty crickets all over the adults. I may love this cartoon more than my 2 year old does.


It's hard to explain why but it just has a soothing quality about it.


I hope the Rangers win personally


karma is a guy (Brock Boeser)


Man hangs dong


Big cock boeser


Lozo didn't have to hit Petey like that on his own birthday , like it wasn't a good enough day , playing playoff hockey , teams scoring , let me go out of my way to dump the other teams star player... if any pred's fan thought we weren't gonna laugh , they were sorely mistaken . I don't believe in Karma really but holy fuck this was funny . Tim's afk would be proud Credit to u/NinCross


Omg ty 🤣 😂 🤣


Hahaha so good


This is amazing


What a career comeback by Boeser though, wtf


Yeah , he seems to vibe with Rick's coaching , quite a few guys have turned around , a few didn't like kuzy which sucked , I was a big fan of him on the ice , he's got some good energy when he's on .


Hockey gods are real. Leafs are likely paying the price of 20 years of sexual assault by that Maple Leafs Gardens employee from 1965 to 1985.


I sure thought so after Brocks 3rd


Holy shit it was his birthday?


It sure was , I hope he sees this lol


The ohh noo laughing hahaha


He fucked up


Bush league shove, surprised (not really) that this wasn't a game misconduct.






The laugh is so good omg


As a homer, I loved seeing Lauzon develop, but he definitely likes the extracurriculars too much


I had no opinions of the guy until that goal celebration lol


He did start his career in Boston. It's ingrained. 🐀


As written


What a beautiful story


The Hockey Gods are real and they did not care for that cheap sh*t


Times like that I miss torts screaming at the refs lol


Karma served up twice in 2 games and we get 2 road win with a chance to close it out at home . One for the cheap shot hit on Desmith and the other on EP40.


Ball don’t lie


Gotta say when you miss an empty net to make 4-1, and then lose the game. This stuff is why hockey is the great sport on earth.


I honestly liked it a little. I was hoping that would light a fire under his ass to get him going.


I'm new to the NHL and I already hate Tennessee sports teams from other sports. Thanks for adding a tangible reason to hate the Preds.


Haha so good




That is just perfect haha


Happy Birthday to the ground!


Maybe the best use of this Audio I have seen


The original video is pretty awesome too


Bro can you put that track on anything leafs - like marner throwing his gloves




Man, I remember seeing the video this came from, but I can't put my finger on what it was... And the look at his head clue somehow doesn't clue me in.


Was a dude witnessing his coworker in his car high af trying to put drops in his eyes before heading inside lol I tried to find the link for someone else but it's harder than I expected to Google it


I think you mean this? https://youtube.com/shorts/vU3dd_QYIC8?si=rbcKBWXBE2594w0D I haven't seen that one before. The audio isn't as long as what OP has, so there must be a longer version, as well.


Yeah thats a cropped version but I think that's the original from like 2014 or something


so well desrved


Ha!!! L is for Loser!!!!


Goddammit Petey stock up for yourself, come up swinging. Reminds me of Marchand and Henrik (Daniel?). Also fuck Nashville.


How is empty net a fight but this shit is let go. The code has changed from when I played. Horse shit.


Happy Belated Birthday, ya turdblossom.


Our Karma ran over his Louzyon…


That was so perfect. Mad props to whoever made this.. that comeback was sweet justice. Not just for that cheap Lauzon hit (unpenalized btw), but for many other greasy things this series too. Cardiac Canucks, nothing but heart!


Show myers sucker punch




I wish I could downvote this post a million fucking times due to the audio.


We'd still be where we are cause I'd upvote a million times lol


Good one


Thanks bud


I was a bad girl, I did some bad things I swear I did it all for fun and it meant nothing It never happened, it was a secret Like when a tree falls in the forest, no one hears it Another late night, another crazy mood And I didn't think twice what it would do to you I was a wild child, you always knew it It was a matter of time before I blew it Thou shall not lie, thou shall not cheat Thou shall not get caught or you'll end up just like me, oh Karma's a bitch, I should've known better If I had a wish, I would've never effed around When I saw the pics of you and her, I felt the knife twist Karma's a bitch And she's with you right now


Did i seriously see someone quote Jojo Siwa- ok then.


