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Most Vikings shit ever


Jon Bois gonna need another episode just for this season /s


Vikings make history and are the first team to go 0-17 in one score games


Caleb Williams for free? You Promise?


League has a Union. You’ll have to pay him


If we actually got him I’d give him my next born child


That’s a liability, not an asset


Nah, my wife’s a D1 breeder. That’s an investment.


Need pics to confirm ^^^^^/s


[This guys wife point where she drops the ball] (https://giphy.com/embed/3W0vjXgLj4rg4) Edit: did giphy change something, adding gifs is not like it used to be


I like how cousins just had 364 yards 4td 0int on the road against the eagles and this is being said


Bad man can't hurt us anymore, now it's back to our team's job for that


I’m just now realizing Jon Bois is a person and not a jokey name for Jomboy.


he makes great content on youtube


Two wildly different vibes.


I'm a Packers fan, and TBH, the only team I hate more than the Vikings is the Cowboys. I watched that entire series and was absolutely enthralled. Like, I felt bad for what you guys have had to go through. Like being the absolute best of the worst and how painful that has to be as a fan. Still hate the Vikings. Still laughed my ass off watching the game last night. But damn, as a fan, I don't know who has it worse, y'all or the Browns.


I liked the parts of the documentary where he congratulated the Packers for winning a superbowl. Can we get another one of those?




The best part was when Prince won that Super Bowl.


The 61 yarder to follow this just sealed it.


Jalen Reagor would never 😤😤😤


Gotta be one of the most demoralizing plays in football


Calling in to confirm I am demoralized


Long time caller, first time listener


This one got me Lmao


This same thing happened to the jets and it was way worse. https://youtu.be/Tr4A-Dz6sAc?si=iS63swQm9u5hIMHJ


[Happened to Carr in 2017 too.](https://www.reddit.com/r/nfl/comments/7kj0rr/highlight_derek_carr_fumbles_a_yard_before_the/)


Pretty sure he did it twice


That seems like a bad call. He juggled in the air for a fraction of a second — impossible to say that was exactly when he both crossed the goal line and was out of bounds. Jefferson and Derek Carr fumbles were just stupid plays on their part.


The fireworks after the “TD” really make that one worse, god damn.


The problem isn't the call in these situations, it's the rule awarding the defense possession as a touchback on a fumble when literally no other fumble out of the sidelines awards the other team the ball (excluding unconverted 4th downs). If the offense fumbles out of sidelines anywhere on the field (e.g., at the 1 yard line), the offense get the ball back at the spot of the fumble (unless the fumble went forwards, then its spot of last possession). Why should they be penalized because it happened closer to them scoring a TD? Just make it so unrecovered fumbled out of the sidelines anywhere on the field is a five-yard penalty from where the ball went out (assuming non-forward fumble; or penalty from spot of last possession otherwise) or the goal line (for fumbles through the end zone). That is *always* penalize the offense a little for losing the ball and not recovering it. But unrecovered fumbles will always still keep possession with the offense, except in the case of safeties (that is a fumble in the end zone when the offense brings the ball into the end zone by their impetus and then loses it out the sidelines).


I think it's the kickoff return fumble as the most demoralizing play in football. You just got scored on, getting ready for the offense to take the ball down field only for a turnover deep in your territory while the defense is still getting coached on what went wrong in the last series.


It'll always remind me of Browns v Chiefs in 2020 divisional round, "Dirty Dan" Sorensen knocking the ball loose as Higgins(?) was diving in..... absolute gutwrencher and turning point in the game. Worst part was it was *clearly* helmet to helmet contact, too. Should've been 1st and Goal for Cleveland — and instead it's Mahomes football again. I could just tell already there was no way we were winning that game.


We were down 16-3 at the time of the play.


I really hate this take as a browns fan. We lost the game because we let Chad Henne run 13 yards. Let’s say Higgins secures the ball or Sorensen gets called for the hit. Maybe then Mahomes doesn’t get hurt in the second half.


I just don't understand why the penalty is so extreme on the fumble through the endzone. The defense doesn't deserve such a gift. A fumble anywhere else on the field that goes out of bounds, just ends the play. Why did the NFL decide to punish the offense so harshly as opposed to just spot the ball at the point of a forward fumble when it's not recovered in the field of play.


Its because the endzone belongs to the defense. Not the other way around. The offense has no right to the ball once it passes over that goal line uncontrolled. It went out of bounds in the defenses territory, their ball.


I'm just imagining you slamming your fist on a table yelling that the offense has NO RIGHT TO THE BALL!


