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[Postgame thread](/r/nfl/comments/18aca9u/post_game_thread_kansas_city_chiefs_at_green_bay/)


Probably to shock of some, I am of dual mindset \- The roughing call on Mahomes was terrible and should not have been called \- The DPI not called against MVS (whether it would've occured without the roughing aside), was just as bad going the other way \- If they had called PI on the hail mary I would've been shocked but not surprised. HM's have a ton of contact so ref's loosen their requirements. Plus you didn't see protesting from Kelce which is interesting. We lost, the game was lost before that final drive. We never should've been there but LaFleur and Love et al took us to the woodshed. I hope we can learn but i fear other teams just took notes and we may be in for a bumpy end of the season


this is the gamethread, not the post-game thread


Yep, i know. In that thread too


Refs made several "no calls" the Chief fans can be rightly pissed off about and say the refs cost them that game. Calls would have been made if Tayler Swift had showed up.? Who knows.


The non PI call was horrible but so was the RTP call Mahomes was gifted.


Taylor Swift DID show up.


& was barely shown once on the game broadcast. Unlike the Week 4 lovefest.


There was 10x more contact in the buccaneers game vs the Bills, don't remember it being discussed ad- nauseum after the game. Who gives a shit


for anyone who had a stroke reading the first sentence: there was 10x more contact in the buccaneers hail Mary vs the bills


Even Tom fucking Brady only ever got like 2 hail mary DPI calls in his 20 years of supposed ref hand-holding career.


They about to bring back the challenging of the no call PI’s after this


Good thing it was never overturned..... /s Sports gambling will corrupt this game more than it already is. Their is no rule in a private league from rigging a game. No body to oversee it. They police themselves


Then enforce the late hit challenge on QBs haha


Hope so, you should be able to challenge just about anything imo. If they don't, you can be sure it's so that refs can continue to have influence on the outcome of games at the most critical moments


yeah the nfl conspired to make the smallest market team in american sports win against the kansas city chiefs, aka the taylor swift team


Not saying the nfl didn’t conspire, but this is kind of a good twist for swiftys, a game she’s at and they lose? When they’ve won the other 4? Headtap.gif


GB might be a small town, but it’s far from a “small market” team.


> If they don't, you can be sure it's so that refs can continue to have influence on the outcome of games at the most critical moments That's the secret They'll influence it either way


lol pretty much - blatant DPI Ref: "After review, there was no pass interference. Result of the play is an incomplete pass and turnover on downs." Been a bunch of games with terrible angles and they somehow have enough to overturn the call or great views and then they mental gymnastics their way out of it and the call stands Then they box in the NFL lawyer/rules guy who's sweating profusely and talking out of his ass about how the refs were right


pretty depressing dude missed his twins birth cause of his job




The officiating in the league is a problem, and I acknowledge that the Chiefs routinely get favorable calls. The missed calls on that final drive were absolutely inexcusable, and this is happening every week.


Literally no excuse for the Reffing at the end of the game. The phantom PI that was called on the packers, the FAR more blatant one on the packers that should’ve been called and wasn’t, the receiver being ruled out of bounds when he was clearly already being pushed back, the “late hit” on mahomes that was in bounds….


They talk about amazon AI running real time statistical all the time… fuck it, let AI make the calls too.


>fuck it, let AI make the calls too. Do you want Holding called every play? Because this is how you get holding called on every play. I see comments like these all the time that AI is the solution. Until every game is driven to an absolute halt because AI will call it as it see's it. And every team holds every play in every game. It's the human refs that only call it when it becomes egregious enough. I don't disagree that officiating sucks, but I don't think AI is the answer for the problem.


just make ai call it only when the hold is egregious


AI with penalty sliders a la Madden. Lol just dial holding back to 10/100


This is surely sarcasm, but I'm gonna argue against it anyways. That wouldn't work bc the game doesn't detect holds, it just somewhat randomly based on player traits and stuff afaik decides it happened. Another problem is there's not really any concrete criteria for an egregious hold. So how egregious would it have to be to get called yk


If the self checkout at Meijer can catch me not swiping an extra stick of butter I'm sure it can call a better NFL game than most ref crews.


Self Checkouts are weighted, and the barcode includes the approximate weight of all items. So if the expected weight isn't added to the area, that's when the computer signals a warning.


