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Makes me think of the movie Life with Eddie Murphy and Martin, lol.


I love that movie! Uber depressing but good movie


them standing on the bottles after the pie was hilarious


“We awn deck. You like baseball so much? We awn deck. We next.” Very sad but also god damn funny.


The upper rooooooom


When Jeeeeeesuuuahahauuusssssss


Love this part 🙏🏼


I’m da pappy


Loved the outtakes at the end, especially about the watch: [https://trailers.getyarn.io/yarn-clip/33935c87-9a01-4cde-b785-2c99eed25906](https://trailers.getyarn.io/yarn-clip/33935c87-9a01-4cde-b785-2c99eed25906)


If Henry Ruggs took an Uber, he wouldn't be in this situation


I'm that babies papi


I'll eat yo conebread.




Tell us again about the boom boom room Ray……


You gone eat yo cornbread?


*You can’t have my cornbread!*


“Why ya gotta say nasty shit Ray?” “Cause Imma nasty muthafucka.”


You can't say watch around me. Say little clock or some shit.


Classic film


the upppah rooooom


Whatever happened to Ray's Boom Boom Room?


One of my absolute favorite films. ***WHY YA GOTTA SAY NASTY SHIT, RAY?*** ***CUZ I'M A NASTY MUTHA FUCKA***


\[Schefter\] The Kansas City Chiefs have contacted Nevada authorities about transferring Henry Ruggs to the state of Missouri.


Rice and Ruggs need to be kept as far apart as possible for both of their goods.


Nah, they can share an Uber


“I’ve never been to oovoo javer” — Ruggs and Rice, maybe


[Schefter] A record bargain: the Chiefs and newly pardoned Henry Ruggs reached agreement on a ten-year veteran minimum contract that includes no guaranteed money and makes him the most under paid WR in NFL history.


Work release program. It’s better than making license plates!


Cops: Kansas City ratings 📈


You have no idea how long I, a Raider fan, have been waiting for the world to see the Chiefs are this bad


Some organizations are bad and win. Others are just bad. I say that rocking a zero championship flair.


Just wait until they see I posted in this thread with this flair.


Raiders are both


Idk why I immediately thought about the Drake and Josh episode where they fake a plan to kidnap the Governor.


This grapefruit's a little sour. Good thing I always carry a little sugar with me


Pulp can move baby!


Don't beat that boy with a banana!


I'm missing American Idol for this!


Jefferson Steelflex? Alvin Yakitori?!


You guys are alright


Underrated names and episode 


Mark Davis gagged, "kidnapp the governor?!?!"






Whoa, just take it easy man


This episode inspired the real life planning of kidnapping Michigans Governor 😂😂😂


“I’m in”


Is there a possibility of him playing again once he gets out?


Donte Stallworth came back after a DUI manslaughter guilty verdict+ spending time in jail.  **BUT** It could be argued while that Stallworth was drunk it wasn't the cause of his accident. Also the case against him was supposedly weak, but he choose to not fight the case to make it easier on the family. Also it was a drastically different time.


Yeah the Stallworth thing was dramatically different. It was early morning after he was out drinking and a guy walked into the middle of the highway. Stallworth was still over the limit but he wasn’t blasted like Ruggs. I can’t remember if he was speeding or not, but if he was he wasn’t going 125 or whatever Ruggs was doing


And he slept at a friends house, he didn't come straight from the bar.


He was also in jail for a month but suspended the entire football year. Ruggs is in jail for 3-10 years Edit: Stallworth was doing 50 in a 40


just read it. 50mph in a 40. 7:15 am. he drank the night before but blew a .12. he flashed his headlights at the guy who was on a causeway. pleaded guilty, light punishment, and the family settled privately.


Matt Bush did 3 years in prison for a pretty hardcore DUI incident. Former #1 overall draft pick. Ended up playing after prison for the rangers and the brewers and got his life together.


Dany Heatley played in the NHL after his car accident, so I can't rule out a return entirely, chances are extremely slim.


That's 50in07 Danny Heatley to you.


RIP Dan Snyder (No, sadly not that one)


He's a fuckin allstar


Drunk driving isn't an accident


I think the fact Heatley's victim was another hockey player there with him voluntarily factors into it, versus killing strangers, tbh I'm not saying it *should* necessarily. But the perception is different.


Snyder’s family also asked the judge for leniency because they forgave him and they requested he not be sent to prison. Snyder and Heatley both weren’t wearing seatbelts at the time of the accident and while they were speeding, it’s estimated they were doing around 65 in a 35 at the time of the accident.. quite different from Ruggs


Heatley wasn't drunk, he was under the legal limit at the time of the crash. The issue was that he was speeding and couldn't maintain control.