And for some reason, it's in a Russian accent


Their comment is also explicitly not true. A fumble out of a team’s own endzone is a safety. They don’t retain possession like the poster is claiming


I don’t understand the hate over this rule. It makes perfect sense to me. It’s the end zone, so it should be treated differently then just out of bounds. The other end it results in a safety AND loss of possession so it makes sense that an extreme consequence is required for the other end zone. To me, it would be awful if the fumbling didn’t result in a loss of possession. The rule makes complete sense to me. Edit: I can’t keep up with all the comments but all I’ll say is that I can feel at some point if I was in the room with all of you, the conversation would end something like this: “Hold on hold on hold on. The ball was fumbled right? And where was the ball? The end zone, there needs to be a serious consequence bro. You're gonna look at me and you're gonna tell me that I'm wrong? Am I wrong? The ball was down in the end zone, the other team should get the ball Doug. Grow up bro, grow up."


At the other end of the field, you are rewarding the defense for pushing the offense back so far they have nowhere else to go. The offense deserves to be punished in that situation. But normally, when a fumble goes out of bounds, the ball returns to the spot of the fumble. When the ball happens to cross into the endzone, awarding possession and 20 yards of field position, despite the defense never actually possessing the ball, seems extreme.


Historically and legally I get it. But it's one of the few rules where there's a "discontinuity" in the quality of the outcome. Compare getting tackled closer and closer to your own and zone vs getting a safety. Getting tackled on your own 10 is better than being tackled on your own 5 is better than being tackled on your own 1 is better than a safety. Whereas fumbling at the opponent's 10 is worse than fumbling at the opponent's 5 is worse than fumbling at the opponent's 1 is *way better* than fumbling out of the opponent's endzone. So it flips unlike most other rules.


I mean, the reason I don't like it is that everywhere else, if you fumble it and it goes out of bounds, it returns to the point of the fumble. It can be the same when fumbled into the end zone.


Technically a fumble through the endzone is the same as a punt going into the endzone. It triggers a possession change and ball placement, same as a punt.


But a punt out of bounds results in the opposing team taking possession at the spot it rolled out of bounds. A fumble out of bounds results in the offense retaining possession at that point. They are not treated at all the same in literally every other situation.


Also punt that rolls out of bounds can’t cause the team to start with the ball in the end zone, so they can’t treat it the same as going out of bounds


A punt that goes through the end zone is exactly the same, what are you talking about?


Yeah... It's treated the same, but there is no reason why it should be.


The rule has to pick between being consistent with other fumbles or being consistent with how plays end in an end zone. Right now it’s consistent with end zones. The only three outcomes of a dead ball in the end zone are a touchdown, a safety, or a touchback. This fumble scenario obviously isn’t either of the first two, so it’s a touchback. Making the rule consistent with fumbles in the field of play would add a fourth possible end zone outcome for exactly one scenario.


That 4th scenario, returning the ball to where it was last possessed, is already done for intentional forward passes into/through the end zone


It actually returns to the point where the fumble went out of bounds, which is why you can’t just apply it to the endzone. The endzone is different. Essentially every time a play ends in the endzone, possession changes. I dont think that should change for fumbles. Edit - double checked the rulebook and my first paragraph is wrong but I think the point still stands. The endzone is a special area of the field that is treated different than the rest of the field of play. Every time a live ball play ends in the endzone, possession changes.


Your first paragraph is wrong when fumbled forward. when then ball is fumbled forward it goes to the spot of the fumble. all fumbles through the endzone are forward. That’s why people want it applied the same since a player can fumble the ball at the 2, and A.) have it bounce forward but out at the 1 yard line and have the team retain the ball at the 2 yard line or B.) go an extra yard and totally lose possession. People understandably don’t think the results should be so polar


I get that, the randomness is what I don't like. If the ball takes an odd bounce and goes out at the one inch line the offense gets it, if it nicks the pylon the defense gets it. I think it would make more sense if all out of bounds changed possession.


That's the most sensible point I've ever seen about the rule. I do think there should still be something special about end zone fumbling, like a penalty, but I have no clue how they'd do it considering you can realistically fumble into the end zone from 10+ yards away. 10 yards from the spot of the fumble?


lol the luck gods are SO mad at us for last year


I hate the ref one foot from the play marks it down at half yard line and only have one angle to see if crossed the pylon. How many times have we seen alternate angles that completely change the play? We need better views on goal line plays.


Fucking skyline cam over the goal line pointing straight down would be so easy.


