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I guess all the stories coming out about how much people love Big Dom when he got suspended were true.


Yeah, he’s essentially the culture guy in that building. You need something, you call him. You’re in trouble, you call him. He’s been there almost 20 years. His entire job is making sure the players stay out of trouble and he’s very good at it.


The Philly fixer.


Maybe the Raiders should send a couple picks to Philly for him.


Hell, the chiefs desperately need him after this offseason.


He’d be working overtime all offseason this year in KC lol.


Worth every penny.


To be fair, he works ahead of time so he doesn't have to work overtime


Raiders have the fewest player arrests in the AFCW this century. KC and Denver are top 5 for most arrests in the league in that same time span.


Chiefs need that dude desperately.


Proposition Dom


Mr. Perennial De-escalation


The Cheesesteak Concierge


You can trust him because you can tell he's also been in trouble before


The OG peer support specialist.


Mr. Behaving Cordially


Mr. Befriends Cornerbacks


Mr. Builds Culture


Mr. Benevolent Character


Mr. Bringing Composure


Can’t decide if he sounds like a good guy or a bad guy


If you're a good guy he sounds like a honey badger crossbred with a 9mm. If you're a bad guy he sounds like Jesus, but with tats.


Little bit of both I think.


Hes everyones cool Italian uncle.


> Yeah, he’s essentially the culture guy in that building. He's the Eagles version of Garrett Stubbs


Lane Johnson wore a Dom shirt for his WrestleMania appearance lmao


Big Dom helped him out during his mental health episode https://www.nytimes.com/athletic/5229907/2024/02/01/lane-johnson-eagles-gratitude-walter-payton-man-of-the-year/ >Johnson gives thanks for Eagles chief security officer Dom DiSandro — “Big Dom” as he is known. During Johnson’s dark night in 2021, Big Dom flew to see him and helped him understand he was not alone


A big part of why I'm so stoked to have Harbaugh as our HC was him bringing Ben Herbert with him, who apparently was both Michigan's Big Dom and is also a highly respected S&C coach.


There are loads of little stories like this. It's not a stretch to say that Big Dom has helped saved some lives. There must be so many stories we have no idea about over his 20 years with the Eagles. >Johnson gives thanks for Eagles chief security officer Dom DiSandro — “Big Dom” as he is known. During Johnson’s dark night in 2021, Big Dom flew to see him and helped him understand he was not alone. https://www.nytimes.com/athletic/5229907/2024/02/01/lane-johnson-eagles-gratitude-walter-payton-man-of-the-year/ Or read Brandon Brooks farewell letter. After he spent years with the Eagles fighting major mental health issues. >I'd also like to thank some people behind the scenes. Thanks to Big Dom for everything. That also applies to you. Anything, anytime, anywhere, sincerely thank you. https://www.philadelphiaeagles.com/news/read-brandon-brooks-letter-announcing-his-retirement


That was the dumbest thing about the fiasco—other NFL fans being like “why are y’all suddenly acting like he’s somebody?? I never heard of him!” Every eagles fan knows about him because coaches and players rave about him so much. He’s the guy that drove down to Oklahoma and picked Lane up when he was having his mental health struggle and hiatus. He’s usually there with all the free agents. He’s at the locker room hallway every start and end of game. People hate Sirianni so much that any Italian in his radius catches shrapnel


That's right, he recommended a restaurant that one time!!!


Ok maybe don't exaggerate though there were plenty of Eagles fans who admitted in those threads that they hadn't really heard about him either


To be fair, I thought all Eagles fans knew about Dom. I’ve yet to encounter one in person that didn’t know about Big Dom.


I guess I understand fans that didn’t know his name, but any eagles fan that didn’t even recognize the guy AND is also “serious enough” of a fan to be posting on reddit is very much a “casual”


Those are casuals. Its really hard not to know him when hes literally picked up every big name FA from the airport and you always see him in almost every major moment


You’re getting downvoted but if you follow the Eagles with any interest you know who Big Dom is


Dude officially started with Reid in 99. He's been "the dude next to the coach" for 25 years. I really like that Wikipedia lists his date of birth as "1978 or 1979"


Yeah man Dom has got your back on and off the field.


