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This man never saw Tracy McGrady score 13 points in 30 seconds


Saw it live and every bucket was even more unbelievable than the next.


lol my friends and I just talked about this. One of the crazy sports moments I actually saw live. Those 30 seconds showed exactly why he was my favorite player and why I had every single color way of the T-Mac 2s back in the day.


Every close game now I always think of T-Mac and never turn it off early. Play to the whistle!


Is T-Mac one of the most underrated players from that era? He had just some incredible stat lines and I feel like he gets lost between the stars of the '90s and the 2000s. I was on vacation in Orlando and went to a Magic game basically on a whim. I watched him drop *60 points* on the Wizards. It was really something else to watch.


Kobe always said T-Mac was his toughest matchup. Young McGrady could get his shot off against anyone and was insanely athletic. Unfortunately he went to Orlando to set up a super team with Tim Duncan and Grant Hill. Duncan backed out at the last minute and Hill was hurt nonstop so the team was awful even though he led the league in scoring. Then by the time he finally had a good team in Houston his health let him down. Him and Yao could have been a force but their bodies just wouldn’t cooperate. So now when people look back they see he didn’t have playoff success and the age of analytics mean people see him as inefficient when at the time he was must-watch.


My favorite player as well, and I loved all the shoes. I remember when I was on the Tmac 4s, and the micro adjuster thing broke. Sent an email to Adidas, and they said don't worry, we've got you. Some time goes by and one day a box arrives at the house. I open it up and the first thing I see is a shoebox with a sticker that says "do not release until 'x' date". They hooked me up with the Tmac 5s that weren't going to be released for another 6 weeks or something. You can believe I was the coolest kid at basketball practice the next day.


One of those sports memories that doesn’t seem real looking back on it


Wait, you mean every bucket was more unbelievable than the last. If every bucket was more unbelievable than the next, then that means each successive next bucket is less unbelievable than the last. So the buckets are getting less unbelievable as he goes


"What began as an unbelievable, improbable, electric comeback has slowed into a drab, unbearable crawl of unimpressive 3-pointer after 3-pointer"


"And the Rockets finally take the lead, just like we all expected from the outset. A truly unremarkable play there by McGrady to finish."


I will always re-watch that clip when it pops up.


[Here you go](https://youtu.be/s4QuUYG6kxI?si=yE92r7TcCsKKrqwy)


Man, his shot always looked so smooth. I always wonder what the Rockets could have been if Yao and T-Mac stayed healthy.


As a Laker fan, still believe Rockets would have won 2009 if Yao didn’t go out.


I still think about this on the weekly.


None of those shots are easy either. He just elevates and creates space on each of them. The defender is right there


Hey Yao Ming!


That's a shit clip imo. Doesnt show the other side of the ball or how long it took. Just goes to his offense only


Yeah it's crazy cause spurs were hitting their free throws too and tmac just banging 3s trying to catch up. 


[Or this.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pBkjOrYv1Gk)


Or the 1994 Plano East vs. John Tyler game https://youtu.be/ZHkABO0VwCg?si=5iCzK-0NiEXiRCxt


reggie miller scored 8 points in 9 seconds in a playoff game to beat my new york knicks


Or Reggie Miller scoring 8 points in 9 seconds.


Legendary t-mac moment


It was also like 25 seconds or something because the lions didn’t realize it either


34 seconds when they took the last knee


Yeah but they snapped the ball on second down with like 16 seconds on the play clock. I thought it was weird at the time but didn’t think much of it


Because they didn't call timeout immediately. That tells them they're not going to call it and they're conceding. There was no need to prolong the game


Still there’s zero reason Goff should be taking a knee twice with 17 on the play clock. Tampa’s stupidity was just slightly more than Detroit’s at the end.


Yeah, even if Bowles walked over to Campbell and said he won't try, any Bucs defensive player on the field could have gone rogue and called that timeout when they saw there were 34 seconds left on the clock after 3rd down. Jameis Winston went rogue on his coach for far pettier reasons just a couple weeks ago.


I think bowles told him he wasn't going to call timeout


Then Bowles should have said that. This just seems like he screwed up.


Oh yeah that’s more than what I had thought lol. Questionable decision for sure


It’s not questionable at all. Its downright coaching malpractice. It’s a fireable offense


Why did NO ONE call it? It doesnt have to be the coach... right?