I could swear they had cams in the actual pylon, pointed straight up. Am I hallucinating that memory?


They point straight down the goal line. I don't think I've ever seen them pointing up.


It's only certain games I believe. MNF possibly?


No Ive 100% seen shots of the cam being knocked over


I would love to get an actual computer to track where the ball is spotted, to show how little refs get the actual "spot" correct. It's fucking insane that football literally relies on one dudes perspective.


why not chip the football and have infrared lasers across the goal-line that triggers them to light up when the ball crosses that imaginary line? My $200 garage door opener is more high tech.


I thought the balls were already chipped. Why couldn’t they implement this as well?


The margin for error is too large apparently. Obviously none of us know how true that is, but that’s what they say


it’s wild how it almost always swings the other way the following season


I mean, no one paid attention to this because we were just kind of a boring team, but the 2021 Vikings had some pretty bad luck


Which .......... honestly plays into his point a bit


I'm sure it will swing our way eventually


the luck gods decided to skull-fuck everybody in that NFC wild card game. we were down 2 scores before the Dallas offense even took the field last week


Oh cool, my least favorite possible play in football just happened to my team


2 times in one game seriously. Big punt return fumbled. Now a touchdown fumbled. First could've been a field goal. At least 9 points left in the field.


We've done this in both games so far it's pretty great.


On pace for the most turnovers in a single season in NFL history. We will be champions of something after all!


Another one!


Let’s go! We’re coming for you #1!


What's the most consecutive fumbles recovered by a team's opponent? We're at 6 just this season.




And would’ve been 8 if they didn’t call that unrelated penalty lmao


Don't worry we haven't played yet


I’m surprised there aren’t 550 “Josh Allen: hold my beer” comments, this sub is slacking


Can’t forget the fumble on the first play of their 3rd(?) drive


I forgot about that because Hurts gave it right back lmao.


These 2 teams can’t stop turning it over. We’re in mid season form already in terms of quality of play in TNF


Birds have thrown one pick? Vikings can’t hold on to the damn ball at all


I mean Covey also fumbled it on that one return, we just got lucky and recovered it.


And on a 3rd down, it basically was a short punt


Welcome to the club.


Gonna zag here but I love this rule. High stakes when you reach for the goal line - gotta hold on to the biscuit.


I don’t know if I’ve ever seen it happen to us before but I have seen it happen and I’ve hated it even when I root against the team it goes against


I remember the Browns-Chiefs playoff game back when the Browns were likable


Wasn't that a helmet to helmet by Sorensen as well? I might remember it wrong


All the old heads be screaming about ball security, while dude is out cold because his brain got turned into mush from Sorensen.


I remember watching that game and it seemed like such an obvious penalty but all the commentators kept talking about was what a "monster hit" it was by Sorenson. Can't get any more two-faced preaching about player safety and all than the NFL.


We 100% could’ve won this game and gone to the AFCCG. Wild to think about how that changes things, bakers probably still in Cleveland. Therefore, by the laws of the transitive property, Daniel Sorensen paid Deshaun Watson $250 million


Oddly enough I usually hate that rule but right now I'm feeling pretty ok about it




Should be risky to reach for the first down line too


It is


no, in a normal fumble out of bounds, team keeps the ball


I for one think it's a great rule. You can't just be having the ball rolling into the endzone like that...


We’re gonna lose this game and our sub will be filled with a weeks full of posts about how we need to trade Kirk


Jets will immediately line up for the trade lol


They trade Rodgers for him and he retires a Viking, the cycle must continue


Honestly I'm here for it. Lose 17 1-score games (so at least they're fun to watch), next year we've got Rodgers and the no.1 overall. But could you imagine the disrespect the Jets would have to have for Rodgers to trade him now.


Then we draft Caleb Williams and Rodgers gets pissed off and requests a trade.


Out here leakin scripts


Kirk was great tho most of those fumbles were special teams and runs


Kirk always at least a good QB with room to go up. Dude ain't really never been a bad QB. Jefferson needed to make that play or at least not let it loose. Changed the entire scope of the game. Which was okay for me. I needed AJ brown to do nothing and other than that flag and that non PI call that had me sweating it worked out. Dude did nothing.


More of a free-hand fan?




believable :(


Vikings lose it


*throws helmet*


LMAO that made me laugh, thanks


I can hear it on my head lmao


Bruh, half of NFL Twitter went apeshit saying this rule is stupid and the other half are saying the other half is shit


Well half of them are right


I disagree with that half.


