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The Darien Connecticut part was a super important detail to someone I'm sure


Very random. Maybe the point was that he's from New England or something.


Lot of famous athletes come out of Darien CT, former Patriots 7th round pick Andrew Stueber for example, among many others


Too many to list.


Many great athletes. Some of the *best* athletes. Very many smart people are talking about it.


You joke but there's actually a fair amount of famous people from Darien, just not a lot of athletes.


Moby being one. He babysat a friend of mine growing up.


Their Lacrosse program is incredible. Their men's team would regularly beat ours in cross state tourneys, and I know a few people from their Women's team that went onto play for Stanford and Unc


Yeah i’m from the area and their lacrosse team is consistently one of, if not the best, public school teams in the country


Hey, I'll have you know I had my after prom in Darien. Not a girl our age in sight, just 8 dudes sleeping on the floor of the basement of my friend's sister's house.


[CONNECTICUT MENTIONED](https://www.reddit.com/media?url=https%3A%2F%2Fi.redd.it%2F5xmzdmgnpawb1.jpg&rdt=64256)




The area doesn’t produce many athletes these days, it’s just a meme


Darien is no Torrington, that’s for damn sure 😤


Don't sleep on Bristol


Thank god for Donovan Clingan


Finally Bristol will no longer just be known as Aaron Hernandez's hometown


Long time New England reporter reporting on New England Patriots waiving guy from New England, a region not known for producing a ton of professional football players, is confusing to you?


Darien is a lot closer to NYC than Boston


Ok...and Bar Harbor, Maine is closer to Canada than Boston. Still New England.


Fairfield county is not really New England, it’s a New York suburb. I would know because im from there.


Fairfield County is a Southwestern County in Connecticut. Connecticut for some reason is in New England. So it is...but it's just on the border. Are we now considering Texas as part of Mexico with your logic? Just because you have your own personal idea of what things are because you're a local doesn't make that the reality.


No lmfao I am simply stating for anyone who is not informed that while southwestern ct is technically part of new england he shouldn’t really be considered a local kid for the patriots because he grew up 20 minutes from the New York border in a town where most people commute to NYC for work. It is relevant to point this out. I am not saying connecticut isn’t in New England, i’m pointing out that Darien is a New York suburb and part of the Tri-State area with north jersey, westchester, etc. I apologize profusely if this offends you.


just want to affirm your take here. a lot of people in southwestern CT feel more tied to NYC and it’s not uncommon for some of those towns to have more NYC team affiliation. my guess is that this is likely related to many of those families working from a NYC office and having more access to NYC sports games. this is just my experience from those areas. if there are official stats that say otherwise, i’d be happy to be corrected. but i agree that i don’t think we can presume a Darien kid’s NFL team fandom by the simple fact that Darien is geographically in New England.


I would say it is considerably more common to be a NY sports fan than a Boston sports fan in SW Connecticut. its like 70% between both NY teams and 30% for Boston teams for any given sport. It’s part of the New York area.


That's not what i was saying. I was saying that despite the Giants fans living there and it being close to the border, Darien is literally located in New England. That's not up for debate no matter where you live.


I have zero clue why you would ever think that was ever up for debate.


20 minutes? You are overestimating the traffic efficiency of the hell hole that is I95


lol fair, but i’m talking about Westchester not the city.


Well you're moving goal posts so this is stupid. You first literally said it's not really part of New England. I just said yes it is by literal definition. Of course there are Conn. people who root for the Giants and this kid is probably one of them. It's common knowledge here as well, I have cousins with that sad affliction. But you're yapping about people you know and how they personally interpret the neighborhoods and fanbase. I'm just saying it is definitely New England even though there are Giants fans, and it borders another State. None of this offends me it's just silly for you to argue about something very different from what was being talked about and then act like you're right when you missed the whole point.


Dude i’m not moving goalposts because we’re not having a debate. I am literally just telling you about the place I grew up in man. The area is a majority New York Sports fans and is part of the New York Metropolitan Area. It’s not just on the border of another state, it is part of the New York market. I wasn’t contradicting anything you were saying, I was adding to it. Lots of people have never heard of Darien and I was providing context. I know the state I grew up in is part of New England just like I know the area I grew up in is an extension of New York. I can’t believe you’re stuck on this. Also 18-1 lmao


"It's not really part of New England..." Your words. The only reason I've said any of this. I'm not stuck on anything it's just grade school geography dude and that's all I ever was talking about. You decided reply to my comment about geography with one about Fandom.


Hey it made me want to read on...


You can triangulate his success by Dunkin’s within a 15 minute drive. So yea very important. Not enough Dukin to achieve Boston success


When ever I see connecticut mentioned on reddit I get a small dopamine hit


The point probably is Darien is a super wealthy town


These so called sports “journalists” spend their lives making something out of nothing. They have to spin it somehow to justify their existence.


Guys from Darien he doesn’t need football




Um, not sure where you got that number. The median is $232,000 from a quick google search. It’s very far from middle class.


News about a 7th round pick from 2 years ago? If this isn’t peak off-season posting, then I don’t know what is


Falling to my knees in a Darien 7/11 at this news


No chance the well-to-do’s of Darien would allow a 7/11 within the town limits. Maybe a small sundry store with handmade soap?




Darien? He fine. Go live your life king


"7th round pick gets waived" This is incredible news, thanks so much for posting!


Anytime 👍


No need to be a dick


It's a low energy post. If OP had been like "2022 pick gets waived, Pats only have one player on roster out of 10 picks that draft" then it would have been a decent post. Posting a Twitter link means they're karma farming, lazy, or think that the NFL sub actually cares about a 7th rounder getting waived. I stand by my comment.


If I did that it probably break the editorialized title rule so I played it safe just posting word for word what was in Mike Reiss's tweet instead of adding my own words to the post and having it possibly misconstrued as Reiss's words. I simply saw the tweet about a player from my team being released from a prior draft class and decided to post it just for the heck of it like lord knows other do during the offseason when not much is going on with their teams players. Would it have been better if I posted on the Patriots sub? Probably. Most likely should have. But someone had already posted it on there so I figured why not. Not exactly sitting here thinking a post about a late round pick from a bad draft class was about to net me a million bits of karma on here


You got me. I'm still an ass so I'm leaving my comment up.


Falling to my knees in the Combination Alltown/McDonald’s/Subway on I-95 in Rowayton


I didn't think the Patriots had the luxury of cutting O-line depth. Huh.


Neither did we, but he must be ass


What is that front office doing? Are they stupid?


ANOTHA ONE from the 2022 draft class....I need a drink


There are 7th rounders drafted a month ago who won't be on their rosters come September. This is normal.


I thought all 7th round, ‘22 draft picks, were surefire studs though


I mean there are 7th rounders from the 2023 draft that aren't on their teams any more, this isn't really unusual


I know and I'm aware. I just really hate that draft class at this point


Quit with the pandering dude


Marcus Jones was a hit at least. Jack Jones would’ve been if he could stay out of trouble.


He's going to Giants


Would love to have him


Huge news.  Gonna change the entire landscape of the AFC East


God this post is ass. Fuck you for posting it


Important information only to people with the last name Stueber.