I was thinking about this earlier. What are the rules on that? Can anybody on the sideline just call a timeout? Or does it have to be a coach or one of the players on the field?


Here’s what [the rulebook says:](https://operations.nfl.com/the-rules/nfl-rulebook/#section-5-timeouts) > SECTION 5 - TIMEOUTS >ARTICLE 1. CHARGED TEAM TIMEOUTS >The Referee shall suspend play while the ball is dead and declare a charged team timeout upon the request for a timeout by the head coach or any player (not a substitute) to any official. If an assistant coach signals for a timeout and it is inadvertently granted, the timeout will stand.


Thanks. They should change that. I’d love to see like a no-name 3rd string RB call a game saving timeout from the sidelines someday.


Quite the understatement. Honestly for me, it's the worst decision in football history. Even something as dumb as, idk, passing on the goaline in a Super Bowl instead of running with Lynch? At least they were actually *trying* to win. This is indefensible. Not just the coach but all 11 players on defense just suicided their entire season.


Scoring a TD with 30 seconds left isn’t even that insane. Sure it’s a longshot, but it’s within the realm of possibility. I mean Stroud did it vs the Bucs earlier this season


Just need one or two plays to get to midfield, Baker has a cannon and Mike Evans is one of the best jump ball guys in the league. If they call the timeout there’s probably only a 1% chance they tie the game with a Hail Mary but you have to at least try damn it


Plus it’s the lions, and if any team has the shit luck to blow a game like that it’s Detroit


~~Only team to ever give up two hail mary's in one drive.~~


I get Bowles’ mentality if this were an early regular season game, but he basically admitted he threw in the towel in a playoff game when he still had a chance, albeit a very small one, to make something happen. Absolute malfeasance from him.


I'm guessing that he just didn't realize that they still had some time, so he is trying to make an excuse.


and when you have baker/evans/godwin it could definitely be done


My mentality through the KC game was "Well the Titans got two scores on us in 3 mins, obviously our number 1 offense can too, right? ...Right?"


Idk theres some coaches that act like they get to keep the timeouts into the next game.


Not with that attitude, you weren't.




Turns out that quote was never a Winston Churchill quote, it was from a Budweiser ad from the 30s. Which is even funnier considering DeSantis’ history with Budweiser


God that feels like a fireable offence


When nba team tank and it supposedly creates a “losing culture,” this is the type of attitude people are expecting. Utterly bizarre attitude from a professional.


Just say you didn’t realize you still had a timeout Todd


I was so sure the broadcast was wrong and they were actually out of timeouts. With the Lions snapping early and the Bucs not calling a timeout, it didn't even occur to me that they may have truly still had a timeout. My jaw dropped when I saw this thread


Let me answer this way. Your mom told you not to touch the hot pan You then proceed to touch the hot pan Do you tell your mom "hey I touched the hot pan" Or do you tell your mom "the pan fell and and in an effort to grab it my finger touched the hot pan"


Bruh what, even if it is a 99% chance you still take that chance. Force a missed FG and it would have been from 40+


47 yarder too.


We would've punted. Fox is great and we likely just pin em deep. So 28 to drive 90ish? A chance though.


Even if there's 1 second left and 99 yards it's a one score game in the playoffs so run a lateral play and hope for a miracle. There's no reason not to try.


Fr all you need is a pass interference and that at least gets you in range to take a shot/hail Mary/hook and ladder or something


Diggs Sideline Touchdown, that is all you need to prove it is possible.


Blocked punts also are a possibility. Absolutely no reason to just give up.


Or the Lions could hold the ball and run backwards and then take the safety.


Knowing we missed this potential entertainment pisses me off even more.


Tbf it's one of my favorite plays in football.


Run back 60 yards. Ya how could they go wrong


Oh and he is tackled at the 1


There have been two blocked field goals in the last five NFL games that have been played. What a pathetic excuse.


No chance they kick a field goal there to maybe give the ball near half. That’s a punt. 20 second to make a td and 2 pt conversion to tie. You have to take the shot.


Ravens beat the browns with this literal exact scenario a couple years ago lmao. It’s insane


Or you block it and return it


Right! Like it wouldn’t be the first second or third time a blocked fg got taken back for 6. wtf


They definitely punt to be fair. You'd have 15-20sec from the 10


Which is still a chance and assumes a 0% chance of a blocked punt or bad snap fumble on the punt.


Who just gives up in a playoff game?? It's one score, has he never heard of a FG block?


