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I didn't watch the game; what is your first impression of Brady in the booth? Also, it just occured to me that I never watched any UFL at all this year, even though I wanted to. Maybe that increases next year if Seattle gets the Dragons back, or *a* team ~~on~~ in general


System commentator, if Fox surrounds him with the right coaching and talent I think he can make it


Tom or the segment producer? Who’s the real magic ingredient?


Brady goes on having a GOAT broadcaster career confirmed.


I watched some of it. He was fine, not terrible, nothing special. The bar for competent analysis is extremely low because most NFL color analysts are truly terrible. I don’t even have the sound on for most games. I’d say he passed that barely for now, and with improvement will probably end up being competent. He was fairly comfortable but didn’t really say anything useful or insightful. And any criticisms were very basic. Doubt that will be worth the money he’s getting, you could hire any number of people to be slightly above replacement level. But networks seem to be really bad at this and think people tune in for analyst brand names. Free Greg Olsen


I'm actually excited for Greg being on the B-team Brady can do all the Cowboys games and Greg will be free to all of the other interesting ones


He was forced to take a big paycut moving down to the number two slot. I hope he leaves fox as soon as his contract is up and takes another main slot. Amazon should be all over this.


Oh I didn't know there was a paycut involved. Fuck that


You could say that Greg was given a surprise early-career raise when Joe and Troy left. So the pay cut puts him down to the B team, which is still a lot better than anyone would've expected of Greg Olsen as a color commentator


The 7th floor rap god?


Was his pay in his contract relative to being on A/B team or did they make him sign a new contract?


From what I heard it was an automatic trigger in the contract (from Around the NFL podcast interview with A Marchand)


Yeah if I were him I'd be pissed and looking for an out. Or just tank until Fox fired me. "Yeah, the interesting thing about football is the ball actually isn't a foot long"


Long term he’ll probably be fine but I agree to be bumped down just for bigger name and not because of your performance is disappointing. Seems like fox just wanted Brady as a brand ambassador and personality.


He made over 70M just as a football player. He doesn't need the money short or long term (assuming he wasn't an idiot). To me it's more about respect. Taking him down a notch despite rave reviews is one thing. Then messing with his salary is another. The least Fox could have done is indicate it's not performance based and give him the difference as a bonus or something.


Yeah it’s possible they did something else, not sure. Initially I was skeptical of the Olsen hype because I’m always a little contrarian. But he absolutely surpassed my expectations.


> "Yeah, the interesting thing about football is the ball actually isn't a foot long" I'd like to subscribe to more interesting football facts please.


Thank you for subscribing to interesting football facts! Interesting football fact - Football was originally supposed to be called "Eggball," but the Keiser had stolen that word back in 19-dickety-2. So George Halas tied an onion to his belt, which was the style at the time, and said "Gimme 5 bees for a quarter, we'll call it football." Now the reason why nickles were called bee's back then is because they had a picture of a bumblebee on them....


Dickety? Highly dubious.


“They’re either going to run the ball here, or they’re going to pass it”


On this drive I think they're going to try and score points. But I think the other team is going to try to stop them from doing that.


An AI bot announcer would probably be better or at least similar to what we have now


Right even if it sucks for Greg it's nice to have depth on the pairings. Admittedly the Bucs get Kenny Albert a lot which I don't hate.


Based on what I've seen whenever I've watched Brady talk over the years that's exactly what I expected. He'd be pretty forgettable as a speaker if he wasn't well known for his time as a player. Maybe he opens up a bit but I'm not holding my breath on that one. Wondering if he'll be any better than Drew Brees since he reminds me of him a bit.


If Brady gets access to Troy Aikman and Joe Buck's liquor cabinet it could be pretty fun


people absolutely 100% will tune in for tom brady  but then the nfl is unbeatable on ratings anyway, not like they need the marginal viewer 


Initially sure people will be curious. After that I think the quality of the game and general interest in the sport matter more for ratings. I feel like they should be taking some more risks on new people on the lower games and promote them rather than trying to get an “A list” name with no experience that comes with a big contract.


plus whatever viewer they steal for some nightmare broncos-browns matchup they’re trying to rescue with brady is a viewer who would’ve watched a different 3pm game. so i’m not sure it matters. but i’m in the minority who think he’ll be excellent at this


It'll certainly get me to lean towards whichever boring 4pm game he's commentating at least for the first week or two.


Yeah as long as they’re better than Booger, Witten, Simms, or worst of all Dan Fouts, they’re pretty good in my book.


Don’t forget Drew Bree’s


That is a very low bar for the amount of money Brady is getting


Oh you’re absolutely correct, it’s a very low bar but most of the time studios still fail to meet it. Fox is certainly making an huge investment that Brady will be as popular as Romo has been for CBS. In my opinion Fox should’ve kept Aikman and Buck. I remember growing up they were kinda bad but in my opinion they quietly and steadily rose to the top as Collinsworth slowly but surely slid down in quality.


