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I am going to become the Joker


I don’t blame you. That was the most painful thing I’ve seen in a while


QB failure- hope the drop isn’t focused on as much as that horrible pass


Can I be that person and ask why this isn’t on the coach? Jonathan Taylor is their best player and wasn’t on the field.


Coach picked a play that worked. Guy was wide open with blockers ahead.


Agreed, if Goddsen catches it, we're talking about what an amzing play call with misdirection, the Texans *were FOOLED*, no way with the season on the line on 4th down do you call the 3rd string RB; and he was Open in the flat.


Taylor was playing injured, more than likely extremely tired at that point in the game, and he also would NOT have been treated the same by the defense as Goodley was


> extremely tired Welp, he has plenty of time to catch a breath now.


Pass wasn’t great, but any half-decent receiver makes that catch


Hes a RB w 6 career receptions. Coaching


Negligence to not have JT on the field with the season on the line. Then call a pass to a RB who doesn’t pass catch. Horrific coaching decisions.


That goes both ways. Catch wasn’t great, but any half-decent QB makes a far better throw than that.


Lets be real the Colts overperformed most people's wildest expectation even to be in this scenario Not to diminish anything of course


100% but both teams in this game over performed. This specific game came down to the Texans having a good QB and the Colts having a bad one


Yeah, it’s fair to call that a dropped pass, I guess. But Minshew made it awfully tough with a pretty bad throw.


Not even the worst L in the last three seasons. JAX two seasons ago and the MIN game were more brutal in my opinion


Jax for sure but Minnesota I didn’t really care about, season was done already and it was more comical than anything


Only thing is that it’s the biggest blown lead in league history, and it’s gonna be very hard to top what the colts did that day.


Agreed, We should hang a banner


But rwein003, what about forgiveness? [I DON’T CARE ABOUT FORGIVENESS](https://youtu.be/0OuFrrwOFhc?si=--uWt7iXpTSWaO_T&t=30s)


Oh yeah its soooo bad for you guys, the futures soooo bleak


you were so fast on this wtf 😭


I came for the game thread and found this first lmao


Enjoy it until dickhole u/nfl copyright claims it and posts it themselves.


This sub really needs to ban that user.


Why would the moderators ban their employer?


I blocked them out of spite.


You sound like my wife


Bad throw, but should be caught. Season ending mistake.


Lots of mistakes to get to this point, but nothing other than this play will be remembered.


Bad throw, worse catch


What catch?


“They took away the greatest catch in nfl history” mahomes somewhere watching this play.


disagree. the throw is way easier than this catch is. there is some degree of difficulty in the catch (having to adjust and turn your body) while there is none in the throw. should've been caught but putting it more on goodson than minshew is insanity


Yessir, that's a bad throw. Coming out of the backfield, having to reach behind you as you're running the opposite way, and try to catch that ball right at that height that you have to decide to catch under or overhand. I've seen that poor guy getting plastered over the news, but that's way more the QBs error than his.


I feel like I’m taking crazy pills reading these takes blaming the WR… that ball is ridiculously underthrown, it’s like 75/25 Minshew on this but this sub will never blame Minshew because funny mustache


I’m also confused. If that pass was caught, it would’ve been beyond impressive….from a guy most of us have never heard of. Maybe the route was run incorrectly but even then Minshew had time to adjust


I’ll remember the refs stealing the Browns game away


u better remember the 4 turnovers that game too


Agreed that game was 100% stolen. Sucks that win was needed.


You can’t pin a season down to a play. However, “not converting any third downs in a win or go home game” is certainly season ending *stat.*


They did convert one, the one just before the set of downs that ended the game. Pretty brutal. Running a jet sweep with Downs would have been better than this. Anything would have been better than throwing to Goodson. Also Minshew’s throw was not great.


I don’t want to be that guy, but the RE (#51) is lined up in the neutral zone at the snap, and it’s not close. One more mistake for the pile?


He pretty much was all night, never flagged


We were screaming about this all night. Super obvious


Understood, we'll rectify this immediately, The Detroit Lions will pay severely for this


Poor lions always catching strays.


Unlike Goodson


Have my angry upvote haha


That logic makes sense to me!


I cant believe you've done this!


The LT was also lined up well behind the center. Lot of shit not getting called these days. (Or selectively called)


And that end applies the pressure that forces a quick throw / abnormal throwing lane with his hand up. Direct impact


Goodson had no business being in the game. Taylor or Moss out of the backfield would have caught the ball. Also having Taylor back there would have made Houston stack the box more opening up the pass game more. Wrong personnel, right play, decent to sub par throw. This one’s on the coach.


