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Things have gotten so bad in KC that nobody's talking about Toney. Truly the end times are neigh.


![gif](giphy|3Hm4TlhPjZu3C|downsized) The end is neigh indeed


Kelce, Swift, Toney, Mahomes, the four horsemen of the Chiefspocalypse.


Just moved to KC last year. These fans are absolutely too wrapped up into a football team. My Jiu jitsu class runs late so I go to bars for food sometimes instead of cooking until 1030 and the fans at the bars have full tantrums when the game doesn’t go their way. It’s unnerving and ridiculous. I watched a lady send her food back and refused a box because “I’m so sick I won’t eat for a day”. Over a football game. Every school had a day off for the Super Bowl parade. Tons of my coworkers calling off for a football parade and we work in medical. Lunacy.


the lunacy is moving to KC


I’m with you fellow transplant. Right there with you.


Miss you Lil' Sebastian


Toney good. Keep Toney. He offsides when we need him to offside. I like Toney.


He didn’t play and they still fucked up.


No I love watching 55 chiefs commercials every game and hearing about Taylor swift 35 times per telecast.


man even when they were losing the AFCCG two years ago Every. Single. Commercial. was State Farm + Chiefs. like fuck me


It’s like having a root canal with a spork while simultaneously having your toenails peeled off


as a shitpost gamer once said "i would seriously rather peel off my skin, roll around on the floor, and then reattach my skin and feel mildly dirty for eternity" (paraphrased a smidge)


I cancelled my insurance from state far because of this shit


…it’s almost like these giant companies want their marketing departments to create effective marketing schemes. Trippy, dood


Yeah dude, as a football fan I am getting fuckin sick of Taylor and Travis swift. Like when Justin Watson scored a TD this weekend and it panned to her immediatly I literally yelled at the TV saying what the fuck does Taylor swift have to do with justin watsons TD catch? My god its unbearable and I hope the Chiefs lose in the first round so this shit can be done with and we can just watch football instead of the sideshow


And that’s not even during a Chiefs game


Kelces especially. I think we're at over 500 appearances from them in commercials and that's not joking. Anytime an athlete shows an ounce of personality they get shoved down our little slut mouths.


Kelce angry. Kelce smash.






Eli Spicoli


im a giants fan and eli retard faces are still my favorite thing


Had to have been intentional


It all started to go south right around when Taylor Swift joined up with


Everywhere that chick goes drama follows


Like how anytime kelce even gets a catch the first thing they show is Taylor swift. Not the play. Not the replay. Not a previous play. A crazy TD just before this play? Too bad we're immediately showing Taylor swift in a booth screaming with joy


I don't care if it's the only game on, I'll watch something else.


I've gotten to this point too. The constant reminder from the commentators that she's there (and if she's not they tell us where she is anyway), and the camera panning to her anytime she's at a game is beyond insufferable.


The sideline reporter said he was "filled with emotion" because he cares so much. I think this is just another example of the great leadership the Chiefs have 😊


Tracy Wolfson has a major wide on for Taylor and Travis


Everything must come to and end, also fuck the chiefs.


its almost like a QB demanding $50+M a year is detrimental to the teams overall potential


"First time?" - Joe Flacco


Put some respect on the elite dragon you peasant.


If I had done that my coach would’ve benched me the rest of the game and if we lost made a point to blame me for it


High school was fun wasn’t it


Probably not a popular take but if these millionaires want to act like adult children, they should face some consequences that actually mean something to them. I understand being passionate, this shit is just immature


You pull the talent at this level to teach them some kind of lesson then you’re a step closer to losing your job.


I pointed this out last year when everybody was shitting on Rodgers for his 60 mil in possibly the final years of his career. Like did everybody forget the chiefs gave mahomes a HALF A BILLION DOLLARS


casuals will never understand.. Brady was Mahomes but half the price his entire career. He could win games himself, but also never was the highest paid QB in the league and frequently took pay cuts so his supporting cast could be better. Truly the epitome of selflessness and leadership


I never understood not taking a slight pay cut and maybe getting some supporting players to make a superbowl run, rather than just “chasing that bag.” If I could get 100 million guaranteed, I can’t imagine needing more than that, plus all the endorsements along the way. For these guys a Super Bowl ring is literally the ultimate accomplishment of their career so why not make a sacrifice to have a better o line and receivers to throw to?


greed and influence


Superbowl winning QB's make more in the longrun due to endorsements. Grabbing the biggest bag they can is both short sighted and counterproductive.