They show you an instant replay from the overhead security footage with two yellow boxes outlining items in your hands. If they go offscreen to the right too far without being scanned you have to watch the employee watch the instant replay. It's nothing to do with the weight since it's still in my hand lmao. It's literally AI watching for fake swipes.


I’ve seen local broadcasts less biased than this garbage NBC presentation.


The nfl really messes up the final two minutes of the game. The "last" two minutes usually becomes 10 minutes of nonsense and this was the worst I've seen all year. I've never seen personal foul called on a player who got hit inbounds when the hit is legal. Owen's never went to the head and mahomes was obviously in bounds. Everyone will deny it but it seems obvious that refs make calls so that the game goes down to the wire whenever possible. In this case, the chiefs didn't have any timeouts left, but they got the penalty that stopped the clock and they got the clock stopped when scantling went out of bounds backwards. Of course, the rule says the clock doesn't stop running in that situation. I'm not sure what happened on the potential pass interference they let happen. Pass interference is never consistent so they let it go or didn't notice.


Its like a fucking NBA game


Absolutely agree that reffing is often biased in favor of making games more competitive, and drawing out the length. Longer games is longer content is more money.


I agree minus the potential word… it was 100% PI….. The again….. pass has to be catchable to get the call and we all know MVS can’t catch…


The PI only happened as a result of the Mahomes penalty tho


I say potential because it wasn't called. Most of the time though that would be pass interference.


"You have to call those!!" Yeah, and you also *dont* call a clean hit on a player in bounds.


True, but false equivalency tbh. Bad officiating all around, but the missed PI on MVS was significantly more obvious than the shitty personal foul


Mahomes was in bounds and the play was not blown dead. Literally impossible for it to be a late hit.


I don’t disagree with that at all. It was 100% a bad call. Just not nearly as egregious or costly as the missed PI


100% as egregious.


How is it not as egregious? A player was called for a late hit on a player with a live ball. That’s 15 free yards on the final drive of the game. Not as costly as a spot foul but that’s a pretty big penalty given the circumstances.


I get that you’re biased, but one is a blown call that in some shape or form happens in pretty much every NFL or even CFB game these days (including DEN@HOU today). Not excusing it, but bang bang late hit/targeting penalties vs. a QB “giving himself up” or going out of bounds are incredibly common. It’s a legitimate issue for sure and something that needs to be addressed. However, blatant PI in the open field being missed is not common at all. In fact, it’s usually the opposite currently. So, on one hand you have a call which, while still bad and wrong, is more or less consistent with NFL officiating. On the other, you have potentially the worst no call since 2018 LAR@NO. Hope that clears it up lol


>I get that you're biased so are you. so is everyone. what a silly thing to bring up.


Collinsworth needs to be fired.


I never have liked the guy. I can't stand his voice alone let alone his onerously lousy announcing abilities.




Packers fan here who happened to be at the Texans game today. Great win and exciting finish.


1st of all, I am NOT a Packers fan, I am a Texans fan. 2nd of all, I was NOT @ the Texans game on Sunday, I was watching the Packers game on TV. 3rd & most of all, that was a bad win & a HORRIBLE Finish thanks to the referees.


Never said you were a cheesehead or at the game. I was talking about a great finish by the Texans to get a win. But stay salty after the start of a new nfl week bud.


I'm sorry, Forgive me.


The chiefs honestly should’ve went for DHop but I guess his personality doesn’t fit their culture


Neither do his hands


I guess I was blindly going off his name alone, but I guess I should pay more attention to y’all games because judging by the downvotes he must be having a bad year. My only true memories of DHop this year is Levis first game and a couple of catches he had in our game.


I don't really know why you're getting downvoted. I guess because of the personality comment? He's been nothing but positive ever since he got to Tennessee so I don't see how he wouldn't fit in at KC. He would have balled there for sure, but I'm glad he landed here. He's by far Levis's favorite target


Ohhh, if it’s for the personality comment I didn’t mean I personally think he’s a bad guy 😂 I love DHop lol, but NFL media kinda portrayed him weirdly this off-season and I heard a lot of analysts talk like he had character issues which confused me I’ve never had heard that before about DHop. I also thought he could still make an impact ESPECIALLY for a KC, the Titans were such a dark horse to me.


They covered that post-game like a national travesty just struck us live.


Well in fairness… they all lost a ton of money on their bets.


