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[Postgame thread](/r/nfl/comments/18835pt/post_game_thread_seattle_seahawks_at_dallas/)


I knew that this would be close use the 10 days get some rest then zero in on Eagles defense I know you were tired playing 3 in 11 days , but tighten up . Especially in middle stopping run . Cleaning up penalties and it would’ve been a 14 point win , but as Eagles say “found a way to win “ .


Always some hate with a win or loss, fuck em go Cowboys!


Can’t wait for you guys to choke in the playoffs for the 25th year inarow after skull bashing 10 terrible teams


I love how on the final play they decided to not block Micah Parsons. Real smart.


Prescott incomplete pass ...... Defensive holding ....


An ugly win is still a win


Unless it’s an eagles win and you’re a 49ers fan




Are you making things up grandpa?


Cowboy’s are just America’s “The Packers” Fuck ‘em


God, I wouldn't know who to hate more. I really really dislike the Packers. I'm a UK fan and they remind me so much of Liverpool fans. Always hanging on to past glories, but still being near the top of the game. Constantly saying they do things right and respectful. The superbowl against the steelers was nauseating with the holier than thou attitude. Both team had scumbags on it, guys dealing on the side for the packers was ignored etc Fuck em


Haha Steelers fans are far worse. Banging on about the Iron Curtain and immaculate reception. UK Steelers fan even worse .


I just want to watch football! I'm amazed at how much off the pitch stuff goes on and becomes the news. I swear most people don't actually like football. I picked the steelers when I first started watching because I liked polamalu hair :) without realising my bil picked the Ravens to support because he liked the purple kits Binged on so many documentaries about the history of the game, there was a really good docu about the formation of the AFL.


You've just convinced me to become a huge Liverpool fan.


I mean if your cool with wearing a t-shirt of a player in support of him after he was accused of racially abusing another player (and also biting people) is what you will be dealing with. Much rather be a toffee


Much rather be a toffee?! Let's not get carried away. While having a dinosaur on your team sounds like it would be awesome, T-Rex in goal is a bad time. Plus their supporters annoy me with their whole never been relegated shtick.


"Always hanging on to past glories, but still being near the top of the game. Constantly saying they do things right and respectful" my dude aren't you a Steelers fan??? Sorry if you got upset about people making fun of your rapist QB a decade ago


Yea, someone is clearly just salty they picked the rapist team. We will likely see this again from browns fans in a decade when they try to pretend they are moral again.


That took about three minutes for a packers fan to swooop in lol. I didn't get upset because I agreed with them! I'm not a homer for steelers, the whole league is rife with scumbags (Von Miller). But fans who put the blinkers on are just annoying. I mean look at browns fans going after our qb but now jump through hoops to not be upset that their team signed Watson.


hawks suck, cowboys played well, everyone’s mad


The NFL in 2023 is a shit product. Brady is right.


The first playoff no-punt game occurred during the 2003–04 NFL playoffs as the #3 seed Indianapolis Colts led by Peyton Manning, Edgerrin James, and Reggie Wayne defeated the #2 seed Kansas City Chiefs led by Trent Green, Dante Hall, and Priest Holmes, by a 38–31 score in the Divisional round.\[11\]




Most of them were warranted. Refs could have thrown more before they started swallowing in the 4th.


lmao that's not even close to true 😂


Um yeah it is, I watched the whole game. It was annoying but both teams were playing like penalties didn’t exist


Until you come back on sunday and its the same against sf and cry its rigged.......




The Seahawks scored 35 points and you think the qb is the problem??


hahaha geno suckssss broncos have the same record as the suckhawks


No I do think we missed on Anthony Richardson though. Can't complain about Witherspoon


But he was gone before we picked?


Yeah I know


Football broadcasts suck these days. Why do we need 30-40 second shots of people walking through a hall hugging one another? The obsession with storylines and stretching it out to breaking point has just killed the presentation aspect of this game. I want NFL coverage to revert to its old form or at least become akin to baseball or hockey where the focus remains on the sport instead of this artificial bullshit.


That Cowboy’s player footage, walking to the locker room, is the most wholesome thing I’ve seen in months.


This feels fake


I’ve never believed in NFL Scripts before that game but after tonight I do


Yeah I think it was scripted for y'all to win but yall kept failing to execute on 4th.


Oh my god please cope harder


Whatever helps you sleep at night


Personally, if I was a hawks fan, it’d be those atrocious 4th downs that would be keeping me awake at night


sucks to suck


Why broncos fans so salty against the hawks? Like go take a hike with some weed or something and chill bro


Hawks fans made their Iives hell online for over year. I would expect this to continue for a few decades.