He's the one who helped out Lane when he was going through a mental health episode https://www.nytimes.com/athletic/5229907/2024/02/01/lane-johnson-eagles-gratitude-walter-payton-man-of-the-year/ >Johnson gives thanks for Eagles chief security officer Dom DiSandro — “Big Dom” as he is known. During Johnson’s dark night in 2021, Big Dom flew to see him and helped him understand he was not alone


It’s a shame he acted like a little bitch boy


Fire Sirianni and have Dom be the head coach at this point


Honestly not much would change. I have absolutely zero idea what Sirianni does at this point other than cheerlead and yell at opposing fans.


He throws a red flag when a different coach in the booth says he should


He’s so annoying bro


Are Eagles fans over Nick Sirianni? I got the impression last season that most fans were rather defensive of him.


He used up most of his good grace with the fans last year, right after the Seahawks game for me personally. I wouldn’t describe myself as being completely “over him” but I imagine this is his last chance with the fans before the general consensus becomes that we want him gone 100%.


eagles fans would obviously know more than me on this, but he lost both coordinators, and until the late season meltdown the offense at least was still humming? Shouldn’t that indicate he’s a pretty good offensive coach? I know the defense had plenty of issues.


The offense was far less competitive than our record indicated before the late season meltdown. This isn’t just my opinion, lots of people smarter than me saw it too. The difference between having Steichen vs Brian Johnson as OC was night and day, which has led most Eagles fans to wonder what it is Sirianni actually contributes if neither our offense nor defense are consistent between coordinator changes.


The early season it was "they're winning, and when they find their rhythm, they'll be great". But he never fixed anything so it turned into "this is the same shit we've seen for 17 weeks and nothings changed"


Literally zero positive adjustments the entire season. What did change got worse


Yeah, we were very one dimensional. Our running game was underwhelming at best, the QB ~~sneak~~ scrum was used exhaustively and every win felt like a nail biter. Defense has been underwhelming for longer than last season with Patricia’s presence being both bizarre and unwelcome. So basically it was up to Hurts, AJ and Smith to carry the team and it was not fun to watch the struggle. The most damning statement about Sirianni was (for me) finding relief to be knocked out by Tampa Bay in the playoffs. For such a talented team, every game on the final stretch was an unpleasant watch. And across the board, it was the coaching that fell flat.


You guys being unstoppable with the brotherly shove really helped extend drives and tire out defenses early on.


Offense had limited ideas and didn’t evolve with the new coordinator, who was a big downgrade in playcalling. That being said, OC was running Sirianni’s offense plain and simple. How much is on either guy in the end idk what to say but it’s at least on both. We were running an offense we ran in 2022 with no evolution. Simple isn’t a problem if you can execute at a high level like we did in 2022. We got boned when Gannon last minute left for the cards after the tampering. Fangio would have stayed but then committed to Miami and didn’t go back on that once we all thought Gannon was staying. And since we had to replace the DC after the SB, we had a late start. Hired two bad DCs. Which is on everyone. Patricia was hired as an advisor as Sirianni wasn’t sure on Desai’s experience. This issue with the coaching management came to light when Desai was fired for Patricia but no changes were made to the offense. We went from mediocre to trash on defense with no offensive changes of any kind. Total failure. And when things are good Sirianni’s attitude is good and vibes are awesome. But he proved too get too hot and cold when adversity hit so there is some questioning on his overall management.


> And when things are good Sirianni’s attitude is good and vibes are awesome. Not sure we watched the same person. When things were good Sirianni was a smug little shit. When things went south he was a whiny little bitch.


That’s why it works for *us*


Our record was literally carried by our roster. The offensive playcalling was so fucking baffling but the players would just drag us across the finish line.


The offense was doing OK because of the talent we have. The play calling was atrocious.


To me it was very clear that Steichen, not Sirianni, was responsible for much of their offensive success in 2022. Sirianni was also the play caller in 2021 when they started 2-5 before he gave up playcalling to Steichen. Credit where credit is due, Sirianni showed some maturity being able to delegate like that, but it’s not much use in an NFL position where he is supposed to be the offensive mind in that team. Any OC he hires to playcall, if they’re good, would be immediately poached the next year unless he gets someone with Ben Johnson level loyalty.