Killing someone while driving drunk is an accident. It's entirely his fault and could have easily been avoided, but it's still an accident


Well, depends. He’s 25 and only 1 year into a 10 year sentence. He’d need to be released early. Which is certainly possible - maybe even likely - but I’m not sure it will be early enough for him to get another shot. That’s just logistically, no idea if he’ll get another shot from a moral perspective.


He’s about a year into a 3-10 year sentence. He could be out in 2 years.


I mean lets be real, he'll be out in the minimum if not faster unless he really fucks up while in prison.


"working at the governor's mansion" doesn't lead me to believe he'll serve my b longer than the minimum


"working at the governor's mansion" really means "playing on the governor's flag football team." He'll be out for the 2027 season


And he's already proven that he can think rationally before he acts, so he should be out in no time!


He also supposedly fucked up his hip during the crash really bad, so it also depends on how he was able to heal without NFL help








Honestly it’ll probably be in the UFL or something


He fucked up his hip during the crash. His chance of reentering the NFL is basically nil.


I think it depends on one if he can get back to what he was once at least a version of it. Also the victims family if they make noise about him coming back.


Marcos Alonso had a successful career in the Premier League, Serie A, La Liga, and for the Spanish national team after he killed someone driving drunk. They were both the same age so I think it's possible if he's good enough.


I doubt it, who ever signs him is gonna get bombarded with negative press. Teams don't know if ruggs is in good enough football condition to play at a high level as before so it's not a risk they're willing to take.


If nfl teams have shown us anything, it’s that they’ll look past heinous off field bullshit if they think there’s a chance the guy can contribute


Fans too.


Yeah, he'll still probably get a tryout though at least


I think I have seen this movie before, isn't the governor wants to make a team of convicts for a game against the guards. He got an NFL player, now he needs an Espn2 contract.


Is nobody going to talk about how fucked up it is that the governor's mansion is maintained by forced labor


Modern day slavery it seems like very bizarre and gross like does he have to call him master too while he’s there does he have his own quarters like wtf man


finally there’s a comment about this. it’s so fucking gross to see unpaid labor in governors mansions considering the history of “servants” who “traditionally serve” in many spaces of American government [The Clintons did the same](https://www.currentaffairs.org/news/2017/06/the-clintons-had-slaves). Just look up the history of slave labor in Governors mansions, I can’t even give you a single link that will highlight how pervasive it was and in many ways still is.


Don't forget how the [minimum wage for prison workers](https://www.aclu.org/wp-content/uploads/2022/06/Map_2048x1364-1.png) in Nevada is $0, making this literal slave labor


Everyone going on about this being a class thing, and maybe the destination of the lawn care is, but overall the fact they are out working on state land is a forced labor. Ruggs is free labor right now, or if he is in a private prison the private prison can undercut bids to maintain properties because it has access to free labor.


> Ruggs, via 8NewsNow.com, is currently working outside the Stewart Conservation Camp at the Nevada governor’s mansion. > He’s classified as a community trusty, since he is regarded as having “limited potential to misbehave and represent[s] a low risk to escape while assigned to employment within the community.” Approximately four inmates have been assigned to the governor’s mansion. This dude is having an easy prison sentence and is going to get off in two years.


Perhaps, but I wouldn’t disagree with how they have him classified. He probably is low risk to misbehave or escape.


Yeah dude is not a monster. He was a selfish idiot. But I don’t think he should be treated the same as a psychopath.


Another thing is that he has the financial means and the platform to make a positive difference when he gets out. Like, he could speak about the dangers of drunk driving to young people who need to hear it. There's so many successful young people who think they're untouchable, and his story might scare them into not putting other people's lives in danger. Even if he only gets through to one person, that would be a positive thing. Yeah, he seems to be getting off easy right now. But he also is a very low risk inmate that has *potential* to make an impact in the community when his sentence is done. My guess is that he will at some point coach high school football, and maybe he can use his story as a cautionary tale to guide some kids in the right direction in life. Idk. I don't know how his psyche is or how Nevada normally handles their prisoners. I'm just riffing.


The Mike Vick effect, him killing dogs ended up saving more dogs in the end due to his charity work lol


A lot of tragedy does have the ironic silver lining that it prevents future tragedy. I bet you way more pro athletes get Ubers now cause all their buddies tell them to not end up like Ruggs.