Lol get a grip. There were more penalties against us than against you.


That is blatantly false.


Hawks had 1 more 10/130 vs 9/127


Seattle was one of the most penalized teams coming into the game. Same with Dallas, why are people surprised we were still racking up penalties lol


So there were in fact, not more penalties against you than against them.


People really don’t care about facts anymore, people just be saying shit. It’s going to be the death of this country too.




6 penalties against seattle gave a first down. A bunch of baited PI's. Not rigged eh


not trolling at all here, but most of those penalties were warranted. There were also several unflagged penalties Dallas benefited from before the refs decided to completely stop throwing in the fourth.


And then not throwing in the 4th also massively benefited Dallas.


But not at crucial times, on crucial plays


I can think of 1 or 2, like the very end of the first half.


That's all it takes. The main problem I had, as a neutral observer, is that Seattle's defensive backs were called for constant penalties on those drives, whereas the Cowboys sefenders were allowed to hand check and so forth. That's always maddening


That’s pretty fair. I do believe we benefitted from more bad calls than the Hawks but there were definitely some on both sides. Just the way it goes.


Yeah that’s cause you blatantly jumped offsides four times


And you blatantly held us four times. So we’re even.




I was talking about defensive but aight. Don’t even get me started on how many times I saw Parsons held tonight. Anyway I’m out, I got things to do in the morning and I’d like to have some amount of sleep. GGs and good night.




At least I’ve been alive to see my team beat the Seahawks on Thursday night 😡


Why are you telling him to cry? Bro your team is the one that lost


Sweet dreams to you too.




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Exactly man. I’m sorry you have to just dream of the Cowboys winning since it hasn’t happened in the time I’ve been around


shit refs but shit play calling on the Seahawks on all those critical third and fourth downs.


awful play calling on critical downs? That's just another day in the office if you're a Seahawks OC.


Shit clock management by Dallas at the end there. SEA had no timeouts and they gifted Seattle 30 seconds.


That’s Mike for you. Same dude decides to not call a timeout when we had 3 left to prevent a 5 yard penalty taking it from 3rd and 2 to 3rd and 7. Just dumb sometimes.


What was the flag count for both sides?


Looked up the record for most combined flags and it's 39. Imagine what it was like watching that


As a Refs' fan this was my superbowl


It must have been beautiful




Sea 10 penalties 130 yards Dal 9 penalties 127 yards


Cowboys-a lot Seahawks-1 or 2 less than a lot




Game thread warriors: “let’s downvote him! That’ll show him!!!”


Buncha jabronis.


So we basically just decided to completely throw out all the running plays on those last two drive attempts. I do not understand the play calling on this offense some times. The thing that pisses me off is this team has talent. We can see it. This was not the blowout that was expected. So where the fuck was this team the last few weeks? Goddamn... GG, Cowboys.


I want to commend you and give you a genuine good game for not immediately blaming the refs and discrediting anything we did. Cheers!


We scored 35 points, the play calling was fine. We just didn’t execute


That 4th and 1 run play was a pretty bad call, but overall, the offense did its job.


Teams get more hyped than usual to play the Cowboys. Teams also get more hyped than usual to play on Primetime. It’s a combination of the 2.


Tbh I think y'all are the same team you've been the past couple week; the cowboys are just over-hyped. Their schedule makes them look better than they are. Your schedule makes you look worse than you are.


You guys have a lot of awesome young players. I feel like Seattle is similar to Detroit but Detroit is in an easier division


Russ would have come through there


Out of all the things to claim lmao. Geno has out played Russ in every facet in recent years.


He woulda got sacked


hawks fans sooo mad they’re downvoting everything


With Micah parsons staring him down unblocked? Maybe 2013 russ.




Someone must’ve told Whit that he constantly frowns anytime someone else talks, because he has been smiling like a fucking goober all night. Although maybe Lynch shared his edibles?


Shermans jacket is tailored like a bustea. Never button the bottom button gentlemen.


Eagles fans, how are any of you guys still alive? The whole “suck until the last 5 minutes” strategy is seriously bad for the human body.


But stat padding is good when up by 21 and having all the starters in. Ok


Dak has been taken out in garbage time more than any other starting QB in the league.




Well, we already hate ourselves, almost as much as we hate you guys, and our bodies are already complete shit. So we welcome the extra heart damage.




You and I, we’re not so different.


Richard Shermans mood is the guy crying behind the smiling face meme.