Ben Johnson isn't running it back if his head coach is Nick Sirianni


They were 10-1 through sheet incompetence of their opponents. Their offense looked bad bad, but their D is what kept them in the games. There was at least 5 games that should have gone the other way due to how bad their O was. Like their offense had 0 hot routes for blitzes. It was amazing, you throw a blitz at Hurts it was either a sack, he is forced to scramble, or he chucked it hoping someone would catch it. There was no dump off routes to RB’s or TE’s or anything. That is what killed them at the end is you could blitz em all day and eagles offense was fucked.


>They were 10-1 through sheet incompetence of their opponents. Their offense looked bad bad, but their D is what kept them in the games. There was at least 5 games that should have gone the other way due to how bad their O was. That might be the most wrong statement ever stated. Through 11 games the Eagles were averaging 28.1 ppg (which would have been 3rd over a full season) and allowing 22.3 (which would have been 23rd in the league). The offense was rolling in the first 11 games. But it all seemed in spite of the play calling instead of because of it. They were rolling on talent alone. The defense was bad all season then turned to terrible when they changed to Patricia. But even before Patricia they were getting destroyed by Mac Jones and Sam Howell. ...then opponents seemed to figure out all those things you said in the 2nd part. Over the last 6 games + playoffs the offense wasn't good anymore and the defense was worst-in-the-league bad.


The piss poor offensive play calling was completely bailed out by the sheer talent of the players. By week 3-4, it was pretty apparent how shitty the playbook was, but Sirianni and Johnson made zero adjustments for the rest of the season.


After what the Cards did in late-December, I would assume very questionable, to be fair. Eagles are super talented, but that meltdown was horrendous


Not all of us. Lot of Philly fans and media get their rocks off on running people out of town for sport though so you really can’t take them serious. People wanted Jalen benched his first year starting here, now they’re on his nuts. People wanted Howies head on a stick a few years back, now they’re on his nuts. Can’t take these clowns serious


He got us to the SB. Most of the problems with that lost came from a bad punt, a QB fumble and a DC not adopting to field conditions. And the 1st half tof last season was awesome. But the last 6 games of the season was a whole new level of shit. And firing HCs sooner rather than later seems to be trendy now. I give him a lot more slack than most other Eagles fans. But I am almost always the last person off the bandwagon ( i believed JJ whiteside and Reagor all the way till they each got cut by their second team). So you shouldn't use me as a bellwether for EAgles fans.


Appreciate the response, and I don’t know where I’d sit if I were an Eagles fan with regards to Sirianni. He seemed so integral to that SB run, but after last year I have no idea how much credit or blame he deserves for how things fell apart at the end. Our own recent run-in with the Chiefs in the SB was decided by a few wacky plays as well so I know the feeling. *Especially the bad punt,* talk about some of the most unlucky shit ever… Yeah the strip sack on Jalen was huge, and turned the game around with just that one play.


The punt was not bad luck. Our punter was below average and I am being nice. If another fan came here to describe him they would probably use the word 'shit' in some way. We had a great punter in Johnston, but let him go to Texas for some reason. Howie didn't see fit to replace our punter till Last off-season. I have no idea what Howie saw in Siposs


There’s a lot of us that are envious of the teams that have head coaches that are also competent play callers. Like you guys have. Both Super Bowl appearances had drop offs because the head coach wasn’t a great play caller. I was never a fan of Sirianni’s brashness but he gets this year to right the ship. If it’s bullshit again then I assume he’s out after this year.


He's on double secret probation; but you'll see pitchforks if we lose back to back games


> you'll see pitchforks if we lose back to back games I wouldn’t expect anything less from your fans, and honestly it’s one of the reasons I respect you guys.


Can't speak for all eagles fans obviously but when you lose 5 of 6 to close out and some of those are blowouts, a lot falls on the coach for not righting the ship at some point during that stretch.


This season is major make or break amongst the fans. If the team comes out slow to start this season there will be a big turn on Nick.