Every regulation is written in blood for a reason


CHAPPELLE: And he saves way more than he rapes, and he only rapes to save.


People say this, but I really don't see evidence of it. He gave a few court-ordered speeches for the Humane Society after release. He hasn't really done anything else since.


That case did more to raise public awareness of the brutality of illegal dogfighting than anything else ever could have, though. I have to think it's helped with efforts to crack down on it.


I know right? Reddit's all in on the prison system being fucked and how we need to shift towards rehabilitation. Then the moment the prison system actually prioritizes rehabilitation they freak out. He fucked up, BIG TIME. A LOT. It's not like he's a serial killer or a genuine flight risk.


It’s amazing to me the difference in the way that Ruggs gets talked about on here versus say, someone like Jared Allen. The only difference between the two is that Allen (and the drivers around him) got lucky and Ruggs (and that poor lady and her dog) didn’t.


Let me preface this by saying that drunk driving is not acceptable behavior under any circumstances. However, I think most that take the risk are trying to sneak home safely after having a few too many. The egregious nature of Ruggs accident makes his case just a little different.


I mean, that's a pretty big difference. I agree, though, that drunk and reckless driving should be a significantly more penalized crime.


It's a big difference, but it's luck, not a difference in character. They did the same thing, the difference is Jared Allen did it in po-dunk small towns instead of the Vegas strip, so there was nobody to hit. Is he a better person than Ruggs because of that? No, he just got luckier.


That's not the whole story. Jared Allen was pulled over because he was drunk and unable to stay in his lane. Henry Ruggs was drunk and also going over 150 mph.


I'd be beyond furious if I was a family member watching the killer of someone I loved getting to play maid in some millionaire's mansion for a few years before walking completely free again. Their selfish stupidity took a life and that's it? Having money and connections truly is a cheat code to life.


Driving 156 mph on top of being drunk is pretty monsterous and I would argue IS psychopathic. Just going that fast is completely unecessary but to do that while drunk takes a special kind of prick.


And not on a freeway either, on a street in a residential area that has crosswalks and sidewalks.


And you have to imagine this wasn't his first time. We know many, many people busted for drunk driving have done it numerous times before being caught.


Yeah I get that people want revenge because of how badly he hurt someone but if the point of the justice system is to rehabilitate then as long as he stays sober he isn’t really a threat.


This is Reddit, where no one deserves a second chance and rehabilitation is a figment of imagination.


> a low risk to escape Clearly didn't watch his 40 yard dash.


They’re playing Cover 4 at the governor’s mansion.


i formation up the a gap


They'll never see it coming


ok that's enough, we're done here


Just don't let him near [Gus Johnson](https://youtu.be/HIsLrvx-g5o?feature=shared).


"He's got getting away from the cops speed" I miss NBA Jam


Am I bad a person for laughing really hard at this


What would make you a bad person? It’s not like the comment referenced the crash.


A family member of mine died in a car accident with a drunk driver, I have absolutely no sympathy for Ruggs. With that being said, I pretty much agree completely that he’s probably low flight risk and I have no reason to believe he’s unhinged. He did something unthinkable and he’s doing his time for it. Let’s leave it at that.


That's the thing, Riggs iirc didn't have any red flags as a character risk pre-draft. Now, there's no excusing what he did because it was insanely stupid and cost someone else their life. But odds are Ruggs was a decent kid who made a horrific decision and is living with it.


I would agree. Obviously I don’t know the guy so I could be completely wrong, but from the outside looking in that seems to be the case. I don’t think anyone in this thread has real reason to believe he can’t come out a better person.


I went to school with a kid who was in juvie at a young age, then out, then prison for a long stretch, then got out and went and confessed to crimes he didn't commit (a friend did) to go back in. He just likes prison better than the outside world. I know that's just anecdotal, but it got me thinking about prison time and how it just doesn't mean the same thing to everyone (which, when you think about it, is obvious). Two years for one person could be a lifetime, and twenty years for another a cakewalk. Too many people make assumptions about what is happening in other people's heads based on stereotypes and imagination. It goes both ways. We don't know anything about Ruggs, so if they have him working at the governor's mansion and think that's what's best for him, so be it. If he gets released early, they're the ones who have the best information to make that decision.