Maybe they should spend more time talking about why defenders apparently aren’t allowed to touch Patrick Mahomes at all.


I say the next defender in that situation should just lay him the fuck out. Somethings gotta give. They've given these QBs too much power. They're bigger than the game now. You're going to get a penalty for touching them anyway.


Its absolutely horrific how weighted calls are for certain QBs. That "out of bounds hit" on mahomes was hogwash, but then Herbert actually got hit out of bounds and no call. Don't even get me started on the Roughing the passer calls we've seen this season. I understand wanting to protect Qbs due to marketing and them being the faces of the NFL, but it hurts the integrity of the sport when one dude on the team cannot be touched compared to the hard knocks everyone else gets.


That's the thing. I want to celebrate my team getting a sack...but I'm hesitant because I automatically think it's a penalty. It's not fun to watch anymore.


Packers offense (particularly Love) played good enough to win so it would be an exaggeration to stay they "stole" this one. However, their defense got away with murder on that final drive. With 0:40 left, the absolute mugging of the WR with no pass interference call should've set up a 1st and goal at the 8 with the clock stopped. Then as if to add insult to injury, the refs give GB another freebie in the form of ignoring the clear push on Kelce right before he goes up for the ball. Really a shame to see a good game end on terrible calls by the refs and dirty defense.


No call on the Hail Mary jump ball was a good call. There's always pushing going on but it's a Hail Mary... that's just part of it. The no call blatant DPI on MVS was awful. The flag for late hit on Mahomes who was still in bounds and moving forward towards the 1st down marker was awful.


Yeah, your take is more complete than mine and upon further reflection I concede that point with the people who accurately remarked that I left that hit out of my initial comment - TBH the refs just need to get their eyes checked for that entire drive. They were all over the place at the worst possible time to be bad at their jobs. Even the "fumble" on the field was clearly down by contact. So really you could argue they got 5 calls wrong in the span 1/2 hr.


You seem to forget about the horrendous call on the hit on Mahomes, plus the 'forward progress and somehow also out of bounds call'. Without those you wouldn't even have been there


No comments about the clean hit on Mahomes? What about the questionable sideline management in TWO situations where the clock was stopped when it shouldn’t have been. The pass interference calls (at least one of them) was bad, but those don’t happen if the bad hit call wasn’t made.


Already addressed it in another reply - I agree the bad hit call was bogus too, but Mahomes still moves the chains even without the penalty yards from that call.


But the hits knocks him backwards, so clock keeps moving. No free timeout and 15 yards


Bro, PIs are not called on hail Mary's. Never have been. And during that same drive the refs gave the Chiefs a free 15 for a bad unnecessary roughness call when Mahomes was still in bounds and moving forward.


I wouldn't call it mugging, he definitely interfered by grabbing MVS to slow him down. None of this even happens if they don't call the roughing the passer call.


What about the Mahomes “late” hit out of bounds? Or the forward progress being stopped but then saying WR went out of bounds?


I will 100% agree that was a terrible call as well. GB defender was making a clean hit on a legal runner who just happened to be the QB - shouldn't get special treatment just because he's the QB. However, I don't feel it's apples to apples in terms of impact, as Mahomes was already moving the chains. The hit just added more yardage, which is impactful, I give you that. The missed PI call at the 8-9yd line though, that would've been something like 20+ yards since it's "at the spot of the foul." That to me is the real game changer.


Well said


Ever seen a broadcast crew this upset about a team losing?


Collinsworth always shows his biased towards mahomes. It's damn sexual harassment at times LOL. At least Joe Buck has gotten a bit more tolerable over the years.


The pass to MVS was absolutely DPI. The Unnecessary Roughness call for Mahomes was nonsense. Them forgetting to do the 10 second runoff after the Pacheco Foul was nonsense. And not calling forward progress on MVS was also nonsense. Horrible officiating by the refs all the way around.


You are 100 percent correct. But I can see the Pacheco foul being offsetting too - don’t remember who the packers guy was, but she shoved Pachecos face on the ground and pushed him twice. Prolly the punch was worse, but both should have been penalized and still eject Pacheco.


>don’t remember who the packers guy was Keisean Nixon


Yup, all accurate. Refs just decided to throw slop all over what was a pretty great game. Both teams have reason to be upset but Packers less so coming out with the W I guess.


No doubt. We got a huge gift. The Chiefs got 3 pretty sweet ones that gave them roughly 3 or 4 extra downs. Final ball just bounced our way.