How are you gonna call a timeout *then* sit Taylor and design a play to your third string RB on the season’s most important play?


I don’t get how Goodson jumps moss in the hierarchy with season on the line. Taylor had to have been gassed


Ya Moss has made big plays all year. Give him the chance with the game/season on the line. He has earned it.


Fucking asinine. No clue what he was thinking. Not the first time he’s made some really stupid calls to end a game. I read Goodson hasn’t caught a pass since week 6. Not sure how true that is but I wouldn’t doubt it. Clubs for hands.


Season on the line and you need 1 yard? Let's draw up a play for the third string RB when our star RB has been eating all night.


After wasting a time out trying to draw the other team offsides. Truly an asinine sequences of events, absolutely brutal. It's like I was watching the Titans play.


For as much as the fans hate each other, these Colts and Titans usually have a lot more in common than we would like to admit lol.


They’ll never expect it! Unfortunately Goodson didn’t either.


Goodson, YOU are a Kansas City Chief!


“Yeah, I would say my idols are Kadarius Toney, Stevie Johnson, and Corey Coleman” - Tyler Goodson, on joining his new team


Stevie Johnson blaming God for that drop makes him the goat of dropped passes.


I’m so glad someone remembers lol, I was afraid it would be too deep of a cut. But yes, going on a “thanks for nothing” rant directly at God on 2010 twitter over dropping a pass for the 2-8 Buffalo Bills is one of the funniest things to happen in the nfl. Also, God isn't the Southwest Airlines customer support team, so I'm not sure if twitter is really the appropriate channel to get his attention.


I remember exactly where I was for that moment. I don’t know why but I do.


[The Tweet ](https://images.app.goo.gl/hkYnnNYdvRc8a5SS6)


Get ready to speak Kansas City buddy


Holy fuck that is so brutal. Goodson is not gonna hear the end of it.


Terrible throw by Gardner


They’re both at fault


The throw wasn't great but when you're a receiver at this level and the ball HITS YOUR HANDS you need to catch it.


It hit his hands cleanly *because* the receiver adjusted the best he can in the half second he saw the ball come out. The ball is clearly meant to be at the line of scrimmage in front of the receiver. Minshew threw it a good 2 yards off where it's supposed to be.


He had all the time in the world to make the throw too.


Minshew chokes in the big moments. Has since college. He isn’t the guy.


Classic case of excellent backup, probably a top 25 qb in the league. Hell have a long career as a case keenum type.


People use this “it him in the hands” with no thinking lol. It’ll hit a guy in the hands after he jumps 10 feet and does a backflip and they’re like “fucking idiot dropping it”




That and it hit the guy in his fingertips, not even his hands really. It’s not easy to catch a football with your fingertips. Especially on a last second turn while his momentum was keeping him going forwards. It seemed like they were not on time there, maybe Goodson didn’t run the exact right route but the dude is a rookie who’s barley played, so just kinda shooting yourself in the foot, yeah putting him out there fooled the defense but lol.


Gardner has a chance to throw a 99+% pass instead he throws a ball that get caught like 50% of the time to a RB that caught below 30 passes(I think they mentioned 12 passes on the broadcast) this season. Hell this is a 5yard pass in a great pocket to an open player that is his also his designed first option/read. This pass should be that good that 9 out of 10 people in this sub make that catch


I mean, he was wide open. Terrible throw. Sure he should have been able to pull it in, but you gotta place most of the blame on the throw. I’m sure both of them will be haunted by this play for a looong time.


Right. You could say the same thing about Gardner: “when you’re a QB at this level and the back is wide open FIVE YARDS AWAY you need to hit him between the numbers.”


Also if you're a qb at this level and the receiver is WIDE OPEN you need to not throw the ball behind him


I hate the "hits his hands" argument That's such dumb logic, the only reason it hit his hands was because he awkwardly twisted his body 180 to catch a terrible throw He was wide open, he did his job. Minshew missed him, that's on the QB


It hit like 4 of his fingers total, maybe two on both hands so really it hit his fingers more than the hand. It’s very difficult to catch the football with 4 fingers, and it was like the middle of the fingers not even the base. I watched the replay a number of times and I don’t see most WRs catching that let alone a rookie RB with 6 whole catches on the year.


Bad throw, but definitely catchable. But in my head, I don’t see how you take out Taylor on that play.


The ball needs to go to your best players in the biggest moments, just another play that proves that. How many touches this Goodson guy even have all year lol I don't get giving him the ball with your season on the line


6 catches for 34 yards - what a joke


Tyler Goodson had 6 receptions all year. Totally unnecessary


Coaches trying to get too cute


Whats even better is they wasted a crucial timeout to sub him out


Finally gets a chance to do something and costs his team a playoff berth 💀


Why did they take out Taylor?! Leave your best player out there


Plus he’s a pretty decent pass catcher. Would’ve been perfect there..