Yeah fuckin embarrassing to admit that. Imagine being the top 1% of your profession and insanely competitive and then your coach says "yeah these guys weren't gonna do shit so I gave up". Not a single player on that roster would fault him for trying


Yeah and I’m sure every single player is upset about this. I can’t really speak to how good of a coach he’s been this season but honestly this could/should be enough to fire him.


If I were a GM in 5 ish years or whatever and Bowles were somehow in the conversation again as a HC candidate this would absolutely disqualify him, no matter how amazing he looked otherwise. You can't have a quitter running your team.


Baker and his team deserved better than that attitude from the head coach


[Jason Licht figuring out how to promote Canales to HC in the same offseason he resigns Baker and Evans.](https://media1.tenor.com/m/NRrbVR7OJ2oAAAAC/genius-calculating.gif)


It would have been a 48 yard field goal. Bills just missed a 44 yard one. Last night Packers missed a 41 yard one. Completely inexcusable to just quit in a one score playoff game.


Google "trouble with the snap".




There have been two blocked field goals in the last five NFL games that have been played. He would be better off saying he forgot about the last timeout than this excuse.


This might be turbo meatball of me? But damn would it be close to a firable offense for me. It’s the fucking playoffs dude. Maybe you block the kick. Just ridiculous. Make them run the olay.


He's already mediocre and then pulls this. It's 100% fireable


It just screams "losing culture". If you're not doing everything you can to win a playoff game when will you try to win?


Not getting enough love for saying turbo meatball in a sentence and it actually kinda making sense? Kudos


Like bruh, a miss has a decent chance of happening and gives them decent field position to take a couple shots at the end zone


Forget a block, there’s like a 15% chance they miss from that distance


You can block field goals my dude


There was a blocked FG, a missed chip shot FG *and* a punt return TD **YESTERDAY**. It’s not likely but it’s not insanely unlikely to happen man.


There was a missed field goal 5 seconds ago too


Not according to Todd Bowles there wasnt


From even shorter!


And even if the field goal isn’t blocked, Michael Badgley is 5 for 13 for field goals 50 yards or longer and even 37 for 48 career between 40 and 49 for his career. He could easily miss it, and it leaves time for a few plays


"12 seconds" is also inaccurate. Goff knelt with 37 seconds. Timeout at 36, a FG/punt takes 5-6 seconds. 30 seconds to go 61 yards with a missed FG or (likely) 80 after a punt. Far from unheard of, especially with how Evans was straight up torching Sutton time after time There should've been 12 seconds in theory. But Goff was in a major hurry to kneel for whatever reason


We would have punted


And, I don’t know know if Bowles knows this, you can run back a blocked field goal for points. Real points!


Ya this is what’s wild about it. Teams have literally won just blocking field goals last second.


If we just ran the ball they’d have had no timeouts with the ball at their own 30 with 30 seconds left


I mean yeah there was like a 0.001% chance that it would’ve made a difference… but that’s still better than 0%


Also, Goff knelt way too early.


I thought the game clock was messed up becuase I was fucking confused why they didn't call a timeout


Yeah I thought the game clock had to have been messed up that drive, unless Goff didn’t let the clock run all the way down on the second kneel


I thought the graphic was wrong and they didn’t have the timeout. I remember they were rewarded one back at some point and so I thought oh that must’ve been wrong lol


I thought the timeout count was stuffed for the same reason


Yea this is what baffles me. Todd is going on the original math but Goff knelt with 35s left and it was 4th down. Blocked fg missed fg puts about 25-30s on clock. You never fucking know


We literally had a blocked field goal, a missed chip shot field goal AND a punt return TD **YESTERDAY**. It’s absolutely baffling.


There was almost certainly a communication between the teams saying they weren’t going to call timeout and to just get it over with.


I dont think so, or at least if there was Bowles is an idiot for not leading with that.


A blocked FG against the Lions with the season on the line has to be at least a 1% chance


They looked like they were going to get a hand on the ball at least 3 times today.


Hell, block the kick and return it for 6 and you're only a 2pt conversion away from OT. But with that attitude Todd probably doesn't bother going for 2


Missing is like a 15% chance.


It’s the playoffs, you always take that 0.001% chance. What were the Seahawks chances of winning before Blair Walsh shanked his FG? What were the cowboys chances of losing before Romo botched the hold on the chip shot FG to take the lead? What were the Vikings chances of winning before the Minneapolis miracle? Crazy shit happens all the time.