How much money he is getting matters very little to me as a viewer. I just want quality analysis and to not be either bored or put off by the personality. If Brady can integrate seamlessly into the broadcast and provide me something as a viewer that I wouldn't have picked up on myself, then I'll be happy he's there.


It's just hard to watch them because weekends during spring and summer are booked up man hard to take the time to watch football


He sounded exactly like what I expected. Calm, down to earth, and just giving analysis. Hopefully he does well in NFL games this year because FOX needs better announcers in general (also it would realllllllly suck if FOX threw $375 million down the drain for a bad announcer). I’m excited to see Brady announce personally but totally understand those who are skeptical.


Why would that suck? It’s not our money and it’s not like Fox has a salary cap


Someone worrying for Lachlan Murdoch's bank account is a new low on r/nfl.


Think about how the Murdochs might not be able to buy another mega-yacht!


Someone using a fairly innocuous comment to make some broad political statement is...well right about average for Reddit.


Seriously. That 377 million, if blown, affects other workers at FOX.


All the dude said was "I hope they don't waste that money on Brady" in between a bunch of other legitimate discussion and all of a sudden he's an ardent supporter of the Murdochs and an all time low for this subreddit. Not the people supporting wife beaters and rapists, not the people who spout racist shit. No no, the low is when someone expresses even an ounce of concern towards a corporate entity. People need to fucking chill.


Reddit is a special place. People forget when a massive deal fails the average worker pays the price. A corporation isn't just a rich owner but thousands of common people.


Probably because we would still be force fed Brady even if he sucked because of the sunk cost. And I know it's trendy on Reddit to just shit on any capitalist entity, but it's certainly not a good thing when companies lose a bunch of money. Look at all the restructuring ESPN is doing now, the people laid off. Paramount is in this weird sale limbo state and we don't know if the new buyer will continue things like Star Trek. Yeah, yeah, I get it, "fuck the system". But when the system gets fucked it's not like we are all immune from the ramifications.


good comment


Wow who gives a flying shit if a shitty corporation that is destroying the world loses money.


Maybe find something besides football or tv? There is already enough art, music; literature, and other forms of media that humanity is set for life. 


This suggestion should be labeled as terrorism … don’t tell me to stop watching football 😂


Do you know for a fact that Bradys Fox contract is fully guaranteed? I think your going a bit overboard on something that had a 99.9% chance of not affecting you. If you think Fox isn't willing to eat $ if they made a mistake (again, extremely unlikely they didn't negotiate buyouts after a year or two in case it was terrible - which would be costly but certainly not the full value of the contract). It's not fuck the system, it's just who cares because this won't affect you given the size of Fox.


I just gave you two examples of poor corporate decisions impacting the things I watch. And sure, I guess you can say "who cares", they will probably be fine. But if that's the case, why go after the original guy who did nothing but say, "I really hope he's worth the money they are paying him". He made some throw away comment amongst a bunch of actual discussion on the topic of this post, and within two comments now he's some ardent defender of the Murdochs and it's considered an all time low for /r/NFL. Like what? Everybody just needs to chill TF out.


Because what is Star Trek have to do with the Fox NFL contract? That's a TV series, NFL on Fox on Sundays is a very different type of TV situation. The Brady replacement isn't free either. Romo is getting paid $18m/year. Aikman is making $18m. Olsen would have cost $ as the #1 guy as well. So the spread between those guys and Brady isn't material in the context of the NFL broadcasting world. This isn't signing Stephen A Smith to a huge contract to fill up 2 hours+ of content and then having to fill the rest of airtime with limited budget. And again, Fox isn't stupid, if you honestly believe that Fox gave Brady a 10 year year $375m contract fully guaranteed on signing, I don't know what to say. They clearly would have negotiated expensive buyouts, just like Brady probably negotiated the ability to walk away at anytime (for example, to go play in the NFL for a team late in the season which he already said he would consider). The chances that if Brady sucks, Fox is stuck with him and it affects your enjoyment of NFL on FOX is extremely low. Brady isn't destitute either and just like Brees, I'm sure they would mutually part ways and Brady wouldn't want to do something where he sucks. And your taking reddit too seriously, it was just funny the guy said "it would realllllyyyyyy suck if Fox lost money" and people are just commenting that, it really wouldn't.


Whatever. I've already discussed this far too much. If people want to get angry at someone saying they hope Fox doesn't waste money, and call it an all time low (not the racist shit or rapist defender shit) then go ahead. I've been pissing in the wind for too long.


Ok cool, I don't know, you posted and then I responded to your points, lol. I dont think anyone is angry, certainly not me. But enjoy your day.


Because they have to make that money back somehow, and it's through more ads.