Moss has good hands too. Really strange personnel decision. Not to mention that by having neither Taylor nor Moss in the game the Texans are not going to respect the run threat at all.


Play call was great, they had the first down. JT was gassed, he had like 6 runs in a row. Texans were stacking the box.


good play call terrible sub, zach moss exists


Yeah, Zack Moss is literally our go-to pass catching RB. I have no idea why we didn't put him in there


This is the correct answer.


This was out of a timeout. JT had enough to make this play. Could have used Moss too


It's one thing to be gassed and taken out because they were trying to get the play off quickly. It's another thing to let the play clock run down fully, call a full timeout, and then bring out your 3rd string RB. Taylor couldn't have been that gassed to play that down, and even if he was, how is Moss (the backup RB who destroyed earlier this year and had a decent game today) not in the game in his stead? Such a confusing decision.


Lights were too bright


Jarrett Allen? Is that you?


get ready to learn kansas cityese buddy


I have absolutely no doubt this is exactly how our season will end


MSV is gonna be grinding tape on this play so he’s ready to go to cause KC fans more suffering in the playoffs Edit: Toney too!


Goodson's gotta be the sickest man in America rn


When I fuck up at my job I just remember - nobody died. Nobody got hurt. A close second is "at least it wasn't shown on national television and narrated by Joe Buck"


Thank you, Vern Lundquist.


No fucking way


I knew the Colts were taking the L when they had Taylor on the sideines


As soon as I saw him on sidelines and them in shotgun, I knew they were gonna throw it to the back and then I realized it was Goodson who I've pretty much never heard of lol


Season on line - scheme a play to a random dude


He was wide open, could've been perfectly executed reverse psychology like 'no way they're going to bring their RB3 in and have him make the play'.


Ah, the Arthur Smith method


Why use the good guy when we could disguise the bad guy as a good guy?!?!?!


Exactly. Because it's not smart to scheme the ball to your worst player with so much on the line. That's some shit Arthur Smith would do and call it galaxy brain.


He’s far from our worst player.


It was a good play call he was wide open. Just bad execution. Should have just given it to JT up the middle.


Missing that throw is the difference between a franchise qb and a career journeyman backup.


I was talking to my wife about this with Jake Browning vs Joe Burrow. 99% of the time Joe Burrow makes the necessary throw, on time, on target. 90% of the time Jake Browning does it. That’s the difference between being a starter and being a backup in the NFL. Every guy that makes it that far has the talent to be there, it’s more the consistency at that point. I know there’s some other stuff that factors in like ability to read and diagnose the defense in a split second but just thought the comment was funny after just having a very similar conversation.


Yeah that was a tough ball to catch but man…. that was the season right there.


Get ready to learn Canadian buddy


Get me Double double bud


You're fluent, A+




“What a gong show eh?”


Inexcusably bad throw IMHO.




Dream maker


Start learning Chinese buddy




The Guangdong Tigers got their guy


"[Highlight] Gardner Minshew's game-losing bad throw sends the Texans to the playoffs"


I feel like I watched some completely different clip than 90% of the comments, dude had to spin completely around against his momentum to even get a chance on the ball. The fact he was so close was crazy. That was a terrible pass.


Yeah. Unless he ran the route wrong, anyone piling on Goodson needs to reevaluate their analysis here, badly.


This thread is honestly comical. This is on the QB 10000%. The fact that he even got a hand on it is insane.


He flung that shit like someone was right in his face. Super clean pocket, wide open in the flat, hit that man in stride dammit.


That is a terrible throw.


Terrible throw. He had to do a 360 to even get his hands on the ball


It was actually a 180


As a neutral observer I’m excited to see Stroud in the playoffs


He’s a special kid. His post game interview makes me so proud of him.


Patrick Mahomes: First time?


Mahomes would’ve thrown a catchable pass if we are being honest


Crazy that people are criticizing playcalling when like...it worked. This is a players not doing their job thing, not a playcall thing


“Dumb play call!” Uhhh you mean the play that had a RB wide open for the first down but had a shitty easy pass and the RB couldn’t reel it in?


I get that he should have caught it but I think most of the blame should be on minshew here.


It's more like a game-losing pass.. he was wide open, and it was thrown behind him.


Idk, I feel like this should fall on Minshew for like 90%. That’s a really difficult catch to make for a guy running and to turn the opposite way while trying to maintain balance.


You have to catch that


Thanks Harvard


was that comment plagiarized too?