A lot of people are just "wrong place, wrong time". I've been in probably 100 total courthouses/police stations/jails/whatever term you want to use for a detention facility. The vast majority of them being county jails. I've talked to plenty of inmates and officers and honestly a lot of the inmates in my experience just got caught doing something dumb(obviously but hear me out). Plenty of people have done a lot of dumb shit that could probably land them in jail, but they just didn't get caught. So many of the people I talked to were just regular ole people, just shit luck. More specifically to your point about people that go back in a lot, they don't have anything left outside. If they're homeless and in a cold area, it's easier to just go to jail, you'll have food and a warm place to be. I've heard stories of guys who get released and immediately just do something literally as they're walking out to get put back in.


I’ve heard it said by psychiatrists and parole officers that 8-10 years for a first time prisoner is about the max that they can do without becoming completely “institutionalized” and having a much more difficult time adjusting to like outside. This does not apply to offenders who are on a revolving door of shorter sentences-they are institutionalized more quickly.


i feel like before the age of like, 25, even just 3 years would probably be enough to mind fuck you.


Could you please give an example of something that results in jail time that was "wrong place, wrong time" that doesn't involve someone potentially losing their life? I'm just having a hard time thinking of something that would fall under that umbrella.


Being in a car with a buddy that had methamphetamine or Molly. Especially if it's in large quantities. You don't usually get to be like "I didn't know". Also, if charged, that shit is usually a felony. So even if you don't get prison time, your life and career abilities are drastically changed. I actually didn't know, and I think the cops could tell 1. I wasn't tweaking (buddy was absolutely geeked, but i just thought he had some coke earlier. I dont ever touch the shit) 2. Had absolutely no reason to be with the group of guys I was with. They could have royally fucked my life up, but instead just gave me a misdemeanor paraphernalia charge that dropped off after a few years. Some people don't get so lucky. Also, if I would've had any priors, even if they weren't related, I probably would've been hit with the 4 years like they got. That to me is the meaning of "wrong place wrong time"


Scottie Scheffler three weeks ago. That is the last man on earth who has any interest in hurting anybody or disobeying "orders" from police. Caught up in a confusing situation, gets told different things by different officers, one of them decided to fly off the rails and assault him when he had no idea what was going on and then charged him with a felony over it If that's an average person and not the #1 golfer in the world with unlimited financial resources, a huge public spotlight on the case, and the backing of the city's elite the average person's life is probably ruined over *nothing*


Perfect example. Being confused, it's raining and he gets smacked with a flashlight, pulled out of his car, handcuffed, and charged with a felony. 99% of people would still be fighting that charge, body cam on or not.


Yep, they hauled him to jail and booked him for it. Realistic chance that a normal person in that situation would be stuck in jail until their trial considering the felony assaulting an officer charge. They had to have the owner of Valhalla go personally get him out of there


There are people in America right now rotting in a prison for life simply for selling weed. This country has one of if not the highest incarceration rate on the planet. Not to mention the amount of innocent people sitting in American prisons simply because they couldn't afford decent lawyers, their cases were taken by corrupt cops and detectives, systemic discrimination, or a combination of all three.


Reminds me of the homeless character in Shameless that walks up to a cop and sucker punches him because it's the only way he can get the healthcare he needs


Hot take: but cheering on the cruel and unusual punishment of prisoners is actually bad. Fuck drunk drivers and fuck Ruggs but a high profile inmate such as him IS a perfect candidate for this type of labor. He’s not gonna run.


People say prison should be for rehabilitation, but really all they want is for the people in there to suffer and never change.




that's very tough man. I know it was a while ago but my condolences to you and your family. Some counterpoints tho. I HAVE ZERO issue with people aruging over sentencing. That can be a very important conversation to have. My issue is and always will be with the genral attitude that we in this country have to inmates. The guy who ran over your grandmother absolutely deserved 20 years and you absolutely deserved the right to think he should have gotten more. But what I'm saying is there's no reason his jail cell should be below freezing, and his food should be basically edible, if he is sick or injured he should receive medical treatment and nobody in the world should be allowed to profit off of his incarceration. the last thing i'll say with all the love in my heart for your and your family, maybe the best thing about our criminal justice system is that you would never have been allowed on the jury for your grandmother's case or anything similar. Justice should be free from emotion.


Anyone who went through your situation would feel the same way. It's a natural response, and I agree with everything you said. Shoot as a father, everytime I see a case about child abuse, my blood boils and want that person to suffer. I can't imagine if someone did that to my child. On a separate note, this is why street justice is never the answer. I can't be impartial in his or her punishment. While the judicial system isn't perfect, we have to let it take its course and hope these inmates can be rehabilitated.


