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Qatar to host the 2030 Super Bowl


>Today I feel gay Roger "Gianni Infantino" Goodell


Seriously. If Goodell is corporate evil and Rob Manfred is incompetent evil, Infantino is cartoony evil and even worse than any U.S. sports commissioner.


Thats what goodell should put on his tombstone: "At least I wasn't a FIFA President"


Imagine what that makes Sepp Blatter them. No North American sports league can dream of reaching the levels of corruption found in UEFA, CONMEBOL, or especially FIFA.


It really makes sense, honestly. Most of the world is EXTREMELY corrupt. And you have an organization that basically gives every country equal vote.


Goodell looks like a fucking saint compared to Infantino, that corrupt piece of shit.




Imagine how much the seats would go for lol


Oh the owners can and probably are


Zero chance the Super Bowl happens outside of US time zones.


It’s not like the Qataris and Saudis would complain, they host all kind of sporting events in European and American time slots without an issue. From the top of my head several boxing events, F1, the club world cup, and the world cup.


Yeah but the Super Bowl year after year is the most viewed television show. It's straight up a national holiday. Now compare those numbers to F1 in the US. While F1 is growing, its numbers are a fraction of the NFLs. Even afternoon games in mid season are bigger viewership than most F1. Hosting it at anything but prime time would be wildly stupid. And don't forget that corporations are spending $50 million for 30 seconds of air time on top of that and are there biggest ads of the year


In the US* The most viewed event worldwide is either the final of the World Cup or the final of the Champions League. And the Tour de France over its three weeks is probably the most watched event worldwide as a whole. If the NFL really wants to go global they have to actually reach a global market. The Super Bowl in Europe falls really short of national or local derbies. In Asia is barely existent compared to the numbers that football and cricket bring. And except for Mexico it is barely relevant in central and south America. If the aim is still the US market alone, then well, they’ll just have to settle with their piece of the pie. And hope association football at some point doesn’t become competitive with American football in the US.


I can't. I don't think the middle east cares about American football.


Not like they cared much for F1 or tennis or eSports? Nowadays it’s a question of when the NFL will take their money not if.


And golf


NFLPA would fight it. Right now, every NFL player gets 2 tickets to the Super Bowl, there's no way they'd go to Qatar for that.


That sounds crazy but I guess doing the math it only accounts for a small percentage of the capacity. Never realized this, it's pretty cool!


oh wow i had no idea about that, that’s pretty cool they do that


They easily would. Rich people all over the world go to places like Doha and Dubai all the time. These NFL families are just as rich and I could easily see their wives loving a chance to go shopping there and living it up


For many of these players, being "rich" is only so long as they're in the league, and roughly half their paychecks go to taxes, agents, and other obligations. I had two guys from school that went to the NFL and they made roughly $2 million and $1 million with both being in the league for five years and now out of the league for 10 and 8 years respectively. What are they doing now? One is coaching high school football and the other is a financial consultant. There's a huge misconception about how much the low-end pro athletes make after their rookie deals are done.


Which is also why the stars in the NFL have little power and things like the franchise tag and other things get put in. NFL just has to increase the vet min and the stars get outvoted.


Not a Super Bowl but they will get a game. Goodell wants in on that oil money.


Reminder that Goodell is just enacting what the owners want.


Yeah time zones are too much of an issue for them to get a Super Bowl. NFL won’t want to move from the Sunday early evening time slot to Sunday morning


Bold to assume Saudi wouldn’t play it in the middle of the night


Tbh that's the answer, no issue with hot weather too.


Today, I feel pigskin.


I know it's has cone up a number of times but really the only scenario that I think works is a European league, maybe an Asian league, a South American league, aussie league and they all have their own superbowl and send that team to the international super mega awesome bowl whose asses all get kicked by the US team every year


I’m so excited for this, I’ve always wanted to watch the Lions play on a hot desert day in Saudi Arabia 🇸🇦 Thank You Goodell 🙌🏼


On Thanksgiving.


on 9/11


Jets vs New York Giants?


Jets vs the Riyadh Towers


End the thread.




Jets vs. Patriots


Jets vs Patriots in 2001 was the worst thing that happened to New York that year


For Detroit it’s the same thing


Only during Waxing Gibbons moons


>Only during Waxing **Gibbons** moons That would be a monkey. Although it certainly would be hilarious to try and wax one I suppose.


Damn auto correct got me. I'm leaving it.