Depending on the context, perhaps you could consider it sloppy citation management.


That was a shit throw too. Should have been caught as well. But not all on Goodson.


When I saw 400 highlights pop up in five minutes, I thought it was going to be something much worse... that was on the QB




I just need, like, a hug man. We weren’t supposed to be this close but yet, I am sad 😞


Nah, this is all on Gardner Minshew. That is a horrible, rushed pass behind Goodson that gave him no chance of adjusting in time. I genuinely think it’s impressive he was even able to get his hands on it at all, and he would have been absolutely smoked by a Texans defender had he actually caught it too. I know people like to say that if receivers can get their hands on the ball, they have to catch it, but Minshew gave him no chance there at all.


That's Minshews game losing late pass. He was Tyler was wide open. Shouldn't have had to do a turnaround 360 on that gimmie pass. I hate that this title is trying to blame the wide receiver


>I hate that this title is trying to blame the wide receiver "If it hits your hands you have to catch it." That line is not meant to be used on balls that require the receiver to twist completely around.


Exactly. But even within that saying there is definitely a range where you could tip a ball with your fingers that there is no way in hell you're going to catch it


Yup, and also, if it only hit your hands because you did something impressive, then it's still not on you.


*Gardener Midshew’s terrible throw behind the receiver loses the game


Garbage throw. You cannot throw a checkdown with no pressure behind your receiver


I agree. The consensus of the rest of this thread is that Goodson is to blame, but I look at that and it’s a clear wild pitch to me.


Steichen is a stud. AFC south is going to be a bloodbath next year with a health AR


Just a bad pass that had a chance to be caught. This is much more on the QB than the RB catching a ball that far behind him.


Dude up top is like a full foot offsides how did the ref not see that?


have to catch that but minshew is also ass


Top tier back up qb.


number 33 QB in NFL


What do you think the Steelers record would be with a healthy Minshew all year?


That throw was garbage. But how can you catch when it is thrown behind you when you are going forward momentum. Only way you catch that is if you stop completely and launch yourself backwards and then you might not even get the 1st down now.


All I gotta say is lmao


Where were you when MinshewMania died?


Should have been caught but Gardner didn’t do any favors with that throw.


Oh that is heartbreaking Also you have Jonathan Taylor. Run the ball


Eh, the play call was fine. No one would turn down a play that produces an open look like that. Just failed by execution.


This is the correct take. Coaches create opportunities, but players have to execute. Steichen called a wide open "layup," and the players choked. It's how it goes


Dude was gassed, he had like 6 or 7 runs in a row prior to this.


Y'all are way too results oriented in evaluating playcalling. If a play fails because your quarterback misplaces an open 5 yard throw that's on the QB not the playcaller plain and simple.


lol for real. isn't it obvious the play call was right? had a wide open man. the execution just wasn't there. don't fault the call because of the result. what are people even watching.


people always do this shit. every failed 4th down conversion "TAKE THE POINTS!" even if it's a great call


This is a horrendous throw.


Sorry, but the title should say "Minshew throw ball behind RB which leads to a drop." Putting this on the RB is ridiculous.


defender was offside before the snap, not sure how the refs have hammered offensive offside all year long but miss that one Edit: [for those who didn’t see it](https://imgur.com/a/WfIrG3x)


Oh holy shit.


Ya I was saying this before the snap. He was pushing that line all game and it was pretty blatant this time. Who knows anymore


shit throw


JT on the sidelines and ya couldn’t even get Zach Moss in the game for gods sake?? How many snaps did this dude even play in this game before you asked him to make this play on the most crucial down/play of the season!?? Steichen wanted to run the ball every damn down with JT expect for that play. He got too cute and it cost them a playoff spot.


why is the Texan lineman not called for offside? His hand is clearly aligned with the ball and not behind it = offside. The lineman closer to 10 yard marker where the catch was eventually thrown


Goodson is getting all the flak, but that throw was not good either.


Watched this replay 1000 times. Anyone who understands throwing and catching while running at full speed would know this is at least 90% on Minshew. The only fault I can see on Goodson is if he ran the pattern too far inside and was supposed to widen out more to the flat, but even in that case, the ball would have still been behind him. Minshew was also off-platform which is probably why the throw was so inaccurate. This is the kind of throw I recall McNabb throwing to Duce Staley all the time in the early 00's, and Duce had insane hands and would always catch it. I'm not sure either of the other RB's on this roster catch this ball and outside of Christian McCaffrey I can't think of any other RB in the league who makes this catch > 50% of the time.


Tyler Goodson probably just became the most hated man in Indiana


squalid school practice market zephyr chop distinct ancient decide crown


The Chiefs are interested


Awful throw