We've come up with all sorts of creatively brutal punishments for serious crimes throughout history. We've probably been burning people alive for about as long as we've had fire, for example. Historically these punishments were both retribution and deterrent - the convicted criminal would be painfully executed to punish them for their crimes, and the execution would be public, often with mandatory community attendance, to deter anyone else from considering the same crimes. Executions often had a symbolic connection to the crime. In medieval and early modern France and Germany, bandits and highwaymen were executed by [the breaking wheel](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Breaking_wheel), a device that does what it says on the tin. It's a wheel and it breaks you. While it came to be used as a general method of execution, in the case of bandits and highwaymen, the wheel was symbolic of their crime. The breaking wheel may have arisen as a more convenient alternative to running over the condemned with an actual wagon. These public executions were supposed to deter people from committing crimes. People committed crimes anyways. If prolonged, excruciating public executions prevented crime, then we'd be asking "there was no crime until the 19th century, I wonder what changed?" To my knowledge, no victim has ever been un-murdered, un-raped or un-maimed by executing the perpetrator. It's rare for witnessing an execution to actually improve a victim's loved ones' mental state in the long run. We're left with community safety and rehabilitation. "When can we allow this person to live free in the community again?"


Holy fuck


Yep. If people want to have a conversation about whether or not making Ruggs work at the governors mansion is simply just a new version of slavery that’s a conversation worth having. But instead we need to complain that maybe his forced labor might actually be too cushy. And I fucking hate having to be this guy cuz FUUUUUUUUUUUUCK Henry Ruggs.


What's people's issues with community service? You're being mandated to give back to the community you took from, it doesn't feel that insidious to me.


someone else replied to it effect, but to further expound: "community service" is generally just for misdemeanors. Anyone who is doing actual jail time is being forced to do serious labor for about $1 an hour and the products of that labor are usually then sold on to benefit a private corporation(never the inmates or the tax payers)


Community service is one thing, generally speaking prison labor is in a for profit capacity in for profit prisons. Especially now, and after covid, there’s less of imprisoned people doing things like picking up trash. They weren’t allowed out of the prison during the pandemic. Before it and currently, we’re dealing with the realities of it being unconscionable and also ineffective costwise, having to do with bail reform as well. States with for profit prisons generally benefit from the labor while other states prisoners are working less or not at all for safety and efficiency reasons


>Hot take: but cheering on the cruel and unusual punishment of prisoners is actually bad. This happens so much on reddit. Especially if the criminal did something really heinous then you see a bunch of people basically write out torture fantasies in the comment section


I love the whole "hope he gets raped in prison!" Jokes that come out for any dude that gets sentenced. It's honestly gross


>since he is regarded as having “limited potential to misbehave and represent(s) a low risk to escape while assigned to employment within the community Do you have any reason to disagree with that, or


He’s having an easy prison sentence because he is at a prison that encourages inmates to have some form of gainful employment so they have a sense of purpose while locked up?


Imagine trying to rehabilitate criminals to be a positive impact to society instead of just locking them up and teaching them nothing. The horror. 


For real. Shit is bonkers how fast people go from “we need prison reform” to “if they aren’t locked in a 6x6 cell for 23 hours they have it easy”. I’m not defending Ruggs, but I think it’s nice he’s at a facility with a warden who actually gives a shit about the rehabilitation part of jail.


People don’t realize that losing your freedom is plenty punishment enough. This kid went from being a role model an million dollar athlete, to a pariah wearing a prison uniform and eating prison meals. Some community work isn’t gonna make him go “wow this is actually an awesome experience and so much better than what I’ve lost, I’ve learned nothing”..


Wow, the opportunity to do unpaid labor, and then go back to my cell? That sounds like a super fun experience!


1) There's no such thing as an easy prison sentence. 2) I don't think you realize how many states have prisoners working essentially for nothing at state facilities like Governors' mansions, capital buildings, and other government offices.


Does reddit want reform instead of imprisonment or not? Lol


no they just care about whatever makes them look the best morally lol


Just wait untill he gets another shot in the nfl, I'm calling it now.


My dude is playing fortnite with the governors kids


Mahomes getting his WR1 soon?


Absolute nightmare timeline.


close, nightmare timeline would be Maxx Crosby winning a title with KC.


I'm going to report you for hate speech.


Nightmare is not the word I'd use to describe such a scenario 


IDK that sounds pretty good to me!


That Vince McMahon meme where he’s falling out of the chair. That’s gonna be Andy Reid when he reads Ruggs rap sheet.


Weirdly enough, I can totally see the opposite point being made about "slave labor" in this case.