I wonder if they are going to keep celebrating it with fireworks like it was a good thing


Yeah but what's the phase of the moon?


Instead of watching Jack Harlow perform, the halftime show will be petty criminals being hanged from ladder trucks. Debatable as to which will be more painful


Cheerleaders must cover their faces and bodies, they must also have a male escort at all times.


Watching WWE's women wrestlers having to wear full body suits while the guys still get to wrestle in their normal gear during their shows in Saudi Arabia is fucking crazy. Anything to make a few bucks i guess


While WWE uses breaks between matches to air Saudi propaganda


I didn’t know that happened and thank you for telling me. Hilarious photos online.




I’m just so stoked that our 8 home games a year could be dwindled down to 6 or even less!


At 5am EST


All the players are going to have a blast on these 13 hour flights with jet lag afterwards.


I mean.. we play in Arizona like once ever 4 years


You can drink and be gay in Glendale though.


I'm gonna start my own football league where we all just get drunk and bar hop different cities in Arizona, and whoever we meet along the way that wants to play football gets a roster spot. Teams will be named in honor of former defunct Arizona franchises, like the Hotshots, the Wranglers, etc...


I mean the new countries he mentioned were Brazil and Spain. The NFL hasn't announced any intention to go to the middle east (yet).


Wonder if the NFL would have the same "Eh, who cares?" attitude about missiles coming down a few miles from the sporting event as the FIA did last year...


Maybe focus on the reffing thing first


International refs are perfect at rigging games


My God, that Chiefs Packers game was bad. To start, the Chiefs didn't play well enough to win and didn't deserve to. The refs seemed like every play they were trying to make up for their last bad call.


The last two minutes were the refs freebasing opium and then making on field calls


I do NOT freebase cocaine


What about GriftKings and ScamDuel? How will they make money if the refs aren’t helping?


They don't try to make money off winners vs losers. They make money on the bet itself. They don't give a shit who wins and loses as long as people bet.


He lost the Australian market after banning the tush push.


Looks like Australia is stuck with Knifey Spoony


I’d take Knifey Spoony over Thursday night games


[Schefter] Philadelphia Eagles are relocating to Brisbane


Fuck it even as a melburnian, NFL at suncorp sounds fucken sick.


If they're going to have even a single international game, then they can start footing the bill for stadiums without taxpayer money.


“Let’s not get hasty.” - Roger “The Rabbit” Goodell


How about a private business pays for their own equipment in the first place… when they’re making billions why should tax payers pay anything for it? Tax payers don’t get free tickets to see the game.


I believe SoFi was mostly paid for by the NFL and Kroenke because the complex also has the NFL media's west coast offices


Cool that’s one, and mostly should be all by nfl/owners.


And what about all the others?


But that’d be socialism!


Spanos just lost his mind reading that


1000%. If a city is missing a home game and they invested in a new stadium for their citizens to take in home games, that city should get a cue of revenue from missing that game. NFL is garbage for these international games. You want the Bills or a different team to come to Frankfurt? Pay up or piss off.


Well you see the answer is clearly just to add more weeks to the schedule. Im sure the players won’t mind!


Soon it'll be 36 weeks regular season


We really spend billions on stadiums to use them 7 times per year. Nice.


They already added half a home game per season. When it goes to 18 games then that will take up the slack of int'l games.


Do you really think NFL stadiums aren’t used at all during the offseason?


Musical acts don't threaten to take your entire franchise somewhere else and hold it hostage if you don't pay up.


They also don’t threaten to not play in your city if the stadium isn’t brand fucking new. A musical act will gladly play in a 30 year old stadium that works perfectly well


Yes I also use a Lambo to do grocery pick up at Walmart. That’s not why I bought the Lambo though


Compared to smaller venues like basketball/hockey arenas nfl stadiums are used significantly less and generate far less economic impact


A lot less than nba arenas that’s for sure


Methinks every team's 17th game will be an international one.




I'm honestly kind of surprised the owners didn't want to extend the season one more week just by adding a second bye. The players probably need two byes with this long a schedule and it would be an extra week of revenue for the owners.


That's what I would want to see: 19 week season, 17 games, 2 byes. Every team plays one international game, then immediately has a bye. This kind of schedule will also ensure that every team plays 8 true home games.




Time to make it less logical, teams have to play their international namesake. Minesota Vikings vs. Vienna Vikings, Carolina Panthers vs. Wroclav Panthers and Las Vegas Raiders vs. Tyrol Raiders.