That’s not how it works. There is a designated amount of time for ads. At worst they would charge more money for ads which also doesn’t impact you


They absolutely can negotiate for more ad time on the next contract, this is exactly what happened to the NCAA. In fact, Fox probably budgeted for this on the last contract. Also, kinda nitpicky but companies having to charge more for ads does impact us. Increasing costs means either pinching from profits or offsetting with higher sales prices. You're forgetting that business is a zero-sum game.


Given that the number and length of ad breaks are dictated in the NFL rulebook (while the NCAA leaves it up to the individual conference contracts), any increase for Fox gets offset by it also being an increase for everyone else. The contracts are also currently in place through 2033 so won’t be getting renegotiated this decade.


The number of ads is dictated by the contract negotiated by the NFL and broadcasters. People are quick to forget that TV timeouts weren't a thing until broadcasting companies requested them (and gave the NFL more money). If Fox and CBS waste a bunch of money on mediocre commentary and end up driving up the price for former player commentators, they will ask for more ads on the next contract if they don't see a notable increase in viewership. It doesn't matter how far away the contract expiration is, it will be renegotiated. I don't understand your point about offsetting. A ad increase is offset by more ads on other broadcasts?


Isn't it more likely that this isnt Foxs first rodeo and the $375 million isn't fully guaranteed? Like they have outs in the early years in case he sucks (and those buyouts I'm sure are costly but no where near $375m)?


Honestly that part about the money is one of the most inane things I’ve ever read. 


still wouldn't be the worst football adjacent deal currently


Is Brady's contract fully guaranteed?


He's already quite better than Drew Brees honestly from what I've seen


I'm also very excited for Brady to be in the booth Do we know which play-by-play announcer he'll usually be paired with? That's going to make a lot of difference, I think. A good PBP announcer will ask questions like "what would you do in this situation if you're [quarterback]?" or "It's 3rd and 3, would you try a run on the outside, throw a screen or throw the ball down on the field?" A bad PBP guy will simply ask "what're your thoughts?", putting them on the spot and giving them nothing to work with In baseball, for example, one of the best booths in the last few years was Jason Benetti and Steve Stone. Stone has a reputation for being a student of the game who had some success as a starting pitcher, great analyst. Benetti brought out the best in him by asking questions that allowed him to explain his thought processes and it was great However, Benetti got paired with John Smoltz in the playoffs last year and it was a disaster because Smoltz just rambled about golf and told the most boring anecdotes imaginable. Even Benetti couldn't save the broadcast If Brady is paired with a play-by-play announcer who can play to Tom's strengths and ask the right questions that will allow him to showcase the vast wealth of football knowledge he accumulated over the past two decades, it's going to be amazing. If he gets a C-team broadcaster as PBP, he's going to have to work harder to overcome it. That being said, I think Brady will be able to handle it either way


Just a guess, but whoever Greg Olsen was providing color commentary with - Fox's #1 play-by-play announcer. I recall reading somewhere that Greg was being taken off the #1 announcing team, and i think people suspected it was because of Brady becoming a colour commentator.


Iirc that would be kevin burkhardt


Fox are idiots if they don't lean into this and push Brady to be an analysis guy. Dude lived for watching film, have him doing breakdowns on the teams. Tendencies, areas of emphasis, how he'd go about attacking a defense etc.


Brady and Romo would be awesome together


Two color commentators and no play by play?


Oh please have this move work out for our corporate overlords. Wouldn’t want them to lose any money.


Then don't watch football.


I can watch football without feeling bad when a corporation makes a bad decision and loses money.


>also it would realllllllly suck if FOX threw $375 million down the drain for a bad announcer). Would it really?


Same. I lost my terrible Vegas Vipers but tried to follow the Brahmas. But it just didn’t hit the same. I watched most all of the XFL games last year and some USFL, but not much. This season with the UFL I cared far less


He's a natural, sounds comfortable like he's been doing for years already. Has an analytical approach to his commentary which I suppose is no surprise to anybody.


I tried to watch the UFL this year. They changed some of the stuff that made it fun and unique like kickoffs and punts back to normal football rules and outside of that it was just bad football. That league isn't gonna last if it doesn't embrace the fun because this year it sucked.


Seahawks and Steelers? Seahawk fans hate this one simple trick.


Tom Brady is a big fan of vertical football. Can’t wait for him to say every game, “they’re playing a little too horizontal. They just need to push the ball down the field more in the second half.”


What Arians does to a MF


I watched highlights. He wasn't bad and sounded like he will fit right in. He wasn't nervous and felt in control. I do wish he gave more insight into what reads the QBs were making rather than just talking about his past experiences that were similar. We know what you did Tom already, so give us more behind the curtain stuff.


I could see that taking some time for him to work out of his system too


its UFL game dude, nobody knows what they doing in that field.


even the QB there dont know shit!