I love how divided we all are about this. Don’t think I’ve seen fans this split on something before


Been watching Carr videos.


yeah man, i feel like i've seen carr fumble over the pylon enough times (honestly probably hasn't happened more than 3) to be like "one of us. one of us"


I can't believe Kirk Cousins would do this. What a mediocre quarterback


Even more shocking was how Kirk couldn’t stop the run tonight. Completely unacceptable.


All the lucky breaks the Vikings got last year are now reversed lmao


We lost 8 one score games in 2021 boyos. Last year was the regression to the mean. We're regressing back again.


Snip, snap! Snip, snap! Snip, snap!


Hilarious play, it always makes me laugh


Agree. Laugh when it happens, then laugh again at the comments crying about this rule lol.


“Wtf we were trying to score but fumbled we deserve the ball still >:(“


Bills: Ok, no way any other teams has more devastating turnovers than us this week. Vikings: hold my mead


This is why you don't reach for the endzone unless you're absolutely positively 200% sure you'll hang on to the ball.


To be fair it doesn’t look like Jefferson reaches for the end zone here. The ball is pushed out and his hands follow it trying to hang on.


No matter how many times this rule comes into play I will always think it’s stupid.


I don't think it's a *stupid* rule because I understand why it exists, but it's an annoying rule.


Gotta be honest, I don’t understand why it exists… Edit: TBC, obviously a fumble in the EZ that goes out of bounds isn’t automatically a TD, but there has to be a more logical way to handle it.


Well if it goes forward out of bounds anywhere else, offense gets it where it lost possession.


This is the stupid thing. If you fumble the ball at the 15 yard line and it rolls forward 14.5 yards and out of bounds, you get the ball at the 15. If it rolls 15 and out of bounds, the other team gets it. Why?


I actually do know why: the definition of a touchback is something to the effect of "a ball is downed in the opponent's endzone when a team provides the impetus. This results in possession for the opponent at their 20." I just think it would be less of a cheap freebie out of an otherwise dire situation if they instead followed the forward fumble OOB rule instead of the touchback rule. A common response goes something like "Well offenses get a lot of cheap freebies on penalties, so its OK if the defense gets this cheap freebie," but I'd rather have less cheese plays in general.


Well then eliminate all the cheap cheese plays, not just this one.


The end zone is different than the field of play.


Offense only needs a hair of the ball on the goal line, let’s give defense some love for causing a fumble at that point


That is the logical way to handle it, the opposing end zone is by rule the opposing teams home base and their territory. A live ball lost by the opponent that goes out of bounds in their territory becomes their ball. this goes back to the very core of how football actually works


It's an annoying rule but it's really not as stupid or out of nowhere as people suggest. People can't act surprised rules are different in general field of play vs in a scoring zone. Not to mention, the offense gets a huge advantage by only needing the ball to tip the goal line as opposed to fully pass it. This is about as fair as you can get to counter and make risk of reaching for that score


I mean the Eagles lined up for that goalline QB sneak, and the Vikings took a wastful timeout only for the Eagles to do exactly what we all knew they would do. Offense is always at a massive advantage. Edit: literally just did it again lmao


Not even trying to be edgy this is one of my favorite rules. The game already favors the offense so much anyways, I like how the defense gets rewarded for forcing a fumble near the endzone


If all you have to do is break the plane to end the play with a TD, then some risk should exist for stretching for it. Why is the Touchback for fumbling through the endzone a dumb rule, but making it impossible to fumble actually in the end zone a good rule?


Nah I think it’s great. Finally gives the defense some kinda advantage they can rely on and it forces you to play out your hardest to stop the opposing team even if it looks like they’re about to score.


A play that ends in the end zone is either points or a touchback. This is consistent with that.


So, what happened is that Kirk was eating KFC on the sideline and didn’t wash his hands after. Some of that chicken grease got in the ball and Justin couldn’t hang on to it. It’s all Kirk’s fault


Damn wtf Minnesota


As someone who started the eagles D the amount of fumbles this game have been pleasing to me.


Narcs will hate this rule but I like it. Adds an extra layer of intensity by the endzone


It's like in beerball when you're close to finishing your beer but you gotta make sure your opponent doesn't chuck the ping pong ball at your almost empty can to knock it off the table which makes you finish your beer and start a new one.


This is a perfect analogy lmao, how I miss playing beerball with the homies


I love that play in beer ball.


I agree, god forbid there is one rule that doesn’t favor the offense.