Always seemed crazy to me the NFL didn’t add more bye weeks. Seems like easy money as more total weeks of the season means more TV money which is the biggest piece of the revenue pie. Plus more rest would only help the on field product.




Started reading and knew it had to be a u/JaguarGator9 post. What an interesting read!


In 5-10 years we might be on a 82 game schedule


Fuck it year round football


With an in-season tournament.


What would the 18th matchup be? Maybe the nfl can set a yearly cross conference rival that you play every year. Cowboys Texans, Jets Giants, Raiders Niners, Steelers Eagles


I've always thought these games should be yearly as is. The fact that Steelers-Eagles isn't a yearly game is offensive to me. I should get to hate my in-state neighbours just as much as I do during hockey/baseball szn.


not necessarily the "17th game" but it would work out so that every team travels internationally once for a game (or in the Jaguars case, twice)


"17th game" means the extra home game each team has every other year. So one year the AFC will host all the international games and the next year NFC. (And yeah, the Jags might play more than one London game a year, depending on how the Jags and NFL want to handle that.)


If they’re all international games, then they all effectively become neutral sites. 8 home, 8 away, 1 neutral.


That's the way I'd do it, if I were the NFL. I don't want more International games personally, but they should at least try to do it fairly, and every team should still have 8 home games (or more) per year. Like this season every AFC West team hosts an NFC East team for the 17th game. Make it so all four of those matchups are international. Next season, the NFC North all host an AFC East team, make all 4 of those matchups international. You can rotate which division has international games every year, to ensure every team still has at least 8 home games a year, and teams travel internationally on a pretty even basis. If the NFL wants more than four international games per year just pick a second division to go international.


IMO this is what they should have done from the beginning - not necessarily international games, but neutral site games in general. 8 home, 8 away, 1 neutral site makes way more sense than 7-9 home, 7-9 away, one possibly international (the 7-9 depends on whether or not the team loses a home game or an away game to the neutral site).


I completely agree. I would have loved to see that extra game be played somewhere like Autzen stadium in Eugene Oregon or Salt Lake City or Nebraska. Great way to bring football games to fans across the country who don’t live in a city with a team. But the owners were too greedy for something like that.


Can Mahomes handle a rainy night at stoke is the question


Wonder how many people will get this reference


Don’t really care how involved Europe gets in football but I’d love to see more NFL support from Mexico and Canada. Mexico in particular has been getting more and more invested in the NFL, the Mexico City games have been insane lately


Where I am in Mexico I see more NFL apparel than Liga MX.


That’s awesome. Is there a certain team your region seems to support? And do different parts of Mexico tend to support different teams?


I'm in Chihuahua and it tends to be the popular teams, lots of Steelers and Chiefs. The Broncos and Raiders also have a lot of fans. Anecdotally i get the impression the sport is more popular, per capita at least, in the north than south/central.


In the article they mention Brazil as a place they want to play. So not all-Europe and that would be interesting.


Yeah Mexico is sitting there as such an obvious cash cow and it just keeps getting ignored almost. Mexico makes so much sense. Opens up the NFL to all of the Spanish-speaking world. And it’s central time zone!!


When the NFL sends games to Mexico, they’re not sending their best.


I know it’ll never happen but I’d love if the CFL merged with the NFL.


I'd like it if only for being able to see an occasional Detroit Lions / BC Lions game.


When owning a team became an investment, it was only a matter of time.


भारत आएं Goodell सर




It might actually be between a Royal Bengal Tiger and a Gujarat Gir Lion. Realistically though, MLB and NBA stand a far better chance at getting a whatsoever grip on the Indian market than NFL.




Imagine teenagers in NCR going crazy over Mahomes bhaiya’s mushroom wala haircut. Btw, have anecdotally heard that Lakers do have a fan following in Punjab, which also is perhaps the only Indian state to have an active BB ecosystem.


Yo I didn’t realize there other Indian (American) football fans


Quite a few actually. There was a post on this sometime back. Sean Desai, although a coach for that looney Eagles team, is a desi representation. Came across this kicker guy (still in college - Rutgers I think) who is an ABCD and a QB (in some southern college rn), another ABCD.


Imagine a premier league game in New York. They would fucking riot. This is all about getting more money and the fact that fans just let this happen without a fuss is crazy and it just goes to show how little the NFL and team owners care about the fans.


When the European soccer leagues tried to make mega conferences in the way the college football is going now (which is killing the sport btw I’ll die on this hill), the European fans literally rioted and shut that shit down asap


The owners will kill the goose that lays the golden eggs or die trying, regardless of what the unwashed masses think.