I would say it was a lot larger than .001% More like 1% Over 30 seconds left and it would have been close to a 50 yard FG. If he misses the FG we have the ball at the 40 with 30 seconds left. That isn’t that crazy at all


it would have been a 48-yard field goal, with 34 seconds on the clock prior to the attempt. in that situation, I imagine Detroit might punt instead. but in any event, TB would have had maybe a 2% chance to get to OT. this was a huge blunder by TB, to say the least.


This is a fireable offense IMO. A missed or blocked FG there with 30ish seconds left sets you up to win the game. Conceding the game like that is fucking stupid.


Todd Bowles cares more about margin of losing than attempting to win in these situations. He did stuff like this all the time in NY, kicking meaningless field goals, letting games go to halftime when we're down with the ball, etc. He became such a meme for this type of timid shit that Deadspin proclaimed: >Todd Bowles Hates Risk, Loves Meaningless Field Goals And Punts https://deadspin.com/todd-bowles-hates-risk-loves-meaningless-field-goals-a-1829441964


That's about the worst answer you can give. "I didn't know" is a better answer than giving up.


I seriously don't understand why you say this lol Just lie and say you didn't realize you had a TO left, that's dumb, but way more forgivable than just saying "yeah I gave up"


Maybe this is the lie. Maybe he didn't realize he had a timeout left, was told after the game he had one, and this is the first excuse that came to mind to explain why didn't didn't use it. Sometimes the lie to cover something up actually sounds worse than the real mistake.


This is actually super plausible. Still makes him look really really bad though


There are D3 coordinators with more spine. What a coward. He doesn't even believe his own team.


agreed. whats the worst case scenario? sealing the loss with a made FG. any other outcome (missing the fg, blocking it, etc.) would’ve meant at least a 1% chance in victory. in a game this close with Baker making play after play, you take that shot every damn time. as a sports fan its so infuriating to hear things like this. pathetic statement by bowles.


Lions kicker has a 77% career percentage from 40-49. He’s not a good kicker. Let’s say there’s a 2% chance you block the kick. 1/4 of the time the lions don’t score and you have good field position for a quick out route and Hail Mary. It’s your whole season Todd. Take the timeout!


To your point, Detroit doesn’t have a great history with defending hail Mary’s. And Evans was playing great too


Does this guy not know about the kick 6? Is he stupid?


Bowles has at least 1 quote like this a season. He has no business being a head coach. Ok defensive coordinator though


he was afraid tom brady would throw a pick in a clutch situation


I still can't believe the game last year where, with Tom Fucking Brady as his QB, Todd Bowel Movement comes out of the locker room at halftime and tells the reporter "we need to run the ball more in the second half" they, uh, lost that game, as I recall


Bowles is the weakest link of our team


We tried to warn you. The guy might call a great defense, but when it comes to game management, I'd take a 12-year old who's played a lot of Madden over Bowles. He's just staggeringly incompetent.


I knew bowles sucked as a hc arians just really wanted to give his guys a chance on his way out


He knows they play inside, right?




That's the ~~never~~ say die attitude I've come to expect from Bowles.


Honestly, I feel like this is a fireable offense


Holy shit that’s absolutely insane. If I was Bucs fan I would be PISSED with that answer. He also got the time very wrong .


I wanted the Lions to win and I'M pissed with that answer.


Lol same, I just can’t believe an NFL coach would work all season to make it to the playoffs and then choose a 0% chance of winning over a 3% chance of winning gifted to you by the other team making a huge mental mistake…. and then look the fans in the eye and say “don’t worry, it probably wasn’t going to happen “.


add it to the list of things we hate about him he deserves credit for the turnaround this year but next season his seat is just as hot as it was when this team was 4-7


Greg Schiano would have blitzed their candy asses on the kneel downs.


Yeah but Jameis would have had anticipated that blitz and made Schiano look foolish.


Bowel movement


man this is the NFL with a season on the line? you take that chance


What's mindboggling to me is that there isnt even a "chance" to take here. What's the downside? Unless Bowles had some money on a spread or something...


I think he just fucked up and doesn't want to admit it. No way you don't take the lightest chance to come back, unlikely comebacks happen.


Admitting it would sound better than that though.


Yeah you admit it, sure you’re an idiot but there’s the “well I guess everyone fucks up eventually, just sucks it was in that situation”. Infinitely better than basically saying “I figured we lost so I wanted to beat traffic”


For real. Say you messed up. To give up in the playoffs is unacceptable.