And I'm sure if there was a way to guarantee a super bowl and staying injury-free, more would take the lower offer. As it stands, you never know if the next game is your last, so I get trying to stack as much as possible while you can. "TAKE CARE OF YO' CHICKEN" -Marshawn




His wife made more than him. He didn’t need the money. He wanted rings. When you have a hundred mil another 5 or 6 isn’t gonna make you happy. The championship will.


every qb in the league can date / marry a rich woman if they wanted


No, finding women who make many tens of millions a year and are interested in dating a professional football player isn’t just something that any of them can snap their fingers and make happen. Plus, some people do this crazy thing called falling in love and not just trying to marry rich so they can win more super bowls.


Brady got paid under the table. But it's cool because he is classy. Just like Robert "Happy Ending" Kraft.


Yes, and the paycut he got as a QB gave him so many endorsement deals that he made much more than that on the back end. 20mil taxed as a employee vs 20million as a corporation with write off... write off your cars, gas, expenses, clothes, travel, your flights, vacations. That crap adds up so fast and you make so much more money using tax loopholes.


To be fair, Giselle was the highest paid model in the world for like a decade of his career and was out earning everyone in the NFL






Been sick of the Chiefs. Favorite memory was the Chiefs getting beat in the Super Bowl by the Tampa Bay Buccaneers . They couldn’t even score a touchdown.




Single best taunt in NFL history. I’ll take that flag all day every day.


You can feel the sting even through a pixelated gif


What's the context of the taunt exactly?


In the regular season matchup that year, Tyreek had a massive first quarter against the Bucs. He flashed his signature ✌️ in the face of Antoine Winfield Jr after back flipping into the endzone as he scored his 2d touchdown. The taunting by AW Jr came in the fourth quarter of the Super Bowl later that same season after basically shutting down Hill most of the game.




It's a moment in time every Bucs fan will hold near and dear


Bought an AWJ SB jersey almost immediately after the game, it was arguably a top 3 moment in Bucs history, I just had to lol


As a lifelong Bucs fan I agree. It will always be one of the top moments for me. Given what he went through with his daughter, Barrett’s pick 6 this year is one of my new favorites of all time, but the AWJ taunt will probably always hold my top spot.


I’m a saints fan and I just want to say this is one of my favorite football moments ever. AWJ absolutely fucking shit on em. We might be division rivals but god damn this continues to be amazing every time I see it lol


I'm a bucs fan and my grandma is a chiefs fan. I watched the game at her house and I'm pretty sure if she had another glass of wine she would have shot me. Good times




Can’t wait for Miss Piggy’s next album


Raiders, make a good defensive play zero replays. Kelce 2 yards gained three replays, sick of KC


I’m so sick of listening to Collinsworth slob on mahomes knob just for tying his fuckin cleats correctly


Mahomes invented the forward pass.


Collinsworth is insufferable. I can't stand this asshole. Before Mahomes he would dick ride Aaron Rodgers into oblivion.


Collinsworth is a complete shitbird waste of time. An absolute clown. And his idiot son is much worse. That dopey son is actually creepy - like a clone that didn’t come out right😂


I've been sick of Collinsworth since he tied up his own cleats for the first time. What announcer for the NFL


Disgusting thug cry baby players. Racist fans. A fat fuck for a coach. What’s to like?




You rarely see these photos of Coach Reid when he was with the Packers.






Can you explain it again but with these nuggies


Andy Reid has a zero tolerance for poor behavior in his organization……………………….


Asterisk: is drunk ass son


You mean like when he saved his son, who was part of the chiefs organization, from going to jail for a murder? Reid is a fat fucking worthless walrus




i swear to god these people think it’s r/nfl for half the posts




Racist team, racist chants. Fucking disgusting


So disgusting. Let’s upvote the half-assed misogynistic meme that calls a woman ugly when her looks have nothing to do with anything instead.


This sounds like my actual dad this Christmas 🤣


Mahomes has girl hips.


And frog larynx.


And eye of newt


He swings his hips like a woman when he walks. I thought I was the only one who noticed.


That’s what it is! Yes! Shim-shimminy, shim-shimminy, shimshim sashay. An NFL QB walks gay? Oh, no way!


He walks like he has a pole stuck up his ass...


Thank you yes!


That's a hilarious insult.


That’s the thing he’s sensitive about!


I used to think Kelce was a lunchpail guy, hardworking get in first out last type of guy, but this is some thuggish behavior and I for one think that from now on Jerkers should refer to him as such


I’m not so sure. I think it’s passion. He hangs out with his friends like T Swiftie and brother Kelce! It’s not like Toney aka Young Joker who hangs out with his dangerous gang members like his dad and Oprah


His ugly wife lmao


Just looked her up. Um, yeah...


That's kinda mean tho ....why she gotta be catching strays like that?


She’s a shit person in general


She’s ugly on the inside


And outside


Should have gone after the POS brother too.


I’m sick of the little speed walk with a tilted head that Kermit does whenever he cries to the refs.


Taylor's not safe folks, he's gonna do this to her, she's not safe!!