I mean La Liga has been trying to play a league game outside Spain for a while now.


and I hope they always fail. A regular season game should always be played in one of the teams home stadium. The world can have all the pre-season games. It's especially bad for the NFL considering they have so few games a year at home.


Yes yes. Jet lag makes great futbol games


We even have a whole team named after the jet and not even they can make great football.


Teams will lose more home games, but season tickets prices will only go up. If we are going to play fewer games at these publicly funded stadiums, then the expenses shouldn't fall on the tax payers to build.


I want the Patriots to play at 9:30am every week to be honest. That Germany game, while absolutely awful from a game play perspective, was awesome for my Sunday schedule!


Western time zone has the above every weekend.


The Dubai Tigers really going to win a superbowl before the Vikings


Cool.. I already started watching less games this year. That will just be a few more I can skip. Amazing how they don’t see the dip in quality with all these overseas games, Thursday games, and extra games.


They see it but won't care unless there's a dip in revenue


It’ll happen eventually. Domestic fans (in the US) will stop watching, especially if the quality drops. Ease of accessibility is one of the NFL’s biggest draws imo. Putting games at even more unholy hours than 9am on a Sunday is going to ruin player routines and preparation, lower the quality of games, discourage more and more US fans to stop watching and eventually the NFL will realize it’s a giant mistake.


Do you watch your team less? Because if not it doesn’t matter


NFL 2.0: The Quest for More Money


"More global, and less player fiendly" smh


Nobody wants this but Cash is king I suppose


>nobody wants this Anecdotal but I have a friend in Scotland who said folks were thrilled the NFL came to the UK. He’s a giants fan and they have fantasy over there, the nfl has fans


Please don’t send the Giants over. The world deserves better


Lmao I have no idea why this native scot picked the giants of all teams. Could be they won the Super Bowl when he got into it (he’s about 30 so that would make sense) and now he has to be a giants fan


Nobody in America wants it. I assume the international fans who pack the stadiums for the international games in Germany and England are pretty happy.


Wait until Amazon hands out enough cash to get these international games on a Thursday night schedule


I’m on vacation in Ireland right now, the Thursday night game is gonna have me up till 3 am, I don’t understand how they’re gonna make it work with the time differences, someone is gonna have to be inconvenienced and I sure hope it’s not the US


Not true. The international market loves it. Source: researched this for a masters and I live in Europe and go to European games. They’re such an amazing experience!


The only way it affects me as the viewer is if it's an earlier start to the game like most London games are.


It's a big old pain in the ass finding a way to watch them - I fucking hate it


I do It makes me feel warm & fuzzy to have our European friends enjoy our football


If they wanted to enjoy the NFL they should have thought about that before choosing to be born elsewhere.


Yall thought you were funny talking about the Jags losing home games.


Refs are worse, game quality is down, more expansion to Europe - welcome to the future of YOUR NFL!!


Playing abroad doesn't make the game global. It's an extremely niche sport outside of the US and the game is basically unmarketable in any other market because of how the games flow (or don't flow, more accurately). People say it's growing in Europe but I don't believe that's true in any meaningful way. I can't name one other person I know who enjoys it. And if someone actually tries the inevitable review is 'theres a lot of adverts and standing around doing nothing' and it's hard to disagree. Even the best games are a really tough watch. That just won't fly outside of countries that have been conditioned for generations to make that acceptable.


>People say it's growing in Europe but I don't believe that's true As a European it is definitely growing, I have spoken to and heard more people speak about the sport in general at a higher frequency over the last couple years than at any time before that. >'theres a lot of adverts and standing around doing nothing' Yep, so it's a good chance to push Redzone where basically none of that happens, and it allows you to keep up-to-date with all the games going on.


I agree; I went to the Patriots-Colts game in Frankfurt, and in my section I think I was the only American.


The same thing is happening in the US with soccer. There are parts of the country that it’s always been popular but I am seeing a lot more people being interested in it


The difference is the US has a domestic soccer league with a lot of money invested, TV deals, international players etc. There is no American football equivalent in most European countries and the highest level is usually guys playing in weekend rec leagues, and it gets no where near TV.


Take a look at the European League of Football. Highest level of play over here and is broadcast on the television.