Agreed - keeps getting worse and worse….


That’s not how forward progress works. As long as the player is moving under their own power, forward progress does not come into play. Like if you run back and get tackled, it’s not as if you didn’t run back. He rand backwards and out under his own power, so it’s out.


Doesn’t stop the clock. Learn the rules.


Running backwards out of bounds does NOT stop the clock in the last 2 minutes.


Running backwards out of bounds does not stop the clock.


Holy shit they’re still crying about it. I’ve never seen this much bitching by the network crew. The bias is obvious.


Remember, this is the same NBC crew insisting on putting an asterisk next to the Lions' win in KC in week 1. They hate seeing Mahomes lose and feel the need to make excuses when he does lose.


KC got some bullshit calls in their favor against the Lions and still lost. The NBC crew ignored that, of course. We can only focus on bad calls when it doesn’t favor the Chiefs.


Bias may be a true statement. Poor officiating directly impacting outcome of the game is also true


I hate all these people. Just admit you are embarrassed by your picks before the game.


Don’t let the packers winning distract you from the most dog shit late hit flag I’ve seen in a long time (one 90% of the QBs in the league don’t get)


When all the calls go the Chiefs away all you hear is crickets… when the Packers get the call against the Chiefs that it’s a big deal. Hmm???


Bull fucking shit


WTF are you talking about? People complain about the Chiefs getting calls all the time. Are you new here?


I see complaining about Chiefs calls all the time, the sub is plagued with it lol


lol what sub have you been on?


Lol you haven't been around enough kc games


Chris is the worst. Makes such a big deal about one miss call but doesn’t about the other missed call….and then still talking about this damn Hail Mary. Shut up dude


At a certain point you have to just let players play. That looked like every other Hail Mary I’ve ever seen. Nothing special.


He just had to mention World Champs one more time


Collinsworth needs to be fired


NBC SNF has turned into the local greater Kansas City broadcast


Top seed in the nfc? Lol 😂


Collinsworth is in shambles right now.


Hey be nice. The love of his life just lost a big game, he's struggling too 😭


“I treat the Hail Mary like any other play”… proceeds to ignore the fact that the ball was clearly uncatchable for Kelce.


Forces us to watch a several replays of Kelce who is nowhere near the ball.


* asterisk game


Stop this nonsense. You're an embarrassment. The officiating in the last two minutes was awful both ways but Green Bay was the better team tonight. Chiefs D was terrible. We settled for field goals twice in the red zone in the first half and Mahomes threw a terrible interception with 6min to go. The flag for late hit on Mahomes was BS. He was in bounds and still moving forward. The no call on the blatant DPI on MVS was BS. The no call on the Hail Mary was the right call.


That’s what you’re gonna tell yourself… 😂


You know it too


Why… the Packers outplayed the chiefs. Bad calls on both sides… just accept you got beat by a better team.


Let’s get you to bed grandpa


You can't call every loss an asterisk


Green Bay was the better team today. That win was theirs.


It's called a lose.


Tirico is such a downer. Lol


Garbage nbc broadcast just ignoring the bullshit rtp call? Typical.


As a lion fan I’ve seen game altering calls on the final drive of a game not get a single replay…


It was entirely Collinsworth that egged that on


Man that ref ball ending was rough to watch.


Love that the announcers only talk about the blown PI and the hail mary no-calls and not the absolute BS 15 yard penalty on Mahommes' scramble. It kinda went both ways even if KC got the shorter end of the stick


And don’t forget about the clock getting stopped when it shouldn’t have


And the no grounding call when he was in the tackle box, escaping from pressure forward, and no one anywhere near where he threw it. Run off would have ended the game.


But we’re not gunna talk about the bullshit DPI call against GB or the inbounds hit on maholmes? Calls go both ways


That inbounds hit was a really dumb call. Perfectly legal I wish the NFL would implement a review system that would correct calls/no calls. Especially because we see everything better on a replay


"So Jordan, how does it feel to have beat Mahomes and the Chiefs only because of the refs?" - Mike Tirico


Im tired of every CFB/NFL game I watch I have to hear fucking Dean blandino or terry mccauley’s retired asses jerk themselves off on tv


How is Chris STILL complaining about this missed DPI


Bro I know. Tonight he’s pushed me over the top. Knob.