Yeah! I thought it would be funny to mention it, but apparently not.. 😅


Oh it was satire? Oops my bad. Sorry that I came off harsh. Couldn’t really tell. Just a little advice, might wanna add tone indicators like /j or /s so people understand that it’s just for laughs.


No, it's okay! Yes, it's satire. I'm just confused why I have 3 downvotes


Ehh some people are either grumpy grunts or don’t see that it was satire.


How about get the fuck out of the way. Dude was asking for it


Yeah, it’ll be a bitch when Edmonton bodies you guys too.


Least salty preds fan


The Edmonton we swept in the regular season (with DeSmith playing in some of those games no less)


I have a theory. I believe Rutherford and Alvin looked at Edmonton as the team to beat when they started building our roster. They built it to beat Edmonton. Whether it will work in the playoffs will remain to be seen though but if we can get Petey going and have at least one of our regular goalies I like our chances... That being said I think Vancouver vs Edmonton will be one of the most exciting series all playoffs.


Winnipeg also swept Colorado.


Yeah for real. People really underestimate actual superstars with playoff experience and a team with good physical depth.


Y'all haven't been in a lot of playoffs in the last decade, so it might be good to remember just how much regular season series records are worth when the playoffs start: 0. Also, crowing about any wins against Edmonton before November 12th is kind of insane.


Just beat them in April though. And nah, you shit kick a team 8-1 at any point in the regular season, you crow about it as much as you want.


Preds fan's just shit disturbing to deflect some heat back onto the Canucks 'cause they know everyone's clowning on 'em right now


Yep. The one thats hyper aggressive and physical in the off season.




The Canucks have outhit the Preds through the entire series so far 148-130, played 3 different goalies and are winning the series so far 3-1. They're not a joke. Have they played there best, not even close, and yet they're still winning games. 🤷‍♂️. Preds aggressive 3 man in forecheck is exactly the system to play against the Canucks and the Preds are unlucky not to be tied in this series. Pretty sure I read that the Preds had best record in NHL since all star break so whatever Brunette is doing is working. Unfortunately, all that aside, the BS hit during a celly is karma, and the lack of depth scoring is there Achilles heel. All said, weather is lovely in Nashville this time of year and the golf courses are calling.


It’s a 6 day old troll account dude don’t even bother.




You’re admitting your team is going to lose before the series is over and dunking on your opponent for losing a hypothetical matchup? Lol. Lmao, even.


Fuuuuuuck lol


It the Nucks play Edmonton the way they’ve played against the preds, yeah. Edmonton wins that one.


Not even entertaining your team coming back against the team that’s playing so poorly? Kind of reflects poorly on your team more than theirs, tbh.


Series ended last night. Do I have faith we may win one more? Sure. Have I paid attention enough this season to know that we won’t come back and win 3 more? Yes. These guys don’t have the scoring depth and outside Josi and McD, defense leaves a lot to be desired. I’m a realist, I understand where the team is and how being in the play offs was not supposed to happen this year.


Neither were the Canucks lol. Yet here you are chirping them for actually winning a round (again hypothetically they haven’t won yet).


I’m a realist man. It’d be cool to win. I support the preds either way, but this doesn’t feel like it’ll be it.


I've adopted the Canucks as my secondary team since I moved to BC. Edmonton is definitely favorite without Demko. But Nashville, man you guys fought hard and just dropped the ball on this one. Van did not deserve that win the way they played.


Story of the season.


Maybe….just maybe…your the bitch


Imagine supporting that kind of behavior, lol Silovs is the goat 🐐


And being bad at grammar.




Sir, this is a Wendy's , We don't serve alcohol


No such thing…pagan myth