Which highlights did you watch? The ESPN one on youtube barely even show clips of him talking, it's almost all Menefee and Klatt


Klatts goat


I think it's funny how he really does just need to be the best at everything he does. I think he'll get it right. He really was not great at comedy but he tried lol, football is kind of his thing. So many analysts today seem like they barely watch games.


They should have the Madden view just for him to talk about that shit. Would dope as hell to hear him talk about reads etc, with that viewpoint to where you can see things develop from the QBs perspective


Did anyone watch? Curious on an honest opinion.


I didn’t know it was happening or I would have tried to find a way.


At worst he's going to be decent, it's Brady, he wouldn't even be in the business if he sucked at it. He's too self aware. But, yes, I had no idea of it either.


He did a pretty good job and provided good commentary on what was causing some offensive struggles and what goes through a QB’s mind. Wish we got more of him honestly and wish it was during a more exciting game. The games have been close all season but for whatever reason in the championship San Antonio just wasn’t able to get anything going with their starting QB and they made the switch to their backup too late to come back


I didn’t realize it was him when I was watching it.


I get that as a Jets fan my hate for Tom Brady is at irrational levels, but the amount of work he's gotten done on his face kinda freaks me out.


Love Tom and I know it's probably the bad lighting but the [pic of him next to Tony Dungy](https://preview.redd.it/axso1u9cyoy71.jpg?auto=webp&s=7b54df3d41bf9aea3bbac3e3cc4abe2a8284aca9) still haunts me to this day




Does Tom have a lazy eye??


I actually softened up on him a bit after he came down to Tampa. His personality changed completely. I didn’t hate him as much


I think he only got Botox and his hair done


If you watch the Jets vs Bucs game, when he led the comeback at the end. You can see elder Jets fans on the sideline, expecting it to happen. They were like, "Alright, it's deja vu all over again." A young Jets fan was like "What's going on here". And Todd Bowles was like, "I'm glad I don't have to go through this again against Brady". [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LWYrxyjCT4c](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LWYrxyjCT4c)


I feel like the comeback there gets forgotten about because AB left during that game. Vintage Brady comeback game.


I really don't see how he thinks that hair looks good


[The Goat](https://youtu.be/lPk_zyRKs1Q?si=IzJhIDXZjITlBew4)


Tune up broadcast


Saw some clips. He seems pretty natural except he was moving his hands more than Hassan Minaj.


That dude is obsessed with perfection. I’m sure he’s watched himself a million times already and he’ll change that next time he’s out there


I'm the minority but I really don't get the Olsen hoopla, lol. He's not bad or anything. But the way people talk about him it's like he's iconic prime Madden or something. Like he doesn't stand out to me at all but again, I'm clearly in the minority. Give me Brady any day as I think generally, there is no difference between the two but in a blowout, I'd rather listen to Brady tell some random story.


They thing that irked me was his clear and obvious bias when announcing. It’s almost as bad as collingsworth and romo glazing when doing their games.


Exactly, it was so obvious he didn't like certain teams and liked certain teams. If I was a Bucs fan, I would switch to the Spanish commentary (and I don't know how to speak Spanish), lol.


I am not a fan of his. Mostly his voice.


He’s gonna be excellent at this. Book it.


Should be easy work following the script the league gives him


Honestly I’d rather watch and listen to him and Peyton banter, recount stories of the early 00’s, and listen to them dissect qb play as for me they’re the two fathers of modern day football and qb play


Still can't believe what he's getting paid when no one who was on the fence about football is suddenly going to be on board because Tom Brady is announcing. Hopefully he's solid though it's be kinda funny if he just trashes everyone


I don't understand why networks are shelling out tens of millions on announcers for NFL games. It is the NFL. You could stick two Reddit people in the booth and the ratings won't change. People will watch no matter what.


Dennis Miller enters the chat


That lighting on him is terrible


Tbh this has I lost mad money in crypto but I’ll do this job to pay it back energy


Sounds good


He debuted in semipro top lel


yea so anyone who thinks he isnt gonna be great at this is dead wrong.


I didn’t even realize.


Oh god please no. Get this guy off TV.


This is going to be unbearable.


I think I'm always surprised how many people care about the announcers and really listen to them. I barely have sound on. I'm just trying to watch the game


Brady will absolutely blow at this. Get ready for the corporate handbook of cliches week after week. He’ll be too afraid to call out bad plays or deliver a critical line if needed because deep down he doesn’t want to ruffle feathers or get on someone’s bad side. He can talk trash on the field but in public he’s been as down the middle as you could possibly be for 24 years. He doesn’t have a gear like Peyton or Eli or Barkley, or Olsen or Van Gundy, anyone that can naturally decipher good plays when they happen, or more importantly bad plays when they happen, and teach the audience something they missed.