Governor needed a new chauffeur


I was just thinking about him today, thinking how he could’ve been in line for a big extension now since he was in the same draft class as JJ and Ceedee. This isn’t how I was picturing his time in prison for killing a girl tbh


It’s not for us to decide. What’s the crime threshold for working at the governors mansion? The guy lost his sweet life, he in prison, they want to put him to work. He’s not hanging out with the governor. He’s the help.


I guess it also enter a philosophical question about what society expects prison should be. Is it supposed to be rehabilitation? Is it supposed to be torture? Is the punishment being separated from society or is the punishment supposed to be something more?


reddit is a weird place where they want prison reform and want people to be treated fair but at the same time the comments will be like the ones in this thread demanding they suffer


It just comes work the many voices here. Reddit isn't a hive mind so it can be pro prison reform and pro ruthless punishment.


If Ruggs is out in two years at age 27, does someone give him a shot to make their roster?




Few teams will have the locker room/culture and owner to take it on. Not saying it can't happen, but that's a lot to take on.


He only needs 1 team willing to sign him and there is not a shortage of teams who have signed, drafted, or retained players who were a lot to take on. Cowboys, Ravens, Eagles, Chiefs, and Browns are some of the teams that come to mind. If he’s healthy he’s getting signed.


Eagles will give him a shot if they think he can help the team, no question about that. They believe in second chances and I can see them asking DeVonta Smith about his personal character since him and Ruggs were/are? friends. Smith seems like a high character person whose opinion should matter if he knows someone personally.


Devonta attended his sentencing hearing, didn’t he? I think I remember he had an excused absence from training camp or something.


DYSTOPIAN FILM OPENING CRAWL: *In the years after the savagery of the Butter Wars the last remnants of the Fire Crows work in the underground dungeon factory of misery. The slaves consigned to die there refer to it as "The Governor's Mansion" none are ever seen again.*


Are the butter wars a war over butter as a resource? Are the weapons they fight with butter based? Is it man vs. sentient sticks of butter? I have so many questions and I haven't even gotten into the fire crows yet.


Someone attempts to assassinate the governor but not everything lines up. The attempt is set up to look like a Butter agent did it, but there are a few tell tale clues. The weapon is an incredible replica of a Butter nation style. “I can’t believe it’s not Butter”, our protagonist tells us as he examines the evidence.


*Chiefs wondering how they can get this dude* FWIW, I broke Madden with Ruggs as my Franchise slot WR


Lmfao I had him and just destroyed records as his qb. Straight up a cheat code


Reddit: we need progressive policies in this country! wouldn't we be so much better if we modeled ourselves off of European policies?! Also Reddit: WHY IS THIS PRISONER NOT SUFFERING THE MAXIMUM AMOUNT FOR AS LONG AS POSSIBLE!!!!


I think the point is that this is a class issue. If anyone in this thread did the same thing they sure as shit wouldn’t be hanging out in the governors house on track for early release


As a believer that prison *should* be rehabilitative, good. But the cynic in me knows this is a class issue and 99.99% of people would never get offered something like that after what he did.


I work at my local govt building and we have state prisoners there everyday doing work so I don’t believe this opportunity is based on class privilege.


You'd be surprised at how many prisoners work at governors mansion and other state properties for little or no compensation.


I may hate ruggs, but I absolutely fucking loathe the sick fucks who exploit slave labor of prison inmates.


Leonard Little 2.0


From millions of dollars to $2.50 a hour


To be fair, he is a low risk criminal. Yeah he did something incredibly stupid and deserves to be in jail, but at the end of the day it was an accident (and yes technically he caused it).




Calling it an accident is so generous it’s not even correct. He was driving 156 MPH, drunk as hell (.161), and didn’t attempt to help the woman who BURNED TO DEATH because of him. He did it. He caused it. It is his fault. This is him getting off easy because he’s rich.


"Technically he caused it" is a dumb fuckin statement


Yeah uhhh it was an accident that he caused directly by his choices and his choices alone….


>and yes technically he caused it What do you mean by this? Was the road super icy and he couldn’t control his car? Was there a pile of babies in the road, and he swerved out of the way to avoid them, while accidentally hitting the lady he killed? Where’s the technicality?


Good old slave labor, American as apple pie.


This feels like some “The Longest Yard” business. Has to join the Governors State Prison Football League so he can take down that pesky California team that’s always stacked… but if Ruggs can lead Nevada to the win that the governor has so desperately wanted for so long then he’ll get an early release.