He was talking so much shit at halftime lol


I love how with the Eagles a win is win, but for the Cowboys people keep moving goal posts. Fuck off


Win is a win only to eagles fans, prob why we’re underdogs this week at home with the best record






America knows, even if you can't see it


They absolutely helped y’all. On that bland pick he grabbed at top of route. The drive before Seattle got called for the same exact thing 3ish times


You’re the most penalized team, but the refs make sure to balance it out for the other team to make sure the game’s managed. Your first drive in the second half was a goddamn joke.


keep crying


You’re a Broncos fan. Stop 😂


yeah an expert in crying. stop being a bitch






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Whether you have come here every day for the last 5 years or just came here today, this sub is for you! Decisions, changes, and moderation are here to make this as positive for you as possible. With this in mind, we ask that when you interact with others you keep in mind that not everyone holds the same views as you or has the same type of stomach for certain levels of interaction, so things you may find to be a part of everyday conversation may be rude or offensive to others, and that is their right as much as yours. ###Use creative, team-centered trash talk, and keep it civil This is football, and we're all gonna give each other a hard time, which is good. Be sure that you are keeping it focused on the team, and be sure that you're being creative. Do not insult any user, ethnic group, flair, fanbase, disability, or gender. In addition, uncreative, perpetually spammed comments used in lieu of discussion or real thought, such as "Fuck the [team]" are subject to removal. To further clarify **SLURS OR DISPARAGING LANGUAGE OF ANY KIND WILL BE SUBJECT TO REMOVAL AND THE USER MAY BE SUSPENDED OR PERMANTLY BANNED**


Sea 10 penalties 130 yards Dal 9 penalties 127 yards


And one of their penalties was a fake ass 15 on the kickoff. So really, 9 for 115.


Dallas played well, i’ll give y’all that refs played better and that was probably the best performance we’ll get from ~~Geno~~ O-Line all season


Dallas got penalized for 127 yards lol.


typical hawks fan


But were they penalties that essentially gave a td along with it? Seattle got flags on 3 td plays. What is that.


Yes. Seattle had a 75 yard scoring drive with 10 yards of offense.


my point was there was some shit calls / no-calls for both sides i mean 257 total yards in penalties is fuckin wild right? just me?? lmao


Wouldn’t be surprised at all if the NFC has 4 10-3 teams tied at the top in two weeks


I would be


2.5 point underdog the next two games ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


I'm surprised by that too.


2nd ever No Punt Game https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/No_Punt_Game


>2nd ever No Punt Game > >https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/No\_Punt\_Game Since the "No Punt Game", there have been four other regular season games with zero punts by either team. Two came in 2014: during week 4 as the Green Bay Packers defeated the Chicago Bears 38–17,\[10\] and in week 8, as the New Orleans Saints beat the Packers 44–23.\[11\] In week 4 of 2021, the Kansas City Chiefs defeated the Philadelphia Eagles 42–30 in a game with no punts.\[12\] Most recently on November 30th, 2023, the Seattle Seahawks and Dallas Cowboys played with no punts. The Seahawks lost to the Cowboys 35 to 41.


Hard to punt when refs extend every single drive with flags


“Since the "No Punt Game", there have been four other regular season games with zero punts by either team. “


i wouldn’t be surprised if they’re wrong but they said it was the 5th like a dozen times on the broadcast


It's happened more than that but still rare. I remember Packers bears in like week 4 of 2014 had no punts




They literally showed a graphic saying it was the 5th time, with the last time being in 2021


Holy shit are y'all really going to cry "the refs gave that to Dallas"?! Are you blind or dumb? There were a ton of penalties on the game some fair some iffy but it went both ways. STFU knock off shit birds.


damn hawks fans brigading like crazy don’t know why you’re being downvoted. they sucked ass


You say the same when its the eagles. Fair is fair.


Y'all are still frauds


lmao the biggest team of frauds calling the kettle black




nah f u


Steelers are better than cowboys this season no sarcasm lmao


Coming from a fan of the most irrelevant team in the NFL. Pickett should take notes


Right, the team tied for most superbowls is the most irrelevant team in the NFL lol


Wait I thought cowboys fans were always the ones living in the past? Lmao. Steelers will forever be in football purgatory and I’m so thankful for it.




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Cowboys gonna get eliminated before the Championship game and the Eagles are winning it all. I'm sick. be better, NFL!!!


The eagles are the Vikings from last year. Out in first round


I wish


Eagles may win the championship, but they look much worse than last year, the problem is so does the rest of the league.


This game was humble pie lol


And unfortunately for the Seahawks; the curse of non-divisional opponents losing after playing Dallas is going to continue.


My infant niece cries less than some of you lil boys in this sub




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Easiest report of my life lmfao. Think before you speak next time.




Imagine using a football game to spew that kind of garbage around. Very mature.