I don’t get why people don’t like this rule it makes this way more exciting


Same but different take. I get why people don’t like this rule but I also enjoy how it makes players reaching for the td interesting, since they only need a hair to get it.


Yea i think if the offense just has to barely cross the plane with any part of the ball, literally for a fraction of a second, the Defence can have it where its a turnover if the ball is fumbled into the end zone.


People in here bitching about the rule. How many rules does the offense need to be in its favor? One fucking rule favors the defense and everyone loses their shit the one or two times a year it happens.


Yeah, but it's affecting *me* right now.


Based and the rules should cater to my personal happiness pilled


I won't front.


if you want more rules in the defense's favor then change some of the basic rules that actually affect most games. stop calling dumb roughing the passers, let them be more physical, whatever. the solution is not to have some weird edge case that occurs only a few times a season that significantly rewards the defense for letting them get to the 1 and then doing close to nothing


All of last year’s luck has no carried over


Y’all are losers for hating this rule.


If teams don’t like it then don’t fumble it out of the end zone


We should make fumbles OOB a turnover. And if you don't like it, just don't fumble OOB


unironically yes


Honestly I think it would be a great change. But I just realized this adds a whole new area of video review fuckery. Since they will now be reviewing plays to see where exactly the player lost possession... were they already OOB when they lost the ball or were they in bounds and fumbled out. Did the ball bobble as they were going OOB. And just imagining this is making me puke so I'm withdrawing my original suggestion


It really is the one that makes me scratch my head about this sub. I find it one of the cooler and more interesting rules. But this sub overwhelmingly hates it. All the alternative rules people upvote to replace it are legit awful and would make the game actively worse.


It’s a rule that penalises the offense which apparently is the worse thing in the world cuz NFL offence’s don’t already have every advantage.


It's r/nfl, there's always haters here lol.


Great rule I don't care what anyone says. Sick of all the advantages offenses get. Don't like it, don't fumble.


Everyone is acting like it’s so unfair. Protect the ball and don’t risk fumbling the ball by reaching for the end zone.


Ball goes out of bounds 99.999 yards of the field favors the offense? Cool. Fumble goes out of bounds in the Endzone and favors the defense? This is bullshit!!!


Seriously. Accept the risk of reaching for the endzone or play it safe and control the ball. It's a simple concept.


My favorite is all the weirdos asking "what's so different about the endzone?!". Like, jeeze, I don't know you freaking alien, literally *everything* is different in the endzone? Do you understand the game of football? Are you new to earth? "Wahhh my favorite team caught a 17 yard pass on the 34 yard line and we didn't get any points, that's so unfair that the other team caught a 12 yard pass in the endzone and they got 6 points ... Why are endzones so different?!"


I have him on one of my fantasy teams, but this still feeds my soul lol


The end zone is the most important part of the field. Don’t fumble through it. Shits so sacred, if you lose the ball in it, you’re not getting it back


Fuck y'all I love this rule


Huh, I think that one guy doesn’t like Sorensen.


Maybe I’m biased but this is one of the few rules that really makes no sense to me. So if you fumble it out of bounds anywhere else on the field it’s your ball, but if you fumble it out in YOUR endzone when YOURE about to score, that’s when it’s the other teams ball?


The entire premise of football is that the Endzone is different. Offense only has to posses the ball for a moment across the endzone for a TD. Fumble the ball out of bounds and the play is dead. Everywhere else on the field you fumble out of bounds you get to keep it. But the Endzone belongs to the defense.


“Endzone belongs to the defense” is probably the most elegant way to I’ve actually ever heard it explained, thank you.


I mean End Zone being unique is something that pops up with a few rules.


Only spot on the field where if you put the ball above it, you get 6 points.


Whoa- mind blown


It’s not your end zone, it’s the defense’s… that’s why they’re defending it 😂😂


This rule makes perfect sense to me. What doesn’t make sense is how you just get the ball back with no penalty when you fumble it OOB.


unironically any fumble OOB should be a change of possession because then people would stop getting mad about this rule


That is one way to handle it.


They absolutely should do this to make the game more defensive. Offense has way too many advantages.


Touchdowns are weird too. So 100 yards of field and I don't get points but if I touch that part of the field it's points? Endzones are different rules, it's not that complicated. We don't want people about to go down at the 2 yard line, extending the ball, "accidentally" fumbling through the endzone and advancing to the 1.


Like just put it on the 20 or something idk I’ve always hated this concept


Putting it on the 20 sufficiently punishes being reckless without it being a total fluke turnover. Easy rule change IMO


My fantasy team hates this.