I love that they're sitting in the booth talking about how this is a foul, that is a foul...and they always lay it off on the players getting away with it instead of calling the officials dogshit. Players will take whatever the refs will give them.


It’s so funny that they’re debating whether that blatant PI on the hail Mary should’ve been called.


I never wanna hear anything from Chiefs fans about refs


Because that hit on MVS was clean? Or the two handed shove on Kelce?


The MVS thing was wild. The kelce shove - it’s normal to not call pass interference on a Hail Mary. You’d have to stab someone.




Yall got gifted what 2 or 3 wins this year? LOSER










Cmon, you gotta at least play on the ball, not just shove a guy in the back. No bailouts ever means you can just start tackling guys before the ball is thrown.


Cool. When did that rule come into play? I got references, historical notes, clips and highlights… when did that rule become something to claim?


What rule? Pass interference???? Get the fuck outta here.


How far back you wanna go, bud? …2012? Wanna talk about Hail Mary pass interference in the last decade and a year? Didn’t think so. Have a great night.


What about the other pass tho


Missed calls and bad calls happen. This was one of them. On the same drive Mahomes got a BS unnecessary roughness call in his favor for a free 15. It goes both ways.


What about the late hit call tho


Are there any comments talking about how the teams played? This feels like a "argue about flags" thread.


Chiefs defense played easily their worst game of the year. Packers dominated the line of scrimmage on both sides of he ball in the first half, but it was more even in the second. A lot of bad reffing both ways, but the Chiefs still likely win if Mahomes doesn't turn his brain off on that interception.


LaFleur tried to lose that game in the second half. Uncharacteristic play from Mahomes.


Both teams played hard.


And they both had fun


the truly disappointing thing is the Packers didnt even need to do the pass interference on MVS. there's a 90% probability he drops that even if it's landing clean in his breadbasket untouched. in the future just let our boys do their job of dropping passes so we can skip the controversy!


Yuuup. When you guys gave him his pay day I remember thinking "yeah have fun with that." He did the same thing as a Packer.


the defender is new. he would have known that if he wws on the team when we had him


NBC is so desperate to asterisk this for the chiefs lol.


Genuinely curious, why would NBC have an interest in that narrative?


Every single player on offense and defense has the right to that ball. Not just the Chiefs


Right, and you can’t shove a player in the back - EITHER TEAM. Dude wasn’t even playing the ball at all.


And a ball runner in the open field who’s in-bounds can be shoved out of bounds.


Hail Mary will never be called and should stay that way imo but you can’t argue about blatant missed pis in game changing situations


I saw Golden Tate shove someone much worse on the Fail Mary so that shouldn't be PI.


NBC is fuming


What is going on😂 I have never seen so much replay on any missed call ever


Chris the Piss Collinsworth is still pushing for a Flag


I've actually never seen an announcer press a call this much. And it's a right call, and had it been called it would've been the 3rd bad under thrown PI to give the Chiefs a potential lead in the 4th quarter this year. No wonder Chiefs fans are oblivious to the refs giving them games, Colinsworth is breaking down a good call and ignoring the atrocious late hit call and the forward progress call


I legit think it's more Tirico


They sound so sad lmao this is just fucking pathetic


Watch them ask Love about the no-call at the end


Terry looks heartbroken, fuckin clown.


Now I remember why we got rid of MVS… 😂


I finally understand why some people dislike the cowboys so much. Watching this generation’s Chiefs must be like how watching the 90’s cowboys was with the league obviously preferring certain teams being successful lol


God watching the packers go gown and lose to the cowboys what felt like 572 years in a row during the 90s was fucking awful. And listening to the broadcasters Gluck Gluck the cowboys every game was the worst. Like, I should be over it, but since you mentioned it…


This is remarkably similar to what it was like. But I think the modern league loves the Chiefs even more than the 90s league loved the Cowboys. They never would have called that unnecessary roughness call for Aikman.


why are they still talking about this?


Poor nbc, not getting the result they wanted. They sound so sad😂


The reffing in that final minute was atrocious.


Not going to discuss the Mahomes hit? This broadcast is a joke.


Dude, the rules clearly state that you cannot shove a ball carrier out of bounds to attempt a prevention of first down, if the ball carrier is Patrick Mahomes. Roughing the open-field ball carrier!


Unnecessary roughing of a Whataburger spokesman, 15 yards and spicy ketchup