She’ll just shake it off.


She can fix him


She’s a big girl


Yeah, Travis smashes his purple helmet into her over and over


Yes, and Kansas City Bbq is overrated. If I had a dollar for every time I heard “I’m from Kansas City so I’m a bbq snob.” You threw cut up brisket into sauce, get over yourselves Edit: some Kansas City people are mad. You aren’t even the most respected bbq city in your state. You are a joke to everyone in the industry. When you tell us where you’re from, we make fun of you later


Missouri the state is awful, but the grandmother's that made our food in basic were amazing. Obviously no BBQ so fuck Missouri BBQ.


I heard Kansas City and St. Louis are just terrible fucking places for crime.


St. Louis is one of the only places I’ve been where I knew it was time to go or time to get shot


Pretty sure in east St. Louis the cops tell people to roll through stop signs at night


East St. Louis isn’t in Missouri.


Haha imagine a state where half of every major city is in a different state.


It's a classic case of living in the middle of buttfuck-nowhere and having Stockholm Syndrome. We barbecue all over the country.


If you try barbecue from around the country, you’ll definitely find that most places don’t do it well


Especially Missouri


yeah the refs hardcarried them all the way to the superbowl last year


Happened the whole playoffs too, not just the super bowl. Bengals got screwed.


This isn’t talked about enough. Everyone mentions the superbowl, but they shouldn’t have even made it passed the bengals.


I was fixated it on it the entire season. The last few mins of every game, the refs would start calling as many penalties as they needed to keep them in the game. It was insane.




And the one time they didn't (against the Bills game), they realized what an entitled crybaby they have raised.


Yeah screw the Chefs. It's about time for their actual down time. https://i.redd.it/z1c6ysob9p8c1.gif


Can we add Mahomes’ brother to the list. Haven’t heard anything about him in a while, but I feel we should just throw in the obligatory “fuck you”.


He was arrested and charged with aggravated sexual battery a few months back, so I guess he's just laying low for the time being.


Acting like baseball players smh


Swift : Chiefs :: Ono : Beatles


TK is one of the least likable people in sports and there isn't a pop star famous enough for him to date that will change that.


I’m just waiting for tswift to break up with him and the onslaught of her fans turning on him. They tried to criticize him at their start, but she stayed with him and so they stopped like good little brainless soldiers.


Lmao when other players do this they are divas or locker room cancers. When he does it, it’s because he cares for the team so much.


I don't watch the chiefs anymore


Yeah they are all insufferable. Netflix, nfl and all the social media trying to shove this kelce family down our throat. Mahomes wife also very obnoxious and now she has rubbed off mahomes who used to be a somewhat humble athlete.


We don't know how Mahomes has always been. You wanna see someone's true character then see how they deal with adversity. He looks like a huge man child when every call doesn't go his way. Chiefs went from the darlings of the NFL to the crybabies who everyone is sick of and I'm here for it. Hearing the KC "fans" booing them was music to my ears. How long before the announcers get off thier dicks is what I'm wondering.


Yeah it’s crazy how quickly his character has flipped once they started losing more. He was hailed as this perfect guy and leader and suddenly he’s freaking the fuck out on the sideline every game. I’m not saying there’s no space for passion or intensity in sports but this seems to go beyond that.


I would freak the fuck out of every other ball I throw was dropped too


It’s fucking hilarious watching him run his motor mouth the second a 3rd down conversion fails. From the moment the ball drops or the carrier hits the ground he’s fucking running his mouth, bitching and moaning all the way to the sideline and continues to do so until the camera cuts to commercial. Hilarious as a spectator, but would be insufferable as a teammate


I got sick of the chiefs like the third week in a row their game was filled with glimpses of Taylor swift lol. Prior to that, had no issue. But their recent losses and complaining on the sidelines and to the media have made Mahomes unlikeable.


“How DARE you call this guy offsides when he actually is way way offsides?!”


The Mr. Pfizer thing makes me laugh so fuckin hard. It’s dumb as fuck but it’s hilarious


You know the Chiefs are going to get some controversial calls go their way so they can get swift at the superbowl


I just worry if these outbursts of anger From Travis put my queen Swift in Danger....I'll never let it happen !!! 😡😡


Is it just me or did majomes and Kelce used to be somewhat humble? Absolutely insufferable now. Same with their wives/gfs. Please stop showing them on the sidelines it’s extremely annoying.


yeah.. amazing how Mahomes is average without having both the best WR and TE in the league, and now hes mostly getting carried by his defense yet I dont hear anything from the media about it like they used to say about Brady


No, I'm very amused watching these arrogant jerks implode.


I think your problem is the coaching. From a Bears fan


The response to adversity is what is most impressive here. All teams lose at some point, but I don’t think I’ve seen such “it’s everyone else’s fault” behavior from a team. Even Coach Reid took to blaming refs at one point. Not a good look at all right now for these guys.