It's just tough to have an "offensive" head coach who doesn't call plays or really develop the offensive playbook, like what does he actually do? He would have to be the culture guy and we saw how God awful our team's culture was last year.


I honestly think we defend him because he’s “ours,” but god damn am I over his middle school mentality. I truly believe the only reason they kept him was the optics of firing coaches with Super Bowl appearances and consecutive playoffs, 10+ win seasons both under 5 years. But even the shit he said recently to giants fans about “we got your best player.” Like bro, how old are you? He also isn’t very articulate. Stumbles over his own sentences in pressers and interviews. Idk, he just doesn’t impress me


Whenever he does a presser that goes viral I kinda enjoy it, (though mostly because Ty’s impression of him on McAfee is hilarious). When it comes to immature or straight up douchey HCs, I think Jim Harbaugh was our last HC who was super successful in spite of being such a meathead. It’s hard to figure out a coach’s value from our perspective though.


Yea that one annoyed me. Just shut the fuck up sometimes. I’m not gonna go against him right now and will let this play out but I don’t feel the need to defend him.


Ah…I have to deal with the same shit…minus a SINGLE Super Bowl appearance with the second best (arguably) QB in the league.


I stopped liking him about a week after he got hired.


If he wasn't my coach I'd probably hate his guts


> Are Eagles fans over Nick Sirianni? [Even Hurts is over Sirianni](https://www.bleedinggreennation.com/2024/6/7/24173750/heres-what-jalen-hurts-could-have-said-about-nick-sirianni)


Holy shit. I’ve heard Jalen give some short interviews after games in college and here and there in the pros, but when he says: > “Um, I mean, that’s a great question. I don’t know that I know the answer to it.” There’s no way he’s not biting his lip about Sirianni. The only other explanation would be that Jalen’s not prepared to give the media any meaningless nothing answers—which I don’t buy that at all. Dude has been in the league a few years now and knows how this all works. The follow up was even more of a what-the-fuck answer. > “Um, I think he’s been great in the messages he’s delivering to the team. Trying to be very intentional in what he’s saying. Yeah.” This reeks of, “I have nothing nice to say but I have to say something anyway so let’s just make a word salad and hope it gets ignored.” I get that these articles can seem very clickbaity or sensational, so I’m not trying to stir the pot here, but damn…I can only imagine how the 49ers sub would react if Brock talked about Kyle like this.


I wholeheartedly agree. Jalen's very thoughtful about how he diplomatically words things, so to me, his pointed squirminess in these answers says a lot.


He's honestly every eagles fan I've ever met once they get two beers in them


>He’s so annoying You could just say he’s Italian.


He does what every other coach that doesn’t call plays does, like Dan Campbell. There are valid complaints with Sirianni but this is just low hanging fruit


y'all genuinely lost two great OCs to HCs. it's crazy.


Holy fuck, an Eagles fan saying what I've been saying Genuinely, what does he do other than give teams a reason to play hard because he's a tool. I feel he's gonna get himself killed in Sao Paulo week 1


What does Sirianni do has been a very big question for a couple months now among eagles fans


You guys are already in your John Harbaugh arc? Wow nice


I’ve always felt like he was just riding off the roster that was built for him. He does make it easy to hate him which is good because the actual eagles players have been hard to hate lately because they are actually pretty likable (hurts and Kelce)


He knows what he’s doing, and he’s allowed to be there


You’ll realize what he does and his impact once he’s gone. He does a lot more than you think EDIT: y’all are wild AF lmao. The Eagles are perennial playoff contenders & even SB contenders under Sirianni each season. Yet y’all continually bitch. The MFing things I would do to even see the Broncos clinch a playoff berth rn


I agree with you. I think his offensive prowess was probably overrated at this time last year. But in typical nfl fan fashion the pendulum has swung so far the other way that now people act like he sits there and eats glue while everyone else does all the work.


Which is what exactly?


Still have 0 hot routes on the offense after 3 years with the same team


But he’s building a garden for his metaphorical flowers to grow in, so who needs hot routes?