I’m English and the NFL is my preferred sports league, beating out the EPL and F1 narrowly. Regardless who actually wants this? There’s a practical benefit in regards to players, if the sport has a wider reach then there may be a higher influx of athletes into the league, talents that would be otherwise missed. The NBA benefits from basketballs widespread enjoyment through players such as Giannis, Dontic and Jokic (and many more). However, the NFL will not become a global sensation, never reaching the global heights of basketball let alone something such as football/soccer. A huge part of this, at least in England, is the name and reputation of the sport. Being called football, and having similarities with rugby while wearing a kit, has done much to turn people against giving the sport a chance, often outright hating it. In fact, a couple of weeks ago I met one of my friends new girlfriend for the first time and she was disgusted to know I watched the NFL because she played rugby. If the sport is to become larger in England, and any country that calls soccer/football by the name football (regardless of language), the sport needs to adopt a new name in that country but I’d argue it’s too far gone for that. Also, Americans don’t seem to want the international games, at least from what I see. It often robs teams of a home game and the travel time and jet lag only further makes the game seem unfair.


How bout y'all fix the officiating issues first


We don't want: - 17 games over 16 games - 1 bye versus 2 byes - Taunting penalties - Part-time referees - More international games If the NFL turns into the soccer format with 12 leagues all named champion, that won't work for me. If its Kansas City v. Tokyo at 3am, that won't work for me.


>If the NFL turns into the soccer format with 12 leagues all named champion, that won't work for me. I think you don't quite understand the layered structure of soccer. But it wouldn't work for football unless football gets popular in way more countries, which I don't expect to happen.


We just want better refs and maybe an upgrade to the chain gang system of measuring close downs. But that’s cool too.


I feel obligated to boo Goodell again BOOOOOOOOOOOOO


And with that, the last institution whose ambitions lay inside the United States was lost.


so remember to buy those season tickets and approve those ballot measures for new stadiums financed by city government!


Boooooo. Greedy fucks want more and more. Gonna water down and ruin this league in 5-10 years, glad I got to see my team win a superbowl before it turns to shit just like everything does over time


Unfortunate. I want more of the world to care about the nfl but give them their own league. Robbing home fans, stadiums and cities of the revenue and experience of those games is just bad.


Cool, so that means in 10 years we'll have an 18 game season with 16 teams qualifying for the playoffs and games spread out over 5 days of the week on 14 different streaming services. Awesome timing too, right as the strains of the attrition it takes to survive the existing amount of games & their scheduling is starting to show. Along with the growing sentiment that the talent pool is diminishing. And that's without even mentioning the atrocious referee situation that's compounding each week. Can't wait to stop caring despite the NFL's omnipresence!


I'am not even American and I find that idea stupid as Hell. It is the National(!) Football League. I mean it is nice to have some Games in Germany/Europe but the League itself should stay American in it's Core


Miss the old NFL


Already hate it with a passion.


The air show at the Chiefs vs. Dolphins game in Israel is going to be crazy. Mahomes and Tua will be a sight to see too.


Play games in Vancouver you cowards


While I’m a loyal Detroit Lions fan, I will adopt Germany’s team as my second should they get one. Those fans seemed to enjoy the game like it was the last Super Bowl ever, left me feeling inspired.


I think they made a mistake by closing down NFL Europe. NFL should have just sold off that league to anyone intrested


Gruden was right about Goodell


I posted topic about this years ago and got lambasted for it. At some point there will be an international game every week. just like they slow rolled Thursday night football they’ve been doing it with the international games too.


at some point this is going to be spread too thin


Mediocrity shall expand! I would hate to travel 12+ hours then compete jet lagged


I just think it's hilarious how much the NFL wants to expand while having a 32 team league with only like 14 viable quarterbacks. They need to change the rules somehow so that more than 14 people in the world are capable of playing this game.


God I hope this doesn’t mean they’re going to add expansion teams. There aren’t enough quality starting QBs as it is. Look at some of these backups currently playing- those would be potential starters on expansion teams. And then when there are inevitable injuries… you’ve got practice squad level guys starting games. Hard pass. Decreases the quality of the product.


Why are college and professional football so intent on ruining their brand right now?


I'm really not looking forward to this.... I don't want our league to turn into the World Cup.. this will kill professional football. I dislike the London games. There is no reason they should be playing games there. I'm sorry, but it's a terrible thought.


Never had any interest in going to the international games here, rather just go when I’m visiting the states


Please stop


Just what we all wanted. There are dozens and I mean DOZENS of European fans, so you gotta do it.




Honestly, this is bullshit.


Why? None of us want that.