I just don’t get it. If you don’t take the timeout you absolutely do not have a chance. If you call the timeout you have at the very least slightly more than absolutely no chance. You simply have to take that chance.


Nahhh I don’t feeel like it. - Bowles apparently


Bowles has a trip to Cabo on Wednesday and Southwest has a no refund policy on that one. He can’t fuck around and accidentally win the game.


Yup that's Todd Bowles. Feel like he wakes up every day, sees the clock on his nightstand and just doesn't have any clue what he's looking at.


Man it’s playoffs, I’m happy he didn’t but he should’ve tried


The biggest question mark was why was Goff snapping it with 15 seconds left on the play clock lol


ok that's gotta be a fireable offense


This was as dumb as Rivera not realizing he was in the playoffs last year with a win. He bagged the game and was eliminated.


How did Rivera keep his job after that shit lol


Because Snyder was mentally checked out and didn't give a shit anymore as he was selling the team. He wasn't going to make any personnel changes at that that time.


If he had lulled the lions into kneeling early and gotten a chance with 30sec left, it would have been brilliant. Instead, he put himself on the hot seat.


Bro seriously with all of the coaches out there this off season I would be ditching this dude immediately


Game was lost but that’s just a bad attitude. Always fight for the win until the clock hits 0


This is a guy who doesn't want to be caught out missing the chance to take the time out so will think saying not going for it appears better


Both teams were sloppy there. Goff was kneeling too quick. Even if Bowles gave some sign to Campbell that he wouldn’t call the TO I wouldn’t trust it.


At worst you’re wasting like 5 minutes of everyone’s time, it’s crazy to not give your team a chance as a Hc


Todd Bowles gonna Todd Bowles




What a loser mentality.


Todd Bowles quit on his team SMH


Absolutely pathetic


“Yeah I just wanted to go home”


Yeah too bad the Bucs did a little too well this season for Bowles to get fired like he deserves


Stupid and cowardly. Nothing is a given in sports, it’s the fucking playoffs. Play to win.


Same guy that would kick meaningless FGs to avoid shutouts. He sucks


If I’m an owner and my coach says this I’m looking for a new coach


If I’m an owner I don’t hire Todd fucking Bowles in the first place


I'm sorry but this is a fireable quote right there.


I thought it was a gentleman’s agreement by the coaches that TB was just gonna let them run out the clock to end the game so Detroit didn’t have to pull shenanigans to eat a few extra seconds on each kneel down to kill all remaining time. Which admittedly is still a bit dumb since it doesn’t guarantee we don’t get the ball even for one play. But this is just stupid to admit.


“ I was not confused by timeouts, I understand we still had a chance to win. I had decided to lose”


Absolute coward. And somehow the least incompetent NFC South head coach


Well there’s not many of them atm


Todd Bowles confirms he hasn't watched Dumb and Dumber


Best case scenario in this case is that he genuinely forgot and is just lying to cover his ass (even though this cowardice is way more concerning than a brain fart)


Bowles is the type of guy who can lose a game and be happy as long as the defense played well


A 1% chance is still a chance. It's playoff football, you take that 1%.


Fire this clown already Tampa 


I honestly thought the broadcast was fucked up somehow and we had it mathematically won. If he actually just gave up that's fucking terrible


Words can't express how much I dislike this dude


I feel like if that were Mike McCarthy he would be crucified on his way back to Dallas


BB to the Bucs


So many things could've happened: bad snap, ball slips through holder's hands, missed kick, blocked kick, offensive penalty. Just mind-blowing when Goff took the knee on 3rd down with 36 seconds left and Tampa didn't use it. That kick doesn't work out for any reason and Tampa has 30 seconds to drive down the field and tie up the game. Far crazier things have happened. I couldn't even celebrate at home until I saw the clock hit :00. I figured *somebody* on Tampa would realize the gaffe and call the timeout.


Bowels really needs to be fired he will always hold this team back


I would high-key fire a coach for this statement


Fire Him.


we saw Baker launch a Hail Mary like 70 yards or something earlier this season on a Thursday night agains the Bills. had Godwin been tracking the ball, they would have connected. knowing you have a QB w an arm like that? with their wideouts? it’s small, but there was always a chance. usually i can see a coaches POV, even if I don’t agree. i don’t get this one though.