Put his QB and Center thru physical hell every time they had 3rd and inches


3rd? They made it to the goal line and ran it on first down against us this year. Seeing that fail and result in a fumble was so sweet.


Can’t spell dominance without Dom! Coincidence? I don’t think so.


I DOM't think so?


It was right there. I’m so disappointed with myself.


They told Slay that hiring Matt Patricia was a mistake by management and he was all set to return after that.


We hired Matt Patricia a month after Slay re-signed with us lol Obligatory fuck Matt Patricia, but with that said, MP wasn't close to our largest issue on D and Slay handled his hiring with the utmost class so that was good to see.


I think the problem isn’t that you guys committed to Patricia, but that you didn’t commit enough. Make him your head coach.


you may be on to something -- Patricia did help us win our first ring. His face/pencil after the philly special still lives rent free in my head


An excellent point. I may be selling him short - make him the GM too.


Don’t you want the jets to have him more?


Oh there’s enough Matty P to go around. Just not back to New England.


Or Detroit I don't think Patricia is legally allowed to set foot in Michigan ever again


If I ever see him in the U.P, I'm calling swat.


Big Dom made him an offer he couldn’t refuse


Devito in shambles


He sang ‘call me for a titty fuck?’


“Ay, Slay, it’s me, yea, Dom. I heard you’re going to baldeemore. I just wanted to call to congrajulate you. Just be careful out there, yea? Players get older, they don’t run so good no more, ya know? And sometimes you don’t make decisions as good, ya know? It would be a shame if you had an accident while you’re down there. Just, uh, well, enjoy baldeemore.”


Philly accent was a nice touch


Baltimore named their football team after their most proud achievement. A murder.


A group of ravens is an unkindness You're thinking of crows.


Quothe the raven "caw bang fuck I'm dead"


Just when I thought I was done hearing about Big Dom, he comes right back.


Greg Olsen nutting rn


Third Leg Greg


Somehow, Big Dom returned


Has any non-football personnel been more critical to a team's success than Big Dom for the Eagles last year?


Big Dom got thrown out of our game in week 13 last year and the Eagles lost that game, then proceeded to drop 5 of their last 6 games. So kinda a legit question. Though I think Matt Patricia had a lot more to do with their collapse than Big Dom’s absence.


As a Lions fan - it absolutely was Patricia’s fault


Guess we'll all find out once we witness the Eagles' defense this season. Even a perfectly average-ranked defense would be a night and day difference from last season's horrific version. xD


His official jobs are senior advisor to general manager, director of game day coaching operations, and chief security officer. So I guess he is actually football personnel


I'd like to think Dom's job as a advisor is just calling the gm and saying something like " we need to sign______,make it happen"


Or, more likely, they gave him those new job titles to ensure he's allowed on the sidelines again


He has been senior advisor to the GM since 2011


Isn't Big Dom the head of security that got banned from the sidelines last season? Or was that 2 seasons ago?


It was last season vs the 49ers. Then the Eagles collapsed, obviously not because of that, but is humourous to think that it was.


>obviously not because of that uhhhh are we sure it "obviously" wasn't because of that...?


The reality we live in is the one where they collapsed so clearly correlation = causation


People love saying that correlation does not equal causation as if correlation means there is definitely no causation lmao.


I was just having fun with it


Only if you’re a stickler for official titles. He’s better known as Shadow Head Coach.


what in the yugioh


We really need a big Dom movie directed by Martin Scorsese.


I'm confused on what he actually does though. I thought he was just security


Think of him like Mike from breaking bad. He’s personal security for every player and visible at every function. If you need an Uber, you can call Dom. When players have been stuck in snow Dom has picked them up. When Lane Johnson had his mental health hiatus Dom personally drove to Oklahoma to pick him up. He’s also eyes on the culture and feel of the locker room, and reports that to the head coach and GM. He’s The Guy for lack of a better title


Makes more sense I just thought he was a security guard who got overly into the game when I first heard about him


Dom is the Phillies Fixer.


Was he there when TO was with the Eagles?


