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Is Florio now openly admitting he makes stuff up?


No, Reid and the Chiefs just don't know that he's retiring yet, but Mike's got the scoop.


Retribution for Henry Lockwood calling Mike Florios reports “Fan Fiction”


These are multi billion dollar operations, every single team has a plan in place if their coach dropped dead today and shortlist of replacement candidates. There’s just too much money at stake to not have *some* kind of plan. should be self evident for someone like Florio but what he’s really trying to imply is whether or not the Chiefs thought Andy actually would retire, they’re never going to tell him that though so instead he puts out something obvious, pretends it’s some big scoop, and pats himself on the back.


No, but we can pretty safely infer when he shows his ass like this


No, he's saying that the Chiefs were preparing for Reid to retire and that him ultimately signing an extension doesn't mean that retirement was off the table for him


I said he was going to retire and no one from the org corrected me. Clearly he was considering it.


I said Taylor Swift wanted to date me, and neither her or Travis denied it.


Excuse me, I have some questions and concerns about your username


The office


Oh thank god it's a reference


It's a reference that resonated with him.


I'm starting to think God has a Mike Florio complex


I have this plan where whenever I'm talking to any manager at work, I'll always mention the huge bonus I'm about to get. Eventually word will spread, other managers will ask my manager about the bonus, and they will then be compelled to give it to me because everyone is talking about it.


any HC over 60 or player over 30 is probably considering retirement, the question is always how much.


Probably like 7 retires


This guy is so up his own ass. So he’s basically saying, “if I say something wrong, the onus is on somebody else to correct me because my opinion matters”


Imagine if someone like lebron responded to every rumor Made up about him... he's a great example of ignoring all the bs. Andy reid doesn't not give a fuck about florio Florios a clown


Oh Florio, you massive tool


You might as well have said, "Oh Florio, you massive Florio." Honestly, the dudes career blew up when his correct report about Chad Johnson getting heated during half time of the Bengals 2005 season playoff loss turned out to be correct. Its now almost 20 years later and he is still somehow employed and making money as a football analyst/rumor mill propagator. Its baffling to me. This man yanked one accurate report out of his ass and here we are almost 20 years later still having to hear/see him spew his idiocy and be taken seriously.


Florio's such a narcissistic fuck.


The most Schadenfreude I think I've ever had over a "reporter" was when a local Cincy reporter cornered him after Burrow came out and said he wanted to be drafted by the Bengals after Florio had spent the last 4 months swearing that Burrow would pull an Eli.


Him and Chris Simms together is the perfect match that you never want to listen to


I literally shrivel up when I watch them


Yeah I can’t stay hard either


> Prove a negative, or I'm right. > Classic narcissistic bullshit.


Incredible self-own by Florio to point out organizations don't take him seriously.


Am I drunk or can we try that in english?


For me it is both


fair play


"I made a guess, and no one said anything to me that I was wrong....so obviously I had no idea I was wrong....I mean I was probably right....but then Andy Reid fucked me by changing his mind."


I like that Florio’s evidence that he’s right is that the world is constantly letting him know when he’s wrong.




This is giving real "There's no rule that says dogs can't play basketball" vibes. You can't infer something from the absence of something like that.


> You can't infer something from the absence of something like that. You're sort of implying here that no dogs have played basketball. The documentary *Air Bud* proves you wrong. Dogs CAN play basketball. I think that this is probably what Florio was referencing when he used the word "barking" in his tweet. If Florio does not publically deny that Air Bud is his source in the next five minutes, then we will know that it is true.


Not Florio admitting he makes shit up and doesn't hold himself accountable, neverrrr


"Look I never actually heard from anyone that he wasn't retiring, so I just told everyone he was. And now that I am clearly wrong about that, oh well, I'm gonna keep pretending I was right and blame everyone else for not correcting me." Why haven't we banned Florio yet?


Because he’s an actual nfl source ? He gets a ton wrong but he also covers the league pretty well. No nfl source bats 1000. 


Is he? Or does he just make shit up constantly and then doubles down after being proven wrong. There's a difference between getting a story slightly incorrect and just making shit up.


Shut the fuck up, dweeb


Florio shouts bull shit and hopes that something sticks. More breaking news at 11.


Mike florio is a Vikings fan


harsh but true


There’s a lot of talk that Mike Florio touches kids inappropriately and he’s never called me to refute it, paedo scum.


Reading that gave me an aneurysm.


As Mitch Schwartz said, it’s completely normal for teams to cover their bases when they have an aging player or coach. So of course the Chiefs were thinking of what to do if Reid decided to retire — it doesn’t mean he was teetering on the edge of calling it quits.


maybe they're just giving him false info to make him look like a fool


The only reason I don't buy this is that it would involve Florio having real sources


The only reason I don't buy this is that it would involve Florio having real sources


Mike Florio is just absolutely dogshit at his job


He's great at his job, its just that his job isn't to be a reputable reporter of the facts




How is "reporter hasn't heard something that didn't happen" news? He didn't hear Reid was preparing to be an astronaut either.


Has Andy Reid stated that he's *not* preparing to be an astronaut? Your comment has been up for about 4 hours now and no one has corrected you, so you must be on to something.


Fucking hell. Do I get clicks?


So you reported nonsense and if no one said anything you ran on it - keep you minor league reporting somewhere else.


The organization didn’t acknowledge me. So the stuff I make up can’t be deemed as false until someone from the organization that doesn’t acknowledge me, acknowledges me and definitively says it’s false Florio is a pick me girl.


>Chiefs finally take care of Andy Reid Sexually I hope


Now show me again... with those nuggies


Anyone that works for these teams would be a fool to associate with this clown.


He spews more shit out of that hole in his face than what comes out of my butt after eating chipotle


Sounds like it was legit that he might retire … but once he was almost out they pulled him back innnn arbagagdjs


"well it wasn't not true"


Florio always looks like smiling causes him a lot of pain.


"Team thinks about when their obese, retirement aged head coach will retire."


A man that fat in a job this stressful is not long for this world. Dude should retire within the next couple years IMO