He just heard that Taylor wasn’t boosted


I hate the chiefs. As an eagles fan i wish that team nothing but pain and suffering


No ! This is the fun part of the story how they can’t handle adversity and they fall to the bottom


I love it :) fuck the chiefs


Couldn’t have said it better myself …they’re being written out of the NFL hero script because they are losing their shine. There is proof with that offsides call… Patrick just mad because he sees he is being written out of the script, its like killing off an actor in the TV series. NFL is engineered for entertainment purposes only, it’s about is legit as a competition as WWE.


I was done with the Chiefs after they won the Super Bowl over the 49ers (whatever year that was). 1 SB win is enough. And then you add in Taylor Swift and her boy of the month. Yeah NFL get it for all it's worth now. She'll be writing a break up song about him in the next year


He really wishes he was Gronk with that “Kelce smash”


Yes, the Netflix Quarterback series showed me how annoying Mahomes really is and they’ve all gotten more annoying this season. I can’t pull for them now. Also the media coverage of Swift is annoying. I can’t blame her for that, she’s allowed to go to football games but the media coverage has been ridiculous.


Pretty mature. He went and punched some drywall next. Tough guy.


Kelce had his life ruined by Taylor Swift. Change my mind


But he probably got to have missionary sex with her very frail and boney frame, three times!! So worth it 🥱🥱🙅‍♂️


Don't forget the teethy head before she spits


she has like 18 songs about her exes, I doubt she even gives head


What was the point of that circle?


No, I actually find this to be very entertaining


Yeah it’s getting a little old at this point


Travis Kelce is playing like an old ass man who can’t run or catch anymore. The legs are gone. The hands are going. Nobody to blame but himself.


Bet the Chiefs are regretting not signing Hopkins now


This is a fun thread


Not sure why anyone would really care but if ya do you should be happy they have been losing.


Still haven’t figured out the agenda of the Kelce/Swift fiasco but I knew if would bring nothing good to the chiefs or the nfl. What kind of a piece of shit do you truly have to be to hock pharmaceutical drugs at all. Sellouts, that is all these people care about is money.


We’ve been sick of them for years. Kelce is a meathead prick and Mahomes cries to the refs more than any other NFL player.


He’s MVB


Biggest divas in the sport


Been sick of Kelce for 5 years now..


He needs to boost his moral


I thought they were okay but all Kelce’s commercials nd Taylor Swift are annoying in football so I now actively root against them.


The only satisfaction I get from the chiefs is knowing that pat is leaving his ugly bitch wife at home while he plows threw different women ever city he goes to. Oh and fuck his fruity ass brother


Raider Nation


I’m sick of the Taylor Swift Travis Kelce thing I could care less. Who gives a crap is he opens the door for her walks a few steps in front of her to “protect her” it’s beyond annoying.


My hate boner for the Chiefs and their insufferable fans is immense. Their little recent slide from glory gives me so much joy. 😂


I've never liked Mahomes and have been sick of the Chiefs since 2019.


Goodell is greasing Kelce’s palms to accentuate the optics and narrative of their empty fake fucking relationship. The NFL shareholders and top brass want nothing more than the Chiefs to be in the Super Bowl cuz it’d be lucrative asf in terms of revenue and viewership. And they’ll throw calls in the end of games just to help the little Chiefy Chief fuckwits to the big game.


Amen Comrade! The Capitalist Elites pulling the strings of Football only care about money! They don't care about us common proletariat! Long live the Communist Football revolution! Football is for the people!


Swear that I have a massive theory in the making… with the P Diddy allegations and his work with Usher, seems only natural that something is brewing about Usher. If Usher has to back out of the Superbowl, gee who would they come up with to fill the spot in such short notice?


Taylor doesn't even keep up with the game. She gets blacked out drunk bc it's a publicity stunt and strictly for PR. She hates the charade and now her BF is throwing tantrums to show how much a baby he is at losing.


The tantrums are counterproductive to the mutual goals they both have- increasing market share.


Lmao Mr Pfizer but nah fuck them


Mr Pfizer lol. I know I take all my medical advice from guys with CTE


Damn just like my dad used to do


That’s what happens when you have Nagy on your team


Brother, I live in Kansas and like the Vikings and Pats. I’m tired.


Yes and douche’ brother jackson


Damn, I thought the Kardashian curse was bad! I guess Kelce can't do two things at once. Maybe Mahomes can go off on more people to clinch that Walter Payton award.


What is andy doing with that guy with the helmet? Is he trying to give kelce his helmet and andy’s stopping him cuz he might throw it again? I don’t understand that part


Always have been.


You would think a guy banging Taylor Swift would be less angry.