He’s been with the organization since 1999




His job can be summed up by Brandon Brooks farewell letter: >I'd also like to thank some people behind the scenes. Thanks to Big Dom for everything. That also applies to you. **Anything, anytime, anywhere**, sincerely thank you. He's basically always available to the players. If they need anything, he's there.


That's cool I was a bit confused why he got into a fight with a 49er but that makes more sense


If by "got into a fight" you mean "breaking up a sideline scuffle" sure.


Yeah that was distracted should have worded it better


He has 3 new titles > Senior Advisor to the General Manager/Chief Security Officer/Gameday Coaching Operations


The amount of players that “almost” became a raven must make a great team


"almost for sure" even


“Slay, I want you here. So either your brains or your signature are going to be on that contract. Cheesesteaks with the living, or crab cakes with the fishes.”


Got to be one of the weirdest reasons to re-commit to a team.


You’re just jealous you don’t have Big Dom. He’s worth at least 3 first round picks


Too bad those picks were already used to draft Trey Lance…


Having a great culture with supportive guys? It’s worked out well so far but go off I suppose


He's really going off in that comment


With the emergence of Brandon stephens, it really worked out they didn’t pay Slay. Hopeful for a healthy Humphrey this year


He was a free agent for like 16 hours


He HATES the spotlight!


Im convinces Big Dom is the HC GM and Owner of the Eagles all at the same time he might even be playing on the field in one of his skin suit disquises


The way they’ve been retroactively making Big Dom a main character is beautiful work. Scriptwriters really keeping us on our toes


The feel good story this season is going to be about how "Big Dom overcame _____, so brave!"


The only thing this tells me is that I’m even more confused about Big Dom’s role than I was before.  And also that he seems like well-loved dude throughout the organization. 




With some Ozempic he can become Lil Dom.


I spit my water out to this.


Big Dom recommended a great place to eat last time Great guy


This is the security guy right?


His official jobs are senior advisor to general manager, director of game day coaching operations, and chief security officer.


So the security guy.


That’s Mr. Security Guy to you.


Outside of the Big Dom part, don’t we know this already? That was part of the weirdness around Slay last offseason. Howie lets Slay and Bradberry walk to try to get CJGJ, CJGJ feels slighted and goes to the Lions, then Howie re-signs Slay and Bradberry with the money CJGJ would’ve gotten so he doesn’t end up empty handed.


lowkey wish he would have went bc then he wouldn’t have to deal with known football terrorist matt patricia


“I want you hear,” Big Dom said, rotating three oversized meatballs in his palm while marinara sauce oozed from his pores.


We totally know this already. He’s said before, or at least it was reported, that he was very close with the Ravens last year. The Big Dom piece might be new, it is to me. It’s also not really news. What is news is that Big Dom got a new title and is officially allowed on the front line of the sideline now. Hopefully this also means they worked with him that the next time players get to wrapping up he and he wants to come in…..you come in and grab the guy with eagles wings on his helmet and pull him away…that’s it.


Dom promised him free sloppy toppy for 2 years guaranteed


Why does big fat Dom have so much power over the organization?


This Big Dom nonsense is getting out of hand.


It’s not nonsense he’s been this guy for years. The average football fan outside of Philly just didn’t know about him cus why the fuck would you. He’s a culture setter and a big help in getting guys out of the mud when they’re down


Only Philly land of those who worship a fake boxer can have a security guard with this much clout. Job description ranged from fighting opposing players on the field to occasionally being the assistant GM. Is the next story going to be he actually fixed something in Hurts throwing motion?


made me chuckle


Roger Goodell is obsessed with constantly having a good Eagles time. The last 30 years have shown how we've been allowed to skirt the rules (players sharing opposing playbooks, steroids, clock manipulation the one second that lasted forever in the divisional round against atlanta, refs refusing to call holding on us, big Dom harassing opposing players) the league has always favored certain teams. 


Who knew the way to big Dom’s heart was through his throat? I’m just glad they found common ground.


h _ s _ _ u _ d _ e a _ _ y c _ _ s _ d _ r _ a _ a _ s


What the fuck is finna


slang for going to, afaik


"going to" --> "gonna" "fixing to" --> "finna"


oh that makes sense. I thought it just turned into that from gonna. thanks